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::* Hunting beasts.
::* Hunting beasts.
::* Getting paid for her work.
::* Getting paid for her work.
::* Spending said pay.
::* Meditating.
::* Drinking.
::* Drinking.
::* To hunt for things she's yet to have.
::* To hunt for things she's yet to have.

Revision as of 05:03, 9 October 2015

Ul'dah-transparent.png Nonope Nope
"I'm gonna keep this coin purse of yours, for good measure."
Hunter of All Things.
Gender Female
Race Lalafell
Clan Dunesfolk
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age "No need for rudeness."
Nameday 3rd Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Occupation Jack of all trades, Adventurer
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
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Her size could be summarized quite simply with one word; Short. Just a bit shorter than short, but still short. She may be well aware of this fact, but chooses to ignore it. She stands on about eighty-six centimeters when stood up straight like as stick. The hair that sprouts out from her head is jet-black, falling down into a short bob-like cut, her eyes are light purple with the protective layer on them that reveals her Dunesfolk heritage. Her skin is tanned as it has always been since she was born. She also has small markings underneath both her eyes, coloured jet-black as her hair.

For a lalafell, a female at that, her body is (for most people)shockingly muscular and athletic as she's been out all her life wandering the lands of Eorzea, fighting dangerous beasts and monsters who dared to walk into her way and working out on the day of because you gotta keep your body trim'n'proper. She adorns some scars as well, not so many gruesome ones, but still. She's got two large ones, going in a cross-like pattern on her back and some other smaller ones on her arms, chest and abdomen. Few seems to have ever reached her face, as she only seem to have one or two scars there, one beneath her eye and another trailing down from the her lower lip.

Her general idea of fashion(which she really doesn't have any sense of, at all) changes from day to day and she only seems to be wearing one or two specific set of clothes for the most of the time, one being a dark blue coat, accompanied with fingerless gloves, hat and pants of the same colour and a pair of neat black shoes. The other being a big arctic coat in a black colour that covers her from the neck down to her lower legs, a neat red bandana, red baggy pants and sandals. Where all her weapons and equipment is or how she can almost magically draw out almost any weapon out of that damn coat, no one really knows, not even herself.


She can be loud, cocky, -really- greedy(hypocrite), obnoxious and also quiet and being generally distasteful when it comes to other people, she has all kinds of sides really. She talks a lot when she actually opens her mouth, and doesn't seem to be all too concerned over what she says either. She has a tendency to speak her mind eventhough the situation would say differently. She always yearns for the things she's not seen nor have and would do anything to acquire it no matter on who's back she must use as a bridge, even if it's her own. Her will and greed is what makes her strong, not the finely tuned body nor the scars that bear memories and experiences, in her eyes those are mere accesories and achievements.

She has a nack for learning things easily by just observing, which can come quite in handy as it can be a negative thing. Her comical/cynical views on life and the world around her can bring either joy or trouble, as does her ability to get ahold of the most needless and useless information possible(who knows, it might be useful someday). She has also an endless supply of strong willpower, as well as a sort of sense of honour, how warped it now may be. As she might be strong in both body and will, she can still act recklessly and suffer needless consequences for it. Has a tendency to appear and disappear just as quickly just a few minutes later, clearly she never stays anywhere for a longer time if it isn't Ishgard, which is where you would be able to find her the majority of times nowadays.

Even if family is something she lacks, it's not something she's bothered by nor seems interested in as it can be reflected in her way of life; Always on the move, never deciding to settle down. Contacts are usefull but bonds and relations can become the gravest of of poisons if used correctly. For one who wanders and never settles, one could say that the gates to her heart and trust are heavily locked, sealed and guarded from others, only a few are allowed to look into these. Those chosen few are the only ones she would consider as family or siblings and are probably the only ones she needs. Her greed and will might be massive, but her love for these people transcends beyond that to the extent of her laying down her life before them.


When it comes to her equipment, she often uses only one set of equipment as she's been taught; "To keep it light, is to keep you in flight." as her Mentor would've said, eventhough he completely butchered that rule himself, as she does now.

  • Daggers: Usually, she keeps a pair of stabbers around whilst traveling, since they're light and also quite easy to conceal. The swiftness of the daggers in combat is appreciated, especially when combined with a second dagger in the other hand. How pairs she keeps on her person at the time is a good question, one that would not really be easy to answer, since it seems atleast to be more than two.
  • Iron Skewers: One her most used equipment/weapon(s), the iron skewers. These nasty, sharp, crossbow bolt-like, pieces of metal is one of the weapons, or tools, that she uses the most on her travels, missions or when simply out adventuring. They come in many editions, but the most frequently used ones would be the long and sharp or serrated ones. She can both use them as they were daggers, or even as throwing knives. Where she keeps them is still a mystery, as neither any of her bags, that she can be seen carrying around, nor her clothes seem to be able to contain skewers in that amount.
  • Any Kind of Pole-weapon: It's a rare sight to see her walking around with a pole weapon, since she rarely ever uses them. Although from time to time, she could be seen strolling around with one in hand, using it more like a walking stick than what it's supposed to be.



