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[[K'washi Amada]] - ||Old friends|| "S'one of my older friends, Kou. I've save his life once, an' it's enough ta know he think m'good people. Not many do."
[[K'washi Amada]] - ||Old friends|| "S'one of my older friends, Kou. I've save his life once, an' it's enough ta know he think m'good people. Not many do."
Reina has known Kou for several years, meeting him through his friend Jarrion and seeing him on shore leave on several occassions. While they never got -very- close, Reina's high opinion of the kid and his acceptance of her friendship gives them a sort of unspoken bond. It doesn't require much interaction, but she's there when the kid needs her and he's around when she wants some no stress company. Or a partner in mischief. Since Kou found a mate, this firiendship has been more strained--Reina's opinion of the mate is decidedly bleak. But she's not one to relinquish her hold on friends easily, so he still has her loyalty for now.
[[X'khai Tia]] - ||Deep friendship/Feelings|| "Met him as--y'know what? Nevermind. I trust him more'n almost anyone so...that's enough."
[[X'khai Tia]] - ||Deep friendship/Feelings|| "Met him as--y'know what? Nevermind. I trust him more'n almost anyone so...that's enough."
Reina met Khai as Sig, the highwayman with almost zero morals. He appealed to her impulsive, troublemaking side and they because fast friends. if she's honest, she'll say she enjoyed the danger involved. If she's very honest, she'll admit that it was also because he was very, very attractive. The idea of 'fun' was ruined rather quickly, however, when his sins came to the surface and she was dragged into helping put him and his Pride--mostly him--back together. After a few rough moments, Reina managed to form a real friendship with the real X'khai Tia. And while it's...awkward that the man is in love with her, she's too selfish to let him off the hook. His friendship and support is too important to her.
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===Contacts and Acquaintances===
===Contacts and Acquaintances===
[[Leah Carsen]] - "...Well...I was wrong about her, it seems. Little shit lost my friendship."
[[Leah Carsen]] - "...Well...I was wrong about her, it seems. Little shit lost my friendship."
[[Raik Samil]] - "Found him interestin' at first, but turns out he doesn't tend ta have much ta say. Least not ta me."
[[Little Shark]] - "Han'some young guy, an' flighty too. If I can jus' find him again..."
[[Little Shark]] - "Han'some young guy, an' flighty too. If I can jus' find him again..."

Revision as of 09:11, 13 January 2015

 Reina Dancer
"Look out, hun, v'got a gun for a tongue."
General Facts
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship None
Age unknown, looks 20's
Height 5'4"
Weight 100-110lb
Profession Cutpurse
Patron Deity Oschen
Server Balmung

<>This page is a WIP and will be updated often.<>


Reina is a slender, fit woman of average height and build. She has striking blue eyes and beautiful hair, but by the sum of her parts she's otherwise not incredible in any way. She has a scar across the bridge of her nose that pulls all attention from her features, as well as several scars of various types along the curves of her form. All of these, however, are kept carefully hidden beneath her clothing. One especially--which is the most meticulously covered of all--is a rough, ugly scar that spans a good deal of her right shoulder and upper arm. It's impossible to tell what might have made it.

The hyur manages to have near complete control over her mannerisms, tone of voice, accent, and expression at any given time. She may seem to one person a snivelling child of a woman while the next person may watch her fill up a room with her confidence--it all depends on her scheme at the time. This ability could easily be called sociopathic in nature--who knows? She may just be a good actress.

As for clothing, Reina tends to walk around in inexpensive fabrics and patterns. She always wears something with a large hidden pocket somewhere, and generally feels no need to apologize for her shabby looks. On rare occasions she can be seem wearing something more expensive--a set of materia enhanced armor or a nice dress. But this is very rare, either because she doesn't want to mess up her hard-won prizes, or because she doesn't like being forced to stand out.


  • The following is OOC knowledge only. Any hint of IC knowledge of this will be ignored and potentially cause me to be wrathful.*

Reina was born Andrea Thorne, fifth child and first daughter of a noble family in Gridania. She was raised well, highly educated, taught to play several instruments, dance, philosophy, and theories on arcanima. By the time she was ten her parents were dead and the youngest of her eldest brothers--seven years her senior--had taken over the role of raising her. Reina bullied him into learning to use a bow and a gun, although her interest in scholarly studies and her passion for music remained.

