Maribelle Rabntoh

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fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist,
but because they tell us that dragons can be eaten.

neil gaiman.


Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... marihbelle rabintoe.

NICKNAMES... mari, belle, marie chèrie (mother only), witch, vampire.

RACE & CLAN... hyur, midlander (primary) / miqo'te, keeper of the moon (secondary).

GENDER... cis female.

AGE... twenty nine.

NAMEDAY... 15th sun, 1st umbral moon (valentione's day).

ORIENTATION... homosexual.

MARITAL STATUS... polyamorous.

PERSONALITY... enneagram type 8, esfp, sanguine.

Other Statistics

NATIONALITY... hingan mother, doman father.

CITIZENSHIP... limsan citizen.

FAMILY... mother and father, both living in limsa.

RESIDENCE... mizzenmast or envoy house (goblet plot 19, 11th ward).

OCCUPATION... wandering magicker.

PATRON DEITY... nymeia, the spinner. maribelle is a surprisingly devoted follower of the twelve, though she only regularly worships nymeia (and sometimes byregot).

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulms, 7 ilms. 129 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... chaotic good, freedom before goodness.

Hair & Eyes
Thanks to her Hingan mother and Doman father, Maribelle's hair is naturally black and mostly straight. She'll generally style it with a wave to the endand she's always in the market for new products that may maintain the thickness and shine of her locks. If Maribelle has one weakness in vanity, it's most certainly her hair.

Her Keeper father passed on his yellow eyes, with large, dilated pupils to better absorb light at nighttime. It contributes not only to her nocturnal nature, but also to her odd appearance — especially at a first meeting.
Physique & Markings
Maribelle filled out her "womanly curves" at a young age. Her bust is on the particularly large side (double G in modern measurements), something she very much inherited from her father's side of the family, though her hips and backside remain about average. She's not particularly skinny but, again, ranging towards the middle of the spectrum, if not a tad more muscular after three years of intensive training as a Dragoon. Her arms and thighs in particular are quite toned.

One of Maribelle's more questionable personal choices is the giant "tattoo" which takes up her entire back. Those who are knowledgeable in the summoning arts would recognize it as one of the higher Ruin symbols (Ruin III to be precise) but it is very obviously not created from normal ink. The design pulsates, sometimes as a very powerful icy blue and sometimes with a duller intensity, but one thing is certain: this so-called "tattoo" is somehow alive. Were that it only was a trick of the eye, for the truth is something far more dangerous and controversial. See, one of Maribelle's primary fascinations in the field of magical research has always been the Calamity. As the most recent aetherial surge to date, it's not difficult to understand why. What is difficult to comprehend, is why Maribelle would choose to go to Carteneau and directly contain quantities of Bahamut's overpowering aether into the design on her back. Now while she is no novice and certainly takes prodigious care to maintain the magical wards, the notion itself is nevertheless a frightening prospect.

On a simpler note, Maribelle also sports a distinctive birth mark near the right lower corner of her mouth.
Hygiene & Attire
One of the few things Maribelle's mother instilled in her daughter is an extensive self-care regimen. If there's a potion or cream out there that's somehow used in improving one's hair or skin or nails, Maribelle has likely tried it — and then tried to improve it with her own research. It's not an exaggeration to say that she took up alchemy for the sole purpose of her own, personal beauty routines.

In line with the rest of her eccentricities, Maribelle is normally found in only one color: black. In modern terms, she'd be easily classified as "goth" for how she dresses — dark, mysterious, eerie, and romantic. She particularly enjoys the use of accessories, be they small hats or parasols to block out the sun. She's also fond of leather, chains, and generally anything that would make a statement. In fact, perhaps the only facet of her attire that would not fit the traditional "vampire goth" mold would be her particular fondness for pastel pink.
Psychological Profile
The first and perhaps most important thing to know about Maribelle is that she loves her freedom and will defend it to the death. She doesn't enjoy rules or restrictions — even those which are logical or beneficial — and often finds ways to either skirt around them or to outright break them. In this regard, one might even call her arrogant: she believes herself to be the exception to all rules, for she "knows" what she's doing and she always has "good intentions." Ironically, this has led her to commit more crimes than probably many of the petty rabble-rousers found in most cities. It also contributes to her exceedingly forgiving nature. Maribelle is not the type who wants to judge others or who has the willpower to hold onto a grudge, so she'll give people second and third chances — even (and perhaps particularly) when they don't deserve it.

Maribelle is also quite eccentric in her tastes, but rather than be ashamed of them she is contrarily quite open about her oddities. And if you get her talking about one of her passions ... well, let's just say that you had better have a lot of time on your hands. She will explain every little intricacy in enormous detail.

Speaking of passions, two of her greatest are love and sex. Hearkening back to the freedom-loving aspect of her personality, Maribelle is strictly non-monogamous but, as she does not believe in hurting others, she is not duplicitous about her intentions. She will not lie about the fact that she will be in relationships with multiple people at once, though that does not mean that all of her partners will receive equal treatment. Just like everyone else in the world, Maribelle has her favorites but she will give the same level of respect to a casual fling as she would to a lifetime, primary partner. As for sex, well, she will certainly make a pass at just about any attractive female she meets. She's none too fussed about being a curious lady's first experimental foray into same-sex relations, nor is she terribly bothered about being used as a rebound or for revenge. She's aware that her role in others' lives is largely transient, and that those who want to stick around are largely the exception and not the rule.

Despite her quirks and her active social life Maribelle's primary focus has always been on scientific advancement, particularly in the field of magic and aetherial understanding. Her intellectual capabilities are prodigious and unrivaled, though terrifying. She's a scientist who will stop at nothing for enlightenment, even if it means putting herself or others close to her at risk. Knowledge is the power to do good and to change the world for the better, she believes, and that is a goal noble enough for almost any sacrifice.

All in all, her off-kilter personality make for either an interesting and entertaining companion, or a disconcerting being playing too much with fire.
Maribelle's voice is set at a deeper alto, with an almost hauntingly foreboding sensuality to it. Asakawa Yuu is her voice actress.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
Her love for freedom is something which permeates into just about every aspect of Maribelle's life. From her relationship status to her non-judgmental attitude, Maribelle firmly believes that all should be allowed to chase whatever makes them happy so long as it won't cause non-consensual harm.

If there's one thing to be said about Maribelle, it's that she can talk — a lot. Both her mouth and her brain move exceedingly fast, so it's not unusual for someone to ask her a question only to find her already moved on to the next three subjects. It also doesn't help that she's sometimes just speaking to herself, which only adds more to the confusion. Still, if you prefer taking a backseat in the conversation or if you can actually follow her meandering train of thought, she's very charming and comical.
● Mystery and intrigue
● The macabre
● Nighttime
● Classic romantic gestures
● Red wine
● Rich textures
● Black tea with night milk
● Sunglight
● Having restrictions imposed on her
● Holier-than-thou types
● Very "lawful" individuals
● Extreme heat
● Getting her hair wet
● White chocolate
● Aetherial research
● Gardening
● Alchemy
● Taxidermy
● Spellcraft