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<div align=justify><div style="padding: 7px 4px;font-size:13px; color:#999999;font-family:Georgia;"></div>The story of Lana Mian's life humbly begins within an isolated tribe of Miqo'te struggling to make a living on the edge of the Shroud. Although she may be the central character, to consider this story Lana's alone would be a folly. This tale will instead be a shared narrative of Lana and the individuals who greatly influence her. As a little child, Lana would never see much of her biological father who had adopted the traditional life of a wanderer despite the tribe's societal progression. Lana's mother, Kira Mian, was the tribe's foremost medical expert, blessed by the elements with restorative magics. When the 7th Umbral Calamity inevitably brought Eorzea to her knees, the tribe was ravaged by the destructive flames that erupted across the lands. Many of the members were outright killed and their establishment was all but ruined. Before any harm could come to Lana, Kira grabbed the child by the arm and the two quickly fled the forest, narrowly escaping the chaos.
<div align=justify><div style="padding: 7px 4px;font-size:13px; color:#999999;font-family:Georgia;"></div>The story of Lana Mian's life humbly begins within an isolated tribe of Miqo'te struggling to make a living on the edge of the Shroud. Although she may be the central character, to consider this story Lana's alone would be a folly. This tale will instead be a shared narrative of Lana and the individuals who greatly influence her. As a little child, Lana would never see much of her biological father who had adopted the traditional life of a wanderer despite the tribe's societal progression. Lana's mother, Kira Mian, was the tribe's foremost medical expert, blessed by the elements with restorative magics. When the 7th Umbral Calamity inevitably brought Eorzea to her knees, the tribe was ravaged by the destructive flames that erupted across the lands. Many of the members were outright killed and their establishment was all but ruined. Before any harm could come to Lana, Kira grabbed the child by the arm and the two quickly fled the forest, narrowly escaping the chaos.
The duo would flee into the scorching sands of the Sultanate, undertaking a long and arduous journey through Eastern Thanalan with the intent to become another pair of hopeless refugees begging for Ul'dahn care. Kira and Lana followed the barren desert road for what had felt like ages until suddenly, a band of vicious Amalj'aa raiders emerged in ambush. Kira's desperate pleas for help seemingly fell on empty ears as the towering beast-men slowly approached. Moments before their large, sweaty reptilian hands could snatch the helpless Miqo'te, the savages were interrupted by the timely arrival of a mysterious figure and a fierce battle ensued. As the individual leapt off their chocobo and into the air, a beautiful intricate sword glimmered in the sky before being violently brought down on an unsuspecting raider. The blade sundered the first beast-man's skull and immediately struck fear into the others as they soon witnessed their brother's body slump to the sands and the first of today's blood drip from the man's sword. The Amalj'aa furiously attacked what appeared to be a knight, swinging and lunging with long bladed weapons while preparing to fire enormous arrows from afar. In a great display of martial ability, the knight successfully defended himself against the incoming onslaught. He seized any openings for counter attack, hacking the heads off their weapons and plunging fatal blows when possible. A young Lana watched in awe as the knight slew foe after foe until the rest decided to route. Although the violence was as appalling to her as one might expect to a child of her age, the valor she saw today would inspire the lass for years to come. When the conflict was over, Kira sincerely thanked the brave knight and politely wished to learn of her protector's name. The knight removed his helmet and introduced himself to be an Ishgardian adventurer of the name Ser Fluerent de Vayssière. When he finished greeting the troubled maiden, Fluerent violently grunted in pain, placing his hand on his waist and revealing a strange injury. Kira was puzzled at first, seeing how the heavily armored Elezen was seemingly untouchable mere moments ago, but upon further inspection she could see the burnt scars and scratches on his armor and the weariness written on his face.
The duo would flee into the scorching sands of the Sultanate, undertaking a long and arduous journey through Eastern Thanalan with the intent to become another pair of hopeless refugees begging for Ul'dahn care. Kira and Lana followed the barren desert road for what had felt like ages until suddenly, a band of vicious Amalj'aa raiders emerged in ambush. Kira's desperate pleas for help seemingly fell on empty ears as the towering beast-men slowly approached. Moments before their large, sweaty reptilian hands could snatch the helpless Miqo'te, the savages were interrupted by the timely arrival of a mysterious figure and a fierce battle ensued. As the individual leapt off their chocobo and into the air, a beautiful intricate sword glimmered in the sky before being violently brought down on an unsuspecting raider. The blade sundered the first beast-man's skull and immediately struck fear into the others as they soon witnessed their brother's body slump to the sands and the first of today's blood drip from the man's sword. The Amalj'aa furiously attacked what appeared to be a knight, swinging and lunging with long bladed weapons while preparing to fire enormous arrows from afar. In a great display of martial ability, the knight successfully defended himself against the incoming onslaught. He seized any openings for counter attack, hacking the heads off their weapons and plunging fatal blows when possible. A young Lana watched in awe as the knight slew foe after foe until the rest decided to rout. Although the violence was as appalling to her as one might expect to a child of her age, the valor she saw today would inspire the lass for years to come. When the conflict was over, Kira sincerely thanked the brave knight and politely wished to learn of her protector's name. The knight removed his helmet and introduced himself to be an Ishgardian adventurer of the name Ser Fluerent de Vayssière. When he finished greeting the troubled maiden, Fluerent violently grunted in pain, placing his hand on his waist and revealing a strange injury. Kira was puzzled at first, seeing how the heavily armored Elezen was seemingly untouchable mere moments ago, but upon further inspection she could see the burnt scars and scratches on his armor and the weariness written on his face.

