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Template borrowed from Bexy's page.
An Unlikely Ally
Milly felt bored. She had only come into existence a scant few turns and this realm, the void, had already bored out of her young, mostly instinctual mind. She had no urge to follow or learn from those around her. They all just seemed so one dimensional to her. Feed, grow strong, Feed on the stronger, grow in strength more. She felt a strange sort of displeasure from it all. Thus she began to wander. For a time, this made her feel less bored. Looking upon the various creatures and beings the populated the void... entertained her. But even then her boredom would catch up to her. She had seen some of her kind breach the walls of the void. Watching this filled her with equal measures of fear and wonderment. She attempted what she had seen but each time she would fail. Not strong enough. Upon her umpteenth failure she began to wander again, her head hung low and her wings wrapped around herself tightly. She simply didn't watch where she was going. Because of such, she found herself falling. Falling... falling... it seemed as if an eternity had passed before she finally found herself upon an unfamiliar surface. The air felt different, as if it was filled with life. The very ground she was resting on was filled with warmth. All of this fascinated her young mind. But something pulled upon her perception. Something was drawing upon her very essence. She felt sluggish, weak, sleepy. She felt as if the weight of this new world was trying to crush the life from her. Her eyes fell upon a young sleeping being and a primal urge took over. Fear and desperation drove her towards the sleeping being. Then suddenly she felt herself WITHIN that very being. A deep, gentle warmth guided her towards her unknowing target. She sat in awe of the burning flame before her. Her instincts telling her to consume, pushing her towards that flame. She threw herself against it, trying to overtake it. Panic slowly sets in as she feels those flames engulf her very being. Was this her end? She could feel herself being overtaken, her essence lingering then being fused into the flames around her. Her consciousness fades in and out. Suddenly everything drops to a standstill. She feels eyes that are not her own slowly open.
Where was she? What was happening? What is this sensation?
these questions flew passed these eyes that weren't her own as she felt something moving. She recognised the body that these eyes she couldn't control were gazing upon. Suddenly revelations slammed into her mind, threatening to drown out her own tiny thoughts. She knew she was within someone else. She knew that she wasn't strong enough to take control. She knew all too well that now her fate had been tied to the one she now rested within. Never before did she have the urge to speak, but now more than ever she wished with a great intensity to be able to do something to communicate with the being that was now both her prison, and her only hope of survival. She felt something enter her mind, or was her mind entering something else? She could not find an answer while so many foreign thoughts and something else danced around her mind. What were these feelings of warmth? What was this... pleasant feeling that permeated the body and mind of her prison?
Time simply continued to pass, her young mind slowly starting to grasp and comprehend the information that her prison was unwittingly feeding her. She felt as if she might finally be able to communicate when those loud sounds startled her prison awake. She could feel the icy grip of fear that was pressing down upon the body of her prison. The sounds of death and destruction that slowly came closer and closer.
Move... move damn it!
She cried out with her very essence as the sounds grew nearer still. Her prison... responded to her cry. She felt him hurriedly pull himself under his bed. She kept him still. She kept him quiet. She finally had some measure of power. With that power she saved herself and him. Once the sounds stopped, She kept him still for a little while longer. But her grasp of power slowly slipped from her fingers. He was in control again. Feelings of confusion, loss, and sadness assaulted her very being. She felt something deep within herself change as her prison... her keeper... Quietly lamented the loss of his parents. She knew he couldn't stay where he was. This place of warmth and happiness was no longer such. She gently urged him along to collect what he would need, then gently directed him out into the wilderness.
Again time would pass. As she matured beside her keeper she felt herself change along side him. Old urges seemed to fade away, leaving behind only the urge to continue surviving. Yet something started to take the place of those old urges. She felt her very being becoming warped and changed from what it originally was. As if her prison was unconsiously sculpting her into something else entirely. She became acutely aware of his senses, his feelings, his thoughts. Everything felt clearer. Deep inside she felt as if something primal was being quelled. It felt wrong at first, but then it became clear to her that such was needed so that they would both be able to survive. Again and again, stress, fear, and anger would let her take a vague form of control over him. But once the danger had passed she would feel herself become powerless again. It used to infuriate her. But this, like so many things before it, became something she understood and tolerated.
Even more time had passed. She no longer felt the feelings of her prison. Rather, she felt with her own feelings now, Separate from her keeper. As her knowledge of this strange and new land grew, so did these feelings and thoughts. Still, her primal urge for survival remained untouched. It drove her to let her feelings develop, so that she might better understand how to understand her prison, and how to direct it more effectively during times of crisis. But nothing from before prepared her for the foolish act her keeper would do this night. He quietly chanted and her body felt like it was on fire. She had to stop him. When she awoke a few moments later, there was only one thought on her mind.
And so her prison moved, crawling out of the massive hole that used to be most of a wall. She breathed a sigh of relief as she heard his thoughts.
Never going to try that again.
She quietly led him to safety.
What are you doing!? Why are we out here!? I... We know they are important but what is going to happen to them if we get ourselves killed out here!?
She screamed at him again and again. But he would not be dis-waded from his foolish course of action. The world might as well have been ending for all the explosions and fire that surrounded them both. Finally her prison listened to reason and he dived into a sandstone building. That wall was suppose to stay solid though, She thought to herself as it collapsed onto them. When her prison finally re-awoke, she could feel how jumbled and shattered his memories had become. She quietly held up what little she managed to protect before the wall had come down and it was swiftly taken up into his mind, flashing across his eyes. With this act she closed her own eyes. While he remained mostly untouched, she felt deep wounds across her body. She knew she would have to rest. She knew she would have to leave him to his own devices. That thought terrified her. But to remain awake would mean death for the both of them.
It was a very long time until she could finally open her eyes again. Her body had changed yet again, her feelings and thoughts resembling her prisons. Somewhere along the way, she had developed so thoroughly. She had a coherent mind and a myriad more feelings than before. She had morals, goals... She had become something much more than what she was so long ago. She had risen above what she would have become had she stayed within that cold, merciless void. She felt like she had a real purpose now. She gave her keeper a hug from inside and smiled as she saw that many of those fragments had formed into coherent memories. She softly touched upon one of them that held his adoptive family and felt so glad that that warmth had remained. She would continue to hold vigil over Rei, protecting him as she had always done. Not for her own survival. Not anymore. But for their shared survival... because she wanted to help Rei experience a long and full life and to live it along side him. 

