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: <h4><div style="padding:0px 15px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px 1px 1px; border-color:#808080; border-radius:10px;background: #F0FFF0;font-size:14px;">Good Standing</div></h4>
: <h4><div style="padding:0px 15px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px 1px 1px; border-color:#808080; border-radius:10px;background: #F0FFF0;font-size:14px;">Good Standing</div></h4>
:: <font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">♦</font> Marina D'arca - Many a time, Delkhii sold countless amounts of ores to Marina in exchange for Gil. She is her current consistent source of Gil income.
:: <font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">♦</font>  
:: <font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">♦</font> Rainer Bloodwolfe - Delkhii came across Rainer at the Quicksand and the two conversed over the loss of their homelands to the Garlean Empire, soon finding solace and a mutual understanding of each other.
:: <font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">♦</font>  
:: <font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">♦</font>  
:: <font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">♦</font>  

Revision as of 08:26, 29 April 2017

 Bhaldgeim Hyrthimalwyn
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Female
Race Roegadyn
Clan Sea Wolf
Citizenship Orthard
Nameday 28th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Age 39
Orientation Straight
Guardian Oschon, the Wanderer
Alias Dex Cogstride, The Legless Sparrow
Marital Status Single

"The sky's the limit, but the moon is the breakthrough." - Dex Cogstride.

Bhaldgeim Hyrthimalwyn, better known by others as Dex Cogstride is a determined lady who enjoys life in the clouds. The once sea-loving Roegadyn turned experienced Sky Pirate works in solitude, counting on herself to complete what she sets herself every day; to take from the rich and give to herself in the name of science. Dex is nicknamed the Legless Sparrow and at least a dozen tales are told of how the Roegadyn came to lose her legs, all of which are unproven to be true.



  • Machinery
  • Shooting things
  • Snacking
  • Adventuring


  • Romance
  • Bandits/Pirates
  • Liars
  • Thieves
  • Crabs
  • Thunder


Foods: White meats, seafood, pasta, noodles and fried vegetables
Drinks: Water, yak milk, lemon water
Colors: Woad Blue


  • Swimming
  • Racing (Airship)
  • Exploring
  • Treasure hunting


Hair/Fur: Dark red
Skin: Pale green
Eyes: Amber
Height: 7.3"
Weight: 220.462(PONZ)
Build: Muscular

Dex is an amputee, as her legs were cut off for an unknown reason and replaced with modified boots to help with flying stability in any airship. (WIP)


Dex is generally an honest individual, opting to go for morally correct choices and isn't opposed to helping others out when they need it. However, Dex can make a few questionable decisions in exchange for earning a few coin to fund her personal interest in her research. Her body language is expressive, as is her tongue. It allows her to speak freely, as freedom is deemed the most important thing in her eyes. She's an honourable woman, and believes that everyone has her respect until there is reason to break it. Once it is broken, Dex will make sure life gets difficult for the opposition. If the respect is kept, then Dex will be loyal like a dog to its master, without actually being a dog of course; she isn't a pushover and makes sure people know it.
  • Alignment

    Chaotic Good
  • Motivation

  • Disposition

  • Outlook

  • Positive personality traits

    Aspiring, Attractive, Confident, Courageous, Educated, Honorable, Leisurely, Passionate, Realistic, Skillful, Wise.
  • Negative personality traits

    Blunt, Compulsive, Crafty, Demanding, Extreme, Greedy, Impulsive, Mannerless, Narcissistic, Opinionated, Scheming, Sly, Strong-willed.
  • Miscellaneous quirks

  1. Dex ((WIP))


Dex's preferred weapon of choice, should she choose to fight, is her beloved gun, 'Eden'.((WIP))


Dex's childhood is something that she doesn't often speak of. Not due to the mistrust of others, but by the simple fact that she just can't remember a damn thing about it. That being said, it is more than likely that Dex had lived a good life with her family on the ports of Limsa Lominsa, keeping her nose out of trouble and living as Bhaldgeim Hyrthimalwyn (Brave Jewel, Daughter of the Autumn Sky). Her love for travelling on ships with her grandfather sparked her aspiration to become her very own captain of the ship at the age of 7, to which one thing lead to another and she ended up becoming one of the Maelstrom's successful navigators by time she hit 18 summers old.
After a few years, Bhaldgeim grew bored of being told where to dock the ships and how to turn starboard at whatever degree and she quit her job to move onto living in the colder regions of Coerthas after hearing rumours of 'bandits living in the sky' and pillaging the less fortunate. This lead to the Roegadyn to take up arms and fight against these so-called bandits, only to be robbed of her goods herself. Despite the terror she witnessed, Bhaldgeim couldn't help but feel at home in the skies of Dravania. Not only did she want to prove her worth in the new environment, she also wanted her stuff back from the bandits and vowed to return again one day.
Defeated and without a coin to spare, Bhaldgeim regressed to living in the Brume with the poorest Elezen lowborns. On the verge of starving, she began to beg across the Foundation for food. She accidentally came across a man with a gun making his way back to the Skysteel Manufactory, which piqued Bhaldgeim's interest. Looking through the cracks of the entrance doors and peeking through the slightly steamed windows, Bhaldgeim was welcomed to the sight of steam, metal and pistons pumping in a choreographed dance of progress. A fire lit inside her and she wanted to learn everything about what she witnessed.
To her surprise, Bhaldgeim was welcomed by Stephanivien, the founder of the Skysteel Manufactory and the job he dubs 'Machinist'. She was taken under his wing for another five years, learning the arts of heandling fire arms, while conducting private research into machines and their adaptation to life in Eorzea and other continents. Bhaldgeim eventually leaves the Skysteel in pursuit of the skies, realising her true happiness lay there for her whilst also remembering the vow she made. However, to mark the begining of her new life of 'piracy', Stephanivien gifted Bhaldgeim her very own mana-cutter ship and she was piloting the vehicle in no time.
Since then, Bhaldgeim vanished. There had been no mention of her since she left all those years ago; not a single soul knew of her whereabouts or her lifestyle. All that was known was the rumour of a mysterious 'Legless Sparrow' roaming the skies.

