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(Early years in Ul'dah)
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: <font style="color:#d2a6c9;" size="3">■</font> <b>Armed Combat </b> - As a mandatory training her parents gave her, they made sure their daughter wasn't just proficient as a Fist of Rhalgr; and to gain a better understanding of other disciplines of war and weaponry, Ave till this very grateful the two ensured that she could wield other weapons as well.
: <font style="color:#d2a6c9;" size="3">■</font> <b>Armed Combat </b> - As a mandatory training her parents gave her, they made sure their daughter wasn't just proficient as a Fist of Rhalgr; and to gain a better understanding of other disciplines of war and weaponry, Ave till this very grateful the two ensured that she could wield other weapons as well.
: <font style="color:#d2a6c9;" size="3">■</font> <b>Music & Dancing </b> - Hard to find out why she owns these skills, but if one would insist onto prying, they would find out they have a connection with a past in the underground circles of Ul'dah.
: <font style="color:#d2a6c9;" size="3">■</font> <b>Music & Dancing </b> - Hard to find out why she owns these skills, but if one would insist onto prying, they would find out they have a connection with a past in the underground circles of Ul'dah.
: <font style="color:#d2a6c9;" size="3">■</font> <b>Reading </b> - With it not being that common in Eorzea for everyone to be capable of reading, Ave prides herself onto the fact she can read.
: <font style="color:#d2a6c9;" size="3">■</font> <b>Reading & Writing </b> - With it not being that common in Eorzea for everyone to be capable of reading, Ave prides herself onto the fact she can read.

Revision as of 01:42, 4 December 2015

Avelyn Firestone
"Too many forget th' true nature of my order, but I will not be one of them."
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Ul'dah
Full Name Avelyn Firestone
Age 44
Occupation Monk
Martial Status Forever single
  • †Gwendolyn Firestone (Mother)
  • †?Nora Spineripper (Father)
  • Geralt Farborough (Estranged Son)

Avelyn Firestone is one of the few Fist of Rhalgr lucky enough to survive King Theodoric's madness. Ave eventually fled Gry Abania with her mother, and since then has been roaming Eorzea. What Avelyn wants to achieve in life seems to be rather unclear, however she talks about retaking the city she grew up in someday.




▼ Vital Records
Presumed Full Name: Avelyn Firestone
Full Name: (HIDDEN) Avelina Flamereaver
Citizenship: None
Nameday: 28th Sun of the First Astral Moon
Place of Birth: Ala Mhigo
Known Alias: Ave
Guardian Deity: Rhalgr, the Destroyer
▼ Physical Traits
Hair color: Ginger
Eye color: Green
Complexion: Tanned daywalker
Piercings: Non
Marks or tattoos: Scars here and there of previous battles, but nothing standing out.
▼ Other
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Key Items: Two Monk soulstones on a chain
Vice(s): Sex, booze and brawls
Favorite Drink: Any strong liquor
Favorite Color: Purple & White
Additional info: Straight forward, somewhat violent, borderline alcoholic.


▼ Likes:
Smoking illegal substances
▼ Adores:
Ala Mhigo
Free booze


▼ Dislikes:
Running out of booze
The Bloodsands
The Brass Blades

▼ Loathes:
The Elementals
The Corpse Brigade
The Shroud
Nymeia and her worshippers
Wealthy Ul'dahn merchants