Revision as of 03:09, 17 July 2014

 Rei Wakeflame
Rei 29 05 2014.png
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan (Hybrid leaning Keeper)
Citizenship Unaffilated
Namesday 28th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon.
Occupation Member of the Kindred.
Age 26
Residence The Goblet
Server Balmung
Last Updated 29/5/14


Rei is a well mannered and polite Miqo'te who has spent much of his life exploring. He has been to nearly all corners of the realm and greatly enjoys returning to the less civilized and quiet areas of the world.

He can be quite loyal, but only to those who have truly earned his trust. And even then it is not a blind loyalty. Still, he is always willing to offer a helping hand to anyone he happens to pass by.

Rei is surprisingly intelligent despite his shy and quiet demeanour. He has spend many a time reading and learning all he can in between training with his lance and doing jobs.

Rei had spent most of his life as a wandering mercenary, helping anyone and everyone he would come across regardless of payment. Currently this has changed as he has become employed by the Kindred. He... hasn't actually done much work wise since he joined up with them but he is being a lot more social than he used to be.

Overall Rei is a very kind and friendly person, if a bit quiet and reserved. He's like a rock in the stream we call life. Someone whom you can count on for support and protection, even if you barely know him. Though he does have his own hidden depths... and his own sort of cowardice.


Full Name - Rei Alissa Wakeflame

Height - 5 Fulms, 7 Ilms

Weight - 147 Ponz

Hair Colour - Black

Eye Colour - Left: Light blue/Right: Dark blue

Skin Colour - Dusty black

Religion - Althyk, The keeper ( Very loose belief/worship )

Laterality - Ambidextrous, but favours his right hand.

Sexuality - Promiscuously Bisexual


Speech- Rei tends to speak in a fairly sophisticated way, as well as being very polite. His voice is fairly deep, though he usually hides this fact by speaking in very gentle tones.

Mind- He's fairly mature for his age. He is also decently intelligent and never fully trusts anyone until he gets to know them better. Rei is mentally strong, thus it takes a lot to break him down.