Nono is quite strong for a lalafell in her size, and as her scars would suggest, she could easily trade blows and still survive when facing even the toughest of opponents. This is a lie however, as she's easily injured and can easily get her bones crushed if she's not agile and quick on her feet. Her scars are more signs of being reckless than anything else. She adapts quickly to what type of opponent she's facing and can change her style of fighting swiftly, but generally likes to keep to using tricks, distractions and irregular movement and attacks to confuse or suprise her opponents, leaving them with openings for her to abuse.

One could also be suprised over how strong she is, yet her true strength lies within her will, as she has a really strong willpower which will probably keep her going eventhough her wounds may be fatal.

Skewer/Dagger based combat

Since it was put on as mandatory training from her Mentor, she trained on how to fight with two stabbers in each of her hands. She proved to master the art quite quickly and soon started to develop her own style of fighting with the use of skewers, proving to be as effective as any stabber you could find, if even deadlier when thrown with the right technique and strength. As mentioned she's been carrying around two machete like blades as of late, yet as all her other weapons they are rarely and only used when needed.

Ninjutsu techniques and other strange stuff

A good question would be to where she's learnt these techniques and abilities and there seems to not be any real answer to it yet. Was she obducted by strange beings from the outer cosmos? Maybe she smoked a weird plant that made her see visions of them or maybe she just learnt the basics of them by watching other people use them to then later slowly yet steadily learn and master them through hard training and practice, yet as she nor her body are used to the art of manipulating aether and similar, it proves to be very exhausting for her to the point of losing consciousness.

Pole weapon based combat

Pole weapons, as in a weapon that consists of a long shaft with or without something on each end of it(lances, halberds etc), is something she's learnt but yet to master. Her mentor may have favored these weapons, but she likes to use them more as walking sticks than actual weapons or tools of combat.

Hand-to-Hand combat

Her mentor made sure that before she went out into the world on her own, he made sure that she'd learnt Hand-to-Hand based combat in all ways, mostly the ones he knew himself, such as; Disarming, dropping, grappling, kneecap busting and all of those merry things, which would(or should) be useful for when caught without a weapon. The rest of her knowledge comes from improvising and training on her own against all manners of beasts and monsters as well as the occational pirates and whatnot, though it has seemed that she's become really fond of punching, kicking, suplexing things etc. etc. that she rather fights without the use of other weapons except for her own body. It's much more fun that way.



  • Wandering.
  • Hunting beasts.
  • Getting paid for her work.
  • Meditating.
  • Drinking.
  • To hunt for things she's yet to have.
  • Lollipops with orange flavour.


  • Reckless acts and decisions (hypocrite)
  • Superiors.
  • Greed in general. (also hypocrite)
  • A lot of other things that aren't really worth mentioning here.
  • Hypocrites (even more hypocrite)


  • Being quite agile, as well as strong.
  • Ambidextrous, can use both hands without any problems.
  • Being really keen on learning things quickly.
  • Being really, really greedy.
  • Smacking Nomi in the face for good measure.
  • Hunting and collecting everything that might come to mind.



Even when family is not to be found, one can adapt and find others who stand closer, seeing them as substitutes for one, or as one.

  • The Mentor without a Name: The one who's responsible for the most of her knowledge and upbringing. Her memory of him remains hazy, she's always known him as 'Mentor', since she never got to know his real name.
  • Nananomi Nomi: A bum of a lalafell that she was convinced that he was a girl, until getting to know that he's, infact, not. Having spent a lot of their childhood together, he's one of the few that she really cares about and sees, more or less, as a brother. As family. No matter how many times she may punch him in his stupid face.


A resource she does not have much of, more is probably on the list of 'Things to acquire.'.

  • Momoro Momo: A lalafell amongst other lalafell, but yet this one sticks out a bit from the rest, in her opinion. Eventhough not knowing that much about Momo, she still considers her a friend.


When it comes to her work, she does end up with a lot of acquaintances, yet they're too many to even be listed here, nor as important.

  • Jojonon Ququnon: Some dumb thaumaturge who thinks he's all powerful and stuff. Yeah. He's annoying yet at the same time amusing.


Enemies is a rare species that she rarely encounters throughout Eorzea. Sure, she had a few, with an emphasis on had.


Common Rumors

Uncommon Rumors

Rare Rumors

PC Rumors


This template was a simple template, and I don't know the creator of it, sorry creator-person.