((Biographies will be written as more RPs happen in-game :) ))


Romantic Interest, Sexual Interest, Platonic Love, Good Standing, Neutral Standing, Poor Standing

Romantic Interest

N/A. N/A

Platonic Love


Good Standing

Neutral Standing


Poor Standing



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC Rumors! Instructions on how: Show text

Commonly heard - pretty much open to use

"RUMOR 1" - "That Xaela never smiles. Ever."
"RUMOR 2" - "Don't touch her! Her skin is scaled with soil!"
"RUMOR 3" - "She's a tad bit crazy for those rocks, I tell ya."

Occasionally heard - Use this info lightly

"RUMOR 1" - "I keep hearing someone singing. I couldn't possibly be coming from the Au Ra though, could it?"
"RUMOR 2" - "I hear this lass is selling some good rocks for good coin. She might be tough to barter with though."

Rarely heard - Ask first!

"RUMOUR 1" - "What a wonderful smile she 'as. I'd kill a beast t' see that smile again."
"RUMOUR 2" - "..."

PC Rumors (written by other players)

"RUMOR 1" - N/A


Out Of Character Disclaimer


(The music is meant to reflect the character through ambience, soundtrack or song. I own none of it :) credit goes to the original composers/artists of the track.)
Character Theme

Character Theme as of 3.56

Character Theme as of 4.0


Delkhii's Voice

Player Notes

Hey there :D thanks for reading through the wiki about my charcter! The information about my character will change often so please note that there may be more/less or altered information the next time you read through this page again. I'll tell you a little bit about myself IRL. I normally go by the online alias of Dark or Dex (With Dark being my name for many online things and Dex being my FFXIV name among friends, though I'll be more known by the latter.). I'm said to be friendly, kind and fun and I love making new friends and playing FFXIV for both roleplay and in-game content. My schedule is slightly weird, due to the fact I'm from the EU and Balmung hosts more NA players, so I may not be available on peak times as it would be when I normally sleep. However I do tend to stay up late to play the game on days that I do not have university. That being said, I always try to make time for RP and I do admittedly have a hard time with doing walkups, so if you ever see my character and fancy RPing, please don't be shy and send me a tell or walk up on me.

How I RP

There is a couple of pointers that I would like to mention from an OOC point of view in regards to how I RP and what you can expect of me.
First of all, I am someone who likes to keep RP and OOC circumstances seperate. This means that whatever happens in an RP stays in RP and anything that is OOC is an entirely different matter. If my character has a problem with your character, it doesn't mean I have a problem with you IRL. This is also the same for my character liking yours, it may not mean I also like you (though 97% of the time it turns out I do like you :) ). However, if my character displays any romantic feelings for your character, this certainly does not mean that I do too. As I have mentioned before, what happens in RP stays in RP. Further information on this topic will be on the RP Limits section.

Secondly, if you are not happy with any aspect of our RP, please don't be afraid to send me a tell and I will try to make the RP more comfortable for you as mucha as I can without shifting the plot so much that it's either one sided (if it is situational RP) or the plot doesn't make sense anymore. Saying this however, this doesn't give you the opportunity to godmod/meta plots into your character's favour. If you do that, then there will be a good chance that I will not RP with you in future.

RP Limits

There are some limitations a to what kind of RP I am willing to get involved with.

What I am willing to RP:
Mature Content (such as violence, minor or fatal injuries, drugs, alcohol, sexuality, etc.)
Dark Content (such as hostage situations, torture, terrorism, suicide, murder, war, etc.)
Family Friendly Content (basically, nothing of the above.)

What I am not willing to RP:
Rape scenario in RP
Relationship only RP

I always have a 'No ERP' tag in my search info, but in any case that I do not have this tag, these rules still apply!


I am a roleplayer who abides by the rules of fair and fun roleplay for all. I DO NOT tolerate those who GODMOD or METAGAME an RP situation for any reason. If this happens in our RP, then I WILL send you a tell addressing this problem. If this happens more than once, then I WILL NOT engage RP with you AT ALL.
If at any point I feel uncomfortable with our RP, I have the right to withdraw from it and/or take action to refrain contact if the discomfort breaches into OOC matters.
Take this into consideration!


This page uses the Easily Read Template, created by Khita Atropah and inspired by Bancroft Gairn. I have copied the coding on some titles to create new headings suited for my OOC development on my character. DO NOT USE MY ALTERATION OF THE TEMPLATE! My version of the template has been the result of several hours figuring out what text to copy/paste and what format I can use to present my wiki page better. If you want to use the templete I have now, then please use the original template layout by Khita Atropah.