Years of training left the Ala Mhigan with a body shape fitting for a Fist of Rhalgr. Far from overly muscular, Ave does have a feminine shape to her appearance; one she is very much aware of, and not afraid to flaunt either. Self-assurance in her posture and manners are as a second nature to the highlander woman. Having spent as much time in the Thanalan sun as she did, whereas she was once more of the fairer complexions, she find a herself having a proper tan in the past years - a thing what gives her an odd contrast due to her fiery red hair and green eyes to go with it.
Often her hair is often kept into a messy pony tail or sorts, simply due to preferring not to give the enemy something easy to grab onto. However if someone were to convince her to brush it and let it down, she would have rather long thick hair. Whereas many male highlanders shave off their eyebrows, Ave keeps them thinly trimmed instead, giving her a more aggressive look then when she would let her eyebrows run their course; not to mention she doesn't shy away from slapping too much black eyeshadow and eyeliner on her face either.
Having seen many fights, brawls and wars over the past few decades, she owns a few scars here and there on her body, but nothing what would draw instantly attention. That is unless one were to look underneath her right foot somehow. Sadly enough for Avelyn, past mistakes ended up with a brand mark of sorts in the sole of her foot.
At best she is bit on the taller end of female Highlanders, but certainly not towering above her male counter parts, although perhaps a bit more muscular then some of them!
While on first glance Avelyn look like your typical, drunken, cursing, brawling Ala Mhigan, certainly somewhere she has a heart of gold hidden away somewhere. Often mistaken for having an abrasive personality, Ave is drop dead honest with everyone she meets; whether it always works in her favour is left to question, but the fierce highlander certainly isn't dying to hold her tongue.
Despite being as blunt as a hammer, Avelyn is genuinely enjoyable to be around for the people who can endure her attitude, not that she particularly tries to be good company, but Ave simply has a knack for being social. It's also safe to say she enjoys her flirting and other endeavours overly much, as she doesn't shy away from that at all; in truth she may come across as a bit aggressive, if not overbearing at times, in that department.
Often prone to end up in brawls, random scraps and spars thanks to her taunting nature, it is more likely one gains respect by sparring her then trying to worm their way out of it, even if they lose. Winning or losing seem to matter little to Avelyn, with of course a few exceptions, as she thrives onto the thrill of battle itself; what more often then not extends into invitations of other physical activities. Not to say Avelyn isn't wary of people, although she rarely shows this off, knowing giving it away may give her a less favourable position in the situation.
Insults on the other hand seem to have little effect on her. Naturally she does get somewhat insulted when face with such, and at best may act as if she were to be heavily ridiculed, but making her lose her temper for real appears to be difficult task. As a Fist she hates people losing control of their temper and she would make for a poor example if she were losing her cool herself in turn. However that is not to say Ave isn't capable of losing her focus, in fact, she actively seeks to addle her mind by drinking. Her fighting skills while drunk appear to fade rapidly, and what she isn't afraid of admitting. Avelyn knows very well where her limits lay these days, not that she isn't prone onto pushing them, but there is a time and place for everything.
Avelyn does have a massive distaste with committing herself to someone, and isn't shy of offering her often unwanted opinion on the matter. She'd take friendship and pleasures over devoting herself to one person any day; not that there are other sorts of relationships where could have both, she never seen the use for it simply due to the fact the woman is very unlikely to develop romantic feelings. Not that she would shut off the possibility completely, it is just more likely to gain her admiration and respect then anything truly affectionate.

▼ Path of Destruction - HISTORY


Born as the only child to Lancer Nora Spineripper and Monk Gwendolyn Firestone, little Avelyn wasn't entirely planned, but a welcome addition to the both families. With having both parents being very ambitious about themselves and their legacy, Ave got raised as one of the more disciplined children compared to many others in Eorzea. However as both parents were too stubborn to give up their positions they held, so the young girl spend most of her younger years under the protective, but strict wings of Gwendolyn's mother, Eva Firestone. While Nora and Gwendolyn both tried to pull their child to favourite one style of combat over the other, the little girl became engrossed by the temples her mother brought her to, and perhaps due to Eva giving the child a friendly push towards picking her daughter's side, once Avelyn had reached the appropriate age, she started to study at the temples devoted to Destroyer.


As expected the girl spend most of her time within the temples of the Fists, adoring everything they had to teach the girl, from combat techniques, their religion, to meditation; Ave loved it all, and always managed to find support in her mother who had walked the same path as her many years before. As Ave's ability as a Monk grew, so did the power of the Fists, and sadly enough the rise of power the Monks gained didn't go unnoticed by the Mad King. With tensions rising between the Fists and the Mad King, Ave just barely managed to finish her training as a novice before the Mad King set upon purging the main temple.

