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| name = Kovasi Maren
| name = Kovasi Maren
| image =  [[File:KovasiFront.png|300px|thumb|left|]]
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| caption = "Fascinating!"
| caption = "Fascinating!"
| title = Experiment-0721
| title = Experiment-0721

Revision as of 14:01, 24 November 2015

 Kovasi Maren
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Limsa Laminsa
Age 19
Guardian None
Namesday 28th of the Fourth Astral Moon


♦ General

Often going by "Kova" or "Oko", she is not a normal Seeker by any means. At a young age she was taken in and made an experiment by the Life Science Research Facility (LSRF). She underwent quite a number of life-changing experiments, including educational brainwashing and being branded with a runic design known as the 'Pivot'. She is extremely interested in the research that the LSRF does, and is still learning to accept what is morally right and wrong based on the research she enjoys. Currently, she is unemployed and no longer accepted by specific research organizations; she must now take her love for science and use it for something else.

♦ Appearance

Kovasi has no scars or visible signs of tissue damage on her body. Her hair is dark brown in color; occasional red streaks may be seen in it. Her clothing consist of a large selection of shirts and miniskirts and rarely pants, and and she never wears a long skirt. She often wears a simple pair of glasses or goggles. She keeps her hair long, tied, and parted over her shoulder.

♦ Behaviour

Often rather eccentric and friendly, Kovasi is not shy by any means and is known to approach random strangers to ask about their life, goals, thoughts, and other random questions based on their responses. She is never one to try to talk about herself, but more rather to get a story out of an individual she may approach. Strangely enough, she is fascinated by storytelling and will constantly ask for more stories or events about a stranger's life. Her interest is greatly sparked when it comes to stories or subjects about manipulation, slavery, and deceit.

♦ Life Science Research Facility

The Life Science Research Facility is a series of underground laboratories that focus on illegal research funded by private investors to understand the world and ultimately advance past Allagan technology. Their research is split up into a ranking system of research lethality-ratings:

E-Class Research: Simple aether manipulation and crystal dynamics.

D-Class Research: Advanced aether manipulation and crystalline-structure dynamics.

C-Class Research: Basics and Advanced microcell and DNA life research.

B-Class Research: Object transmutation and Reverse-engineering Allagan technology.

A-Class Research: Extreme research on life transmutation/transmigration and cross-realm transportation with Aether.

S-Class Research: The most extreme research takes S-class. It is never talked about, and many don't even know what it fully consists of outside of those working on it...


Kovasi will avoid combat and engaging in battle whenever she can. Only under certain and rare conditions will she actually fight should she be forced to.
When in battle, Kovasi is a glass cannon: Using a powerful firearm at a ranged distance to properly keep a distance from the enemy. Should she be stuck in melee range, she will result to either firing pointblank or using a pair of combat daggers instead.

Traits and Abilities

Aetherial Vampire: Unable to digest food properly, she must use other means to provide her body with the nutrients it needs to sustain itself. This means she will occasionally "drink" from the aether of those around her that she knows is clean and not corrupted.

Heart of the Machine: [DATA REDACTED]

Artificial Regeneration: [DATA REDACTED]

Doppelganger's Curse: [DATA REDACTED]

Screams of the Wraith: [DATA REDACTED]

Beliefs and Views

The Gods:
She does not hold strong in the belief of the Guardians/Gods nor in the Primals; she cannot see a fine difference between the two. She feels like the Gods have never helped her, so she strongly believes in taking her destiny and life into her own hands. While she will never argue or actively disagree to those that do put their faith in them, she does not see any reason for herself to do so.

Seeker Culture:
Feeling that the Seeker tribal way of life is very primitive, Kovasi shuns it. She believes that Miqo'te should act more like Hyurs and not like "cats". She is strongly against things such as purring and hissing and will argue her point that they are able to be "controlled" and are not "natural" at all to do. She looks down on Miqo'te that happen to keep to their tribal roots or so much as purr.