At age fifteen she was taken to visit La Noscea for her birthday, but on the journey back to the Shroud their ship was attacked my pirates and she was captured in the raid. Andrea lost all her memories at that point.

Given the name Reina Dancer by her captors, the young woman was convinced that she was a part of the crew and taken as the captain's 'pet'. For the next almost eight years she was abused and conditioned to be obediant and one of the crew. Only her naturally tenacious and defiant persona kept her independent and allowed her to make a rather violent escape about a year ago.

Now she is known to travel among any of the three city-states and the surrounding wilds. She makes her meager way as a masterful bluff, con, and pick-pocket. Recently, she's branches out and made a few connections and allies. But the name she's making for herself seems to be causing as much problem as it is ease.


Reina is stubborn as all hell, incorrigible, tenacious, playful, mischievous, clever, sly, intelligent, energetic, and friendly. She adores the thrill of defying those with more power than her and enjoys the tickle she gets up her spine when she successfully bluffs or lies to someone. Challenges are opportunities for fun and consequences are far-off and unthought of. Her resourcefulness makes up for her impulsiveness on many occasions, but she in known to get in over her head far too often.

Physical, emotional, and mental trauma has messed up her head. She acts compulsively and has adopted several ticks, or tells, that a keen eye can catch when she's lying, fearful, or upset. Otherwise Reina has developed an uncanny ability to lie and act which border on the sociopathic, and she uses this skill to get into trouble almost every day.

Reina is nosy, but generally not obnoxious or unkind as a person. She holds no loyalty to random strangers, but once a connection is formed she will grudgingly give special treatment. Such as no longer stealing from said person. Or helping them out.

There are so many layers and complexities to her actions and motivations due to her PTSD that she often doesn't know why or how she's doing many of the things she does. She is controlled by compulsion and fear and in turn attempts to impose control on her surroundings--largely unsuccessfully. The closer one gets to her real self, however, the less control, confidence, and energy she tends to exhibit.



M'sato Tia - ||Deep Feelings|| "Good person, s'got my back. People--includin' him--like ta say he's an ass, but....s'only cause he's kin'a an ass."

Reina met M'sato when she made an impulsive pull in the Quicksand. She was working on another mark when he just happened to be there, standing next to the bar, oblivious, and carrying a big fat purse of gil. She got away clean enough to stash it, but he saw her face and found her a few days later. After a testy confrontation, M'sato let slip that the money was for expensive medical treatments. Next thing she knew, Reina was tracking the man down and giving him the money she hadn't spent yet. In return, he made her dinner. Almost two months later, they've grown close due to a natural ability to understand and endure the other's difficult moments. Reina is incredibly thankful for and even dependent on M'sato, slowly letting him become one of the only people she truly trusts.

Flynt Reddard - ||Amusement|| "The Hyena? He's...bit of an idiot. But an intelligent idiot, if ya follow."

Met this guy when he was puffing his feathers and stepping on the toes of everyone at the grindstone. Reina was Flynt's last opponent in the Grindstone finals, and as he attempted to get her off balance with sexist and other such remarks during the fight, she managed to take him down with a swift and brutal kick to the groin. This not only won her a beautiful spear and fifty thousand gil, but his respect as well. Reina saw an instant change once the crowds of the tournament were gone, understanding that he had put on the facade as a combat tactic more than anything. She's quite proud of having won the man's respect, and finds back and forth banter with him to be highly amusing.

K'washi Amada - ||Old friends|| "S'one of my older friends, Kou. I've save his life once, an' it's enough ta know he think m'good people. Not many do."

Reina has known Kou for several years, meeting him through his friend Jarrion and seeing him on shore leave on several occassions. While they never got -very- close, Reina's high opinion of the kid and his acceptance of her friendship gives them a sort of unspoken bond. It doesn't require much interaction, but she's there when the kid needs her and he's around when she wants some no stress company. Or a partner in mischief. Since Kou found a mate, this firiendship has been more strained--Reina's opinion of the mate is decidedly bleak. But she's not one to relinquish her hold on friends easily, so he still has her loyalty for now.

X'khai Tia - ||Deep friendship/Feelings|| "Met him as--y'know what? Nevermind. I trust him more'n almost anyone so...that's enough."

