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| '''Weight'''  - 133pz.
| '''Weight'''  - 133pz.
| '''Name Day''' - 20th Sun, 3rd Umbral Moon
| '''Name Day''' - 19th Sun, 3rd Umbral Moon
| '''Deity''' - Unknown
| '''Deity''' - Unknown

Revision as of 16:57, 12 July 2017

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Warning: This information, as relative to Corelyn Rosefire, is classified and is not known publicly. Please do not incorporate any information here without confirmation.

❧ Corelyn jen Bellor ☙

♫"Perfected strategies, applied technologies."♫
♫"A brighter future for a darker age."♫




Corelyn is truly a curious young woman. A Garlean pureblood, she is of somewhat tall, elegant stature which places her at about the same height as a common Highlander but with less brawn, with the characteristic third eye to complement the oft-seen platinum-blonde hair and fair complexion that she shares with her kin. She's a veritable genius in many fields, magitek, machinistry and magic among them, though she has no ability in magic due to her heritage. She boasts incredible talent with learning all manner of things with great speed and alacrity, and is a veritable encyclopaedia on many and more topics. She wastes very little time, taking only time she feels she needs to rest in order to do all she can in order to not only make her life worth living, but to make sure, in her own way, that she can make some kind of difference with her work, be it for herself, or all of Hydaelyn.

"Science and progress beget a better tomorrow for all."
"I will do what I must for the good of the many."
"My people and my home are everything to me; I won't betray them again."
"I will never again allow another Darnus to exist."


Corelyn is of average height for a Garlean woman, with an elegant, yet toned build that would lend to a lithe and well-trained soldier. She wears a range of makeup, usually with a red eye shadow and pink lip gloss as a go-to, and her neatly-kept, nearly-platinum-blonde hair is usually parted so as not to impede her third eye, sometimes tied behind her head. She does not appear to have any tattoos or markings of any kind, at least at a cursory glance, save for a small, half-inch scar on either temple. She has various piercings up and along her ears. A pair of elegant, rimless glasses always perches atop her nose, her teal eyes gazing studiously forth from behind them, perpetually analysing her surroundings, as if de-constructing everything around her down to numbers and figures.

She wears anything from more modest working clothes to moderate finery, usually preferring a middle ground, combining form with function when at all possible. She is never seen without her engineering tools, and often carries a pistol or gundagger when lightly-armed.

Aspects That Stand Out:
Often wears glasses, even with her third eye.
Frequently possessed of various mechanical tools.
Hair has traces of darker blonde colouring.


Corelyn tends to be fairly-well-mannered and cultured, bearing a distinct understanding and knowledge on a vast number of subjects, as her upbringing and tutelage would have. However, she tends to be fairly awkward and can often misinterpret social situations or cues. She often watches people, as if reducing them to statistics in her head, picking them apart piece by piece in both personality and appearance. She is fascinated by technology - Allagan or Garlean - and has a tendency to get quite excitable when talking about it.

She is fairly gracious and generous, and often goes out of her way to help people for whom she has any modicum of respect or fondness, especially if it involves using any number of her learned skills or acquired knowledge. She is generally fairly relaxed and thoughtful, given to a good deal of patience. However, she seems to be a bit jumpy at times and can be prone to bouts of anxiety.


Machines. Corelyn loves anything mechanical, especially magitek.
Allagan relics. Her loves of both knowledge and technology combine here to give her quite the fervent interest.
Books. Books are among her most treasured possessions - especially any kind of textbooks.
Knowledge/Learning. Corelyn is an information sponge and is happiest when immersed in it.
Hotsprings. Out of any locale, hot springs are her favourite, and she has spent many an entire day just studying at Camp Bronze Lake.
Sparring. Though she often avoids fighting, she has a strange knack for it and gets involved very easily.
The Arts. Corelyn has a particular love of music, but she appreciates all arts and adores galleries and shows.


Being Uninformed. As someone who prides herself on her extensive knowledge and general intellect, when she is confused or confounded by something, Corelyn becomes incredibly irate.
Interruptions. Corelyn is easily lost in a book or other project, and if engrossed, she becomes stand-offish if interrupted in a way that breaks her train of thought.
Raw Aether. Corelyn, being unable to naturally manipulate aether, generally seems to avoid areas steeped in it or activities requiring it.
Idiocy. Acting like a fool and goofing around when the time calls for seriousness is a surefire way to annoy Corelyn.
The Garlean Empire. Corelyn is always watching her back in case her past and homeland come out to haunt her, or worse, fearing it could spell the end for her if she was found.
Undead. There is nothing Corelyn fears more than the reanimated dead. When confronted by any undead, she panics and will do her very best to run away. If cornered, she will almost always fly into a panicked frenzy of bullets and steel.