The Garleans:
Her desire and lust for technology has greatly influenced her take on Garleans and their technology. She does not see them as bad people, but rather looking after their their own interests. Her opinion of the Garleans could have been influenced by the fact the LSRF was funded in part by private Garlean investors.


Mint Lassi


Food (especially cake)
The Quicksands


Eccentric Thinking
Reading Files


La Noscea
Mischief Making

♦ Pictures and Other Related Content


*Icons best seen in IE or Firefox(Google Chrome doesn't like them)*

Significant Other Close Friend Good Friend Neutral Hostile

Inner Circle

Cordelia Maren – Kovasi's significant other, Cordelia has been extremely patient with her, teaching Kovasi to understand many of the feelings she had lost to the Pivot. These two have been through so much together, and Kovasi has grown so attached to Cordelia, that more than just her own emotions have been anchored to her.

"Cordelia, you are the love of my life; I'll never let your light fade out."

Gilawafe Archimtirios – The Roegadyn that set the gears in motion. Kovasi sat down one night and asked this stranger a story of his past; what he provided would forever start to change Kovasi as she felt a deep connection to his story. Since then, the two have become very close. His words hold strong and powerful in Kovasi's mind.

"The look you give me, I know when I did something wrong. I'm going to make you proud of me..."

Lyon Nitsua – The one who has been there for Cordelia and Kovasi when they both needed it. After dealing with an inner conflict Lyon was facing, they delved deep into his past. Since then, Kovasi has started feeling closer to Lyon. Truly and honestly, able to call him a friend.

"You've done so much for us, Lyon - cannot thank you enough."


Travanaire Levesque – Unfortunately, Travanaire always seems to get the worst of what happens when he gets involved in Kovasi's affairs. Everything from being captured by the Life Science Research Facility to being stranded in the Pivot realm. If anything, this has made the Elezen a lot stronger and one able to understand more to that of what is Kovasi.

"He has been through so much, he doesn't deserve this; he really doesn't."

Yhah Dazkar – This strange Au ra is always getting into trouble. Unfortunately, she does not stand close to Kovasi, nor even understand much about her.

"You have your own problems to worry about, as do I. However, you are a very fascinating creature to study."

Serris Le'omend – A strange Miqo'te to Kovasi. Clearly having some inner demons of her own to deal with, Kovasi fails to understand how dire the situation truly really is. Still however, Kovasi does have respect for her, no matter what conflict or situation may arise between them.

"I've always felt you'll end up taking your own life one day. I wonder how that will happen..."

Xera Nadahl – The only other Miqo'te that Kovasi has met to not actually purr. She dropped a meteor on one of the old facilities she was working for; easily by the far the most powerful friend that Kovasi knew before she left on a long journey outside of Eorzea.

"Such a twisted and warped past - Cordelia and I will keep your journal safe."

Samara Ampoeah – A goblin-speaking Miqo'te. Samara has easily been the subject to one of Kovasi's interest. Her words speak in such a way, that almost nobody can really even understand what she is saying. However, this might pose that there is something deep lurking within her.

"You look so much like an old friend I used to know..."

J'khar Tia – Another researcher that Kovasi ran into. These two immediatly clicked when they found out they share the same subject.

"Another researcher!? Aah, how wonderful!"

O'zinba Tia – The only other O'tribe Seeker that Kovasi has met. They have almost nothing in common aside from sharing the same tribal name. However, he is a friend that shared what his branch of the O' tribe consisted of; giving Kovasi an idea of what they are all about.

"...Another O' tribeman, wow uh... ...huh..."

Rheha Quinn – The wife of Lyon Murcery. Kovasi thinks that Cordelia looks up to her; after an event where Cordelia and Kovasi went into the mind of Lyon, Kovasi learned that her and Rheha have quite a lot in common...

"We are much more closer than I had thought, I'm sorry what you went through."

Zana'to Ranu – Zana'to is a retired Maelstrom unit that has more of a closer connection with Cordelia and Kovasi. Not to say they don't get along. Zana'to as proven to be quite an interesting fellow with his use of an axe and 'brother' like connection to Lyon.

