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<div style="padding: 7px 4px;font-size:13px; color:#9faecc;font-family:Georgia;border-bottom:1px;border-bottom:1px dotted;letter-spacing:0.2em;font-variant: small-caps;"><b>◢ Common Rumors</b></div>
<div style="padding: 7px 4px;font-size:13px; color:#9faecc;font-family:Georgia;border-bottom:1px;border-bottom:1px dotted;letter-spacing:0.2em;font-variant: small-caps;"><b>◢ Common Rumors</b></div>
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<div style="font-family:Georgia;">
: <font style="color:#9faecc;" size="2">■</font> "Thought I heard birds singing in the woods as I was out for a stroll. Turned out it was this Xaela, sitting on a stump and having some sort of grandiose conversation with the birds in the threes above her. I asked if she spoke cloudskin and she laughed at me! I guess she was just entertaining herself..."</div>  
: <font style="color:#9faecc;" size="2">■</font> "Thought I heard birds singing in the woods as I was out for a stroll. Turned out it was this Xaela, sitting on a stump and having some sort of grandiose conversation with the birds in the threes above her. I asked if she spoke cloudkin and she laughed at me! I guess she was just entertaining herself..."</div>  
<div align=right>— ''Blushing Child, Bentbranch Meadows, Twelveswood''.</div>
<div align=right>— ''Blushing Child, Bentbranch Meadows, Twelveswood''.</div>
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Revision as of 19:40, 5 December 2016


Tului nasan name banner.gif
"The Mirror of Life"
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I will love the light for it shows me the way;
yet I will love the darkness for it shows me the stars.

-Og Mandino-

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Vital Information

NAME: Tului Nasan


NAME TRANSLATION: "Mirror of Life"

RACE & CLAN: Au Ra, Xaela

GENDER: Female

NAMEDAY: 5th Sun, 6th Umbral Moon (Dec. 5th)

AGE: 28 Cycles

HEIGHT: 5 fulms, 4 ilms

WEIGHT: 120 ponze

Other Statistics

BIRTHPLACE: Azim Steppe, Othard

TRIBE: Tengri






ALIGNMENT: Neutral - Good.


General Information
Tului Nasan is a Xaela shaman living in Eorzea with the other Auri refugees. A nomad who has always seen herself as a wandering wise woman, tending to the needs of all living things. She is a firm believer in the spirits and fate. Due to this, she is at peace with the exodus - but hopes ultimately to return her people to their ancestral homes. Tului is guided by a strong moral compass and will do as she believes is right and just. This makes her willing to fight tooth and tail to protect life from those who would destroy or corrupt it.
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Lithe Regal Complete

Tului’s presence and physique resembles that of a crane - tall and lithe with long, slender legs. Her movements are graceful, slow and deliberate, as she navigates her world without her sense of sight. Though she has the innate hardiness of all Xaela who have lived in the wilds of the Steppe, it is evident her capabilities lie in the mind rather than the body. Tului’s skin is a deep, dark charcoal in color that is accentuated with silver speckles throughout. There appear to be no scars on her form, though she does boast callouses on her palms and the tips of her fingers.

Scales, Horns, & Tail
As a Xaela, Tului is covered with prominent coal colored scales. The particular hue they have does not seem prone to reflecting the light, as the inky or raven black scales some of her kin hold. Instead, they seem to almost blend into her skin seamlessly. A mutation that originated in her tribe adds a secondary, finer set of silver scales that are splattered across her skin in various sizes like the stars in the night sky. This adaptation was so sought after that all members of her tribe have it. Tului’s lavishly adorned dual horns sweep backwards and upwards, ending in long, thin, and razor-sharp pointed tips. Her tail is whip-like and ends in five serrated prongs that can tuck together or expand at will. She utilizes both the natural spatial cognition provided by her horns and side-to-side swishes of her tail to help her visualize the spaces she is in - similar to how a feline uses its whiskers to navigate. Tului’s tail is likewise adorned with jewels.

Facial Features
A heart-shaped face with prominent cheekbones is framed by thick waves of silvery tresses. Her hair appears to have grown like a horse’s mane - long and wild, though not unkempt. The color is a base of pale gray that is highlighted with finer strands of silver, though the ends tend to be darker than the rest. Dark, fully lips are slightly glossy and stand out against her skin. Large almond-shaped eyes are almost always half-lidded, as if she were on the verge of slumber. The lashes are black and distinct, but fairly short and sometimes hard to see against the glow of her silver eyes and white limbal rings. The fine speckles of silver scales are most visible across her cheekbones. An alto voice, slightly husky and warm, speaks more slowly in the common tongue than her native one.

