Whilst having an athletic, petite frame is useful when it comes to slipping away into a crowd or cowering in the shadows, it certainly doesn't come for much use when intimidation is involved. The un-assuming young-adult Miqo'te is notably slim and soft, possessing few muscles to stand out underneath her smooth skin. Framing her face is a mass of raven coloured wavy locks, bangs tickling her cheeks and forehead whilst the rest loosely settles on her shoulders. Two golden eyes being the most noticeable feature of her face, the next being naturally dark lips coated with a dab coating of dull lipstick make up the rest of her visage, usually stretched into a wry smirk underneath her childishly dirty nose.
Scars & Markings: A slim faded scar decorating her right eye, stretching from the cheek through to the brow. Other scars featured are smaller scratches and burns around the rest of her body, mostly on the arms and torso.
Voice: Robyn Addison (Sera from DA:I and Y'shtola from FFXIV)
Clothing: Her dress code usually consists of whatever is the most comfortable and that permits the most movement; Gambesons, Jackets and Tunics a common sight along with well-worn boots and gloves made of a supple yet sturdy leather. She occasional sports a knapsack over one shoulder, persumably containing what would be the majority of her posessions. She didn't like leaving her stuff at home for too long.
Boisterous at best, Offensive at worst. Sahja has a heart of gold and will always try to help others no matter their race or affiliation. She does what she believes is good without bias for or against the law. But unfortunately her ways of poking fun at others can be irritating at times, her coping mechanisms of trying to break a grin at everything the world throws at her and being so impulsive makes her hard to be around sometimes. Due to living and travelling with a merchant she's come across many faces and learnt of many cultures, somewhat losing track of her own without the guidance of a Keeper community to tell her otherwise. But Miss Maimhov can be subtle and cunning, manipulating her foes and even friends. She is cool-headed, satirical and always seems to get the last laugh with ample banter.
Caring, supportive, kind and generous. The hallmark of any great mother. Ari was always Sahja's number one fan, teaching her lessons in cooking, medicine, fighting and more before her untimely demise.
Sahja never knew her father, not only did he not stick around with the clan for long after her conception but tales tell that he fell in battle against the Garleans whilst taking up arms with the Ala Mhigans, fighting a fight he had no cause in. That was the type of man he was, brave and lion-hearted till the bitter end.
Sigmund was a man down on his luck, having been battered away by the hierarchy of Ul'dah. He was a merchant man, selling general goods from spices to greataxes. He travelled the world, stumbling across many a refugee camp in hopes of getting some scraps to get by. It was there that he met the young, orphaned beggar Sahja, whom had lost her entire clan to the calamity. He took pity upon the girl,
giving her what little he could spare and taking her under his wing. Together they would form a partnership and start a successful, honest business. It was here that Sahja became well versed in mathematics and speechcraft.
Kasi, the Beef Jerky slinging, sword slashing brute of a Miqo'te. They both do work as Mercenaries, both with different styles and ethics. No it is a given that they compete for jobs and have since formed a strong rivalry. Their individual strengths are both finely tuned, putting them at an impasse for skill. But of course each of them thinks they are the big cheese.
Songs used set a mood, lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. Please mind your speakers when clicking the links.
■ I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters.
■ Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment. Long-term character corruption. (Void)
■ I won't play permanent character death or sexually abusive plots.
■ If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but that are still relevant to the character.