"I'm pretty sure you think I should be behind bars... If not at least once given things that have happened... Aheheh..."

A'khebica Ranu – The wife of Zana'to, Khebica always came off as an assassin type to Kovasi. Rather harsh and cruel on the outside, Kovasi thinks she is much softer on the inside.

"...I'm pretty sure you don't like me."

Lutie Reingarde – Lutie is the only child Kovasi actually liked. She was a unique young girl that somehow found a research document page on what she called the "PAI" man; this was actually experiment-274. Kovasi has not seen her for a while, but actually hopes she is doing alright.

"Such a small and adorable little one, I hope you'll be okay..."

R'abedh Thish – Met when she visited Cordelia at the company mansion in Mist, Thish is but a year older that Kovasi. She mentions hailing from some sort of academy and having a lover she is fond of dearly. Though Kovasi has never met her, she wishes the best for these two in their endeavors.

"Never had quite an open conversation with any other friend than I have with you."

Amerida Baker – A she individual that met Kovasi at the Wench. She does not understand much about Amerida, but has tried to learn more, but alas, seeming to always have something come up, or something entirely new prevents Kovasi from really learning about her.

"You always have the best reactions whenever I talked about a not-to-normal subject! It amuses me greatly!"

Antheros Riesling – An Elezen she met at the Wench; soon again in Gridania where she was invited to his home. They talked and learned of each other for quite a while.

"Fascinating to say the least, I hope to learn more about you soon enough."

Solutaris Tercias – One of Kovasi's first friends. He was an old monk that served the Garleans, shared his interesting stories with Kovasi. Almost even looking after her in helping her when she first started getting involved with the LSRF.

"...Not sure what happened to you, Solutaris. I do hope I'll see you again though..."

L'ohra Tia – Very early chemistry almost happened between these two. However, lack of information, it would not have gone far. L'ohra was a Miqo'te that was good at carpentry, even boarded with Kovasi for a short bit when she first got a room at the company's mansion in Mist.

"I'm not sure what I'm going to tell you if you come back. I kept your stuff secured, but, You just upped and went missing."

V'enna Nunh – Kovasi does not care to much for Ven, however, his other counterpart, Vinny, has proven to be semi-reliable to her. Though, she does not have trust extended trust in either of them.

"I like Vinny more."



"She always is spending her time with that white haired girl. What's up with that?"
"Quite the innovation for technology she has... Made a few devices for herself; has some weird 'aetherial unit' system as well."


"A traitor right up to the end that one is. Heard she'll sell you out in a second if there is something in it for herself."
"I told you, she is asking strangers questions about their lives to get as much information she can. Then, she is gonna get 'em!"


"I heard she is a vampire that came back from the dead; a voidsent that feeds off the aether of those around her!"
"She enjoyed the calamity and the Garlean invasion of Eorzea. No honor or respect for those that died trying to save her sorry hide."

Player Character Rumours

" Oko? She's an interesting one, to say the least. She'll ask silly, inappropriate questions, so don't let it get to you. She might cause a lot of trouble, but...I know she means well. Even if we don't get along.. " - Yhah Dazkar
" Kovasi is my everything. She's brilliant, creative, clever and more than a little mischievous. Show her that you're smart enough to look past the surface and you might just earn her respect. " - Cordelia Maren

♦ Footnotes

Chaotic Neutral

She does not follow the path of good nor evil. Instead, she looks out for herself and those she would deem fit to care for; without regards to doing what is right.

Theme songs:

"Kovasi Waking Up in a Forgotten Dream"
(FarSky OST: Dark, Crushing Dark. [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFmNDS82HW8 ])

"A Land of Dark Storms and Crystal Trees"
(World of Warcraft Soundtrack: Howling Fjord (Night) [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UNoDAWcaRo ])

"Her Betrayal and the LSRF"
(SaGa Frontier OST: Alone [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNy1sYAytg0 ])