CLOTHING: A mix of natural adornments (leather and bone) and various woven fabrics (wool or silk). Preference is usually in shades of black, grey, and silver - when she is aware of the color. Skirts of varying lengths are more commonly scene than leggings. Leather boots, sandals, or barefoot.
JEWELRY: Strands of silver chains that jingle with small moonstones, pearls, and elemental crystals are draped over her horns and tail. Akin to a handflower bracelet, bands at various points of her tail from top to pronged tips are connected by the fine strands of chain and gems.
SCENT: Cedarwood (slightly smoky with a hint of spice), labdanum (a warm and sweet, musky, amber), petrichor (the wet, earthy scent before it rains), and a touch of ozone (the crisp electric scent of air after the rain).
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ALIGNMENT: Neutral - Good
PERSONALITY TYPE: Extroverted - Intuitive - Feeling - Perceiving (ENFP)
PRIMARY MOTIVATIONS: To preserve her people's traditions, the souls of the dead, and the balance of nature.

Tului strives to find balance between the mortal world and the cosmos, the earth and the heavens, the head and the heart. While she is not always perfect at doing so, years of tutelage and subsequent practice as a shaman have shaped her into a well-composed, emotionally stable person.
Her patience with others is a defining trait, as she will offer advice on occasion but understands it may not be taken. To her, the bird's way of throwing a chick out of a nest so that it can learn to fly produces the best results...though she will always be ready to catch them, or mend a broken wing. Despite her friendliness, at times she can seem distant - coming and going as she pleases like a lone, wandering mustang.
Her greatest fears include prolonged silences and the dark, anything that makes her feel disconnected from others or the world at large. She also believes it is her solemn duty to correct injustices and protect life from being subjugated or perverted. She will utilize whatever means in her possession, usually her magic and connections with others, to fight against those she deems cannot be saved when compassion and reason fail to produce results.
As with other members of the Tengri tribe, Tului has a multitude of spiritual beliefs that revolve around the spirits, magic, fate, and reincarnation.

❄ Spirituality
❄ People
❄ Storms
❄ Textures
❄ Painting
❄ Total Darkness
❄ Total Silence
❄ Open Water
❄ Corruption
❄ Injustice
❄ Spatial Awareness
❄ Remembering Details
❄ Empathy
❄ Elemental Magic
❄ Celestial Magic

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Basic Statistics
Tului has an average hardiness that comes from her Xaela heritage; an ability to walk for hours, does not get sick easily, can survive outdoors, and has scales and a tail for personal defense. Her aetheric abilities are her main form of interaction with the world. Emotionally and mental stable, however she can be seen as charismatic OR aloof.
The only physical weapon that Tului can wield appropriately is a stave. Her own is made of bone, wood, fetishes, bells, and elemental crystals to enable a variety of potent magic channeling. She keeps a dagger on hand for emergencies, but does not know how best to utilize it. A star globe is useless to her due to her blindness.
Conjury Spells
Thaumaturgy Spells
Astromancy Spells
(OOC - Tului knows a very primitive version of Astromancy that includes ONLY the spells below. As a result, they are utilized slightly differently than they are in other lands.)
Nocturnal Sect: Attuning to the celestial bodies ruled by the dual moons and nocturnal stars. Represents the passive, unconscious and uncontrollable. Quickens the senses and protects from the unknown.
Synastry: Creating an aetheric bond with a companion that temporarily enjoins your fates so they can reap the star's benefits, too.
Collective Unconscious: Being closely attuned with the aether of the world; called empathy/wheel of fortune. Used to link yourself with others, feeling their joy & pain.
Benefic: Using celestial magic to heal.
Malefic: Using celestial magic to harm.
Non-Combat Proficiencies
Languages: Xaelan (High), Doman (Average), Beastkin Imitation (Low Average), Common Eorzean (Low Average/Passable)
The Arts: Dancing (High), Riding (High), Falconry (High), Poetry (High Average), Singing (Average), Painting (Subjective...she IS blind after all!)
Tradeskills: Animal Husbandry (High), Botany (High Average), Fishing (Average), Basic First Aid (Average), Cooking (Low Average), Weaving (Low Average)
Societal Interactions: Empathy (High), Mentoring (High), Communication (High), Extroversion (High), Divination (High Average), Memory (High Average), Hygiene (High Average), Public Speaking (Low Average), Lying (Low), Reading Body Language (ABYSSMAL! She's blind!)
OOC Notes
Thank you for taking the time to look over Tului's skill sets! I did the best I could utilizing information from game mechanics and the lore in order to create the list above. I spent a lot of time debating Tului's strengths and weaknesses and tried to have that reflect in her chart.