Revision as of 21:39, 2 December 2018

Lana Mian
A Hopeful Adventurer and Aspiring Seeker of Justice

For the honor and glory of Vayssière!



Vital Information

RACE & CLAN... Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te

Alignment... Lawful good

AGE... 20

NAMEDAY... 5th Sun, 3rd Astral Moon



Other Statistics

Birthplace... The Black Shroud

FAMILY... illegitimately Vayssière

RESIDENCE... Formerly Coerthas, now nomadic

OCCUPATION... Adventuring Knight

PATRON DEITY... Halone, guardian deity of Ishgard and goddess of war

HEIGHT... 5 fulms, 6 ilms.

General Information
Lana Mian is a romantic adventurer forged from a life of controversy, secrecy, and the careful tutelage of the Ishgardian who eventually became her step father, Ser Fleurent de Vayssière. After surviving many years as a desperate refugee and serving as a lowly house servant, the time has finally come for her to follow Fluerent’s bold footsteps as an adventurer. Donned in his gleaming white armor and heraldic crimson cloth, she picks up both sword and shield to venture beyond the frozen lands of Coerthas she grew to call home to partake in deeds that would see her beloved family name honored. Additionally, she is desperately saving any gil earnings in the hopes of financially rescuing her stranded mother from the bleak and discriminatory streets of the Brume.
I'm not always so hard-headed and encased in that suit of armor, It's nice to let the other side of me out.
Brown Black Caramel/Light brown Slender, slightly muscular Authoritative when armored, softer and polite when unarmored
Confident when armored, shy when unarmored dextral none so far... usual Miqo'te facial markings and sometimes lipstick Gallant
Physique & Markings
Lana mysteriously towers over most females of her race, her height exaggerated further by Fluerent's heavy armor. She sports a slender body with some lean muscles. Lana appears very androgynous in her armor, caring very little to display femininity in the midst of battle. When duty no longer calls and Lana leaves the confines of her suit, however, she is surprisingly feminine after all. Sometimes she enjoys using light makeup, especially when attending events.
Hygiene & Attire
Lana tries hard to bathe regularly and tends to be pretty clean. However, her workout routines and lugging around heavy armor make it more than necessary. On social occasions, Lana's clothing tends to consist of the beautiful dresses she secretly hordes or the warm and cozy coats that have served her well for many past years. Her venerated armor covers her entire body (Including her tail which she keeps within her armor (she has learned to adjust her balance)) and is a pure steel white, adorned with golden intricacies, chivalric cloth, and red (horse?) hair on the helmet.
Psychological Profile
Despite the stoic demeanor Lana often tries to exhibit, underneath all that pride and expensive metal plating lies a truly frightened young lady.
For the later half of her early life, Lana dreamed and romanticized the life of an adventurer and the freedom that comes with it. Now that her dream has finally come true, she is terrified by the thought of being horrifically slain by a giant beast or burned alive by a mighty dragon. In times of doubt Lana finds solace in remembering the tales Fluerent had shared and draws courage in the face of adversity from her adopted faith in Halone.
Fluerent did his best to shield Lana and her mother from the common prejudices that linger throughout the Holy See but the duo still suffered a moderate amount. Because of this Lana would never have many friends, causing shy and occasionally clumsy social behaviors to develop. The young Miqo'te is trying to overcome this however, driven by her natural curiosity to meet potential friends and the joy she derives from the few she has managed to bond with so far.
In addition to her fear of meeting an early demise, she is perhaps the most afraid of failing her father by dishonoring his virtues or by failing to be the hero she thinks herself to be.
Some may feel kinship with her romanticized views on certain subjects while others would consider her grossly naive.
When there is danger, Lana is very serious with little time for nonsense.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
Lana sees the world as a wondrous place to explore and every conflict an opportunity to become greater. She tries very hard to abide by the laws of the land she is on but can never be entirely bound by them. Additionally, Lana has a deep respect and admiration for Ul'dahn paladins, veterans of Carteneau, and veterans of the Dragonsong War who Fluerent mentioned to her in heroic tales.
● Protecting the weak
● Defeating worthy adversaries
● Properly cooked meat
● Performances
● Faiths of Halone and Menphina
● Magical healers
● Books and spoken stories
● Heavy armor and armor-smiths
● Dresses
● Getting hair done
● Cold climates
● Earning gil and valuable "shinnies"
● Certain prejudices
● Inquisitors
● Assassins & dishonorable combat
● Shadowy figures (i.e. DRKs at first sight)
● Large crowds
● Greed (May understand desperation)
● Intense heat
● Flying
Favourite Pastimes
● Reading
● Exploring restaurants
● Training
● Watching performances
● Shopping for clothes
● Devout - Unyielding towards a cause
● Honorable - For better or worse
● Idealistic - Positively visionary
● Loyal - Would rather eat her own sword than forsake a friend who has proven true
● Endearing - Tries to be sweet and caring when she deems appropriate
● Polite - Aims to treat others with common courtesy and has learned proper manners
● Zealous - Can sometimes be a little extreme
● The fear within - Sometimes unsure which is scarier, the giant monster in front of her or failing in her quest
● Naive - Read too many books and hasn't had enough experience
● Prideful - Sees herself as a heir to greatness, even if Ishgard would find it laughable
● Shy - Still inching out of her shell, but she is more than halfway there.
● Improve her martial skills
● Earn gil for herself and to save her mother from the Brume
● (Lofty)Impress Lord Tristan and earn a place in House Gisoreux
● Become a hero like Fluerent and the ones she read books about
● Bring her father's murderer to justice

Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

Basic Statistics
High: Toughness
Above Average: Concentration, Speed, Stamina
Average: Perception, Intelligence, Strength, willpower
Low: Luck,
Aetheric Abilities

Has the power to heal but her technique is inefficient, often times not working and hindering her capacity to fight.