Emotions- Rei prefers to keep his emotions in check at all times. He does his best to avoid having any outbursts or otherwise allow unpleasant emotions to surface in front of others. It takes a surprising amount of effort to cause him to break out of this shell, but if you do manage to anger him sufficiently he will show you exactly how angry he is, either with words or with fists as the case may be.


Rei is a decently tall Miqo'te with a very long and fluffy tail. He has two differently coloured eyes, his left eye being light blue and his right eye being dark blue. He also has two marks near his eyes. His left ear as a small nick on the very tip.


Rei isn't particularity picky with what he wears. As long as it has some kind of armour attached to it that is. He also much prefers function over form with his clothing. Of course he does have one little quirk, that being that he MUST have a hidden pocket in whatever he wears.


Rei has been officially trained in how to use a spear and continues to train himself every day. He does have some skill with his fists, as he has managed to survive more than a couple of bar brawls. He also understands how to take a hit and also understands its better to parry or dodge a blow if possible. He has been in combat against many a monster and man, so it would be fair to say he's a seasoned warrior.


Rei was trained in the way of the lance by the wood wailers in Gridania. He was a natural with a lance and learned many techniques very quickly. The spear he uses now is the same one he had back when he had to feld his raided home. The spear itself, as Rei had learned, is called an Obelisk. There are two small indentations along the shaft, almost as if something could be set into it.


Rei has reconsidered his stance on Aether and is currently being trained by Khuja in how to properly manipulate aether. Rei does have a small problem, as whenever he channels aether, force based aether builds up around his hands. He is able to make bubbles of force aspected aether, as well as putting a thin bubble of another type of aether around it, producing an explosive bubble with different effects.

There is also a small shift in Rei's Aether accompanied by his eyes changing colour sort of thing. Light blue eyes meaning he acts more submissive and gentle. Dark blue eyes meaning he's much more aggressive and dominate. Even darker blue eyes meaning a sort of berzerker state. Anger, stress, and pleasure, as well as certain situations will cause these changes to occur.



The Full moon






Favourite Food/Drink: Grilled Aldgoat, Grape Juice
Favourite Place: Coerthas, mainly out in the snowy wilderness.
Favorite Weather: Snow
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Color: Emerald Green
Favorite Scents: The air after a thunderstorm


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing     Wary    

Blood Ties

Lina Wakeflame (Deceased): Rei's mother. Not much is known about her and Rei lacks any memory of her.

Ke'sia Tia (Deceased): Rei's Father: Not much is known about him and Rei lacks any memory of him.

Kith and Kin

Shadow Merodi A somewhat shy Seeker who turned out to be one of Rei's childhood friends. Simply seeing her and speaking with her has brought back many memories for him, most of them good.

Spades Merodi A Seeker whom Rei considers to be like a mother to him. She is also another gateway into Rei's hidden past.

Friends and Enemies

Khuja'to Tayuun A Keeper that Rei has spoken with and has fallen into a relationship with. Rei feels the need to protect him.

W'pondahl Amih A friendly seeker that Rei met down in the Kindred bar. He considers her a good friend.

Sini'to Shadar A Seeker Rei has spoken with down in the bar from time to time.

Sastra Mortier A highlander woman who Rei has a good bit of respect for, specially since she is his boss now that he has joined up with the Kindred.

Umi Unsei A surprisingly shy Keeper whom Rei has spoken to a couple of times. He always feels the need to comfort her.

Bexy Amalaryssia A friendly Seeker whom Rei met under... interesting circumstances. Rei considers her a friend.

Vijara Windaar A Keeper that Rei has spoken with a couple of times. She dealt with recruiting him to the Kindred.

Emelia Iscantel A seeker Rei has encountered a couple of times. His opinion of her has fluctuated with each meeting. With the latest meeting, His opinion of her has gotten much better.

Kai Sephtis A midlander whom Rei regards as a friend and holds a good amount of respect for.

Z'sisha Tyata A slightly hyperactive Seeker that Rei has spoken with and considers her a friend. Perhaps one day he'll correct her on how to say his name.

Quinthel Moraguin A Duskwight that is quite skilled at cooking. Rei has spoken with him a couple of times.

Zarya Amalaryssia An... intriguing Seeker Rei has seen and spoken with at More than a couple of times. Rei wishes to protect her while she regains her memories.