Class Lore/Mechanics: I began with the Astrologian class because it is my favorite class, however I have only just unlocked it in game. Since Astrologians utilize a of black and white magic for cross-class abilities I thought it would mesh well IC with conjury and thaumaturgy. The comments about the astromancy spells are the text from the Astrologian job quests.

It was important to me that Tului feel like a shaman. That is why I pulled the elemental spells from conjury and thaumaturgy, as well as a few others (heals, barriers, and sleep spells). Tului's role is meant more to be a healer/defender than an offensive entity and I kept that in mind while selecting her spells.

Roleplay Healing: It is important to me that both parties enjoy the experience of RP healing. If you do not want to be healed, or otherwise, simply let me know! I will either have Tului unavailable for certain scenes, have her be incapable at the time for another reason, have her prayers to the gods fail, etc! I want to work with you as well so that the effects of healing are in line with the story YOU want your character to experience!

Roleplay Combat: I tend to prefer roleplay combat against enemies rather than other people. Combat is not a focus for Tului, though she will engage in it when necessary against those she deems unjust or corrupt. When possible, I prefer to decide a vague outcome before the fight and have both parties work their way to that end while allowing for creativity before that point. Barring that, I am happy to do rolls (higher/lower, adjusted for stats, etc)! Again, it's more important to me that both parties have fun and that an interesting story is told. I have no issues with Tului losing!

Divination/Spirit Journeys: This is the main aspect of shamanism I wanted to explore with Tului as a character, as well as the trope of the Blind Seer. To this end, I have combined available spells (sleep, synastry, collective unconscious), game lore, and Mongolian spirituality to make it as lore appropriate as possible! These are also not meant to be simple rituals, nor are they meant to allow Tului to know more than she would.

I will only perform these rituals/scenes with other players IF THEY ASK FOR THEM. They involve a lot of IC work (utilizing a totem, preparing crystals and incense, linking aether, finding a rare flower) and provide IC risks as well (taking specialized drugs, going into a magical sleep, having the fates of two souls intertwined briefly, emotional damage) so that they must be considered VERY carefully before being undertaken. All that said, I love the potential for my player to interact with yours on a long-term basis and help them find their purpose or an answer to specific questions they might have! If you are also interested, please contact me and we can work something out!!

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IC Inventory
This is a mostly complete list of items that Tului owns. While they may not always be on her person, per se, you are free to make note of them in case of the following: her person is searched for any reason, someone attempts to pick her pockets or steal her satchel, or they discover a place where she has stored her items temporarily.
Messenger Bag.pngMESSENGER BAG: Medium sized, almost always on hand.
Gilcoin.pngCoinpurse: Filled with a small amount of gil, enough for funds for a moon.
Water Skin.pngWater Skin: A thick leather water skin, always kept full.
Rations.pngRations: A little amount of food that travels well.
JerkedBeef.png ■ Dried meat.
Cheese.png ■ Cheese.
Mixed Nuts.png ■ Nuts.
Bread.png ■ Bread.
Fruit.png ■ Fruit.
Bag of Herbs.pngBag of Herbs: Tengris Tears.png Tengri's Tears blossoms, Mixed Herbs.png medicinal plants, and Spices.pngspices from Othard.
Doeskin Pouch.pngShamanic Supplies: A doeskin pouch that can fit in the fully opened hand.
Whittling Knife.pngWhittling Knife: Tiny knife for delicate woodwork.
Lock Box.pngFetishes: Various bits of sacred items. Bone Shards.png Bones, Feathers.png feathers, Incense.png incense, etc.
Black Paint.pngBlue Paint.pngGreen Paint.pngSmall Paint Set: Organically made paints that smell like the items they were derived from.
Lightning Cluster.pngWind Crystal.pngIce-Shard.pngAspected Crystals: Elementally charged crystals of all kinds, both whole or in pieces.