The Purge of the Fists


Early years in Ul'dah

Whereas many Ala Mhigans tell of a tale of the Bloodsands, Ave's took a slightly different turn. Her mother on the other hand, marred by battles past did not exactly pass the requirements Ave's job entailed, nor had the desire to do such, found herself in the Bloodsands. Ave however found herself easily drawn in by greed and luxuries formerly denied by her status as refugee, much to the disappointment, if not countless warnings of her mother. But despite their differences, Ave had an amiable amount of freedom given by Bressal, and continued her training under her mother's guidance as a Fist whenever she was allowed to.


Believing that today may be the last day, the untimely loss of her mother, and semi convinced that there's no hope for the Fists of Rhalgr nor in retaking the city, Ave decided to stray from the path of the Destroyer, and started to follow her own road to personal destruction instead.


Physical Combat - Being trained from a young age on, provided Ave isn't piss drunk, she makes for a fighter with deadly precision. Not your ordinary pugilist trained in Ul'dah, but a proper Monk trained in the temples of Ala Mhigo; oddly enough though Ave rarely uses her monk abilities in spars, leaving this only for spars against other Monks, or mercenary work.
Social Skills - Avelyn gets along with most people, and despite her rather typical Ala Mhigan personality, she often manages to people like her to a degree, or not! It is at least safe to say there is rarely a dull moment with Ave around.

Armed Combat - As a mandatory training her parents gave her, they made sure their daughter wasn't just proficient as a Fist of Rhalgr; and to gain a better understanding of other disciplines of war and weaponry, Ave till this very grateful the two ensured that she could wield other weapons as well.
Music & Dancing - Hard to find out why she owns these skills, but if one would insist onto prying, they would find out they have a connection with a past in the underground circles of Ul'dah.
Reading & Writing - With it not being that common in Eorzea for everyone to be capable of reading, Ave prides herself onto the fact she can read.

Magic - Despite being capable of invoking Aether in her attacks as a Fist of Rhaglr, Avelyn's ability to wield magic beyond a few basic spells is non existant. Not that she lacks the talent to do such, but simply never seen the need to as she punched her way trough life so far.



Where to find this character with whom.
(Knowledge accessible to all with IC research done on the character unless stated otherwise.)


Ul'dah (high probability)
Thalanan (high probability)
Mor Dhona (high probability)
Limsa (medium probability)
Gridania (low probability)
Ishgard (very low probability)


The Fists of Rhalgr
The Rising Fists Linkshell
Aquamarine Mist Linkshell
(HIDDEN) Ala Mhigan Resistance


Eorzean encounters.
(Make sure to check the 'color keys' tab.)

