William Jeanne

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Ul'dah-transparent.png William Jeanne
Clerk of the Red Wings
"It wasn't me. Unless you laughed, then it was me."
OOC Character Information
Main Job(s): Lancer
Main Tradeskill: Botanist
Preferred Role: DPS
Server: Balmung
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Reputation: Immortal Flames
Occupation: Toymaker, Clerk
Education: Undereducated
Marital Status: Single
Sexuality: No Being alive Can Comprehend It
Guardian: Nymeia, the spinner
Free Company
The Red Wings
Items Carried
Two Sacks of Plushies and Materials, Mysterious Purple Gem, Clothing.
Race: Hyur
Clan: Midlander
Age: 24
Height: 5 fulm 10 ilm.
Weight: 180 ponze.
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Black w/ Purple Highlights
Complexion: Tanned
Physical Build: Athletic
Notable Features: Many scars, Eyepatch
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity


Voice = Steve Blum Japanese = Yoshitsugu Matsuoka

William was a slave and brainwashed mercenary for a still unnamed group of cultists and mercenaries, taken from his parents at the age of Eight to pay off the father's debts to the group. He was whipped, burned, tortured in every way, even branded with a unique mark that to date has been slowly killing him, and blocks magic use and effects around him at the cost of his own Aether and Lifeforce. He escaped the group at the Age of twenty, where he was taken in by his motherly figure, Marian. Where normally people would be depressed, and fear humanity, after what he suffered and still suffers, Will came to love making toys and making people laugh. To date, he does all he can to ensure the high spirits of everyone, even if it means becoming the reason for their anger or hatred so they do not hate or think about other things. He now works as a Clerk for the Red wings.


Before being branded with the Anti-magic mark Will showed ability to use magic, but his ability with magic is undetermined since then. He has taken up use of a spear, and displays a fairly defensive fighting style. His offensive abilities lack, but his defensive capabilities match those of the Dancers or Ninjas of tales. He is a master of charisma, in place of combat. Given his mark, Magic rarely does what it intends to do, and instead has the adverse effect of crippling him for moments, and draining part of his Aether.

Current Relationships

Vanya Caladheil
Will and Vanya share a deep bond built from fear of people accepting them, and as time has went on they have founded a romantic relationship based on two things: Mutual trust of each other, and a feeling of obsession over the other. While Will fears Vanya's past and her lack of grasp of emotions, he does trust her with his heart and to date spends each day he can in her arms. He does fear Vanya's mother, but she hasn't tried to take his soul... Yet...

Miyako Himura
Marian is the name she goes by, and was one Will's adoptive mother, though due to recent conflict in the mix of Family vs Love affair, she has disowned Will when he denied her heart, in fear of the changes she was showing when he was making advances on her. They are currently not speaking, and it has torn Will to pieces, but he tries to ignoe them... For her sake...

Kiera Hawkeye
A close friend, and a dear client. He's been standing beside her at all times with her son's lack of a father, and constantly makes her plushies to bring to him. They have shared some lustful and romantic moments, but never committed to each other. Will does show her a deal of love and trust, but with recent events more of that of a dear friend with bad and lustful thoughts.

Rena Gran
She and him have bonded rather quickly, and share a deal of the same pains. They comfort each other through it all, and she often mistook Will for her true love in the midst of sleep or tiredness. They have shared some moments together, and were briefly a thing, however as time went on they realized they worked better without commitment. Though Will still tries to be an ass, by slapping hers.

Erik and Clio
The soon to be wed couple of the Red Wings. Its hard to say that these two have helped Will feel useful, and belonging. While Clio merely puts up with him, Erik is one of few who sees Will as more than just a joke, even when Will is throwing things at his Fiance's cleavage. They are his second family.

Mog-Butt and Choco-Butt
Mog-Butt and Choco-Butt are two of Will's dearest companions. Mog-butt is a stuffed moogle doll that was the first thing Will ever made, and he cherishes it like a child, keeping it with him at the office and is often seen playing games or drinking tea with the inanimate object. Choco-Butt is Will's Chocobo, and is also a dear friend. He was Will's pet back where he lived before the abduction, and as years went on, he managed to kidnap his Chocobo and bring him to the Stables of the Red Wings.


A Broken Childhood
William's father was a soldier, and his mother a simple farmer. William, in his youth, just an innocent payment in disguise. He lived a very happy and healthy life, he never expected what would happen on the day of his Eighth birthday. Two men came, and he was handed away as if his parents cared little. The father, long ago offering his first born as payment to these people, who today still have no name. He went, kicking and screaming for his parents who all but ignored his cries. When he arrived at the group's camp, he fought and kicked and screamed as much as he could. They tied him to a post, and whipped and beat him until he was unable to cry. This would continue for years, nights where he was given a chance to obey, and then punished for not doing so. The only days of safety being those it rained, when they figured that would be torture enough. There came a day he finally got free, and he managed to call upon the aether, killing his torturer, before he was held down. They carved a feather into his side, a feather that would one day be revealed to bear void magicks, that would weaken and dissipate magic around him at the cost of his own life force. He would then be tied up, and they added burns to his repertoire of wounds. Eight years of torture, eight years of abuse. Never once learning, maturing, understanding.
Brainwashed Force
When William turned Sixteen, he was finally empty. No thoughts, no memories, just used to waking up to the punishment. They finally had him, and they armed him. He was taught to fight, to kill, wielding a lance. His innocence, having been broken as such a young age, was useful for them as well. They helped him learn how to walk into places unsuspected, how to lie and make people believe his word. He was essentially the perfect wolf in sheep's clothing, and for the longest time he had no idea what he was doing was wrong. He was broken of morals a long time ago, until one day the attack was on a place he once called home. He recognized faces, but not the ones he felt he should. It was then he realized that this was not the life he wanted. He meant to sneak away one night, but managed to trigger attention, fleeing under fire, and escaping into the nearby sea.
a Second Life
Washed up on the shores of Vesper Bay, and taken into the home of Marian. She listened to the broken bits of his story he could remember, she nursed him. She took him in, and slowly he became a child to her. In reality, she became like a mother to him, as the one he had let him go without a fight. They had an amazing friendship, and she helped him smile again. Though, some days, she couldn't spend time with him, as she unloaded ships. He'd go to Uldah, and sit there for hours until she would walk him home. He was, afterall, still so much a child. He came across a Jester, one day, handing out Plushies to children. The jester gave him one too, sensing the child in WIll. This was when he learned of his love of making people smile, converting himself to the font of laughs, giggles, and grins, he has become.



"The boy has a weird obsession with purple.. He spends way too much on the fabrics..." - Weaver's Guildmember

"Ah once saw'm leave to th'back rooms w' a couple o' pirate ladies, S' Roe and S'Miqo'te...." - Drunk at the Drunken Wench


Theme Music

Smash Bros 3DS - Gerudo Valley - Main Theme
Log Horizon OST 3 - Tatakau Kakugo - Ready for Battle - Battle Theme
Tokyo Ghoul OST - Unravled Acoustic - Soft Theme
Log Horizon OST 5 - Ude ni Oboe Ari - Secret Future Theme


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