Future potential / Needs researching: Aetherial Augmentation and the ability to set her sword on fire

Weapon Training
Expert: Sword & Shield
Fighting Style
In the midst of battle, Lana wields the storied sword of her father with prideful determination. While she sometimes wishes to recklessly charge into the fray and lose herself in melee with the enemy, she will usually focus on protecting her friends; If any of them were to die, she would feel great remorse. She attempts block or parry most conventional blows thrown at her before retaliating with the assurance that Halone's wrath will guide her blade to the fatal killing blow. For many years Lana was trained in secret the art of Ishgardian swordsmanship, essentially becoming akin to an apprentice. In the isolation of snowy wilderness Fluerent disciplined her, forcing the young Miqo'te to quickly develop a tolerance for cold weather and undergo routine sparring sessions. In addition to training, Lana is equipped in heavy and expensive armor. Her protection is such that she can easily grab the often dull blades of lesser opponents such as brigands and yank the crude weapons from their grasp. This should make Lana a worthy opponent for a myriad of ne'er do wells but she is still inexperienced. She may find herself bested by more experienced veterans, man handled by larger and more powerful entities, or worse if she is not careful.
Weapon of Choice
Sword: A holy blade forged from exotic materials found throughout Fluent's journeys and crafted specifically to his liking.
Shield: A shield bearing righteous markings and the heraldry of House Gisoreux.
OOC Note
W.I.P. Still rewriting, I am open to dice rolls and the like but always within reason. I don't really feel comfortable rolling dice on equal footing with an untrained Lalafell peasant with a broomstick)) This information is supposed to help give you an idea on how I RP combat. While I am open to talk about any of these points and am willing to compromise if good reasons are given, they can be considered a general guideline on how I will deal with any given RP combat situation.
Narrative > Combat: I am a firm believer in the idea that in RPing combat, the most narratively and dramatically appropriate outcome of a battle should take place. That means communicating upfront about a battle that is about to happen, determining who under the given conditions will win the battle, and then in agreement over the result RPing the fight itself.
Injuries: This kind of overlaps with the above: In my opinion and in agreement with the power level mentioned above, injuries should be incurred when dramatically appropriate and should, again, be decided in agreement between the combatants. Injuries should also scale with tone: In a comedic or less serious fight, I am completely fine with anime-esque injuries that'll heal in a few scenes, while obviously in a serious context injuries might be more permanent.
Disagreements: If we can't agree on how combat will go despite communicating, it is probably best to just leave it at that. Otherwise I reserve the right to ignore the combatants who don't play by the rules.

The story of Lana Mian's life humbly begins within an isolated tribe of Miqo'te struggling to make a living on the edge of the Shroud. Although she may be the central character, to consider this story Lana's alone would be a folly. This tale will instead be a shared narrative of Lana and the individuals who greatly influence her. As a little child, Lana would never see much of her biological father who had adopted the traditional life of a wanderer despite the tribe's societal progression. Lana's mother, Kira Mian, was the tribe's foremost medical expert, blessed by the elements with restorative magics. When the 7th Umbral Calamity inevitably brought Eorzea to her knees, the tribe was ravaged by the destructive flames that erupted across the lands. Many of the members were outright killed and their establishment was all but ruined. Before any harm could come to Lana, Kira grabbed the child by the arm and the two quickly fled the forest, narrowly escaping the chaos.

The duo would flee into the scorching sands of the Sultanate, undertaking a long and arduous journey through Eastern Thanalan with the intent to become another pair of hopeless refugees begging for Ul'dahn care. Kira and Lana followed the barren desert road for what had felt like ages until suddenly, a band of vicious Amalj'aa raiders emerged in ambush. Kira's desperate pleas for help seemingly fell on empty ears as the towering beast-men slowly approached. Moments before their large, sweaty reptilian hands could snatch the helpless Miqo'te, the savages were interrupted by the timely arrival of a mysterious figure and a fierce battle ensued. As the individual leapt off their chocobo and into the air, a beautiful intricate sword glimmered in the sky before being violently brought down on an unsuspecting raider. The blade sundered the first beast-man's skull and immediately struck fear into the others as they soon witnessed their brother's body slump to the sands and the first of today's blood drip from the man's sword. The Amalj'aa furiously attacked what appeared to be a knight, swinging and lunging with long bladed weapons while preparing to fire enormous arrows from afar. In a great display of martial ability, the knight successfully defended himself against the incoming onslaught. He seized any openings for counter attack, hacking the heads off their weapons and plunging fatal blows when possible. A young Lana watched in awe as the knight slew foe after foe until the rest decided to rout. Although the violence was as appalling to her as one might expect to a child of her age, the valor she saw today would inspire the lass for years to come. When the conflict was over, Kira sincerely thanked the brave knight and politely wished to learn of her protector's name. The knight removed his helmet and introduced himself to be an Ishgardian adventurer of the name Ser Fluerent de Vayssière. When he finished greeting the troubled maiden, Fluerent violently grunted in pain, placing his hand on his waist and revealing a strange injury. Kira was puzzled at first, seeing how the heavily armored Elezen was seemingly untouchable mere moments ago, but upon further inspection she could see the burnt scars and scratches on his armor and the weariness written on his face.

