Talathar Khalynn
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Gender | Female |
Race | Lalafell |
Clan | Dunesfolk |
Citizenship | Gridania |
Age | 20ish |
Birthplace | Unknown |
Pronunciation | TA-luh-thar KAY-lin |
Server | Gilgamesh |
[hide]Basic Information
Talathar Khalynn’s life is something of a mystery - even to herself. An orphaned Lalafell raised by a compassionate Hyur woman, she was raised with a Roegadyn older sister and a Miqo’te younger sister, under the benevolent branches of the Twelvewood. Any memories of the time before being found by her family are gone, thought to be the result of a traumatic head injury she suffered in her youth. Despite her seemingly tragic beginnings, Talathar is a bright, cheerful soul, always willing to lend a hand when people are in need.
Talathar (or Tala, to family and friends) is a diminutive Lalafell, short even among her own people. She has long black hair and bright blue eyes, usually twinkling with curiosity or mischief. She appears to be in her late teens or early twenties, Although small in stature, she is not short in spirit, and has been known to occasionally swing a sword instead of her usual staff.
Tala tends to be very patient, cheerful, and compassionate in nature, with a quiet delight in good-natured mischief. She enjoys playful, easy-going friendships with a wide variety of people, and at times likes being the “little sister” of the group. She does, however, have a very protective nature, and will leap to the defense of both family and friends.
Although she is 20 (or so), her family has kept her fairly sheltered, and as a result she is somewhat naive, even childlike in her behaviors at times. When first confronted by a new situation, she will sometimes become flustered, or have a minor panic attack - usually, a gentle-yet-firm prodding will help her to regain her focus.
When it comes to healing, she tends to show a much more serious side of her personality, and sometimes can be impatient with those who either downplay their wounds, or get injured for reasons she deems “stupid.” (Example: two people fighting to prove “who is tougher” would most likely trigger either a lecture or a lot of the silent treatment, coupled with some perhaps not-really-necessary bandages and awful-tasting tonics and remedies.)
When Tala was around 15, she and M’yrissa almost drowned in a river, when they tried to learn to swim. Tala doesn’t recall much about the incident, but since then has experienced a vague unease whenever she comes near rivers. She also does not submerge herself in water above her waist - even for bathing.
Tala is also reluctant to wear clothing that reveals too much skin - not only because of modesty, but because of the faint scarring on her body. She doesn’t remember anything about the wounds or how they were caused, but questions about them tend to make her nervous and uncomfortable. Luckily, most of the scars themselves are really very faint, and can only be seen if one looks very close, or if Tala is suffering from sunburns. On the back of her left shoulder, there is what looks to be a small circular burn mark.
When it comes to romantic relationships, Talathar is a little oblivious. She knows people have relationships, and what goes on in adult relationships, and is happy for her friends who are in happy relationships. But she herself is a little emotionally immature for her age, and doesn't really have any interest in having one of those relationships herself. She has never been in a relationship, and has never really been more than mildly curious about one, and unless approached with blunt directness, will most likely fail to see any subtle signs of flirting directed at her.
Tala tends towards the gentle path of healing magics. She prefers providing quiet support for the group, keeping their spirits up and their bodies in good health. Her quiet dream is to one day be worthy of being a true healer before the Elements.
However, she has studied other paths as well - including the thaumaturgic arts, and arcanery. She seems somewhat uncomfortable with wielding the destructive arts of the thaumaturgist, prefering the healing arts of Conjury.
Still, she has also begun training in the physical arts as well, at the prompting of her older sister Kori. After some rather intense training under the Roegadyn’s stern guidance, Tala quietly began studying swordsmanship at the Coliseum in Ul'dah.
The only family Talathar knows is her adopted family. And memory prior to her head injury (about 5 or 6 years ago), she cannot recall.
Khalynn “Kallie” Tahl - Adoptive mother. The eldest Tahl is an herbalist and merchant, a business she originally started with her husband and stepson. While they would raise the crops back home in Gridania, she would oversee the sale, shipment, and delivery of their goods across Eorzea. But when the stirring troubles and war robbed her of both, she continued on alone, determined not to let the business her husband so loved to fail. Kallie is a compassionate soul, and took in several children during her travels, usually helping to find them new homes and families, if not taking the children home herself. All her children, including the stepson lost to the war, were foundlings.
Kallie is now semi-retired, and stays in Gridania overseeing the business from the safety of home, while leaving the traveling to Kori and her assistants.
Korynna Tahl - Eldest of the Tahl children, Kori is a Hellsguard Roegadyn woman in her mid twenties (26). Strong, compassionate, and fiercely protective, Kori is a rather guarded woman who watches the world around her with a distrustful eye. She refuses to talk of her past, or the reason why she does not have a traditional Roegadyn name.
M'yrissa Tahl - Youngest of the Tahl children, M’yrissa is a young Seeker Miqo’te, who only recently celebrated her 17th year. M’yr is a fairly serious young scholar dedicated to studying Arcanistry. Recently, she has been expanding her horizons and studying with the Conjurer's guild in Stillglade Fane.
Stalwart Soul - Tala's faithful chocobo. Small of stature, but great of heart. Stalwart has a slight complex about his shortness, and tends to like climbing on top of tall things, and will occasionally jump about while Tala is trying to ride him. He also tends to be protective of his small rider, and has been known to behave in a hostile manner to those he feels mean her harm.
Snippers - Tala's smallshell pet. She found him on the beaches of Costa del Sol, and he (it?) has been following her about ever since. She's not sure why (and is also not sure what he eats).
Dollop - Small purple blobby creature that sometimes trails after Tala.
Stumbles - Tala's pet baby raptor, who is a little cross-eyed, and has a tendency to bump into things.
Life Events and Personal History
As Tala remembers things, the Tahl family found her on the road near Nine Ives, around 5 or 6 years ago. She doesn’t know anything about her past before that time, and has always had a loving home with her mother and sisters.
The Tahl family lived near Bentbranch for years, until the three daughters finally convinced their mother to move to Gridania, farther away from the incursions of the Ixali. It was around the same time Tala started her studies with E-Sumi-Yan, in the arts of Conjury.
She chose to be called Talathar Khalynn rather than Tahl, because for some reason she did not like how “Talathar Tahl” sounded (which is unusual, considering Lalafell naming conventions...). However, by the official adoption papers filed with the Office of Citizenry in Gridania, her legal name is Talathar Khalynn Tahl.
OOC: While Talathar has OOC'ly become a WHM, IC'ly she is a powerful Conjurer, but not a WHM.
Past Events
More recently, Talathar suffered from a peculiar malady - an aethyric imbalance, which hampered her ability to cast effectively. She also suffered fevers, nightmares, disjointed memories, and insomnia. With the help of family and friends, she was able to endure until a solution could be found. Solya Frost was able to perform a ritual which helped her to find her aethyric balance once more. However, the "cure" had a few unintended consequences as well.
Current Events
After the ritual, Tala seemed to suffer from some kind of backlash or reaction, and went into seclusion. She has recently reemerged into society, but her memory has become extremely spotty, and at times she can seem uncharacteristically withdrawn or moody.
Currently, Tala is also often followed by a small moogle, whom she does not seem to be able to see.
This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea