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! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>[[Asher Rukoth]]</b>. <i>The Wolf</i>.  <b>(</b><font style="color:#000000;" size="2">♥</font><font style="color:#b72a78;" size="2">♦</font><font style="color:#6B8E23;" size="2">✔</font><b>)</b> - <b>Sir Asher</b></div>
! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>[[Asher Rukoth]]</b>. <i>The Wolf.</i>.  <b>(</b><font style="color:#000000;" size="2">♥</font><font style="color:#b72a78;" size="2">♦</font><font style="color:#6B8E23;" size="2">✔</font><b>)</b> - <b>Sir Asher</b></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>"That one seems to quite enjoy the sound of his own voice.."</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>"That one seems to quite enjoy the sound of his own voice.."</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;">The two seem to have an ongoing game of pressure and release. Tease and flight. While it can be said that there are no romantic inclinations between the two, and indeed Odile has not even considered such lofty ideals nor shall she ever, they do share a bit of a side arrangement. Though she often wishes to strangle him with whatever is readily available at any given moment in spite of that fact.</div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;">The two seem to have an ongoing game of pressure and release. Tease and flight. While it can be said that there are no romantic inclinations between the two, and indeed Odile has not even considered such lofty ideals nor shall she ever, they do share a bit of a side arrangement. Though she often wishes to strangle him with whatever is readily available at any given moment in spite of that fact. Friends with benefits is likely the best way to describe them at this point, with neither having any desire to deepen that regard.</div>

Revision as of 14:24, 11 August 2016




BIRTH NAME... Odile Delacroix

CURRENT ALIAS... Ms. Delacroix


RACE & CLAN... Elezen, Wildwood

GENDER... Female

AGE & NAMEDAY... 27. Born 9th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon

ORIENTATION... Heterosexual



NATIONALITY... Ishgardian.

CITIZENSHIP... Currently applying for Ul'dahnan citizenship.

FAMILY... Most still off fighting the Dragonsong war.

RESIDENCE... A small apartment in Ul'dah proper.

OCCUPATION... Businesswoman, part time mercenary.


HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulms, 11 ilms. 147 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... True Neutral until explored further.

"And what do we have here?"


Born to a small family within the Brume, Odile has risen up through pain and hardship to become something of a grand merchant within the realm outside the confine gates of her old city-state. A pious if not devout woman, the Wildwood seeks to make her mark on the world outside the snow encased realm of her birth. Though the machinations of those long since dead and the growing plight of her kith and kin slowly seem to be drawing her back as time wears ever onward.


Standing at a fairly modest height compared to those of her kin, the petite Wildwood none the less stands with a straightened back and a confident posture in spite of her diminutive size. Her face is relatively clear of blemishes with the lone exception of a long scar that twists down from the top of her left brow and ends somewhere in the middle of the self-same cheek, cutting a swatch through a small smattering of freckles that stubbornly appear with each passage into the sun. Though she seems rather at a loss when it comes to the skin pigmentations and how to deal with their appearance, Odile none the less seems rather fresh faced compared to most who attempt to tackle such an issue. The only make up she bears is a small dusting of kohl along her eyelids and a berry mixed lip balm. The latter of which gives her lips a rather tart reddish looking hue even though it's application if mostly on the practical side much like the kohl.

With short-cropped hair the bold color of red and green eyes forever glinting in calm amusement, Odile paints a rather pretty picture when first taken in at a glance. Though her grooming as well as bearing is by no means impeccable enough to be of noble origin she none the less could be considered passingly pretty to some individuals. Though it is apparent upon closer glance that she carries small bits of wear and tear that when placed in conjunction with her personality almost make her out to be older than she truly is. Her hands are calloused things, hardened from years upon years of manual labor and having long since lost the attractive smoothness that is so prized by the ladies of virtue within her home city-state of Ishgard. Small little ink stains line her fingers as testament to her trade, as well as little black pitched areas along her forearms which she will laughingly describe as a lesson in alchemy gone wrong.

Aspects That Stand Out:
Pronounced limp in her left leg. If one were to spy her without any coverings they would see that a huge chunk of flesh seemed to have been removed, leaving the leg a twisted mass of scar tissue.
Long fingers covered in callouses.
A twisted, yet thin, scar that edges down her left brow and ends halfway down the same cheek.
Her forearms have black splotches interspersed all the way to her elbow, with the largest starting just above her delicate wrists. (Silver nitrate splotches.)


