Withering Star

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Withering Star
Gender Female
Race Roegadyn
Clan Hellsguard
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age ??
Marital Status Single
Occupation Mercenary
Orientation Heterosexual

Basic Info

Withering Star is a quiet Hellsguard Roegadyn. Tending to stay back and watch current situations before partaking in or throwing her 5 cents out. Because of her habit of watching people, she usually sees and hears a lot of things; some good some that she wishes she could forget. However, because of this skill she does not mind sharing information with others. But information always comes at a cost. Normally she asks for items such as alcohol, crafting material, or if its a very rare rumor, she asks for a little payment of gil. Once she has eased up on knowing a person, she is very outgoing and enjoys to make those around her happy and comfortable. She is very caring and sometimes acts like a mother bear near the ones she is close with.


Pure dominance
The Queen's Gambit
The Stars


Being submissive.
Easy prey.
Fake, unloyal, annoyingly happy people.


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Favorite Color: Reds and purples.

Appearance & Personality

Withering Star is a fairly tall female Roegadyn with tanned skin and piercing purple eyes. She normally wears her dark red hair down with the sides pined back. Withering is normally seen walking around in more protective clothing such as armor, but tends to spice her outfits up to make them more comfortable. At home, she normally strips down to something fairly comfortable so that lounging around is easy for her. In the rare chances that Withering attends an event that is not involved with work, or if in the super rare chances going out on a date, she will be more dressed up than usual.

Withering is fairly quite when you first meet her, but she warms up with people fairly fast. She loves teaching people new things and experimenting with new things. Recently she has been learning more and more about different alcohol beverages and has been trying to make her own specialty drink. She has also gotten into cooking, but far warning, I would try to avoid her cooking at all costs. She loves to see people smile and will never turn away from someone who might be down or in pain. Withering is like a mother bear, she is very protective and caring for those she is close too. Once she puts her loyalty and promise of protection of someone, she will do her damnedest to keep it.


[Player's Note] Feel free to add anything in the PC rumors! If you have an established relations or know Withering and would like to be mention please send me a /tell or an in game mail and I will add it as soon as I am able. If you wish to start a roleplay and meet Withering, please send me a /tell and we can work some things out!


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"She puts the fear in my men's eyes with just a crack of her knuckles! I'd not cross her path when she is upset." - Flame Sergant
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"You need information? Find Withering. She's a wallflower. She sees and hears everything. As long as you will pay a small fee or favor, she will deliver." - Ul'dah Citizen
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Do you not see her with that Lalafell, all the time? They must be connected in a far more than business partners." - NPC in the Quicksands.
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral/No True Opinion Poor Standing Hated
[Isarien Velarien] : A long time close friend who has seen the good and bad within Withering. She looks up to him and follows his guidance and advice. He is one of the few people she can completely trust.
[Amalaa Vaas] : A recent friend she had met in her adventures. Being injured in a brawl, Amalaa had helped Withering get back to her feet and give her a stable job. Working under Amalaa, she has sworn to help protect her and her free company members, even if she was not apart of the free company.


Template by Bancroft Gairn
Theme Song: Shakugan no Shana