  Aedan Steelweaver
► Ending up drinking together in Camp Drybone's local inn, the two highlanders seem to get along just fine; whereas it first appeared to be alcohol induced, they appear to get along just fine outside of their drunken shenanigans.
  Erich Chase
► Meeting the man in Ul'dah as Flower stood on the background, the two of them eventually ended up sparring outside Ul'dah. Initially declining her off for a drink, he made sure to honor his promise the next day. From that day on, every time she seems the younger Ala Mhigan, she is prone to taunting him for another match, seeming to care little if she wins or not.
  Cerigo Sarior
► Introduced by Riven Astralyas, Avelyn remains a bit confused how a highlander with Ala Mhigan heritage ended up being a Dragoon. However now the man decided to stray away from Ishgard, and turn more towards his roots, Ave found a new sort of respect for the man. Happy to talk with him about the Fists of Rhalgr and Ala Mhigo, she seeks to give as much advice as she can to the man.
  Franz ? Three-eyes
► Being on of the older Ala Mhigans around, having seen a lot of shit the Garleans put her and her people trough, it didn't take long for her to figure out what the man was, even if she was wasted at the time. Initially wanting to beat the crap out of him, the man started to speak some sense. Confused as she already was at that time, she met him once more, and ended up being even more confused. Despite spending quite some time together, what is rather odd for a Garlean and an Ala Mhigan, she remains utterly confused on what he exactly is, and what he is doing here in Eorzea. Also Avelyn gains immense pleasure out of trying to make the man uncomfortable, what as of late sadly enough for her seems to backfire to a degree.
  Kyrin the Falcon
► Webbrael Wastgreinwyn's falcon makes for the most nicest of hair decorations; no really, Ave likes the bratty falcon to the point she considers the animal to be a friend.
  Leoric Blackdale Leo
► Meeting the man by sheer chance, it didn't take long for the two older Fists to spend time with one another; finding an odd sense of comfort due to have finally met another Monk of her age who shares her mindset, despite being of the other sect. Prone to taunt him as soon they start spitting words at one another, and ending up sparring and brawling quite often, Ave does care for him a great deal more then others, despite her encounters with previous shadow sect Monks being far from enjoyable. Thankfully both have an understanding that becoming a king of the ashes of their Order isn't quite worth trying to kill the other in order to open another chakra, and therefore seeing yet another fully sect unlocked Monk bite the dust.
  Scarlet Heath Heath
► Running into one another on a mercenary job, the two bounded rather easily. Mostly of the time the two of them can be spotted drinking with one another, and even if Ave claims she could drink as much as the gentle giant, it is the Ala Mhigan who passes out the first mostly of the time. With Ave's taunting nature, whether she's drunk or not, her and the Hellsguard tend to end up in fights; whether it is in a bar, a friendly brawl with one another, the two together are prone to get into trouble due to what Ave causes on a daily base. She considers the Hellsguard woman as one of her most trustworthy bed partners and friends. Although as of late Scarlet and Ave have been somewhat out of touch due to both of them being busy elsewhere.
  Tristram Greythorne
► Met the man by chance as she was meditating. Happy enough to break it off to meet up another highlander, she was happy to find out she'd met another Ala Mhigan. Casual conversations and some taunting back and forth, it seems for a change Ave doesn't instantly get what she'd wanted from the man, what frustrates and entices her both at the same time.
  War Bear Bear
► Walking up to the tallest guy she could find in the Sands after a spar outside Ul'dah, she happened to run into Bear. Having no one to drink with, or bed for the evening, she was quick enough to invite the Hellsguard over for a drink. One thing let to another, and Ave got what she want, an evening of pleasure with the man. She enjoys the man's company greatly, but knowing Ave's temper and nature, their friendship and mutual attraction ended up as a friends with benefits type of deal. Avelyn is yet to find out about the man's death.
  Webbrael Wastgreinwyn Webs
► Having to deal with her falcon in her hair, Ave soon figured out the woman is a joy to be around, and loves spending time with her and her feathery companions. Drinking, and talking about absolute trash while one of Web's birds flutter around the area is quickly becoming one of Ave's favourite ways to spend the time.
  Achillies Froste
