Z'beexu Vhoz

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Beexu Spiritbreaker
Don't want to live as an untold story

Name...Beexu Spiritbreaker
Alias...Bee, Bex, Three-tails, Nugget, Kitten
Deity...Azeyma & Llymlaen
Alignment...Neutral Good

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Beexu 2.png

Tall for a Miqo'te, Beexu stands at 5'3. They have a lithe and wiry build and are quite fast on their feet; easily escaping danger and dodging foes during assignments. But do not let their slender frame fool you. This miqo'te can wield a battle axe with ease and swing the weapon around as if it weighed nothing. Given their tightly coiled body of muscle, their gender is always in question as while their face is soft and rather feminine; Beexu has no defined bust line and appears androgynous to everyone they know and strangers they meet on the street.

Scars & Markings: Beexu is rough and ragged like most adventurers working hard. They are cut up and burned and bruised most days. Aside from that, Beexu has a number of unique markings on their body. | Left inner thigh has a tattoo of the sun, though the raised skin suggests its a brand.| Back of the neck, they have a drake skull tattooed. It looks unfinished as if more will be added.| Dead center on their chest is an old burn injury, the wound is hand print shaped, suggesting someone used fire magic. | The entirety of their right arm, up their shoulder, down over their chest and stopping near the navel. Beexu has a line of scars that resemble an electrical current. Known as lightning flowers, this scar formed after being struck by lightning. | Recently, Beexu had gone under for surgery. The miqo'te had life threatening growths that needed to be removed. All that remains as evidence is a thin yet gnarly scar that runs right under Bee's bosom.

Voice: - Beexu tends to be loud and abrasive, they don't apologize for the words they use to get their point across.

Voice claim - Emma Stone

Clothing: Bee's style when it comes to clothing is random and never the same from day to day. Typically they can be seen wearing a little as possible when lounging around the Astral Agent's HQ. Out on the street, Beexu tends to wear jackets, vests and pants. Beexu never leaves the house with their dirty bandanna and set of ruby ear rings. These two items seem to be the most treasured items out of their attire. On very rare occasions they can be found in some type of formal wear or skirt. When asked, Beexu shrugs and says they wanted to feel handsome or pretty that day.

Stubborn, Bratty, Dauntless, Protective, Kind-hearted, Fiesty

  • Sour apple cider
  • Adventure
  • Sleeping in the same bed as Casey
  • Taunting people more powerful than they are
  • Starting trouble with Boar and Rei
  • Thunder storms


  • Thaumaturges
  • Men claiming to be primals
  • Chocolate
  • Void Bullshit
  • Any type of sexism
  • Getting involved in politics or military affairs


  • Having an unfulfilled life.
  • Losing their eyesight
  • Having their best friend leave them
  • Abandonment
  • Not being as good of a friend as they can be
  • Loved ones dying in their arms

Color Key
In A Relationship: Bee is romantically involved with this character.
Romantic Attraction: Bee is romantically interested in this character.
Sexual Attraction Bee is physically interested in this character.

Platonic Love/Family: Bee considers this person family.
Friend: Bee considers this person her friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Bee considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

Good Standing: Bee has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
Neutral: Bee has no specific feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: Bee has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.

Dislike: Bee doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
Hate: Bee consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
Fear: Bee is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost.
Rivalry: Bee consider this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time she gets to meet them.

Family Member: This character is related by blood to Bee.
Business: This character is either Bee's employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character has passed away.
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but Bee isn't fully aware of it yet.