Machinstry. Corelyn's passion lies in machines, and, therefore, it's what she most often enjoys doing.
Reading. She doesn't just carry books around to look smart, after all!
Research. Corelyn loves to learn, and is always trying to find information on something or another.
Dance. Having taken lessons for years as a girl, Corelyn is a fairly impressive dancer.


Information Sponge. Not only does she learn most subjects with ease, Corelyn is capable, most often, of putting what she learns to use, if given the opportunity.
Re-Engineered Combat. Corelyn was been raised learning all about Garlean weaponry and combat, and is proficient in blades and firearms, especially gunblades.
Engineer. If it's mechanical, there is often no better person to figure it out, build it up, or tear it down.


Aetherically Inept. Corelyn, being a pureblooded Garlean, has absolutely no capability with manipulating aether naturally, making her incapable of magic. She cannot travel by aetheryte unless piggy-backed on another, but it nauseates her immensely.
Anxious. Jumpy, paranoid, and antsy are good descriptors for Corelyn at times. She loses her composure quickly when startled or suffering from a paranoid fit.
Kinemortophobia. Corelyn's fear of the undead is crippling and can be a serious liability for not just herself but compatriots, as well.


Knowledge - Corelyn's biggest motivation is an unending thirst for knowledge in all its forms, and a will to do whatever it takes to get it.
Benevolence - Her quest to ever expand her intellect, too, has its reasons, and the biggest of all of them is to try and do some good for the world, to improve the lives of people in some meaningful way.
Attonement - Though she did not commit any without an order to do so, Corelyn was still an active member of the VIIth Legion and had a hand in many atrocities before learning the truth of things, and now wishes to make up for it in any way she can.


Chaste ♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡ Lustful
Energetic ♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡ Lazy        
Forgiving ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡ Vengeful  
Generous ♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡ Selfish    
    Honest ♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡ Deceitful
          Just ♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡ Arbitrary
Merciful ♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Cruel    
Modest ♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡ Proud
      Pious ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤ Worldly
  Prudent ♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Reckless
Temperate ♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡ Indulgent
      Trusting ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡ Suspicious
  Valorous ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡ Cowardly


No information is publicly known about her, but one might know some few things about Corelyn Rosefire.


This information may or may not be known. If you're not sure, feel free to ask!

Garlemald: Childhood
Corelyn was born the single daughter to a relatively wealthy couple: Aeolus nan Bellor and Marcia kir Bellor. Both were fairly well-known in engineering circles throughout Garlemald for the quality of their trade, the family's business having been innovative magitek weaponry, especially in mass-producible technology such as firearms and other such gun-based weapons with Aeolus developing his skills in the Magitek Academy and Marcia in the Tenth Legion. From an early age, Corelyn displayed an incredible aptitude for magitek, including the advanced practices and designs belonging to her family as she grew older and more experienced with it.

Through her early life, she was raised, schooled, and instructed as was any pure-blooded child of the Empire. She was put through a particularly rigorous education, though with her parents' ardent support and her own boundless capability for absorbing knowledge, she excelled far more than she could be challenged, eventually enrolling and becoming accepted by the Magitek Academy at the age of fourteen. Though she was not the head of her class, she came very close many times, often coming within a hair's breadth of a man favoured far more for his ties and wealth than his innovative ability (or so she would say). Of all her earlier lessons, however, most emphasised were the nationalist - nigh jingoist - ideals of Garlemald: The folly of the lesser nations, how best to play out her role and purpose within the Empire to her best efficiency, and of the Empire's supremacy and ultimate mission to subjugate and save the savage, uncultured lands that lie beyond Garlemald's borders - especially Eorzea, riddled with its false gods and irascible beast-man tribes. She engaged in extra-curricular activities, as well, among them ballet and dance, singing lessons, fencing, and theatre. She had very little free time, though it was how she, and her parents, preferred it: there was always something to engage the young girl's curiosities and talents.

The VIIth Legion Abroad: Early Adulthood
Corelyn joined the VIIth Legion at the age of twenty, immediately after her graduation from the Magitek Academy, both at the prompting of her parents and promise it had for her. She understood it as a chance not only to see Allagan ruins and have a chance to better her abilities and expand her knowledge, but to liberate Eorzea from the beastmen and to serve Garlemald's - and Hydaelyn's, as she was taught - best interest. While she had a fundamental grasp already of combat - especially with traditional gunblades and rapiers - thanks to her hobbies growing up, she was taught much more advanced techniques, and was educated on the strategic use of each style of swordplay in which she was versed, and how to adapt to military tactics and situations.

Though trained extensively in combat, she ultimately worked as a military magitek engineer far from the front lines for two years. This is not to say, however, that she saw no combat. More than once, she was stationed at an outpost where she would have to assist in defence against incursions from meddling adventurers of Eorzeans looking to keep themselves from the Empire's rule. Her will to continue on her path, however, started to weaken as she saw the resistance the Eorzeans would put up in the name of freedom. She began to realize they neither wanted nor needed what Garlemald was bringing to their doorstep, and fought more Eorzeans than beastmen. This caused her resolve to weaken further over time, though she kept faithful to her duties. Such weak resolve, however, was noted by her superiors, and so she failed to advance to a station where her intellect would have served a more fulfilling role.

After two years, she was present - and fought in - the Battle of Carteneau Flats. Though she worked a good deal with keeping magitek reapers and other such weapons functional and operating to batter and bruise the Eorzean Alliance's line, she was also forced into her fair share of combat situations both to defend herself and on the offensive from time to time. At this point, her resolve to continue in the war had reached its lowest point, and she even harboured thoughts of desertion, so great was her doubt. However, she had very little time to really think on it in the midst of the battle, especially when Dalamud burst open above the battlefield. She was nearly obliterated when one of the spires from Dalamud fell and destroyed the fortifications behind which she and her Cohort were operating at the time Bahamut was released. The resulting ceruleum explosions from destroyed magitek and reserves left her stunned, gravely wounded, and half-conscious as the Elder Primal ravaged the landscape, but also kept her hidden from the greatest of the devastation behind the selfsame spire.

The White Couerl: The Inside Mind
In the wake of the Calamity, Eorzean forces that returned to comb the wreckage for survivors found Corelyn, still wounded and trying desperately to repair a suit of magitek armour to bear her away to safety. They incapacitated her easily, and, stabilizing her wounds, took her prisoner with some number of her fellows from the VIIth. The wagon on which she was being transported was eventually attacked by amalj'aa as it passed through Thanalan, and many of its occupants were outright slain. Corelyn, at this point healed enough to have her wits about her, managed to escape in the chaos, making her way toward the sea, though in truth, her wandering was aimless, simply looking for safe haven. By the time she reached the shore, she was nearly-starved, dehydrated, and her still-existing wounds had taken a heavy toll on her. She was recovered by a privateering band, among whom was the quartermaster of the crew and her soon-fast friend, Aiouxdaux Beaumont, and was taken prisoner, once again, this time aboard a vessel named the "White Coeurl." It took some time, but she eventually proved to them that she meant no harm, and now only wished to learn better of Eorzea what she had never been told, or what she had been falsely taught.

She spent a good deal of time among the crew of the "White Coeurl," especially with her new friend, Aiouxdaux, acting as their "inside" source of knowledge on Garlemald, its technology, and combat practices. It served to keep them safe on more than one occasion when engaging Garlean vessels, and in repurposing stolen Garlean tech and weaponry for their own needs. They worked and sailed as privateers for a few years, taking down Empire and pirate vessels alike. Corelyn found herself taken by the thrill and adventure of life at sea and fondly regards those memories as some of the best times of her life. She made great strides in her efforts to learn more of Eorzea, and Aiouxdaux helped her by creating an alchemically-treated patch that would hide her third eye and allow her to blend in when they were on land. Wearing this patch, of course, stifled her third eye and its benefit to her, leading her to realise her eyesight was somewhat flawed without it. Thus, she sought out corrective eyewear, and wears it not just as a means of compensating for her hidden third eye, but often even with it exposed to keep her senses as sharp as possible.

However, after a number of years sailing with them, disaster struck and left the ship decimated, its crew and captain almost all dead, and Corelyn stranded, separated from any survivors, as, at the time, she had been experimenting with a prototype long-range boarding mechanism and had used it to escape before the fateful crash, the glider-like contraption launching her up into the air to witness the horrific events as she coasted off and away from the sounds of screams and the cracking of the ship's hull. After the fateful crash, she was rescued by a merchant vessel as she drifted on her device as a makeshift raft and taken to Limsa Lominsa where she took up a room in the Drowned Wench, having officially registered herself as "defector" under the Thalassocracy, though she remains hidden for fear of people's - and her own - fear of her own people and the persecution she could face at the hands of either.

Limsa Lominsa: The Inspector
After escaping the wreckage of the White Coeurl, Corelyn found her way back to Limsa Lominsa. Distraught by the events that had occurred, she spent nearly three months attempting to find any of her former friends and crewmates before giving up and writing them off as dead. In mourning, but in need of a livelihood to support herself, she sought to gain employment at Mealvaan's Gate as an inspector, both in hesitance to return to the sea following such a tragedy and in hopes that, perhaps one day, she would see a familiar face coming through that she may be reunited with those friends she long thought dead.

She worked as a freight and commerce inspector for the Gate for nearly a year, specialising in identifying, confiscating, and sometimes even even disabling or disarming contraband that was deemed illegal, dangerous, or otherwise. She was often the one consulted in areas of magitek and some lesser technological inspections, often doing so for shipments in aviation, domestic, or even military affairs. More than once, illicit goods that had been confiscated that she had disarmed were offered to her to purchase, and she began her work on the side, delving back into her expertise in tinkering and inventing, sometimes selling her creations or using them to further her own ends.

Leaving Limsa: The Engineer
Nearly a year after she began her work at Mealvaan's Gate, Corelyn had saved and raised the money and resources to hire help and lead an expedition to the site of the White Coeurl's fated crash. Though much of the wreckage had long since washed away and the bodies of her old comrades were long-since desiccated or had drifted out to a watery grave, she salvaged many of her own belongings, both water-logged and less so. Her room in the Drowned Wench was, however, proven incapable of handling her experiments after some time as an explosion ripped a hole in the outer wall of the building, not only setting her back in research, but funding as she was forced to pay back her damages before she found a new dwelling. She moved away from Limsa proper toward Camp Bronze Lake, rent out a room in the inn there as her own apartment. After having worked on restoring those old assets she had both brought with her and created aboard the late White Coeurl, and having needed to move far from Limsa Lominsa, she left her employ as an inspector and dedicated her time to delving into abandoned Imperial castrums and outposts.

With the Eorzean Alliance gaining ground every day against the Empire, Garlean outposts were abandoned, reoccupied, then sacked in such a cycle that the supply of salvageable magitek and ceruleum kept her supply operable simply by virtue of sneaking in and back out on her own. This, of course, was merely a supplement after some time to the larger expeditions she would lead, often accompanied by one or two capable adventurers or bodyguards, hired to keep her from danger as she worked on her salvage and recovery. She managed to balance her needs and income by selling much of the salvage, but found herself unhappy with it, as she often barely scraped by in this manner. Given her new location, she began to explore other avenues of income.

Nym and Allag: The Researcher
Having needed to pursue other options for income, her similar thirst for knowledge led her to delve into the Nymian ruins surrounding her new home in Upper and Outer La Noscea. She often still found herself hiring help as, more often than not, the ruins she delved were inhabited by hateful creatures and monsters, or hostile, savage beasts that had claimed what the Nymians had left behind. However, this prove to be a lucrative avenue as her research and salvage into ancient Nym and its rich history in both magic and society were far more widely-valued by many buyers as a whole than were her technological innovations and refurbishings.

After some great deal of success and a growing profit in the ruins of ancient Nym, Corelyn began to branch out, seeking Allagan ruins as well. This had a two-fold benefit for her, as, unlike the aether- and magic-based research she would do into such ancient societies in which she had no ability to match her knowledge, she found herself possessed of a deeper understanding of Allagan technology, as much of what she had known and learned growing up in Garlemald was based on Allagan research. Indeed, this was one of her unrealised aims from her time in the VIIth, making it a dream come true. Incorporating Allagan concepts into her tinkering proved far more difficult than simply researching and writing dissertations and reports on it. However, this proved a boon in whatever form she pursued it. The only downside was the inherent danger of Allagan ruins, often causing her to seek out a larger party of bodyguards to assist her, making the cost sometimes too steep to pursue with any great frequency.

ಌ Technique/Weapons ಌ

In combat, Corelyn tends to remain at range to rather great effect, especially using gun-based magitek or machinistry weapons with blade attachments or vice-versa. Her upbringing as the daughter of acclaimed engineers and time within the VIIth Legion have honed her combat abilities, especially when enhanced by magitek.
Machinist: Corelyn's skill with a firearm is her primary, and best, asset in combat. She has considerably good aim, and her knowledge and application of magitek increases her effectiveness even more, giving her access to potent explosives and technology.
Dianthus - A Garlean military gunblade reforged with a thin but sturdy cermet blade; a Gunrapier.
Adenophora - A black-and-crimson gundagger with a thin blade, not unlike a misericorde.
Ceruleum Battery Pack - Much like an Aetheroconverter, it uses ceruleum to empower firearm shots and powers gadgetry.
Carlina - A longer-ranged, heavier magitek rifle with less melee capability but greater firepower than her gunblade.
Ceruleum Grenades - Potent explosives re-engineered from Garlean weaponry.
Magitek Bits - Mobile, hovering turrets that can fire short bursts of magitek beam weaponry at foes.
Revolvers- Generally used in duelling, sharpshooting at mid-range, or when no preferred weapons are available.
Siege Weaponry- Corelyn is highly skilled in the use of advanced siege weaponry, and often prefers her Reaper, Belladonna.

Fencer: Corelyn's history of dance and study of blade weaponry seems to have lent to a very elegant form of combat in which she often dances around strikes and delivers pin-point attacks to observed and studied weaknesses, allowing her to fight just as much with her wit as her reflexes.
Blades of Choice:
Dianthus - A Garlean military gunblade reforged with a thin but sturdy cermet blade; a Gunrapier.
Rapiers - General proficiency, though her personal Gunrapier is preferred.
Shortswords - If push comes to shove, a light shortsword can suffice with enough of a point.

ಌ OOC Combat Info ಌ

I am generally open to any and all combat situations, but prefer that limits are established or understood beforehand - otherwise, I am open to very nearly anything but character perma-death! I am willing to engage in just about any system so long as it is explained to me and I have time to understand it.
Tier 1 Combat: This system is my preferred method, and uses detailed posts to explain actions that are being placed in combat. It uses a roll system which the person playing the attack will roll and the defender will need to roll higher to defend. Critical hits are welcomed in this system and often are considered if the difference between rolls are over 700 (using ingame /random rolls). Explanation swiped from Abagail Graves along with her layout.
Designated Personal Systems: Everyone has their own system for group combat RP which they themselves made or they made for their Free Company. I am open to discovering, learning, and uses all kinds!
Freeform/Honour System: I am not a fan of the honour system unless it is established and agreed upon as to who will win the fight beforehand on an OOC basis and there is a mutual trust on the same level. I will not often do this with strangers for any reason.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Character's Thoughts: "I owe him my life. He is my best friend, and I would do most anything for him."
Following the Calamity, Corelyn met Aiouxdaux and his Miqo'te crew aboard the vessel "The White Coeurl", and sailed with them for some time as privateers. Primarily ransacking and plundering Garlean vessels, Corelyn eventually found herself a wealth of knowledge in the wrecks and loot, learning a great deal about magitek and putting that knowledge to good use. However, the ill-fated Couerl eventually was to be no more, and the entire crew, save for Corelyn and Aiouxdaux, who remained unknowingly separated for a bit over a year, perished in the horrible event. The only but recently reuinted, and have thus far spent a great deal of time catching up.
J'azhar Tia . ( )
Character's Thoughts: "Such a charmer. He and Aioux could be attached at the hip and I doubt neither would mind."
Not long after having been reunited with Aioux, Corelyn was introduced by the same elezen to J'azhar. They spent a good deal of time talking, and have met again several times since, especially as the desert-faring miqo'te is so important to her best friend. She is curious about him, and would like to get to know him more since Aioux trusts him so well, but has yet been reluctant to make good on that desire.
R'kalya Vheo. ( )
Character's Thoughts: "Quite the awkward young woman, but I can't entirely blame her. She seems... sheltered."
Corelyn encountered R'kalya while reminiscing with Aiouxdaux, and then several times after. While their conversations have not been incredibly in-depth, R'kalya has nonetheless become a friend to Corelyn. She has confided quite a few private things to the young woman, by choice or circumstance, and seems to trust her quite a bit.
Character's Thoughts: "Jumpy, shifty, and a bit brash... but he means well, and he can certainly cook."
Met at the same time as she met R'kalya, Jadoth was, at first, somewhat shifty and aloof, but eventually warmed up some to Corelyn. Eventually, they met several more times, usually at the same time as R'kalya, having been friends with Jadoth before they met Corelyn. He has gone on a few adventures and expeditions with her, and knows a deal more about Corelyn most would at first glance.
Rose Typhoon. ($ )
Character's Thoughts: "She seems a brute, but, in reality, is quite an elegant and learned individual."
Corelyn met Rose through mutual business opportunities, having hired the Hellsguard for protection on more than one expedition. They have spoken at length about the arts and of their interests in that time and have come to form something of a mutual respect for one another, though their times together have been somewhat brief and more laden with ponderous, studious silence or din of combat more than conversation.
Character's Thoughts: "A strange one, indeed. I feel she has identical siblings. I keep seeing duplicates with different hair..."
Also met with R'kalya and Jadoth, T'jerris has spoken with Corelyn a number of times since their first encounter, as have the miqo'te's apparent sibling, though she has only met once. They spoke once but briefly about forming a free company or band of common-purposed adventurers, but she has not since heard from T'jerris.
Neilas sas Seles. ($ )
Character's Thoughts: "He's changed so much ... He's become a monster."
Corelyn was once involved in a relationship with Neilas when she was his senior in the Magitek Academy. Their love was intense and the break-up was just as such when she left for the XIVth Legion despite his protestations to stay in Garlemald and work at the academy after they both graduated. Since reuniting with him in the Xth Legion after her capture, she has come to find he has become an entirely different man. She no longer knew how much she could trust him, much as she wishes to, and it scared her. In recent weeks, she has been kept by Neilas and has been tortured extensively by him in secret. Though she is only now turning the tables on the twisted man, Corelyn has only just scratched the surface of his terrible schemes.
Aegir jen Hlerson. ($ )
Character's Thoughts: "An irresponsible, alcoholic, overly-boisterous, overconfident fool, but all the same, he's somewhat endearing."
Corelyn and Aegir met during a Garlean pub crawl along with a few others. Since then, she has found a good deal of common ground with the young engineer, and has, more often than not, found herself in the Aegir's company, as well as that of his friends and allies.
Araceli Caillen. ($ )
Character's Thoughts: "She's definitely a mixed bag, but most Projects are, I've found. She's a good person, though."
Araceli was a part of the Garlean pub crawl, and is usually seen in Aegir's company, whether she wants to be or not. To that end, Corelyn tends to have a lot of contact with Araceli. Though her strange demeanour when drugged can often put her a little on edge, Corelyn still holds a deal of respect for her, and finds her not only fascinating but good company, most of the time.
Apollon aan Vatis. ($ )
Character's Thoughts: "The strong, silent type, but there's a lot to be said for someone who keeps Aegir in line... for the most part."
Apollon is another Corelyn met through Aegir, and is, like Araceli, usually found with the younger engineer as a bodyguard or something similar. Though Ala Mhigan, Corelyn respects Bragi a good deal for his professionalism and his ability to keep Aegir from going too far overboard.
Zheng Diremite. ($ )
Character's Thoughts: "Proper, professional, and quite effective. It's easy to see why he is feared."
Though, like many others, Corelyn has a healthy fear and respect for the Frumentarius, she has come to appreciate Zheng for his dedication to excellence and for helping to remove her from the situation into which she was dragged at Neilas's hands, sparing her the madman's torture and setting her own plans to depose him in motion. She would faithfully serve Zheng, who, she feels, has the Empire's, and thus, the world's, best interests at heart.
Glace Silencieuse. ($ )
Character's Thoughts: "An incredible and incredibly effective example of what a Project can become. I would love to see his brethren one day."
Corelyn met the man named Frost during the pub crawl with Aegir, Araceli, and Bragi/Apollon. She finds him utterly fascinating, though thinks his penchant for the gruesome is a bit much. Despite this, she trusts and respects the man for all he has accomplished as a Project and is incredibly interested in his many talents and abilities.



