Zethie Aldis

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Gridania-transparent.png Zethie Aldis
Ffxiv 05022014 180943.png
“The only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them.”
The Silent Child
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the moon
Citizenship Gridania
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Age 21
Occupation Mercenary
Nicknames Zeth ,Z
Birthplace Eastern Shroud
Namesday 26th sun of First astral Moon, 1556
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A shy but timid Miqo'te by looks but under the skin lies secrets that few know.


A light skinned Miqo'te with one eye that looks as if stained by blood the other as white as snow, To complement his eyes is Snow White hair dyed red at the tips, His fluffed tail matching his hair standing at 6 Fulm's tall exactly and 172 Ponze's.


Quiet but understanding though when values clash he will stand for what he thinks is right usually lashing out violently if he feels threatened for speaking his mind.



Zethie has trained for most of his life with daggers and other small blades before learning how to use a sword, Though he can hardly use one still to this sun. He fights using speed and agility to his advantage depending on the situation while his attacks never hold powerful strikes behind them.


Yanking Vali's ear when he is around and thinks she should be more polite. Spacing out at random even in a serious situation.


  • Cooking
  • Tending to Chocobo's
  • Being in the Shroud


  • Ul'dah and the desert
  • People who abuse power for their own gain.
  • Sultansworn finding most to be corrupt.
  • Rude people in general.


  • Fishing
  • Gathering different plants and flowers
  • Naturally good at climbing due to all the trees and rocky outcrops in the shroud
  • His sense of hearing and smell is stronger then his sight.


  • He has a large scar going from his right shoulder down to his left side.
  • Often spends time near waterfalls to enjoy his surroundings
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  • Valirelia Ferox- A female seeker Zethie has met in his time inside the Harbingers of the Dawn though he disliked her at first he grew to be fond of the woman looking up to her as a sister and someone he can seek advice and help from when he has a problem.
  • Raih'a Deshran- A traditional Keeper of the Moon he finds the Keeper to be extremely Polite but lacking in emotion even still Zethie will also asks for his advice when he needs it though he cannot help but wonder what he thinks.
  • Ryn Sidell- Another person Zethie has met in his time with the Harbingers he finds the the Hyur to be strange though he enjoys his company when he is around.
  • R'tali Vexal- A "Seeker" Zethie distrusted at first due to her violet tendencies towards him when they met though he has also grew to trust her and think of her as a friend and fellow fighter though she is very secretive.
  • Elyscia Rose- A Seeker that Zethie met at a tavern in his time in Ul'dah he finds the woman be silly but caring to him though she is also quite serious and stubborn at times. He considers her one of the best friends he's ever met even going as far as to give her one of his childhood heirlooms as a sign of how much she means to him.
  • K'ailia Yohko- A Seeker of the Sun he met when he had no memories of who he was he see's her as caring and full of energy while trying her hardest at what ever she set her mind too. Eventually they started to see each other though there has been some bumps in their relationship he tries his hardest for her to make her happy and is always there for her as she is to him. He is also fiercely protective of her.
  • K'laka Tia- A Seeker of the Sun Zethie has met on multiple occasions. Their initial meeting was rocky but he is learning to respect the man considering him a friend despite the way Zethie acted towards him though leaving omnious comments often when they part ways with each meeting.



Common Rumors

  • "That boy? Some say he was found in the shroud bloodied and near death" - Gridanian Farmer
  • "What about that Miqo'te? He seems daft when you try to talk to him he just ignores you." - Patron in the Quicksand
  • "I heard he cannot remember who he is." - Bypasser

Moderate Rumors

  • "I heard he can't see when it's sunny out." - A random Hyur.
  • "I seen him outright hunt ixal in pure hatred and cold blood." - Wood Wailers

Rare Rumors

  • "Someone told me that the red in his eyes and hair is blood of his enemies he's killed." - Immortal Flames Solider
  • "They say he gets payed to murder people..." - Shady Merchant
  • "That Miqo'te should never be trusted he will only backstab you." - A Fellow Mercenary

PC Rumors

  • "Ze and I have quickly become rivals. Hells one will beat the other then the next spar will tie it up. I've never had an equal quite like him. He's hells of a fighter and pretty cool guy to be around."- Nataru Rahz




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