Kira persuaded Fluerent to let her try healing the wounds over night so he subsequently decided to rent a room at the nearest inn. As she helped to remove his chest armor, Fleurent explained the origin of his injury. The weary knight began with the battle of Cartenaeu, where he joined the Alliance forces as part of one of the Immortal Flames' adventurer units standing against the VIIth Imperial Legion of the Garlean Empire. His voice cracked with sorrow as he described the bloodshed that followed the clashing of armies. When the moon Dalamund fell and Bahamut's wrath was unleashed upon the continent, Fluerent became separated from enemy and comrade alike before being violently thrown by a nearby explosion. His ironclad armor just barely spared him from the initial blast and any subsequent shrapnel flying his way but one of his ribs cracked upon impact, resulting in internal bleeding. By the time he was able to stand back up on his feet the fighting was decisively over, with the soldiers from both sides fleeing for their lives as more explosions erupted across the battlefield. Fluerent was one of the last to withdraw in time to escape the carnage and decided to return to Ul'dah on his own until he encountered Kira and Lana Mian.

Kira and Lana were staggered by the knight's story and might have been skeptical if a similar apocalypse didn't befell their tribe not long ago. Lana's mother tried to describe the events that transpired on her and her daughter's end but broke down crying. Fluerent comforted the woman in his embrace and the trio would spend the night mourning over the losses they each witnessed. The next day Kira put her conjury skills to the test and managed to heal Fluerent's internal wounds. The process took several days to complete and (maybe need research) ~ Fluerent was very pleased to see himself restored to good health. Before taking his leave, he patted Lana on the head, gave Kira a hug, and handed the woman a handsome pouch of gil to compensate. Fluerent thought himself righteous to give the lady extra money, that he did it out of sympathy for the refugee's plight but subconsciously there was another reason, one that the noble Ishgardian blood in him wasn't capable of accepting just yet...

the Miqo'te woman was open-mouthed and speechless as she counted the amount of gil Fluerent had given her. With this money, Kira was even able to rent a tiny apartment right here in the same town. Life in a glorified shack would prove trying but Kira was accustomed to hard living and strived to make the best of the situation, becoming sort of the go-to medical expert in the small settlement. Lana would try to help her mother the best she could but at such a young age, was not much use other than an occasional assistant. Days began turning into weeks until one day Lana sighted Ser Fluerent riding into town, but this time his armor gloriously gleamed steel white in the light of the desert sun. Lana and Kira rushed outside to greet their hero. Kira immediately hugged him and thanked him graciously for the financial support but Fluerent had little time for pleasantries at the moment. He motioned to the man lying lifelessly in the back of his armored chocobo and requested medical treatment. Kira obliged and thus began the first exchange in what would become a fruitful partnership between the two adults. Fluerent would quest and adventure around Thanalan, often times returning injured or with the people he rescued who are in need of Kira's restorative care.

With every interaction between the two, Fluerent's inner conflict grew. The look of joy on Kira's face every time he arrived and the tenderness he felt from her hugs and other subtle displays of affection were quickly becoming too much for him to bear. He caved in, offering to buy Kira a nice outfit and take her on a date to one of the finer Ul'dahn restaurants. Kira was in utter disbelief. She always had faith that Menphina would one day deliver her from the depths of loneliness but never expected a dashing noble! Kira had long harbored feelings for Fluerent since the first night at the inn but...she was a nobody, just a helpless Miqo'te refugee who could never be good enough for the likes of foreign nobility. Lana begged her mother to let her come along to see the great city but Fluerent pat her head once more and promised to make it up to her when they return.

Kira donned a beautiful dress while Fluerent shed his heavy armor in favor of proper gentlemen's attire. The two enjoyed food far better than anything Kira had tasted before while watching various performances at their leisure. It was here that Fluerent would fully proclaim his love for the Miqo'te darling, bringing tears of joy to Kira's eyes. Kira had never experienced a real romance before, only having Lana out of something far more casual. The couple kissed and the once fruitful partnership soon blossomed into Fluerent's secret affair, for if any fellow nobility found out, his image would be ridiculed beyond repair back home. Mixed race relationships are frowned upon in many, if not most places, but for this to happen in Ishgard was almost unfathomable let alone to a noble... Although fellow nobility would never take part in such contemptuous behavior, Fluerent had been an adventurer for many years. This eventually helped in giving Fleurent a different perspective on matters such as this and the man was already a bit of an oddity compared to his counterparts even before he left.

When Fluerent and Kira returned, Lana could sense a new and distinct energy between the adults. Fluerent told the child he intended to fulfill the promise he had made prior and asked if there was anything in particular she wanted. Lana exclaimed that she wanted to be an adventurer just like him. Fluerent laughed nervously and decided to buy her some treats instead the following evening. He would resume his duties aiding the people of Thanalan, many of them refugees like Lana and his recent love. The Miqo'te would continue helping in whatever capacity they could at the town, be it helping the injured or running Fluerent's errands. The trio became almost like a small family and Lana began to see Fluerent as a fatherly figure. Although he truly loved Kira dearly and was beginning to care for Lana as well, he received an urgent message one day calling upon him to return home. Kira burst into tears upon hearing the news and begged him not to leave but to no avail. He tried to explain the Dravanian threat looming over House Gisoreux territory and how his folk were in need of assistance but it provided little comfort to her. With time ticking by the second, he looked Kira in the eyes and made a solemn vow. He promised he would find a way to take her and Lana out of this lifestyle of impoverishment and one day bring them to live with him in his manor. Fluerent handed Kira a final pouch of Gil before hastily mounting his chocobo and taking off into the horizon.

