User:Trembling Boulder

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Gridania-transparent.png Trembling Boulder
Take caution when fighting monsters. One day you may find yourself being the monster.
Gender Male
Race Roegadyn
Clan Hellsguard
Citizenship Gridania
Sexuality Heterosexual
Age Adult
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Basic Info

Trembling is tall, and holds a very muscular build. His skin is a light red, dark maple eyes, and dark red hair with a matching beard that reaches from one end of his face to the other. He holds the black markings of his clan underneath each eye, and has a very mature facial structure. Hallow cheeks, sharp chin, and thin eyebrows. He's soft spoken, and quick to give proper respect adding 'ser' or 'lady' to the beginning of someone's name. Trembling avoids conflict to the best of his ability, and solemn gives advice unless asked. He believes that if someone requires his help, they will seek him out. Lastly he's not one to pry for information seeing that he believes that everyone past is their own.


Coming from one of the many small villages found within the volcanoes of Abalathia's Spine. Like most second,and third-born children of the Hellsguard clan Trembling Boulder was sent forth from his mountain village like many others before him, and made his way towards Ul'dah due to the fact that the villages which resided within the Abalathia's Spine struggled as it was to get by with what little resources they where able to produce due to the harsh volcanic climates. Only the first born where allowed to stay, and given the honor of guarding the fiery mountains which where seen as gateways to the underworld. Yet Trembling wasn't the second, or third-born he was in fact the first born with his younger brother only being a year behind him. It wasn't until Trembling was older, that his village expressed worry. Unlike his brother, Trembling was far from a decent fighter and was seen as too passive and curious.

After much discussion the village decided to let Trembling leave, and let his brother take his place. After all who knew how many souls would pass by from the gates of the underworld if Trembling would be the one to stand guard. Once the news was given to Trembling he took harshly, and in a childish fit of anger gathered his belongings and made his way towards Ul'dah. Once arriving in Ul'dah Trembling found life to be quite hard, not as hard as life was within his village. But, life within the village was soften with how the village came together and worked as one. Yet in Ul'dah it was every race for themselves when it came to surviving. Trembling worked as a freelancer for about three weeks acting as an delivery boy, or taking on easy wildlife that held a bounty.

It wasn't until a group of pirates which had managed to get themselves stuck within Ul'dah due to their captain's gambling debt. That Trembling was offered a chance to join them as a deckhand. Trembling was hesitant on taking them up on the offer, but seeing how the group worked together as one it reminded him of his life within the village. Once the crew managed to make their way back to Limsa Lominsa Trembling along with the other green deckhands where trained. Trembling took up the path of the marauder, and fueled by anger Trembling trained hard daydreaming about the day he could return to his village and show them all that they made a mistake.

For many years they sailed the seas carrying cargo, and raiding Garlean ships when the chance arose to them. Trembling was quickly labeled as a stereotypical Roegadyn due to the fact he was quick to fight and loved drinking. But, truth be told those where the only two things that made him feel alive and damped his fiery rage that resided within him. Once the time arose, and the call-to-arms rang all across the realm. Trembling along with his fellow crew members joined in the battle of Carteneau, only to flee once the elder primal Bahamut made an appearance.

Once the battle had ended and the elder primal rained death and destruction across the realm did Trembling come to a realization about his anger, and his village. With the crew in shambles they each agreed to go their own way. While some returned to Limsa Lominsa and other Ul'dah. Trembling made his way towards his village to make an amends, but once he arrived he found his old home to be destroyed and the corpses of his kin shattered everywhere. The village had been destroyed by one of the many meteor released by the elder primal and his kin where caught in the impact.

It took several days to bury everyone, and give them a proper grave once the task was done Trembling made his way towards Ul'dah and worked as a monster hunter. Trembling's anger had shifted from being once fueled by the anger he felt from his village choice to replace him. To being fueled by self-pity, and a drive to be reckless. Realizing that he was becoming no better then the monsters he hunted and dishonoring the memory of his village Trembling took a vow to place down the ax and devote his life to the conjurer's guild. He knew he'd never hear the call of the elements, and it would take time to earn the trust of the people of Gridania. Learning to heal by the means of medicines.

Since then Trembling has resided in Gridania and worked hard within the Conjurer's Guild. Fearing that the monster of anger that slumbered within him would awaken Trembling has ignored the call of his ax, and conflict.


Amarante Huimaboux- An Elezen farmer that he's met twice. Something about her wisdom, and insight makes Trembling wonder if she is more than just a farmer.

Iduna Cartwright- A female Hyur whom he has met only a handful of times. She's offered him a place among her order, but hasn't heard anything else from her on the matter.

Garrett Vinland- A hyur Ishgard freelancer whom he's only met twice and assumes something is amidst with him.

Other Notes

(( WIP ))