Odile possesses a rather affable if sedate sense of charm. Her expressions are muted and her words measured with great care, yet one would easily be able to sense the hidden warmth that lays beneath. Like all merchants however she has long since learned the value of fashioning proverbial masks depending upon the situation, donning them as she sees fit. Her words are lightly honeyed with each syllable and yet one would get the sense that she does not always put her true feelings first when dealing with others. It would take a great deal of effort to crack the various layers she has slathered over her persona to see the woman underneath it all and one might often find themselves debating whether the effort is even worth it in the long run. Particularly when she seems ever so keen on wielding her shrewd market sense to turn any situation into a business opportunity, thus further complicating matters.


Money. Growing up within the Brume, money had always been very tight. Now that she is outside Ishgard's sphere of influence however she seems to take great pleasure in building a fortuitous nest egg the likes of which will prevent her from being destitute once more.
Those Who See Beyond Class Restrictions. As one would expect given her history, she does not look kindly upon being reminded of her low birth.
Song and Dance. Though she possesses only a passable singing voice, she takes great pleasure in watching or even joining any revelry that might take place in the cities she goes through. Wherever she goes, she probably has a soft tune just on the tip of her tongue - humming as she walks.
Meaty Dishes. Growing up meat was a luxury her father could hardly ever afford. As a result she takes great pleasure in eating meat filled dishes now that she is able to afford it.
The Snow. Though she does not miss Ishgard itself, she does in fact greatly miss the cold winters it once played host to before the Calamity struck. Even now she only holds a passing dislike for the eternal winter and only because of the lives it is effecting.
Making a Sale. A merchant through and through, there is nothing more gratifying to Odile than the closing of a deal.
Charity Work. Though she often passes it off as benefiting her in some way - and honestly it usually does.


Nobility. Once more, being the lowest on the totem pole in a city-state that encouraged severe class distinctions did little to indenture any good will towards her 'betters'. She will hold her tongue as needed, but most self confessed nobles will find her presence rather frigid indeed.
The Witch Drop. She utterly refuses to step foot near the place, her eyes taking on an almost haunted glaze when pressed.
The Halonic Church. While she worships the Fury with all her might, she does not extend the same regard towards the church.
Liars. The ability to produce a clever twist of the tongue is hardly a noteworthy in her mind, and she views liars as those who simply refuse to learn how to properly dance around a topic as needed. It's crass.
Sand. It. Gets. Everywhere.
Disloyalty. Turning on each other was a death sentence in the Brume and it is a sentiment she still holds even long after leaving it's broken down streets.


Reading. She's a speed reader due to the necessity of reading through her paperwork in a timely fashion. However she always goes back and rereads a book at a slower pace if she truly finds it enjoyable enough to make the effort.
Riding. Chocobos are a bit of a novelty, particularly the flightless kind that most of Eorzea seems to favor. She's quite keen on going out for long rides when her responsibilities don't threaten to overwhelm.
Baking. Her father attempted to pass down the family trade when she was younger, though rationing left her with little if anything to work with even before the Calamity. Since leaving Ishgard and developing her skills she's become a more than passable patissier in her own right, though she only truly breaks out those skills with those she truly cares for.


Quick Witted. While not a genius by any stretch of the imagination, Odile is none the less quite sharp and able to think through problems at an efficient pace.
Calm Under Pressure. Part of being a merchant is keeping a calm head even when things seem as if disaster is looming overhead.
Hard to Read. Odile rarely allows her true emotions to show, even amongst friends. Making her a touch hard to read unless she specifically allows her guard down for you.


Pronounced Limp. Her left leg is practically dead weight for how much it restricts her movements. While usable it means that she cannot move quickly enough in a fight, nor can she handle prolonged bouts.
Bull-headed. Though it depends upon the situation, there are certain times when she'll lock herself into one decision and refuse to budge no matter what.
Slow to Anger, but Enraged Once There. An angry Odile is a sight one should never hope to see, especially as it ties into her bull-headedness and can create horrible situations.
Risk-Taker. Product of her mercantile background, she's none the less very prone to taking risks that have very little chance of pulling through. Which often blows up in her face.
Controlling. Due to her upbringing the need to constantly be in control is felt very strongly, even in something as simple as a business transaction. However due to her inability to actually earn this through her own charisma and not through the wealth she has amassed has left her a touch bitter. Currently she is doing her best to change this aspect of her character, but only time will tell if she is successful.