WEAPONRY: Very small amount.
Antlered Shaman Staff.pngStaff: A wooden staff adorned with two large, ivory deer antlers. Elemental gems, feathers, and small silver bells hang from the prongs.
All Purpose Knife.pngAll Purpose Knife: A few ilms long, used for cutting meat, supplies, and self-defense as a last resort.

CLOTHING: A few sets.
Simple Clothes.pngSimple Clothes: A few light shirts, skirts, and sandals in various colors. Worn day to day.
Travel Clothes.pngTravel Clothes: A simple set of wool and leather clothes with sturdy riding boots. Worn during long travels.
Shaman Garments.pngShaman Clothes: A set of robes in muted grays, decorated with scales and feathers. Worn frequently.
Silk Clothes.pngFormal Clothes: A set of silk robes with a veil in gold, black, and silver. Worn on nicer occasions.

JEWELRY: Mostly silver chains with moonstones, pearls, and elemental crystals.
Kirin Animal Totem.pngAnimal Totem: A small wooden totem depicting a peacefully sitting Kirin with scales of silver and black painted on. The eyes are made of ice crystals and flicker as if alive.
Auri Horn Adornments.pngHorn Ornaments: A very light, ornate piece that decorates both horns with silver chains, precious stones, and small bells.
Auri Tail Adornments.pngTail Ornaments: Multiple silver bands that clasp around the length of her tail and are connected by silver chains strung with jewels and bells. The last cuff is at the base of the finger-like prongs and blossoms out like a handflower bracelet to wrap around the base of each prong, holding it in place.
Simple Silver Ring.pngRing: A single silver band worn on the right ring finger, etched with simple (and meaningless) designs.

MOUNT & TACK: Adapted for riding a drake/biast.
Drake.pngDrake: Shuurga. Name translates into Storm. A dark, charcoal gray riding drake. Lightning aspected. Male. Calm temperament, wary of strangers.
Saddle and Tack.pngSaddle/Reins: Lovingly crafted, well worn, light gray leather saddle. Reins attach to rings pierced through hard scales behind the drake's horns to guide it.
Saddle Bags.pngSaddle Bag: Two medium sized bags on either side of the saddle to hold camping supplies (blanket, flint/tinder, etc).
Drake Adornments.pngAdornments: Silver cuffs around each of the four legs and the drake's two most prominent horns. Each cuff bears a lightning aspected crystal to aid in the animal's channeling. A thick metal plate, decorated with silver bells, crosses the drake's vulnerable throat and chest to protect it when it needs to take a breath before unleashing it's lightning.

COMPANION(S): Currently none.

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Tului was born on the 5th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon during the first true snows of the season in the grasslands of the Azim Steppe. Her mother had an affinity for animals, tending to the tribes beastkin. Her father hunted and pacified wild animals that appeared to have been corrupted by disease or spirits. She was given the birth name of "Kisaya", after the equine deity who protects souls and riches. The tribe often remained stationary for half a cycle at a time, during the leaner winter months. Tului's youth was spent in good health as she learned the basics of tribal life on the Steppes, the spiritualistic rites of her people, how to interact with various beasts, and rudimentary celestial and elemental magic.
Rite of Passage
As Tului became adept in a few of the magics she had been studying under her shaman mentor, she was prepared to undergo her right of passage. Her mentor allowed her to wear his animal totem, that of a snow leopard, while she prepared herself mentally for a full moon. When the time game, she underwent her vision quest under his guidance. There, she discovered her own spirit animal - a silver and black kirin, and her elemental aspect - umbral ice. Her quest involved a rigorous mental exercise in which all of the stars had been shaken out of the sky. With memory and instinct alone, she was tasked to put them back into their proper constellations. Hours later, exhausted, she was awoken from her magically-induced trance and given her true name, "Tului Nasan". Mirror of Life, due to her ability to read the souls of the stars and remind them of their own place in Tengri's heavens.
Adulthood - Othard
After completing her rites, Tului continued to study under her shaman mentor for many cycles until she was able to work independently. Her strengths began to form during these times, and she nurtured them - without fully neglecting her weaknesses. Ice and water magic came to her easily, due to her aspect. Mutable elements, like the stars and wind, likewise became her domain. She became a healer, and mentor, in her own rite. Eventually, she discovered an ability to divine the aetherial imprint that echoed a person's soul and memories onto their soul stone and find appropriate candidates to pass them on to. Her interpretations were largely correct, matching soul to soul, and eventually she became the tribe's secondary Keeper of Souls.