Reina met Khai as Sig, the highwayman with almost zero morals. He appealed to her impulsive, troublemaking side and they because fast friends. if she's honest, she'll say she enjoyed the danger involved. If she's very honest, she'll admit that it was also because he was very, very attractive. The idea of 'fun' was ruined rather quickly, however, when his sins came to the surface and she was dragged into helping put him and his Pride--mostly him--back together. After a few rough moments, Reina managed to form a real friendship with the real X'khai Tia. And while it's...awkward that the man is in love with her, she's too selfish to let him off the hook. His friendship and support is too important to her.



Contacts and Acquaintances

Leah Carsen - "...Well...I was wrong about her, it seems. Little shit lost my friendship."

Little Shark - "Han'some young guy, an' flighty too. If I can jus' find him again..."

Alex Kiroi - "Cute an' bookish, an' fun ta have a conversation with. Only really met him once though, if I find him again we might jus' find an adventure."

Jarrion Vishar - "Jarr? Haven't seen him in awhile, though we used ta be pretty close awhile back. I'd see him on shore leave, share a drink."

Mala Rhiki - "Lil' bit crazy, lil' bit gullible. Lot sweet an' a -lot- fiesty. I like her."

Laen Ruelfal - "Ugh."

Zana'to Molkot - "...."

Haru Qwey - "Oh, I like ta call her prissy kitty. When she's not around. An' when she's around too, yeah."

Stanzie Ryhees - "Cute girl, an' sweet. Don' know her much, but I'd like to."

Armi Alliando - "Armi's a bit flighty. An' when m'not tryin' ta cover her ass s'kinda borin'. Not that I have anythin' against her."

Roh'to Nahl - "Cute cat boy? Check. But really don' know anythin' about him.

M'ikal Tia - "M'ikal is adorable. Don' know him well but kin'a jus' love him like a...like a...I dunno. Somethin' adorable."

M'ishi Vymendi - "She speaks too much and loses her purse too easy, if ya follow."

Vrail Torvan - "Easily distracted by a pretty cat girl, I gotta say. Vrail should pay more attention ta his surroundin's."


Whran'a Mhakaracca - "What, that Blade guy? Heh...pretty sure he' the one got my description."

Mahana Mana - "Not...sure who she is but...found out the hard way that she's rich -an'- she throws fits."

Naois Faller - "Crazy ass fucker. I -will- burst her eardrums next time. Watch."


  • Nicknames: Rain, a fond nickname given to her by M'sato Tia
  • Age: Unknown
    • Nameday: Unknown
  • Gender: Female
    • Sexuality: Straight
    • Marital Status: Single
  • Alignment: Chaotic
  • Height: 5'4"
  • Weight: 100-110lb
  • Body: Athletic/too skinny
  • Hair: Blond (Dyed Black)
  • Eyes: Bright, light blue
  • Skin: Pale/fair
  • Clothing: Varies


  • Attention
  • Flirting
  • Trouble
  • Books
  • A clear night sky
  • The ocean/the beach


  • Being on ships
  • Boredom
  • Prying people
  • Emotional commitments
  • Vulnerability
  • Herself

Areas of Expertise

  • Martial: Archer (highly skilled) ; Bard (average) ; Gunslinger (Master) ; Knives (fair)
  • Crafting: Fishing (Hobby-level); Goldsmithing (skilled); Carpentry (average)
  • Other: Pickpocketing/cutpurse (master); Singing (master); Harp (skilled); Piano (master)


  • Lying/acting
  • Coordination/balance
  • Resourceful
  • Intelligent
  • Perceptive


  • Panic attacks
  • Physically weak
  • Working with others
  • Impulsive/ fails to consider consequences
  • Fear

Other Notes


Reina is known to have mentioned Oschen on a few occasions, but doesn't have any strong religious affiliations.


The following rumours can be heard about Reina, predominantly in Ul'dah or Limsa. (If your character has an opinion about him, feel free to add it here.)

Common rumours

Uncommon rumours

Rare rumours

What PCs are saying

  • My rumour here!

--> Copy the above line and add your rumors below! Link your characters!

Known Haunts

You might have run into or otherwise know Reina from:

  • The Quicksand/Ul'dah
  • The Drowned Wench
  • Pretty much anywhere else