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Revision as of 04:30, 8 March 2017

Hien Kurogane
Pirate | Thief | Smuggler
Wiki Currently under Revision


Vital Information

KNOWN ALIASES: Kasasagi Kiba

RACE & CLAN: Au Ra, Raen


AGE: 30


Other Statistics

NAMEDAY: 16th Sun, 3rd Astral Moon

COBMAT SKILL: Fighting knives, Firearms

OCCUPATION: Pirate, smuggler, thief


RESIDENCE: Apartment in Ul'dah

Finer Details
Green Black Slightly tanned Athletic Confident
Arrogant, confident Ambidextrous Multiple (see below) Tattoos (see below) Smart, well dressed
Hair & Eyes
Hien tends to keep his hair long and tied back. His natural color is black, but he likes to add highlights of different colors, though he has a preference for white in particular. His eyes are dark green with a very faint glow to his limbal rings.
Physique & Markings
Hien is of average height for his race with an athletic build developed over the years at sea. He has several scars, particularly across his arms, shoulders and back, though only the one above his left eye is visible whilst dressed. There are others, as well as several other scars on his arms, shoulders and back but he tends to dress in a way which hides these from view.
Hygiene & Attire
Hien tends to dress smart but comfortable; he prefers dark, muted colors and well-fitting clothes which he is not afraid to spend exorbitant amounts of money on--when he can afford to.
On the outside Hien is genial and friendly individual, a man not averse to the company of strangers. However, close observers might note that he tends to listen more than he talks and is more than willing to let loose tongues wag, often encouraging them share more than they initially intend. He is a collector of information, with no particular preference for its method of acquisition, and is usually willing to pay a price for particularly useful knowledge.

As an individual, he is fiercely loyal to his allies, but he can be both vengeful and vindictive toward those he feels have crossed him. Though unlikely to ever double cross an individual unless first wronged himself, he will occasionally manipulate events to engender the best outcome for his own interests, and he is not afraid to don a mask a play the fool if it will get him what he wants.

He is a careful and calculating individual, a manipulator who prefers to tie strings to people with which make them dance, rather than resorting to the use of violence. He is not averse to using physical threats when necessary, however he commonly believes that there are easier ways to get what he wants than with brutality, and that intimidation does not always need be physical in nature.
Hien is usually polite and comes across as both well educated and reasonable, unless he wishes otherwise. He can be known to raise his voice when angry or belligerently drunk, though he prefers the subtleties of a softer tone when seeking to intimidate with threats or violence, but in general well spoken, confident and educated, if not a little arrogant.
Hien's primary motivations usually revolve around one of two things: loyalty toward those to whom he has given it and, in more specific situations, the protection of his own interest. He takes the concepts of duty and loyalty quite seriously, and is capable of going to extreme lengths to see something through once he has given his word on it, whether that be in business or personal matters.

His obsession with secrets and whispers is driven by the belief that it is the thing you don't see coming that will often get you killed, as well as an understanding of the value that information can have to the right people.
Traits and Skills
● Observant
● Analytical
● Intelligent
● Loyal
● Arrogant
● Overconfident
● Manipulative
● Cynical
● Fighting knives
● Firearms
● Cooking
● Basic alchemy

Combat, Abilities & Weaponry
Weapon Training
Mastery: Katana
Expert: Fighting knives
Average: Unarmed combat
Basic: Firearms and bows
Combat Relevant Skills
High: Swordplay
Above Average: Tactical skills
Average: Knowledge of poisons
Low: Magic
Non-Combat Abilities
Triage: Basic understanding of field medical skills, able to patch up a wound or set a broken limb
Cooking: Able to cook a meal without poisoning people (unless its intended)
Alchemy: Capable of identifying and preparing common poisons and potions
Fighting Style
Hien is a skilled swordsman who nevertheless prefers to remain out of the field of combat wherever possible. In recent years he has become more of an ambush fighter who prefers to set up or control the field of battle from a distance, with the firearm being his preferred choice of ranged weapon. If caught off guard, or should an attack from a distance be difficult or too risky, he will often default to the use of a knife or short sword instead. He will only fight unarmed if he has no other choice and he usually carries more than one knife on his person to ensure that he is rarely without a back-up should he be relieved of his main.