► Ave and him met in the Forgotten Knight together with Riven. Initially dismissing him as yet another Ishgardian elezen, she found herself surprised when he indeed seemed to be a Monk tutored under a Fist of Rhalgr, and not being Ishgardian next to that.
  Alfort Vaulant
► Oddly enough her and the Temple Knight captain got along just fine. Ending up drinking and what not in Coerthas, they then simply parted ways to perhaps meet someday again!
  Barengar Armsbreaker Grumpy
► Finding the man in the streets of Ul'dah, Ave was happy enough to stuff her nose into his business. Giving him a drink in return to apologise, a few days later the woman, unsurprisingly, tried to worm her ways into his pants. Declining her offer, the two simply spend the night drinking and smoking instead. Ave considered to man to be an entertaining one to be around, despite his grunting.
  Berrod Armstrong
► Meeting him was a fresh breath of air to Ave; long having seen but bragging children playing pretend to be Monks, she holds the young man in high regard for being one of the younger Ala Mhigans who appears to have sense about the Fist of Rhalgr. Perhaps not all hope was lost for her order after all!
  Gerelt Redvalley
► From the moment they've met, they ganged up onto irritating Franz, whether it was intentional or not (In Ave's case, it probably was). A thing Ave admires about Gerelt, seeming he appears to be capable of pushing Franz's buttons better then she is herself!
  Kaguya Nightsong Flower
► Having used the woman as a weapon in a barfight, Flower and Ave's relationship didn't exactly start off well, especially after Ave accidently bedding a man Flower was after. Not that Ave has a particular dislike for Flower, she's very much aware that Flower isn't overly keen on her, and rightfully so.
  Lho'a Garanjy
► Finding the man amusing, yet a bit strange to be around, Lho is about one of the only miqo'te Ave doesn't seem to mind spending time with!
  Mocking Wind
► One of many Ave's crushes she has on roegadames. Not that Wind is much a lady, but every time meet Ave has a good laugh with the woman.
  Lucaell Tareth'eian Blue hairs
► Enjoying being around the less fortunate, Ave eventually ran into the girl, drawn into her by her music abilities. Enjoying spending talking with the young woman, she finds her wise beyond her years.
  Percevains Navarre
► Yet another Ishgardian elezen she got along with. However careful not to step on his toes, as interacting with Ishgardian is always a fickle affair for Ave, despite a few off comments, the two had a pleasant evening drinking together.
  Katai Dataq
► Meeting the young woman at the Grindstone, their meeting was surely a memorable one. Ave throwing around rather idiotic questions, Katai was thankfully just having a laugh about it. Not to mention when she joined in teasing a mutual acquaintances, she surely got on Ave's good side for showing off to be a person who possesses a shred of humour.
  Riven Astralyas
► Prying into her drawings at the Forgotten Knight in Ishgard, Ave has an unhealthy interest to make the midlander as uncomfortable as possible by questing her private affairs and making lewd jokes around the woman.
  Wiegraf Pirate
► Introduced by Heath in the Drowning Wench in Limsa, since then the two have been running into one another. Him giving her free booze, and Ave finding him a genuinely entertaining person to be around, Ave found herself running into him several times after they originally met.
  Wolkan Lodall
► Spotting the man on a bench in Ul'dah with a hangover, Ave was kind enough to offer her her bottle of booze to kill of his headache. The brief moment they did spend together Ave did indeed enjoy, and it is probably just a matter of time before they run into one another again!
  Geralt Farborough
► A long and painful history between mother and son, their relationship is an absolute train wreck. At times denying she has a son, sometimes speaking fondly of him, it is hard to say what exactly caused their rift, and Ave easily blames it onto her son's father. Not that talking with Geralt would make anyone wiser, as his story changes on his mood as well. At least they got that in common. Regardless of what Ave tells people, even if she's not prone to admitting it, she loves her son like any mother would.
  Gwendolyn Firestone
► The woman who made Avelyn to what she is today, if you do not count in the negative habits Ave evolved after her mother died. Since Ave was a young child, she always looked up to her mother, hard to admit it, she knows she never will be the Monk her mother was; talented, feared, devoted, desired, deadly and even enjoying a favourable position in Ala Mhigo's army and politics to a degree, the woman was everything Ave was meant to be but never ended up being.