Z'Zeelha Jhuva () ( NPC ) - Biological mother
Zeelha like all female seekers, was a hunter and warrior for the tribe. She birthed five children and raised them along side keeping watch and track of the rest in the Ziz tribe. She loved her children equally but had a soft spot for Beexu, the youngest of her five offspring. During the calamity, the tribe had ended up separated. While the majority of the tribe perished, What became of Zeelha remains a mystery still.
Z'Vhoz Nunh ( ♠ ✖ ) ( NPC ) - May he lay in the deepest part of the seven hells
Truly there are not enough words to describe the scum that is Vhoz, not enough adjectives can do this male miqo'te justice, he came into power through murder and abuse of the other tribe members. He sired Beexu and immediately forgot she existed as apart of the tribe, as he did with all children of his brood. He lead his people through fear and war mongering; as he thirsted to overpower any other tribe and even beastmen they came in contact with. Nothing of value was lost when Vhoz was a victim of the Calamity.
Z'Rhaki Tia ( ) ( NPC ) - Oldest biological brother, first born.
Oldest of the five siblings, Rhaki had no drive to ever compete for the position of Nunh, he didn't even give any of the females of the tribe the time of day unless it was any of his three younger sisters or his own mother. Most of the time he spent the day keeping sentry and carving totems out of wood, out of the five he was the most aloof and never had much to say. He departed from the tribe not long after Beexu. However, it is unclear where Rhaki had gone or if hes even alive.
Z'Zak Tia ( ♥ ✖ ) ( NPC ) - Second oldest biological brother, second born
Now, unlike the stoic Rhaki, Zak had dreams and ambitions to win the position of Nunh, he did his best to schmooze with the females but it never went anywhere. No they always wanted Rhaki and it always made Zak incoherently angry at his older brother. When needing to improve his fighting skills; Zak would pick on Beexu making her fight him knowing full well she was terrible at combat and too much of a coward. He was the brother to try and scare her fear of heights out her by holding Beexu over the edge of a cliff miles above a body of water. Zak perished in the Calamity when doing his best to keep weaker tribemates alive.
Z'Khofyi Iheb ( ♥ ✖ ) ( NPC ) - Oldest biological sister, third born
Then there is Khofyi, the third born of the siblings and the oldest of the three females. There really is not much to say about her. Khofyi was an archer, she always lead a hunting party and made sure to be the voice of reason during arguments between her other siblings. Much like Rhaki, she had not really been interested in producing children, especially when Vhoz was nunh, seeing how the man treated Beexu and the other children he sired; it repulsed Khofyi and she would rather for the next Nunh then to give the scum any more for him to simply ignore and mistreat. When it came to Siwi and Beexu, she made time to spend all day with them. Her little sisters were her world since there were times when their mother could not be there to raise them. It was up to Khofyi to care for them. After Beexu departed from the tribe, it was the last nail in the coffin as Khofyi blamed Vhoz and challenged him to a fight. A duel that ended with the female's death but not without gravely injuring the male. It was the last thing she could do for her sister's honour
Z'Siwi Iheb ( ♥ ✖ ) ( NPC ) - Second oldest biological sister, fourth born
Spunky, feisty and one of the biggest influences in Beexu's life. Siwi was the fourth born of the five siblings. She loved getting into trouble and dragging Beexu everywhere with her. Being the closest in age to Bee, the two of them shared a lot in common. Siwi was a favorite among the Tias, she promised them all in secrete plenty of children and in return they showered her in gifts to win her hand for a chance at coupling should they become the next Nunh. During times of the siblings being left on their own, Siwi was the one who made food for any tribe mate who remained in the camp when others were out hunting. She played a motherly role along side Khofyi in raising Beexu and any of the other young children. It was Siwi who told Beexu to never let anyone forget she was alive. Sadly, Siwi was with Zak during the calamity and suffered the same fate.</dive>


Casey Blackwater ()() ( PC ) - Best Friend. A broken soul trying to survive
Beexu ship.png
The faithful encounter was in the Quicksand. Beexu had approached Casey and was trying to decipher the type of work the highlander was involved in. Who would had guessed from that day forward the two of them would be intertwined in every sense of the word. Casey isn't the easiest person to get along with, however with enough dedication and persistence; Bee has managed to worm her way into being Casey's closest and most trusted friend out there. Every time Casey had been sure Bee was gone or dead, she comes walking back into his life with a big goofy grin on her face.
Io Saar () ( PC ) - Adopted sister. Bully Catte
Beexu ship1.png
Met during a maid cafe. The two miqo'te bonded instantly and had grown to be fast friends. Beexu took to being Io's big sister and wanted to watch out for the keeper as she did not speak nor communicate well. Over the past year the two females drifted apart as their roads were going in different directions but their bond as family never faltered. Seeing each other once and in a while they act as if yesterday was the last time they talked. Even so when Beexu and Io are together, sparks fly and the two end up starting fights that get a little out of control since they egg each other on.
Khojin Arulaq () ( PC ) - Good friend. Sweet and precious, though a little odd at times.
Beexu met Khojin during a trip to the Quicksand, the meeting was rough and shakey at first but overtime they grew comfortable and shared quite a few interesting adventures together. Beexu admires Khojin and her unique personality and the way the au'ra always is able to seek out rather good looking elezen men to surround herself with. Khojin does have an odd essence about her and it never ceases to put Beexu on edge of the woman's intentions, yet so far Khojin has never done anything to harm the miqo'te.
Berrod Armstrong () ( PC ) - Good friend and fellow monk.
Berrod Profile Pic.JPG
When Beexu was directed toward the Astral Agency for work, she was faced with Berrod. A burly and gruff highlander who was running the company. He was a very intimidating force at first and it always frightened Beexu to speak with him. Plenty of time has gone by, now knowing more about him, Beexu looks to Berrod as a secondary source of wisdom and information about chakras when her current teacher isn't about. The two of them have worked together on many assignments and Beexu considers Berrod a friend now and one shes glad to have.
Reckless Boar ( ) ( PC ) - Shitty Scoundrel
After performing for the keeper's kiss. Beexu and Boar met in the crowd of the kiss. He offered her a place to sit and got her a drink. On the outside most would see them as a rather strange pair. Considering the two companions treat each other rather poorly, there is a ever growing bond between them that most can not deny. Boar is a shitter and a troublemaker that only eggs Beexu on when the two are out in public; however he is a man Bee would protect and even face down primals for.
Rei Oshora ( ) ( PC ) - A good friend and healer
Beexu and Rei met at the same time she met Boar, the small raen female was sweet and quirky; she remains so to this day. Rei has taken it upon herself to keep the seeker in good health and play the mothering role. Bee doesn't mind, she is fond of the au'ra and tries to keep her safe as best as they can.
James Shaw ( ) ( PC ) - I guess we're friends
Shaw came along with Boar and Rei as their friend, him and Beexu are a bit at odds with each other and the seeker has no real feelings about him; though if the hyur ever got in trouble, Bee would help bail him out.
Andre ( ) ( PC ) - Newest Employer
This shady male miqo'te is the next chapter in Beexu's life. Contracts were signed and hands shaken, Bee now words for this man as security for his bar located in the Lavender Beds. Not much is known about him for now.