Hien likes to be able to set up the field of battle to his own advantage, and is not averse to using dirty tricks and questionable tactics to ensure victory. If sniping from a distance is out of the question, he may resort to the use of poisons in order to skew the odds in his favor in close quarters, or to avoid a fight entirely.
OOC Notes
I'm setting Hien up to be a Samurai once the class is available, but in light of the lack of current lore I'm reluctant to commit more heavily than to suggest he has skill with the weapon.

In combat scenes I prefer to use a roll system unless I know the other individual role-player well and we are both reasonably confident that we will play fair and refrain from god-modding and meta-gaming behaviors.

I only engage in emote style RP combat, and avoid PvP or Duels in RP as I do not believe that a players PvP skill should be tied to a characters IC skill. I also believe that a character's level should not dictate their IC skill (unless the player wishes it to), as I see character level as an OOC gameplay mechanic rather than a binding story element.



Hien was born and raised in village outside of Doma but after an ill-timed altercation with Imperial soldiers, was forced to flee. He fled to the city state in his early twenties and there, with the help of a friend, was able to secure passage on a ship to a safer locale.

A few weeks into their journey, the merchant vessel came under attack by pirates and Hien found himself volunteering to serve under the pirate captain in order to save his own life. He intended to flee the first chance that presented itself, however his skill with the blade and quick learning where it came to the firearm, made the captain wary of letting him slip through his fingers. A little digging in port revealed that the Raen had a price on his head, and when the captain learned this he used it to further blackmail Hien in order to ensure he remained loyal to the crew. In order to protect his own life, as well as that of the friend who had aided in his escape, Hien reluctantly agreed to the captain's demands. He found himself pressed into service under a man who was both vindictive and cruel - not only toward those he preyed up, but to those who crewed with him as well.

When the crew of the ship finally mutinied against him, Hien was there with the ringleaders. It was his suggestion to leave the captain, bloodied but not yet dead, on an island where they walled him up inside a cave with only a bottle of poison-tainted water. If he chose to take it to escape the much slower fate of starving alone, the poison would promise the man a most agonizing death.

From Doma to Eorzea

Hien remained with the pirate crew for a year longer until the rebellion in Doma drew him back to his homeland, searching for signs of his family's survival in the rubble of the Garlean-wrought devastation. He found only vague rumors that suggested one sister may have survived the razing to flee west with the refugees, but further digging uncovered slightly more solid confirmation on presence of a uncle somewhere to the north of the city. Not wishing to cross paths with him lest he still hold a grudge for the events which caused his flight in the first place, Hien rejoined the pirates and with them sailed west after the refugees. It seemed the wisest course of action given the destruction and, though he had no desire to remain a pirate for the rest of his days, if his sister had gone west with the others, he was keen to find her.

After landing in Eorzea, the pirate crew returned to more familiar waters of the east and Hien left them for good. However, he still maintains some contact with the captain, who serves as a liaison between himself and an important contact in Doma, as well as keeping him informed of his uncle's activities back home.

Recent Events


Relationship Status Legend

Kasumi Kiba (Sister)
Hisayori Kiba (Uncle)
Masahide Kiba (Uncle)
Hiromasa Kiba (father)

Sukeyo Kiba (mother)
Former Acquaintances
Shiden Rokuyari
Kyoko Tsuwamono
Akano Rokuyari

Akano Rokuyari (friend)

Hiromasa Kiba (father)

Sukeyo Kiba (mother)

House of the Four Winds

((Disclaimer: House of the Four Winds is an RP LS. We are always open to new members. Please sent a message to Hien in-game if you are interested))

The House of the Four Winds is a covert organization of assassins, spies, saboteurs and thieves who use information brokerage and a growing network of members to seek out potential clients, offering their services in exchange for money and/or favors. Members of the secretive network keep in contact with one another via Link Pearl and through a small but growing network of affiliated businesses and safe houses. Membership to the group is by invitation only, though interest parties may make contact with the group via one of their public business fronts (see below for details).