After her mother's sudden death, Ave took her last name, for the time being, to honour her mother's legacy.

  Nora Spineripper
► Whether the now old man is still alive, she despises the man who was once a part of the Corpse Brigade back in Ala Mhigo, and even going as far as shredding her father's clan name Flamereaver in the favour for any other last name she could come up with after she'd fled Ala Mhigo; not that the man, if he's still alive, still carries that name, but Ave hardly knows that after decades of no contact. Whether he left her half-sisters and brothers is yet another thing Avelyn doesn't seem to be willing to talk about, or simply doesn't know of.
  Bressal Farborough
► A known wealthy Ul'dahn merchant, and the father of Avelyn's son. At best they have a very odd, destructive hatred for one another after spending years and years together. Their relationship, or what little what remained of it, is yet another piece of the puzzle neither Ave, him or their son likes to talk about.
Affection: The character is having a particular feeling of want and desire for this specific character. It might be simply friendly, romantic or physical, two of these options, or all three. It might not be reciprocal.
In a relationship: The character is romantically involved with this character. The characters might not like each other. It is reciprocal, or at least the person explicitly made them believe it was.

Platonic Love/Family: The character considers this person family, and that goes above friendship. It is usually reciprocal.
Friend: The character considers this person her friend. It is reciprocal, or at least the person explicitly made her believe it was.
Friendly Acquaintance: The character considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally. It may not be reciprocal.

Good Standing: The character has no specific feelings about this character. They left a good impression, though.
Neutral: The character has no specific feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: The character has no specific feelings about this character. They left a bad impression, though.

Dislike: The character doesn't want to consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them. It may not be reciprocal.
Hate: The character consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen. It is often reciprocal.
Fear: The character is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost. It can not be reciprocal.
Rivalry: The character considers this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time they gets to meet them. It is reciprocal, or at least the person explicitly made them believe it was.

Family Member: This character is related by blood to the character.
Colleague: This character is one of the character's colleagues.
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but the character isn't fully aware of it yet, in denial, or overlooking it.

Deceased: This character has passed away.


Some of these rumors might be untrue or greatly exaggerated.
(Knowledge accessible to all with IC research done on the character unless stated otherwise.)
Gdiamond.png Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Woman's trouble I tell ye." - Quicksand Patron
"Can't count how many times I've seen her passed out drunk in and around Ul'dah." - Passing Mercenary
"Used ta fight at th' Bloodsands I believe. Ain't got a clue why she stopped." - Ul'dahn Citizen
"Throws a bloody mean punch, too well fer a bloody pugilist." - Member of the Pugilist Guild
Gdiamond.png Uncommon Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Fuckin' woman is a pain in me backside." - Pissed off Brass Blade
"One of the survivin' Fists aye." - Ala Mhigan Lancer
"Firestone doesn't seem to be picky on who she sleeps with; got another in her bed every night I tell ye!" - Regular at the Sands
"Spittin' image of her mother; before she started drinkin' tha' is." - Old Family Friend
Gdiamond.png Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Father was one of Theodoric's loyal dogs. I wouldn't be surprised that traitorous blood seeped into her as well." - Denizen of Little Ala Mhigo
"Mother 'nd son had a fall out over some shite, can't remember fer th' life of me wha it was on about." - Pearl Lane Harlot
"Heard the Monk hunts down Nymeia worshippers fer sports, but I never told ye tha'." - Ala Mhigan Shaman
Purpletrinket.pngGdiamond.png Rumors from the characters of other players Gdiamond.pngPurpletrinket.png
"Met this lil' firecracker one night at the quicksand. She reminded me so much of someone I used ta know I let my guard down, an had one of the best and roughest nights I've had in five years. She was gone before I woke in the mornin' which is a shame I thought we were onta somethin maybe, well somethin' worth tryin'. Maybe I'll run inta her again an we'll find out. " - War Bear
"Urgh, this woman! I finally fall for someone after two moons and she instantly shatters it with her damn sex addiction! Firecrotch. . . I apparently named her well. Don't let her drink and brawl around anyone you may be interested in. She has NO self control." - Kaguya Nightsong
"Brash. Drunk. Somehow she saw through me. I have to wonder if she trusts me or my wallet. Hopefully the former." - Franz
"That ol' bag o' bones? She ain't bad for Sea Wolf spawn. Bit of a relic; there's a lot t'learn from her, and I mean to." - Osric Melkire
"Feel free to add yours!" - Character Name






ALT: Virella Douront <- whisper me on her if need be!

DISCLAIMER: For the love of Twelve, because Ave is a promiscuous character does not mean she reflect my real life personality. Please don't make the accusation of myself being like Avelyn due to the way I roleplay her. Keep roleplay to roleplay! If you happen to confuse this, I won't hesitate warning other people of your shenanigans.


This template and its icons were created by Lucaell Tareth'eian. Please do not use and alter the template without explicit permission of Lucaell Tareth'eian. Do not claim the artworks and icons as your own. If you do alter it heavily, please state in the footnotes. Based on Bancroft Gairn's.