Establishing her Trading Group. So that she never knows the bitter taste of hunger again.
Secret. -
Secret. -



Gil-Pouch. A standard gil pouch, with a small embossed 'O' on the side. Capable of carrying around 500 gil at any one time.
Flask of Brandy. A discreet little bottle with a few swigs of brandy that the businesswoman partakes of in stressful situations.
Chest. Only seen on market days, it's used to carry the proceeds of each successful bazaar back to the bank.
Handkerchief. Fairly standard and useful for a variety of situations.
Quill. A hawk-feather quill with a silver tipped nub at the end. Perhaps the most expensive item she carries on her person at any given time.
Food Bag. She tends to keep a goodie or two stashed away when out and about, never sure when she will next be able to sit down for a meal. It usually contains dried fruit slices.
Ink-Well. An ink well that contains a mixture of aetherical and normal ink, making is useful in various deals she might be cutting.
Flask of Water. For when dehydration threatens.
Linkpearls. Kept inlaid within her earrings so they might be toggled with ease. New ones tend to be held in one of her various pouches until they can be added to the setting.
Sprig of Lavender. Hygiene is fairly important to the Ishgardian woman and while she abhors the pungent aromas perfumes tend to give off, she keeps a sprig or bag of crushed lavender with her at all times to help do away with the unwashed smell that tends to be found in most cities.
Pain Numbing Tonic. To help when the pain in her leg threatens to overwhelm.
Signet of Halone. Kept in a side pouch upon her belt at all times, only pulled out for devotionals and various prayers Odile might be in need of making.


Odile was once a rather proficient fighter with an axe and broadsword, cleaving her enemies in twain with deadly precision and ability. Due to an incident near Witch Drop several years prior however that she still speaks of only in hushed tones, the woman is essentially handicapped and incapable of the range of movements needed to perform as such again. The upper portion of her left leg is made up in a restraining brace and the skin underneath is deeply marred and gouged, looking akin to what would expect from a dragon's maw latching onto the delicate appendage. It affects the way she walks and the way she moves, making actual combat a strained affair that leaves her in more pain than not and often unable to move the next day. On the doctor's orders she has willingly refrained from any strenuous activities involving combat for the past few years, prioritizing her overall wellbeing and changing her life style to ensure that less fights are likely to happen.
However due to her profession, knowledge of the blade is still very much relevant in her life and just because she is incapable of drawn out bouts of strength does not mean she has foregone fighting entirely. While she has lost some of her prowess due to her choices regarding the wounds upon her leg, she is still a force to be reckoned with and will bring out her old weaponry on occasion. Though even she knows that she is more liability than asset as it stands.


Field Triage. While hardly a proper medic, Odile does bring some basic knowledge to the battle field and can patch people up the old fashioned way if no proper healer is available.

Lightning Quick Reflexes. Though her favored weapon only barely benefits from this fact, she is deadly with a knife at close distances for this reason. She'll often have it out and used before the other person can even sense that they've had their throat slit.

Accuracy. Having to trade away her strength of arm and mobility due to her leg injury, Odile instead has now focused on being as accurate as possible with her attacks in order to minimize any pressure upon her leg. For this reason she's slowly becoming a fairly proficient markswoman.


Mythril Bhuj. Foregoing the large axes of her youth, Odile none the less still keeps a middling Bhuj within good working condition stowed away at her office. It only is brought out when the need is greatest however.

Hand Hatchet. Kept on her person at all times, this hatchet is too small to do much in the way of overt damage, but still provides a nasty surprise for any stupid enough to engage in a tussle. It also doubles as part of her work kit when checking on inventory, making the handle appear well used.

Several stowed daggers.. It's the knife you don't see that will kill you. In her line of work it always pays to be prepared, and she does her best to make sure she has something surprising up her sleeve or down her boots when diplomacy fails.




Section Name


Section Name


Recent Times
■ Tidbit.


Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Benoit Delacroix, Father. ( ) - My kindly father.
Character's Thoughts: "Both he and my mother gave everything to my sister and I growing up..."
Though the two are now estranged, Odile grew up in a fairly loving family relationship with her father and mother. A baker by trade, Benoit did everything he could to see his little family fed - even though he often scraped by due to giving out scraps to the other Brume rats. When Elodie died however, he bought into the Church's verdict and took comfort that even if his daughter was innocent she at least now served at Halone's side. This acceptance of what Odile found to be a great injustice is what caused the current schism between father and daughter.
Manon Delacroix, Mother. ( ) - My hardworking mother.
Character's Thoughts: "My work ethic comes from her tutelage."
While more outspoken on their daughter's death than her husband, Manon none the less gave into the church's verdict as well and forced Odile to swear upon her faith that she would put the events of that tragic night behind her. As with Odile's father, this has caused their relationship to fracture, leaving only tense letters as their only means of communication.
Elodie Delacroix, Sister. ( ) - Dear Ellie.
Character's Thoughts: "Now that the tides have turned I shall clear your name... I swear it Ellie."
Her dear sister who was taken from this world back during the years when the inquisitors held the most sway in Ishgard, before Dragon-kind and Man reconciled. A soldier by trade, she was accused of heresy and sentenced to die at the Witch Drop for her crimes. Whether or not Elodie jumped willingly and the events that took place on that fateful night are only know to the Inquisitors in question and Odile herself, though she looks back upon the matter with a quiet sense of anger.
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Valeriaux Marquaile, A Quiet Friend. ( ) - Sir Valeriaux.
Character's Thoughts: "An interesting one, to be sure..."
A recent friend that has become someone Odile trusts implicitly. Though their pact was what fueled much of this development, that does not stop the woman from valuing is company above many others. Though there is truly nothing beyond friendship in Odile's heart for him, she none the less enjoys their infrequent talks and looks forward to each new meeting.
Scarlet Heath The Captain. ($ ) Miss Scarlet.
Character's Thoughts: "Only time will show if our ventures will bear fruit, though I trust the Captain all the same."
Currently the two are business partners, fronting half of the funds needed to start the Mythril Blades and bring it to fruition. Though they barely know each other and have yet to have their interactions truly tested, the two seem to get along quite well all things considered..
Avelyn Firestone The Drunk. ($ ) Avelyn.
Character's Thoughts: "I don't believe I've ever seen her without a bottle in hand."
The two have had only the barest of interactions, Odile managing the funds for the mercenary company and Avelyn being one of it's senior officers. The two seem to push at each other slightly, though they seem to find more amusement in this than anything else. Only time will tell how their interactions develop once they stop testing the waters.
Asher Rukoth. The Wolf.. () - Sir Asher
Character's Thoughts: "That one seems to quite enjoy the sound of his own voice.."
The two seem to have an ongoing game of pressure and release. Tease and flight. While it can be said that there are no romantic inclinations between the two, and indeed Odile has not even considered such lofty ideals nor shall she ever, they do share a bit of a side arrangement. Though she often wishes to strangle him with whatever is readily available at any given moment in spite of that fact. Friends with benefits is likely the best way to describe them at this point, with neither having any desire to deepen that regard.
Azrilla Rausten.The Dragoon. ( ) - Miss Azrilla
Character's Thoughts: "Quite capable that one seems."
Though the two have had very little interaction, Odile still respects the dragoon a good deal for her craft. Only time will tell how further interactions influence their standing with each other.




Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Seems an affable sort, though it wouldn't kill her to show a bit more emotion than those tiny smiles she seems to favor her customers with."
"Skilled merchant woman who seems to have a good head on her shoulders, heard she can procure whatever you need if you give her the time and coin necessary."
"Always out to make a profit, ain't ever seen her make a deal that ain't benefit her in some fashion. Even in charity cases!"
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Hard to tell what she's really thinking. Masks aplenty that one has."
"Seen her stumble out of her apartment a few times covered in flour and looking a right mess. What in blazes was she doing in there, making bombs?"
"Don't mess with that lass's profits iffin ya still wish to keep ya fingers. Heard she damn near chopped off some poor pickpocket's fingers clean off with a little hatchet she keeps shoved in her skirts. Right scary she looked too, all sweet smiles even as the poor lad howled for mercy.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Heard her sister was a heretic and got thrown clear off the Witch Drop some years back. Family blacked her name from the record or something so I hear, denying they ever had such a child in their midst. Odile gets right funny when it's mentioned however, rubbing her left leg and looking as if she might vomit on the spot before she can reel the expression in. Something happened that day I wager, and you know how the saying goes. There are three sides to every story; yours, theirs, and the truth."
"Lass has her hands in so many pies I don't rightly know where to begin and she'd be furious at me for giving any hints as to the nature of those associations. I will say though that even for a black market dealer she does have her limits. Ain't never heard her name mentioned in regards to slave deals or anything that involved any sort of ritual sacrifice. Yet beyond that she knows a plenty of people who can get what you need. You just have to be willing to pay the price."