Operations and Recruitment

The current incarnation of the Four Winds is a secretive one, mostly made up of individual operatives connected to one another through bonds of loyalty. They operates from a number of privately owned safe houses, most of which belong to existing members who have opened their businesses up for the use of the group. These locations serve as both gathering points and safe-houses for existing members and as points-of-contact for previous and current clients who have been deemed trustworthy enough to hold that information.

The Four Winds finds it own clients, rather than waiting for business to come to them. Any full member has the right to bring a contract proposition to the table, and once the risks and benefits have been laid out, a decision is made by those gathered, on whether to approach the potential client with an offer or not.

The group operates with only minimal hierarchy, although each member fulfills a distinct role in the organization. All members of the group have a say in anything that affects them as a whole, from contracts and missions to the admission of new members, however, the leader of the organization has the final say in all decisions. Whilst the hierarchy is deliberately simple, all members are expected to act in concert with the organization and loose cannons will not be tolerated. Those who take on missions of their own volition without seeking the consensus of the whole, or seek the benefit themselves above others, will find themselves without support in the field. Those who repeatedly act rashly and risk bringing exposure to the organization, it members or its clients, will be cast out and possibly face further retribution for their indiscretions.

OOC Notes

Theme: The House of the Four Winds is built around the concept of a small network of highly skilled professional criminals who have come together in collaboration so that they might (amongst other things) take on bigger, better paying, more challenging jobs than they ever could alone. It is a co-operative, collaborative organization of specialized individuals seeking to make a name for themselves in the criminal underworld. The group is designed to be small both IC and OOC, and ICly members are expected to abide by a strict code of loyalty to the organization and one another.

Recruitment: Whilst IC membership is by invitation only, OOCly the LS is always open to new members. If you'd like to join please send a message Hien in-game. We are specifically looking for active members who are interested in our concept and who RP characters who are highly skilled in their professions.

RP Style: We are a lore abiding (but not lore obsessive--a little bending is fine now and then) LS with a darker, criminal theme. We encourage members to get together for RP whenever they feel like it, without needing to wait for official events, however we will also be running more formal storyline and events.

No FC Requirement: We a LS with no attached Free Company though we may create one in the future if follow in the future if interest is high enough. However, for now this is a LS based group designed to allow people to engage in RP with our members without the need to commit to or abandon an FC.

RP Locations: The LS that characters are given is entirely IC and can be used to contact other members at any time (we have a seperate one for OOC discussions). We also have a small tavern setting in the Goblet (Ward 2 subdivision, Apartment 67) which is used for casual RP. We also like to get out and RP in the wider game world, so don't expect us to spend our days sitting in the tavern getting drunk all the time.

OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
There is a lot of information on this character wiki, but it is by no means completely comprehensive. There are chunks of backstory that are left intentionally vague so that details can be later added as developed through creative writing or in role-play revelation.

Feel free to use Common or Uncommon rumors freely. If you want to use a Rare Rumor as a plot hook or to spark RP, I would ask that you send me a tell first, to make certain it's alright.
Character Lore Adherence
I try to keep everything in line with known in-game lore. Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt. Anything that has had to be changed because of lore shifting will be noted below.
■ No changes.
Character Concept
Character Tidbits
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Link Description: Link Title
Tropes & Explanations
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works. In this case, the tropes below describe my character either in part, or as a whole. Their background, personality, appearance, etc, most of them can be described in the tropes below.
Trope Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole, tropes are not clichés.


Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified on January 17th, 2017.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.