Life without Fluerent regularly stopping by was difficult financially but also made things very boring for Kira and Lana. Although the younger Miqo'te really wanted friends, she never found many opportunities to make ones her age. Kira continued providing her services as a local healer but things were never the same. As the seasons passed at the settlement, Lana resorted to scavenging for lost items and dusty books to help pass the time while Kira fell into a lonely depression. Many months later during an especially dry afternoon, a caravan arrived at the town and three men were soon knocking on Kira's front door. The foreign trio consisted of an Elezen carriage driver, an Elezen Knight, and a smaller Hyur knight, all claiming to be servants of Ser Fluerent from Ishgard. She naively jumped in excitement and told the good news to Lana. After packing the few belongings they possessed, the two were loaded in the back of the wagon and they were ported to the icy lands of the Holy See.

The bitterly cold weather of Coerthas sent Kira and Lana into a series of desperate shivering as the harsh frigid winds cruelly lashed upon the carriage. Lana's teeth started chattering, her body becoming more stiff and numb by the minute as she slowly succumbed to the unfamiliar climate. After watching the the poor Miqo'te suffering for a bit, the Hyur knight remembered to give the passengers the coats Fluerent had prepared. As the wagon continued carrying the group towards their location ever so slowly, Lana overheard the Ishgardians laughing. "Look at them, one of the many reasons why outsiders don't belong here." The Elezen knight scoffed, mocking the passengers for their inability to cope with the cold weather. "Perhaps our good Ser Fluerent is a heretic after all, bringing foreigners in like this is quite suspicious you know." The driver tattled. "Damn it, would you both shut up already!" The Hyur snapped. "Heretics do not slay dragons, the trial is over. On top of that, Ser Fluerent has done us a good turn and is paying handsomely enough for us to return it, so show some respect." The Hyur lectured bitterly. The carriage went silent and would remain that way for some time until coming to a stop.

Despite the severity of the temperature, Lana couldn't help but appreciate the wondrous winter scenery of the snow covered landscape as she was unloaded from the carriage. The Miqo'te were overjoyed to finally arrive at Fluerent's manor. Kira desperately rushed to hug Fluerent the moment he stepped outside but before she could latch onto him, he turned his back. "Come servants, I will see you to your new station and living quarters. As for you three, you are hereby dismissed, the gil will be sent soon as promised." He said strictly before proceeding to head inside. Kira and Lana were bewildered but they quickly realized the reason behind this. The manor was beautiful inside, with lavish furniture and elegant paintings. More importantly, it was also very warm and Lana could feel the life returning to her body. Fluerent took the pair upstairs and breathed a sigh of relief to see his beloved and Lana safe and sound. He explained that in order to live together, they must become his personal retainers and keep the extent of their affiliation a secret at all cost. Kira and Lana gulped and accepted their new lives as maidservants, happy to be with Fluerent once again but scared of the political intrigue that would come with it.

Life as a noble's retainer took some time and lifestyle adjustment to get used to. Fortunately Fluerent publicly gave them a lot of leniency. Privately however, he spoiled them with whatever their heart desired and embraced a passionate love life with Kira. Although he tried his best to give them a good life and his scheme was clever, it was not without flaws. One of the greatest shortcomings would be Lana's continued isolation. Making friends in Thanalan was difficult but now it would be almost impossible. She used books to escape the claws of depression and held onto the aspiration of one day becoming an adventurer. Luckily for Lana, she could simply ask Fluerent to order her stacks of whatever kind of books available. The girl read stories of courageous heroes, often times knights steadfast in their struggles against evil in their ever shining armor. With every book she finished, the memories of Fluerent fighting the Amalj'aa returned to her. These heroic books and relished memories would provide the fuel to ignite the vivid dreams that dazzled her heart every lonely night. Another problem stemming from Fluerent recent hiring of Miqo'te would be the rumors that soon emerged. Fluerent's noble family questioned him on the matter but reserved the full extent of their judgement due to the undeniable value his actions have provided the house. Other nobility in the vicinity made mockery but he has long since been the subject to petty disputes and none of them can subtract from the martial feats he has performed in service of the Holy See.

Lana never grew tired of reading but wished Fluerent would tell her tales of his own. She waited for him to come home one afternoon and recalled the conversation she overheard on the wagon about heresy and dragons. Fluerent smiled, satisfied to hear of the Hyur knight's loyalty. After having Kira cook him a delicious meal, he decided to indulge Lana's curiosity. Fluerent and Lana sat down by the fireplace and he began the story, first wanting to illuminate how and why his life as an adventurer came to be. Fluerent has ever striven to serve Lord Tristan, the stubborn head of House Gisoreux, faithfully but his service abruptly ended when a childhood friend, Ser Jocelyn, was accused of heresy and sentenced to death. He knew this man well and of the many treacheries of Ser Renaud, the one instigating the accusations and a notable member of House Montessier. Unwilling to let the innocent man face death honor-less and alone, Fluerent intervened, drawing his sword upon the temple knights and defying authority to help Jocelyn escape. Fluerent succeeded but in doing so, killed a temple knight and maimed Ser Renaud, before being declared a heretic himself. Lord Tristan was infuriated to learn of this ethical violation and disowned the traitorous heretic. Fluerent has long since disagreed with Ishgard's judicial system but this would be the breaking point. He set out on his own and became an adventurer, believing he wielded the power to see true justice dealt upon the lands he crossed. His adventures ranged far and wide, familiarizing him with the various interesting peoples of Eorzea. Over time however Fluerent grew to miss his family still in House Gisoreux and wrote letters, eventually learning of the hard times the house fell into shortly after he left. Adventuring may be daunting and dangerous but in addition to deriving a certain feeling of righteous satisfaction from assisting others in need, it can often be ludicrously good at filling gil coffers when rolling with the right company. Fluerent sent countless coins, exotic trinkets, and other treasures he discovered that would see his house financially revitalized despite how quickly Lord Tristan forsook him. Fluerent's rebellious act has served to revive the bad blood between House Gisoreux and the nearby House Montessier, despite this, the two have always been willing to join forces against Dravanian or other bestial threats. For years the horde has been slowly taking and holding Ishgardian ground but Lord Tristan would suffer their advance into their personal territory no longer, summoning his counterpart in House Montessier and organizing a counter-offensive. A fellow noble still fond of Fluerent contacted him, informing that this could be the perfect opportunity for him to return home.