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Like any swivin' Ishgardian, she be havin' a certain personality ta deal with. But she ain't half bad fer an Ishgardian snob, 'nd tha' says somethin'." — Avelyn Firestone.
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.


Dreaming Wide Awake
Artist: Poets of the Fall
Origin: Twilight Theater
Context: Very tragic and applicable to her past.
Artist: Vaness Mae
Origin: Storm
Context: Chaotic and powerful, like a tempest rushing through.
My Truth
Artist: -
Origin: Your Lie In April OST
Context: -
Artist: Yoko Kanno
Origin: Turn A Gundam OST
Context: -
Memory of Fanelia
Artist: -
Origin: Escaflowne OST
Context: -
Artist: Lizz Robinett
Origin: Vocaloid Cover
Context: Very closely related to her feelings over losing her much loved sister.



Player Note
I have a very clear distinction when it comes to OOC/IC. They must remain separate at all times if we are to RP together, especially on an extended basis and I reserve the right to end interactions should this be impeded upon. I've been burnt heavily by people mistaking IC care and OOC friendship and attention with romantic regard and honestly I don't wish to go through another such debacle once more. If my character dislikes yours that does not mean I hold the same sentiment. If my character loves yours that does not translate to me feeling the same for you, though I might feel a platonic equivalent. I am not my characters and they are not me. Respect this and we shall get along famously.
You can find and contact me via my username of Enla on the RPC or enlakertuh on tumblr. :3 Or just drop me a line in the game! I'm usualy on Odile these days.
Personal RP Limits
I don't have very many hardcore limits honestly as I feel consequences must be adhered to when RPing any character regardless of whom they might be. However there are a few exceptions to this and they are as follows.
I will play Almost anything that isn't described below.
Ask about Death, kidnapping, maiming, and sexual plot-hooks. I am willing to do almost all of them, but these need a special reason to be initiated - especially the first and last ones. I have no issues with my characters being maimed however and only require a brief talking to for it, so long as fair play is established and the offender accepts retaliation is likely.
I won't play Anything where the above rules are not observed.
Little Tidbits.
If you're ever uncomfortable, tell me! I don't bite! I can get pretty into RPing out consequences however and while I do my best to make sure permission is had and everyone is comfortable I'm not perfect. If you have a problem speak up.
This is a broad statement for all my characters, but I have a hard limit of at least three months before I'll allow my character to enter a relationship. A good friend mentioned their own rule regarding this and I greatly respected the idea of it, so I'll be putting it into practice myself. I've been burned far too many times by hasty RP relationships and want to make it clear from the get go so there is no misunderstanding. If your character is trying to romance my own, be prepared for it to take awhile.


Potential Plot Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP.
-While Odile is NOT a heretic, she is none the less sympathetic and could easily be scouted.
-Growing up in Ishgard, any other character who lived there within the past twenty-four years would likely have seen her on the streets at some point. Perhaps even heard about the 'incident' at the Witch Drop involving the lass with the red colored hair and grass green eyes. (While I request you ask first to get the exact details, I'm totally down for some negative repercussions or rumors you might think of regarding this.)
-Odile's leg grows more and more pained with each passing moon that she remains upon it, to the point where it's now effecting her work. She might be in the market for a magitek replacement should this continue.
-Those who might wish to join the Sea Breeze Bazaar as either staff or merchants would find her name attached to any fliers or documents about the event.
Character Lore Adherence
Information in this Wiki is Lore Compliant to the best of my knowledge. Information that has been changed to better fit with the lore of XIV will be listed below as necessary.
No changes required.
Tropes & Explanations
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works. In this case, the tropes below describe the character either in part, or as a whole. Their background, personality, appearance, etc, most of them can be described in the tropes below.
This section is still a work in progress.
Layout Credit
Template adapted from Bancroft Gairn, with edits by Xheja Rajhera, inspiration from D'lyhhia Lhuil, and more edits by Glioca Sargonnai. With the inventory page used with Odette Saoirse's permission. Please leave the link-backs if you use or modify the template. (Thank you so much for letting me use this!)