Some of these rumours are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumours - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"I've heard she spent a whole day and a sack of gil at the Bismark, workin' in those books of hers."
"Corelyn? Good girl. Bit queer at times, but she's got a good heart if ye can manage to keep 'er int'rest."
"Don' let'er demeanour fool ya. That girl could take your 'ead off from a malm away if she wan'ed."
◢ Uncommon Rumours - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"She don't stay in the Wench n'more. Heard she blew one of the rooms clean up with some gadget or other."
"Swear on me life, I seen her with a pirate crew - wieldin' a gunblade, no less! It's the gods-honest truth!"
"Ain't any idea where she's from, but I 'eard Rosefire ain' even 'er real name."
◢ Rare Rumours - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Heard she was at the Battle of Carteneau. No idea how or why, though. And what was she doin' there, 'xactly?"
"Ever seen 'at patch on her fore'ead? Hard to notice. Says it's a bandage, hides it with'er 'air. Bullshite."


Feel free to add your own rumours to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumours - Some of these are more rare than others!
"She's good in my book. She taught me a pretty important lesson about not judging people because of where they came from." -- Jadoth Bloodreign.
"Corelyn? Ah, yes, her. I've never met anyone better with firearms or magitek than her. Well, at least on this side of my daggers." -- Aiouxdaux Beaumont.
"You want to know what I think about Corelyn..? Well, she talks about a lot of fancy stuff I don't really understand, but she says it with such passion that I can't help but be charmed by it." -- Rose Typhoon.
"Traitor. She's lucky we had a use for her at first, or I'd see her dead. She had best hope she proves loyal." -- Neilas sas Seles.


Songs used to set a mood; lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. The following links will take you to Youtube. Please mind your speakers.

Character Theme
Artist: VNV Nation

Ambient Theme
Artist: Two Steps From Hell
Grace Theme
"Dance of Swords"
Artist: Aivi Tran / Steven "Surasshu" Velema

Action Theme
"Cannon in D Minor"
Artist: Two Steps From Hell
Heroic Theme
"United We Stand, Divided We Fall"
Artist: Two Steps From Hell

Sad Theme
Artist: Murray Gold



Player Note
Personal RP Limits
I will always refrain from these things and ask all people do the same when engaged with my characters. I am incredibly open to most things, so talk to me OOCly about what you would like to do.
■ No godmoding.
■ No powerplay.
■ No rape.
■ No violating the IC/OOC divide.
The views and mannerisms of this character do not always align with those of the player and are never meant to offend, belittle, or do intentional harm to any one person or their character on an OOC basis. All actions taken by this character are as the character would be written and will not be tailored to OOC influences except as absolutely needed to continue playing the character as I like.


Potential Plot Hooks
■Corelyn often hires adventurers and other like-minded individuals for protection in research expeditions so she can focus on her work and not constantly defending herself.
■ Corelyn often likes to sit at the Bismarck in Limsa Lominsa with a pot of tea and several books for hours at a time.
■ Those who were at the Battle of Carteneau might have a slim chance of recognising her.
■ Anyone working at Mealvaan's Gate would know Corelyn fairly well, and likely will have worked with her.
■ Corelyn is registered as a Garlean defector, but the information is classified for her protection to all those not in an office to be concerned over it.
■ Corelyn has returned (albeit unwillingly at first) to the Empire, and serves the Xth Legion under Tribunus Augusticlavius Neilas sas Seles.
Character Lore Adherence
This character will always adhere as closely as possible to established lore as possible. Small deviations into territory not fully covered may be possible, but never without solid logic and reasoning, as well and will always be researched as thoroughly as possible before implementation. Non-lore-friendly aspects present are subject to retcon at any time as they are brought to light for any reason.


Name - Corelyn jen Bellor
Pronounced - (kor-EL-inn jen bell-OHR)
Race - Garlean (Pureblood)
Age - 29
Height - 5' 9"
Weight - 133pz.
Name Day - 19th Sun, 3rd Umbral Moon
Deity - Unknown
Orientation - Pansexual
Status - Single.

Alias: Corelyn Rosefire
Citizenship: Garlemald
Occupation: Architectus, Animatus, Researcher
Voice Claim: Billie Piper
Hair color: Platinum Blonde
Eye color: Teal
Complexion: Fair
Piercings: Several in each ear
Marks or tattoos: Vague scars at either temple
Alignment: Neutral Good
Key Items: Gunrapier, Unmarked Book(s), Machinist's Tools
Favorite Food: Almond Cream Croissant
Favorite Drink: Eggnog
Favorite Color: Emerald

Corelyn is a Garlean scholar, researcher, and machinist, defected from the Empire after Carteneau. She has many secrets and only those she truly trusts know the half of them.

===== Template is from Abelia's Template ! =====