Fluerent quickly answered the clarion call, leaving Kira and Lana in Thanalan and returning to Coerthas to battle the Dravanians ravaging the lands. Fatal screams of men and haunting roars of scaly beast echoed beyond the battlefield, helping him locate the conflict quicker. The knights of both House Gisoreux and Montessier were begrudgingly grateful to see Fluerent's reappearance. Many were awed to find him shed of his traditional chain mail in favor of the shining plate Lana has always known him to wear. Together the Ishgardian forces prevailed in reclaiming lost ground and forcing the Dravanians back. By the time the battle was done, Fluent's sword was drenched in Dravanian blood as he pulled the blade out of a dying monstrosity. With the black fluid also tainting his gleaming armor, Fluerent along with several other knights stood on top of a slain brown scaled dragon. Soldiers from both houses cheered them on as everyone celebrated victory but suddenly an Ishgardian Lord named Gauthier emerged, angrily pointing at Fluerent and reminding everyone of the heretic they were cheering. Fluerent responded in kind by challenging Lord Gauthier to a trial by combat.

Dravanian blood similarly stained Lord Gauthier as it had many times throughout his long grizzled life. He was widely respected as one of House Montessier's most martial warriors and the old man was too prideful to ever back down from a duel. Lord Gauthier and Ser Fluerent have long been bitter rivals but everything was secondary, however, to the fact Ser Renaud, the noble Fluerent had originally maimed, was Gauthier's only son. The two sworn enemies were taken into the tribunal where Fluerent would prove his innocence, in the eyes of gods and men and before a judging panel of adjudicators. Lord Gauthier angrily drew his longsword, his wrath made evident by his grey furrowed eyebrows and a deathly glare. "Come then, churl!" Fluent beckoned, slowly drawing his intricate blade as well. Lord Gauthier fervently charged at his nemesis with all the might and vigor of a man half his age. Fluerent successfully parried the first flurry of blows before striking back in retaliation. Fluerent began to gain the upper hand, almost managing to end the fight early with a decisive strike but the lord caught his sword in a bind. "Damnable, despicable swine!" Gauthier scorned as their blades locked. Both parties briefly vied for the positional advantage but before Fluerent could react in time, Gauthier seized the moment to move in close and punch Fluerent with unnatural force, immediately sending him crashing down to ground. Fluerent fell hard on the wooden floor causing him to groan as his spine surging with pain. Gauthier laughed as he kicked Fluerent's fallen sword aside. "Should I kill you here or finally watch you suffer your just sentence?" He mocked. "...God spits on your "justice", Gauthier! Only the fury will decide my fate this day!" Fluerent exclaimed, standing back up to his feet and changing his stance. Gauthier would suffer this insolence no longer. He assaulted the seemingly defenseless knight, bringing about the full weight of his sword down to bear. Fluerent deflected the strike with his bare gauntlets, revealing the extent of the protection his armor provided him, momentarily stunning the lord. Flaurent's retribution was now at hand as he pummeled Gauthier with a shoulder strike and beat him into submission, brutally reminding the overconfident lord that armor itself can be used as a sufficient weapon against mortal men. Gauthier's own sword was ripped from his grasp and held at his neck to force a humiliating surrender in front of his own supporters. Fluerent finally concluded his storytelling with the high adjudicator clearing his name, allowing him to return to Gisoreux and eventually send for Lana and her mother's arrival. Her starry eyes were lit with inspiration as she listened to him finish the story.

A few days later Lana was as eager as ever and asked Fluerent to help her become an adventurer. He could see the spark of determination in the maturing young lady but it only furthered his concern for her safety. Fluerent recognized Lana's inability to see the world for what it really was and knew the suffering that would befall her mother if she ran off to end up dead in the bottom of some vile dungeon one day. He refused and told her to seek more realistic ambitions. Lana cried after being denied but the following week she tried again, and again and again until finally Fluerent understood the girl just wouldn't quit.

In addition to serving Lord Tristan and maintaining House Gisoreux's security, one of Fluerent's big goals became transforming the glorified maidservant into an adventurer capable enough to not get herself killed on her first quest. A daunting task indeed, made exponentially more difficult by the necessity for confidentiality. Under the timeless cloak of night and howling of the ever so icy wind, they traveled to a secluded area and trained every week. While embarking this routinely pilgrimage Lana hid her tail and ears in her dark coat to lessen the chance of someone taking notice. Fluerent had her undergo vigorous and almost hazardous conditioning, making her exercise in the freezing climate with little to no upper body clothing except for a bra of course. After the calamity wrought the eternal winter that Coerthas would now forever be known for, training regimes like this quickly became a tradition for many knights. The next day Lana's body felt as if Fluerent was trying to kill her but after a few months of getting sick and sore beyond belief, she started to become accustomed.

