Zane Purestrike
[hide]Basic Information
Like most Seeker of the Sun born Miqo'te, Zane has a slight tanned complexion. His hair is a light blonde due to both genes and constant years in the sunlight. His eyes are an intense gold. His feline features are lionesque in nature; such as his bare tail with a cone of fur at the tip. Years of gladiatorial training and fighting have given him solid musculature compacted around a mid-sized frame. He stands above average height compared with other Miqo'te males. His armor, clothing, and general appearance are kept gleaming and clean any time he isn't in battle. Zane will often be seen combating with anything from a dagger to a bow; though most often he will be in full armored regalia with a falchion in hand.
Quick to smirk in the face of battle, Zane will often be seen with an impassive expression in mixed company. He tends to take in the room before speaking, and keeps his words to the point.
Though he will openly state he's just a dirty gladiator, Zane almost always puts his morals first. Duty, Honor, Integrity, Loyalty, Respect, Courage; these are the watchwords he has lived by his entire life. Each virtue has been instilled upon him in both the Coliseum as well as his studies.
Zane's demeanor, mostly befitting that of a Paladin, can change from impassive to cold fury when he sees someone breaking what he believes to be standard moral codes. Quick to the defense of an innocent or a lady, Zane has a habit of answering perceived wrongs with a sword tip.
Raised in the gladiatorial arts of Ul'dah's Coliseum, Zane has a strong affinity for melee techniques. He has traveled the main cities and surrounding areas studying weaponry and skills from guilds and instructors best suited to individual styles.
While growing up in Ul'dah, Zane was brought up on sword and shield. When he was trusted enough to run free in the city, the young Miqo'te began trading errands for instruction in the art of fist and foot techniques.
After ending his off-the-books servitude to the Coliseum and earning his freedom, Zane began his travels to other lands. Traveling first across the sea to the port of Limsa Lominsa, Zane traded his knowledge in lighter blades for the tutelage of axe and mace. In the wooded city of Gridania, he learned to fight with staff and spear; then later found enjoyment in learning the long-shot of the bow.
Of small note, during his travels he took up the magical arts. While showing very little skill or interest in damaging magic, Zane discovered an inherent talent for healing.
Circling his training back around to the city of his growth, Zane pledged himself not only to sword and shield once more, but to duty and honor. Now he travels as a Paladin, defending those who cannot defend themselves.
Zane's familial ties were cut off as a babe when he was stolen, then later traded, into servitude as a gladiatorial combatant.
He counts as family only those who were brothers or sisters in arms within the Coliseum. Zane's only noted exception is his original combat tutor; who trained him not only to survive in combat but educated him and taught him the morals he holds firm to to this day.
Talathar Khalynn - A Dunesfolk Lalafell Lady and established healer. Zane and Talathar are both members of the Random Collective, a Free Company of adventurers and defenders. Talathar is a close friend and an often exasperatingly cute companion. Zane considers her the next closest thing to family.
Arcos Kojin - A Midlander Hyur Paladin, in charge of the Random Collective. Zane considers him a mentor and ally.
Born somewhere in Western Thanalan to a tribe of Seekers, Zane was stolen as an infant during a raid of bandits. After changing hands multiple times over the course of a few years, a young Zane was finally sold to a merchant with an assorted array of paid for gladiators for the Coliseum. The merchant, wanting a return on investment for his little lion cub, and considering little Miqo'te to be a good omen, wasted no time and quite a bit of gil in sending the boy for training.
As the years went by, and the little Miqo'te grew into a strong pre-adolescent, he was taught the art of combat in its purest form. Hesitation gave way to focus; trepidation to instinct. Outside of training, he ran errands for the merchant and studied lessons in more mundane educational studies at night. Despite the merchant's protests Zane's trainer kept teaching him to increase his brain's development even as his muscles grew.
By his early teens Zane was competing in the Coliseum's games like any other fighter. Real steel, real danger, and no lack of survival instincts sent him to the top of his fighting class. It wasn't long until the merchant finally started earning back what he'd spent on the young gladiator's training. Furthermore, it wasn't long until the merchant began profiting from the investment. The crowds began dubbed him the "Caged Lion;" a title which would carry for many years. Outside the arena the Miqo'te youth was finally given something he'd never had in his life; a name of his own. The merchant, constantly in good moods now that the gil was rolling in, began calling him "Zane" as in a "Gift of the Gods".
Many more years and many more blood-filled fights later, Zane had finally made it to the top. His name, now "Zane, the Caged Lion" was spoken all over Ul'dah as the greatest spectacle of his time. In the arena he was fierce, bloodthirsty, merciless and unforgiving. Within the confines of his room or out in the city, he was kind, thoughtful and always quick to lend a hand. Zane quickly became beloved inside and outside the arena. Fans would cheer for him, ladies would swoon over him. It was the best life a stolen child of the desert could hope for; but it wasn't meant to last.
The hardest thing Zane had to learn in his life was not how to fight. It wasn't how to read or write or even arithmetic. The hardest thing Zane the Caged Lion had to learn was how to be free. His old trainer had fallen ill years back and passed on. He'd accomplished everything the merchant could have hoped for. There was nothing more he could do in the arena and he slowly became less of a champion and more a display to grandstand when crowds were growing small. By his mid-twenties, he was already a seasoned veteran with all the ill that comes from such. The merchant, wanting one more big profit, and having truly gained affection for his little lion cub, gave him his second real gift.
In a surprise final fight in the Coliseum one evening, Zane the Caged Lion held his last fight. It was another triumph; this one with no requested killings or ruthless ferocity. At the end where standard laurels and accolades were normally presented a celebration began. Zane was called to the main stand along with the announcer and the merchant. He was given a sword, a plain falchion, and a title. Because his fighting was fierce but never deceitful in nature; his life to fight, his job to be proficient, and his goals to win, he was he was dubbed Purestrike. Lastly, Zane Purestrike was finally given the one thing he'd never had; his freedom from servitude.
For the next few years Zane trained as a freeman with the Gladiator's guild as opposed to a mere combatant. He traveled, studying other fighting styles and cultures. Shortly before present time, he came back to Ul'dah long enough to make a solemn choice. He passed the trials and took his oath to be a free Paladin; one who travels the land and defends the weak.
With this oath, he now walks the lands of Eorzea with true purpose.
This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea