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<div style="padding: 7px 4px;font-size:13px; color:#999999;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;font-variant: small-caps;"><b>Childhood</b></div>
<div style="padding: 7px 4px;font-size:13px; color:#999999;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;font-variant: small-caps;"><b>Childhood</b></div>
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: <div style="font-family:Georgia;"><font size="2"> Insofar as anyone knows, Raemha is a victim of the slave trade. She was "discovered" by her now-adoptive father and his son, then later registered in Limsa where she could fade into the background with the many other victims of flesh trafficking. This is also more or less the extent of Raemha's own knowledge, as she suffers from amnesia regarding her true past. <br><br> In truth, Raemha is not Eorzean at all. She comes directly from the lines of ancient Meracydian Miqo'te, those who existed on the continent prior to the Allagan invasion in the Third Astral Era. She was found in suspended animation inside an old music box, which she still holds on her person to this day. Her mother, a proud Paladin, was part of the resistance effort against the Allagan — and, unbeknownst to Raemha, later became one of the tempered Demiurges whose life essence channels power into the Goddess, Sophia. Her father, however, was a consummate seeker of knowledge, and sought any way to keep his daughter from falling victim to the war descending all around them. Without Raemha's knowledge, she aided in her father's plans to lock her inside an inanimate object, to be opened only once the chaos had passed and the Allagan threat was thwarted. <br><br> Needless to say, that day never came. Meracydia fell to the Allagan empire, and Raemha was forced to helplessly watch as her home and her people were assimilated into the empire and their culture lost. The trauma of being a bystander to centuries of history proved too much for her mind to handle, and eventually she snapped and closed her eyes and ears to the world outside. She spent much of her imprisonment in perpetual slumber, slowly forgetting all the horror she'd had to see until nothing of her past remained to be recollected. <br><br> The music box itself was passed from collector to collector, merchant to merchant, until its origins were forgotten and it simply became an elegant, golden gift exchanged between lovers and spouses. It wasn't until near the end of the Sixth Astral Era that the box was again found, discovered in the ruins of an aged mansion by Frederick Carver and his son, Navarre. The pair of treasure hunters broke the already-worn seal on the box and out appeared a young Miqo'te, naive and unable to speak a word of Eorzean. </font></div><br>
: <div style="font-family:Georgia;"><font size="2"> words </font></div><br>
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Revision as of 14:22, 19 March 2018


or if you wish be to close me,i and
my life will shut very beautifully,suddenly,

e. e. cummings.


Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... marihbelle rabintoe.

NICKNAMES... mari, belle, marie chèrie (mother only), witch, vampire.

RACE & CLAN... hyur, midlander / miqo'te, keeper of the moon.

GENDER... cis female.

AGE... twenty one.

NAMEDAY... 7th sun, 1st astral moon.

ORIENTATION... questioning / unsure.


PERSONALITY... enneagram type 9, infp, phlegmatic.

Other Statistics

NATIONALITY... unknown, presumably limsan.

CITIZENSHIP... gridanian citizen.

FAMILY... adoptive father, living in gridania. biological family unknown.

RESIDENCE... carline canopy or envoy house (goblet plot 19, 11th ward).

OCCUPATION... bard / performer & adventurer.

PATRON DEITY... oshon, though she also finds comfort in azeyma.

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 4 fulms, 10 ilms. 85 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... true neutral particularly as a "transitional" alignment. she tends to default to good as she enjoys helping others but she's not committed to doing good and certainly believes in a balance between good and evil.

Hair & Eyes
Physique & Markings
Hygiene & Attire
Psychological Profile
Philosophy & Mannerisms
● words
● words
● words

Combat & Weaponry

Basic Statistics
High: Dexterity, Intelligence
Above Average: Spellcraft, Aether, Wisdom
Average: Charisma, Endurance, Strength
Low: Pain-threshold, Tenacity
Aetheric Abilities
Mastery: None
Expert: Magical affinity, Magical defense
Average: Aetheric understanding
Novice: None
Weapon Training
Mastery: Bow, Tome
Expert: Sword & Shield, Staff, Astrometer
Average: Axe, Greatsword, Rapier, Hand-to-hand
Novice: Dual daggers, Lance, Gun, Katana
Combat Relevant Skills
High: Range, Deflection (magical), Targeting
Above Average: Parrying, Acrobatics, Field First-Aid
Average: Attrition, Fisticuffs, Speed
Low: Stealth, Footwork
Combat Information
Bolded weapons are those she's likely to use. The rest are to show where they would fit in.

OOC Note
Truth be told combat is not my favorite genre to role play, though it can be enjoyable from time to time. If it does come up, I'm comfortable with some systems of determining the victor, be they /random rolls or previous discussion.

Disclaimer: This page is continuously evolving and is not up for public knowledge. If you believe it would make sense for your character to know any part of this, please ask before assuming. Warning for mentions of sex and slavery.
Sixth Astral Era

Seventh Umbral Era

In Recent Times
Moving Forward

Relationship Status Legend

Tales Retold «tales»
Open World

NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"words" — rumorer.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"words" — rumorer.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"words" — rumorer.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!

Be the first to talk!

RP Info

Location & Probability
Ul'dah: High
Thanalan: Moderate
Gridania: Very high
The Shroud: High
Limsa Lominsa: Moderate
La Noscea: Low
Ishgard: Moderate
Coerthas: Very low
Dravania: Very low
Rhalgr's Reach: High
Gyr Abania: Moderate
Kugane: High
Othard: Moderate
Public knowledge:
Limsa Lominsa: Citizen.
Ask about:
Midnight's Envoy: Free Company.
IC Inventory
The following items are things that this individual carries on their person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets, and those watching her closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell.

Glio coinpurse.png Inventory goatskin.png Inventory knife.png Inventory rope.png Inventory spices.png

Coinpurse: A simple coin purse made of soft leather, containing a few hundred gil. While she's not wealthy by any means, she knows well enough not to travel with all her modest income.
Bota Bag: It may seem jarring, given the rest of her character, but Raemha does tend to carry wine with her.
Survival Knife: Used to clean meat and cut herbs when out in the field, though it would make a poor weapon in a fight. Still she likes it on her person even in cities, just in case.
Rope: Only when she's out in the field will she have a string of hemp rope in her satchel.
Seasoning Spices: Again, only when she's out in the field.
RP Limits
I try to keep my role-plays as flexible as possible, therefore anything not under "ask" or "no" is fair game. No's
I will play I enjoy both dark and light themes, heavy and drawn-out as well as light and quick. One-day plots, lengthy plots, romantic and/or sexual tension, one-sided feelings, temporary physical or mental restriction, combat, injury, drug and alcohol use, rivalries, frenemies, deep friendships, coarse language. Anything not listed below is fair game so long as it makes sense for the two characters to engage in such a way.
Ask about Long-term or permanent injury, markings / tattoos, significant mental scarring -- essentially, anything that would take over three months to overcome. I am not averse to significant changes or consequences, even negative, but I still wish to have control over Raemha's overall development.
I won't play Sex (it can happen but will be fade-to-black only), permanent injury (without heavy previous discussion), death, rape, NPC characters (too much conflict with lore/MSQ unless the character is sufficiently removed from the story), unsolicited ERP. Most importantly: anything OOC for either character or "forced" development.
RP Hooks
If I have my RP tag on, it means I'm more than willing to be approached and will be paying attention to chat for anything involving my character. If not, feel free to send a /tell and we can work something out.
■ I Will Figure This Out In TimeTM

OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
I will do my best to update this wiki as often as I am able and to provide you (the player) with as comprehensive a picture of Raemha as possible. Unless otherwise stated or given express permission, however, none of this information will be known to your character. Common and uncommon rumors are fine to use without verification, but start metagaming and I will ICly begin treating your character as though they're a stalker. I will start scratching out rumors or prompts that I grow bored of, result in a significant encounter and I purposely retire it to remain "special," or are no longer valid due to character development.

Tumblr: fauxvampyre
Discord: Hana#6053
Character Lore Adherence
I will try to adhere to in-game lore as much as possible. Should new information be revealed that contradicts something I have said, I will evaluate how much of a change that would require on my part and adjust accordingly. If it's too much of a change -- as in, it would compromise something fundamental to Mari's character -- I will list the contradiction below rather than work her character to fit the new information.
Character Tidbits
Character Concept
Ideas pulled from various inspirations: words
Tropes & Explanations
Whether partially or totally adherent, here is a list of tropes which would fit Raemha's character. These will be subject to change with character development.
Grey and Gray Morality • "Shades of grey" is perhaps they best way to explain how Raemha sees the world


Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.