After a year of enduring Fluerent's training, Lana grew strong enough to properly wield a proud sword, shield, and armor without falling face first into the ice or snow. Any extra weight she may have gained over the years was quickly burned away and now it was time for Fleurent to teach the lady a thing or two about swordsmanship. Regular training sessions would continue on the same schedule but another even more significant matter was working its way behind the scenes. The strange nature of a relationship kept in private didn't stop Fluerent and Kira from truly finding happiness but he wanted more. In an ultimate act of commitment, Fluerent got on his knees and presented an elegant engagement ring to propose a secret marriage. Kira was shocked but slowly bobbed her head in approval before leaping into his arms and kissing her new fiancé. The wedding took place in Gridania where Fluerent would pay handsomely for a foreign and rather open minded priest to act as the ceremony officiant. This would be a very modest wedding, perhaps not as grandiose as it deserved to be, but with the priest's help the couple would still manage to make it beautiful. Lana celebrated this momentous and long awaited moment. As the bond was sealed with a kiss, she felt comfort in being able to officially consider Fluerent her father. Although they were now formally a true Eorzean family, Fluerent regrettably would be unable to give them his name as doing so would invoke dangerous controversy.

The cries of cold steel clashing reverberated across the ice the following week as Fluerent entertained his daughter's desire to learn the intricacies of swordplay. He carefully studied her form and technique, quickly parrying and punishing her reckless mistakes with a blunt practice sword. After Lana had become an acceptable swordsman, it was time for her to familiarize herself with shields and understand their importance. Fluerent displayed to Lana his own shield, which bore the image of a mighty griffon, the traditional symbol of House Gisoreux and a cross to signify his devotion to The Fury. Fluerent began to teach her techniques that would enable her to block attacks whether be from mortal men or far larger and enraged beasts. As the training continued, Fluerent also began to instill in her the chivalric virtues of Ishgardian knights and an understanding of what true justice means. An arduous cycle of hard work and constant correcting would come to define the next few years of her life but as the young girl continued to grow, she took his philosophies to heart.

When the Dragonsong War reached its boiling point and great hosts of innumerable Dravanians descended upon Ishgard, Fluerent held steadfast amongst his kin and fellow knights. Lana wished nothing but to battle at his side but much to her disappointment, he ordered her to stay with her mother. When Lana first glimpsed a colossal dragon soaring in the distance she quickly lost her desire to fight, grateful to only assist Kira in tending to the wounded from afar. After much carnage and the loss of friends and political enemies alike, Fluerent surged with jubilation as the thousand year conflict was finally declared over and Ishgard sealed its re-commitment to the Eorzean Alliance. These long sought triumphs would call for even greater celebration since despite the devastation, he still had his delightful precious family to now settle down with. As Fluerent continued to age, he began to slow down, opting to spend more time with Kira and see Lana continue her training. He watched proudly as his daughter executed his techniques masterfully and blossomed into a beautiful, tall, and strong lady worthy of claiming knighthood.

Under the majestic midnight sky Lana gazed upon the heavens, admiring their brilliance as her body recovered from another evening of training. She immersed herself in thought until all of a sudden she heard frantic footsteps crunching in the snow. Startled, Lana looked around, searching her surroundings for any signs but oddly to no avail. Even the howling of the wind that she grew so accustomed to seemed to pause and an unfamiliar chill was sent trickling down her spine. The lady grabbed her items and hastily ran in the direction of the manor, unexpectedly bumping into Fluerent who was just coming to check up on her progress. She latched onto her father and described the eerie situation but before she could finish an object flew past her face. An arrow pierced Fluerent's chest after puncturing his coat, leaving a grievous wound and the Elezen groaning in pain. Lana shrieked in terror as she helplessly watched a wave of dread crash upon her father's face. She drew her sword, caring little for it's dull practice blade and stormed the shadowy figure she sighted creepily looming behind her. Before she could get a better visual the figure bolted off, faster than what seemed naturally possible. Unable to pursue, she rushed back to her father who had fallen and was lying in red tinted snow. Lana knelt beside him, inspecting the arrow which seemed to have been drenched in a vile substance. She desperately prayed to Halone and Menphina for succor but her distress was only met with a disturbing silence, as the icy wind resumed to howl. "...'Tis no use." Fluerent muttered, coughing up blood out of his mouth. She ignored him and kept trying, attempting to channel her personal aetherial energies into a spell that should cure him as demonstrated in several of the books she recently read. "Listen!" He painfully barked, after watching his daughter fail to cast anything helpful. "Take that which is mine and pray leave this damnable place." Fluerent grabbed Lana, pulling her close before continuing. "..Become an adventurer.....become a light in these dark lands Lana..." He coughs more violently, barely able to continue but managed to crack a smile before bizarrely chuckling and touching her face. "L-lana del Vayssière..."His arm lifelessly dropped into the snow and he would speak no more. Lana's tears streamed down her face relentlessly as she looked up at the heavens once more. Her awe and admiration for illustrious stars replaced by the devastation she felt for the lack of some divine intervention. She dropped all her belongings and desperately dragged her father back to the manor. She shouted for her mother after bursting through the front door. Kira screamed as her elemental magic failed to restore her beloved lying unresponsively on the ground.