I M P O R T A N T   T R I N K E T S

A list of items that are near and dear to Beexu and can be found on their person at any given time.((OOC: if you wish to try and steal any listed, poke me in-game!))

Pair of ruby earrings Bee is a minimalist for jewelry however, Bee is never seen without wearing the earrings in each ear.

Aetherical inhibitor Made by Sterrbhar Moenthubyr. On most days, the seeker wears a rather bulky bracelet around their right wrist. It is magically infused to keep them balanced and locks up if Beexu uses more aether than what they can afford.

Pocket watch & gold chain Hanging from their right pocket usually is a gold chain, attatched to a watch. Beexu is never actually seen using it to tell time, so there are other reasons why the miqo'te has it with them.

Worn out leather bracelet Gifted by Reckless Boar. On Bee's left wrist is a strap of leather, it is worn out and frayed. The trinket seems to just be a shredded piece of material; more than likely torn off something much bigger.

Hair clip with two feathers attatched As of recently, Beexu can be seen wearing two feathers in her hair. The origins are unknown outside of the select few who know of where they came from. While the feathers do not match any known bird or beastmen. Aether sensative folk can determine traces of Siren energy signatures on the trinket overall.

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

    "Small yet feisty, it makes ya wonder if wielding a battle axe is tough for 'em?" - Marauder Guild instructor
    "That miqo'te? Not born in Limsa I'm told." - Limsa tavern wench
    "Is that a boy?" "No its a girl." "I'm telling you he is a boy." "Its true, I was confused at first myself" - Gaggle of gossiping Au'ra females
    "He picks a fight with just about every highlander he crosses paths with." - Coliseum fighter

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

    "They are nothing but a thieving street rat. Luring men and women away from their coin purses." - Disgruntled Ul'dah merchant
    "That kid can't enter the quicksand without starting some kind of problem. I heard they got two people almost murdered" - Regular patron at the Quicksand
    "No good thug and their highlander bodyguard, always tracking blood into the city" - Brass Blade

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

    "That miqo'te has gone up against primals!" - Resident of Ul'dah
    "Those clothes? Don't even belong to them, they steal it right off the backs of hard working people" - Paranoid Merchant
    "The two of them, the miqo'te and the highlander, never are in the city long. They are running from their past or maybe even debt collectors" - Shady traveler


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    "..." - Io Saar
    "Oh uh... Beexu... like to cuddle me... apparently." - Niniriki Auauriki
    "Bex is good furry. I am liking her spirits. You may speaking to her- you are allowed if you not awful person." - Khojin Arulaq

Stories are in chronological order.

    Walking in the static
    Context: In their coma, Beexu has a moment of reflection
    The Farewell
    Context: The Agency is setting out on a long mission, Beexu says goodbye to their best friend
    The Encounter
    Context: Beexu comes face to face with the company's villian

    A score to settle
    Context: Beexu gets a chance at revenge
    Starting over
    Context: Beexu starts over by cutting their hair
    Context: Beexu remembers where they are most welcomed

Songs used set a mood, lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. Please mind your speakers when clicking the links.

Personal RP Limits

I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters.
Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.
I won't play Strickly for ERP, my No list is small it is best to just ask me in-game.
■ If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Artwork Of Beexu: NSFW
■ Partially IC Tumblr: Multiple character blog
■ Astral Agents Tumblr: Astral Agents
Time Zone/Server
■ American-EDT(UTC-4)
■ Balmung