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===Rare rumours===
===Rare rumours===
"Says he's a religious man. Devout. Doesn't seem like any monk or priest I've met."
* "Says he's a religious man. Devout. Doesn't seem like any monk or priest I've met."
* "Heard he's been accepted by a Coeurl pack. Either he's brave or stupid, or stupidly brave."
"Heard he's been accepted by a Coeurl pack. Either he's brave or stupid, or stupidly brave."
===PC Rumours===
===PC Rumours===

Revision as of 15:14, 21 September 2015

 Corbec Dreyn
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 27
Height 6'7"
Weight 235lbs
Patron Deity Oschon the Wanderer
Server Balmung


  • Nicknames: Corbec, Coeurlman, Biceps, "That drunk bastard."
  • Age: 27
  • Nameday: 9th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good, rules are only there to make you think before you break them.
  • Height: 6'7"
  • Weight: 235lbs
  • Body: More athletic than most highlanders, less muscle mass, although he still retains some of that size.
  • Hair: Natural black hair, most commonly found pattern shaved.
  • Eyes: Sky Blue.
  • Skin: Paler colouration from his mountainous upbringing.
  • Clothing: Usually in some form of loose clothing, casual and comfortable for prolonged wear. Cool if possible. Sometimes wears more traditional clothing.


Corbec strikes an imposing image to those who look upon him. A strong form, piercing eyes, one covered by an eye-patch, and a permanent frown upon his face. A face which looks frowning all day is, unfortunately, just his face. He carries many scars upon him, from over his eye, to his torso and other places not usually seen, which adds to his face's natural 'charm'. While his visage could be described potentially as 'brute', it couldn't be further from the truth. With his hair, when grown out, tied behind his head and his clothing usually comfortable that meant to be protective, one could discern that this moody-looking nomad is not all he seems to be. Looks can be deceiving, not that Corbec minds it.


  • Drinking.
  • Eating good food.
  • Cooking good food.
  • Walking and exploring.
  • Meditating for relaxation and thought.
  • Waterfalls
  • Nature - Coeurl specifically.
  • Pressing people's buttons.


  • Money-minded people.
  • People who are unnecessarily violent.
  • Wanton disregard for other people's feelings or well-being.
  • Arrogance and self-importance. Humility sits much better with him.

Areas of Expertise

  • Martial: Trained in a monastery in the mountains bordering Xephatol, he trained in a form of combat many view similar to Pugilism, but they are quite wrong. Rather than pugilism, the martial forms he has come to know are instead based on eastern techniques that arrived in Eorzea many years ago.
  • Crafting: He can cook some things... mainly steak and outback/campfire dishes. And he knows calligraphy. He also brews his own alcohol and considers himself quite good at it.


  • Brave
  • Sense of humour
  • Adventurous
  • Selfless
  • Loyal
  • Willing to bring people up on their bullshit.
  • Attuned with nature to a point.


  • Can't resist annoying people, albeit playfully.
  • Drinks a bit too much
  • Lacks tact.
  • Laws are often obstacles to morality.


Corbec is a fun loving, nickname slinging, alcohol drinking Ala Mhigan of the north, raised to appreciate nature and to follow his own 'way'. This 'way' is a complicated and often non-taught way for someone to find themselves when out in the world, turning Corbec into someone who will talk down bandits enough for them to turn themselves in one day, to mercilessly hunting down poachers the next. His appreciation for nature has coloured his view of people, often finding purity in animals where over complication has clouded the hearts of many people he has met. With this bias, he still strives to aid people in the best ways he can, using his strength to his advantage for unskilled-labour, where he lacks the knowledge to perform, willingly helping to build houses for little more than some food and maybe some old clothing. He is extremely loyal to his friends, both willing to put his live on the line, but also willing be the one to call people out on their shit when needed. He is also strangely philosophical, despite his looks and often has a simple wisdom about him that can sometimes strike in a way that removes the need for complicated thought.


Born in Ala Mhigo, he was raised by his parents till he was five, when they left the city ahead of a Garlean invasion. His parents, fearing for his survival as they travelled through the mountains, left him in the secluded sanctuary of the hidden monastery to Oschon the Wanderer. After many years of being trained in their ways, both martially and philosophically. After learning their ways, as well as taking an interest in the brewing of alcohol, he eventually left the monastery in order to find his 'way' in the world, coming across an unlikely family with whom he has found a home.

Player Character Standing

Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing
Jethas Zykyri -
Brendt Fowkes -
Nathaniel Graves -
N'herys Kavvah -
Ludutena Torotena -
Jia'khan Voskos -
Azazelle Veusoix -
Vianne Marinterre -
Sharanna Burwani -
Tharsis Tor -
S'ereno Tia -
Adala Archer -
Blythe Graves -
Devin Grey -
Tris'tan Aonar -
Miedein Palantir -
Rick Fairchild -

Other Notes


Corbec is a devoted follower of Oshon the Wanderer.


He has a habit of forgetting, or even of just outright ignoring people's real names, instead opting for nicknames that he believes that to him, are much more appropriate.


While he wears little to no armour most of the time, he often carries with him a staff of wood and iron. Though heavy, he is seen walking with it as though it was a simple walking stick, its ornate patterns and metal plating making it both a fearsome weapon and ceremonial piece.


The following rumours can be heard about Corbec, from the South to the North.

Common rumours

  • "Ha! That drunk bastard? Came through here a while back and fixed up Old Man Gram's house. Smelt like ale but I didn't hear one complaint or saw one piece of gil swap hands. Suppose he can't be that bad." - Golden Bazaar resident.
  • "Yeah... I've seen him... I wouldn't go near him if I were you, especially if you seen his pet in tow. Big buggers, the pair of them. Stay clear." - Wineport Hunter
  • "Might be him, not sure. We had some guys wander in the other day, bloodied and beaten, walked straight into our midst and demanded to be jailed. Own protection they said. They just kept on muttering 'But he was drunk?..."" - Flames Corporal

Uncommon rumours

  • "He claims not to have a drinking problem, I think he said 'I drink, get drunk, I fall down, what problem?""
  • "Good customer, good brewer, seen 'im a lot around. But I aint telling you when or where."
  • "I hear he sleeps anywhere he wants, rocks, trees, the floor. What a weirdo."

Rare rumours

  • "Says he's a religious man. Devout. Doesn't seem like any monk or priest I've met."
  • "Heard he's been accepted by a Coeurl pack. Either he's brave or stupid, or stupidly brave."

PC Rumours

  • "Coeurlman might look like he's all gruff and bad attitude, b-but really he's an amazing man. He brews fantastic ale, a-and he's got a mischievious side I can appreciate. And, he's kinda m-my hero." - Nathaniel Graves
  • "He sees people for who they are, not what they are... I'm glad to call him my friend." - Devin Grey