Krysslona Hezzwyn A very cuddly Roegadyn woman whom Rei has spent a time with, and whom he wishes to continue spending time with.

L'nessa Kasah A very friendly Seeker woman whom Rei has spent time with. Despite only knowing her for a short amount of time Rei considers her a good friend.

L'farah Kasah A Seeker woman whom Rei has encountered a couple of times. First time was full of yelling and anger. second time, much less yelling and anger.

Gaige Tyflin An interesting Miqo'te that Rei met during the comedy night. Rei wouldn't mind encountering him again.

Mimiru Miru A lalafell that Rei has encountered and spoken with from time to time. He approves of her advances on Miss Pond and hopes for the best for them both.

Melisie Derinloire A female Duskwight Rei met down in the bar and became fast friends with. She is yet another person Rei wouldn't mind meeting again.

Those Met In Passing

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0 Cycles- Rei born somewhere within the shroud.

5 Cycles- Rei's peaceful life ends as bandits burst into his families home and murder his mother and father. He escapes death by hiding under his bed until the bandits leave, then quietly lifts a loose board in his parents room and grabs two gemstones ( An emerald and a ruby) As well as a spear, then flees out into the cold night. It's then that he is found by the wood wailers.

10 Cycles- Rei has devoted himself to learning how to use lances as well as learning how to properly read and write. Occasionally sneaks out of Gridania to explore.

14 Cycles- Rei feels as if he has learned all he can from the wood wailers and sets off into the world to explore and train on his own. Despite his young age and inexperience, he attempts to help anyone he meets who are in need.

15 Cycles- Rei encounters the Merodi family and becomes fast friends with Nemo and Shadow, as well as their mother, Spades.

17 cycles- Rei attempts to train himself in the ways of manipulating aether. The results are... explosive. Rei swears to himself that he will never attempt such a thing again and hopes that that hole in the wall isn't too troublesome for the Inn's owner.

20 cycles- Rei has explored most of the realm and has made numerous visits to the Meordi family. Even after 10 cycles of training, Rei continues to sharpen his skills with his lance whenever possible.

21 cycles- With Dalamud rapidly closing in on the world, Rei desperately searches Thanalan for the Meordi's. He fails to find them and tries to hide in an old sandstone building as the land around him is blasted asunder. He ends up with a wall crumbling on top of him as a stray part of the moon smashes into the building he was in. He wakes up once the devastation stops, with nary a memory besides his own name.

22 Cycles- Rei makes his living off of helping rebuild, as well as assisting the needy whenever possible. Also Mercenary work.

26 Cycles- Rei is found by Bexy in an empty lot near the Kindred home. Ends up joining the Kindred. Current.


Commonly Heard Rumours

"That fellow with the fancy spear? Why, he helped move some of my merchandise... and for half the cost I'd normally pay!" - Lalafell merchant

"You mean that quiet Miqo'te I see lurking around sometimes? I swear he's up to no good."- Guardsman at Camp Dragonhead

"y' mean t' man who bought us all a round o' ale last night? E's a good lad." - Drowning wench regular

Lesser Heard Rumours

"That guy? He only ever orders grape juice. Seen him stare at it as if he was lost in thought more than once." -Bar owners across Eorzea

"That man has saved my life on more than one occasion. Can never get more than a couple of words out of him though." -Roegadyn traveller

Rarely Heard Rumours

"I swear that fellow is always around when I need him. Fields need plowin'? He's there. Need to move some crates into storage? He already has a couple tucked away nicely. Couple of animals gone missing? He's already herding 'em back into the pen. Monsters attacking? Half of 'em will be skewered before ya can call for help... Yet he never asks fer payment." -La Noscean farmer

"Yes, I've seen him. He's usually deep within the forest... looking as if he was searching for something. Never says what he's searching for. Hells, I'm lucky to get more than a nod from him." -Wood wailer patrol man.

PC Rumours

"Mmm? Oh, Rei? Yes, well, he's certainly very polite, and rather well spoken at that! When you can get him to speak, of course. Such does tend to be a rare occasion from the times we have met. Most pleasant to speak to when he does, however!" - W'pondahl Amih

(Feel free to add!)

Template borrowed from Bexy's page.

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