When Lord Tristan barged into the manor with authorities at his side, Kira and Lana were the first to suffer his furious blame but upon closer inspection and examining of the situation it was clear the perpetrator was nobody among the preset. The grief stricken Miqo'te were subsequently displaced and any privileges Ser Fluerent was providing them with were revoked. The next inhabitant of the manor wouldn't have any need of Miqo'te maidservants. They were nothing more than foreign refugees again, soon to be sent to live in the Brume like all the rest. Lana would heed her late father's final words, searching his wardrobe and at long last donning the gleaming white armor that has ever inspired the dreams of her childhood. In a reminiscent fashion, she promised to rescue Kira from the destitute fate that awaited her in the Brume. With Fluerent's holy blade in her hand and a radiant fire in her heart, Lana set forth to finally become the hero of her own story.

Relationship Status Legend
Romantic Interest
Sexual Interest
Best Friend

A lot of these are placeholders and will be filled out in more detail over time.

A'merahk Tia, Father ( ) - former Nunh
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
???, Mother ( )
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
T'arl Nunh, ( ) - Nunh of the Condors
Character's Thoughts: "He seems to be a bit of a moraliser, but his heart is in the right place."
First met A'carisa as she was causing trouble for a merchant in Ul'dah and put her in her place. As they kept running into each other, she slowly learned to see past his what she considers moralising. Enjoys spending time around his tribe whenever her travels carry her to Ul'dah.
???, Twin ( )
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
A'andre Nunh, () - current Nunh
Character's Thoughts: "By every right, he has eanred the place that he now occupies, and yet has no desire to claim it as his own. I do not envy him."
A childhood friend of A'carisa. She respects him a lot and although their reasons couldn't be more different, sees a kindred spirit in him as they both struggle with finding ther place within the tribe. While respecting the strength by which he earned that position, she can't quite see him as a Nunh quite yet, though.

NPC Rumours

Let's face it, people like A'carisa quickly have people talk behind their backs about them or retelling stories of some of the stupid or daring things they did. Some of these stories grow in the telling, while others shrink until they can barely capture what truly happened. Here are just some of the things you might hear about her...

◢ Common Rumours - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Her tribe once had her carry a bunch of rocks up the Vylbrand vulcano as punishment for her irresponsible behaviour." — Wineport Trader.
"She once sank a ship while challenging a bunch of pirates to a fight for no particular reason." — Drowning Wench Guest.
◢ Uncommon Rumours - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Did you know she's barred from entering the city of Ishgard?" — Limsa Lominsa City Guard.
"That scythe she wields? She bought it from some traveler in Mor Dhona." — Chocobo Porter at Eastern La Noscea.
◢ Rare Rumours - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Most treasured possession? I know what she hides most carefully of all, at least. A soulstone! And I'm pretty sure she stole it who knows where." — An Antelope tribe member.
PC Rumours

If you want to spread your own rumours about A'carsia, feel free to leave them here.

◢ Player Character Rumours - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumour" — Rumourmonger.
"Rumour" — Rumourmonger.

RP Info

AcarisaMerahk rpinfo.png
Location & Probability
Places where the character is very likely to be seen
Eastern Vylbrand Coast: Very High
La Noscea in General: High
Limsa Lominsa: Medium
Mist: Medium
Elsewhere: ??? (highly dependant on her spontaneous travels)
Most of these aren’t public, and would have to be asked after!
Antelopes of Merlthor: Her tribe.
Maelstrom Grand Company: Loose associate.
RP Limits
RPers are as varied as the corns of sand on the beach, with various different tastes, interests and methods of going about every single aspect of our hobby. While I too obviously prefer some things and dislike others to the point where I won't RP them period, above all else, I believe that OOC communication is key. If you are uncertain about something, if you have a grand idea for an RP hook, if you got a suggestion, themes you'd like to explore, if you wonder whether content XYZ is appropriate to my tastes, talk to me before we RP. Let's have an honest and open conversation first and foremost. At worst we'll disagree and don't RP. And at best, we'll find a solution that works for everyone and get to RP the hell out of that!
I will play Comedic and serious plots; violent content and fights: within the limits set in the combat OOC section of this page; fluff; drama; classical mysteries; and; much; more...
Ask about Epic, large scale & long term plots: these take a lot of commitment that I don't always have time for or am willing to invest in; Sexual and romantic content: While I am not opposed to either, both fields are littered with tons of red flags that I'd first like to make sure are avoided. This ranges from content I consider to be disgusting with the former type of content all the way to tropes that make me want to throw up in relation to the latter type of content;
I won't play Poorly written plots; lore-breaking characters and plots; interaction with mary sues; pure ERP plots; and; much; more...
RP Hooks
Here are some ideas and suggestions for spontaneous RPing. Please always send a tell first or contact me otherwise to make sure I got time.
■ Being challenged to battle by A'carisa.
■ Placeholder for more in future (hopefully...)
OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
As with all my characters, they should be considered to be a perpetual 'work in progress', so feel free to check back here freqently.
Character Lore Adherence
This character tries to abide by game lore to the best of my ability, while adding and filling out blanks where needed, such as her tribe. Should future patches create contradictions between game lore and character lore, game lore is presumed to apply and the character will be updated soon to fix those contradictions!
Character Concept
This character was partially lifted and adapted from elements of other characters I have made and RPed with in the past, adjusted to fit the Miqo'te and tribal background.
Character Tidbits
Here are some tropes that are either contained within the character to some degree, or even backwards served as inspiration for particular elements. Feel free to enjoy your links to the internet's most effective browser narcotic.


Wiki Information
Last updated: September 2018.

This page uses the Glioca Character Template v2. A blank version of it can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.
■ Uses code snippets from the Kiri Template