There came a point where she felt the heavens calling her to leave her tribe, not in her heart or soul, but to wander the wilds of Othard as others taken by the wanderlust had done. With her parents having passed back to the lifestream, and a new Keeper of Souls training under her former mentor, Tului was able to depart with the Khan's blessing. For cycles, she traveled Othard. Some tribes new of her people and welcomed her in, some captured her to have her work for them. It was her abilities as a shaman that left her unharmed in these scenarios, even as a captive, as many Xaela did not want to anger the spirits in harming a white shaman.

She was temporarily living among members of the nocturnal Kagon tribe when the Exodus began. She traveled to Eorzea with them, but parted ways to find her own path upon arrival.
Adulthood - Eorzea (Current)
Tului arrived in Eorzea only a scant cycle or so prior, knowing nothing of the common tongue and making her way into the wilderness to survive off the land. The first moons were dangerous, she did not know the lay of the land, the language, or the plants and beasts that called the areas she traveled in home. Eventually, through trial and error, she learned enough to survive without grievously harming herself.

She crossed paths with a few Xaela, from various tribes, who were making their way to Gridania and followed them there. Due to their kindness, as well as her adept hearing and good memory, she was able to pick up a fair amount of the common tongue.She has spent the rest of her time in Eorzea wandering from town to town, rarely lingering long enough to make anything more than acquaintances.

She feels the stars are calling her, but she is not sure to what purpose as of yet...

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Tengri Tribe
The Tengri tribe is a very old, yet relatively unknown, Xaela tribe. As a whole, they avoid other tribes as much as possible and live a nomadic style that crosses far from the Azim Steppe, the mountain ranges, and wandering the route of the expansive One River. Some shaman occasionally leave the tribe to serve others across Othard, however. The Tengri are friendly to Xaela and Raen. They named themselves out of reverence after Tengri, who they worship and revere as the predecessor of the Dusk Mother and Dawn Father.

While they are omnivorous, they respect all forms of beastkin and take care to kill quickly and prevent needless suffer. They believe beastkin have souls like people and often work in collaboration with animals. Women and men share duties equally within the tribe. Skin, hair, and eyes tend to be shades of black, gray, silver, blue, purple, and white. An adaptation in their ancestry lead to them developing silvery-white fish like scales across their entire body. They believe these scales are what allow them to absorb celestial magic from Tengri in order to perform their spells.

There are various small offshoots of the tribe that settle in different areas. They are usually lead by a triumvirate council lead by the Khan who is supported by a black shaman, who handles warrior affairs and a white shaman, who handles local affairs. There is often one or two Keeper of Souls who act as story-tellers, lore keepers, and pass on soul crystals to those who complete their rite of passage.

All members of the tribe have a totem they keep on their person, carved to represent their totem animal that bears elemental aspected crystals for eyes. While they are given a temporary name as a child, of the parents' choosing, they are deemed to have given their true, or earned, name upon completing their right of passage.

Due to their divination abilites, many knew and prepared for the coming of the Garleans. While some made the Exodus to Eorzea over the years, a fair few tribes remained in Othard in hiding. Their fates are unknown as they are mostly scattered.
OOC Notes
Interested in playing a member of one of various groups of the Tengri tribe? You have my EXPRESS permission to do so WITHOUT needed to speak to me personally.

Please read everything on this page as well as the page about shamanism. There are a very few little bit of extra tidbits sprinkled throughout the pages that I only clarified there. I based the Tengri tribal beliefs off the Mongolian shamanistic religion of Tengerism. I wanted to encourage other people to feel free to play a member of this tribe so I specifically set it up that they were lesser known, had multiple camps, and some members were just prone to leaving to wander Othard without forsaking their tribal connections in full.

You also have permission to copy both my Tengri tribe and shaman pages onto your own wiki for ease of your own reference.

If you DO play a member of the Tengri tribe, I would love to know about it and, hopefully, RP with you!!!

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The Celestial Bodies
Tengri translates literally into "heavens" while simultaneously referring to the highest celestial spirit. In Tului's tribe, they believe that the Tengri's eyes are the the sun and moon. The Dusk Mother, Nhama - goddess of the moon and matron of the Xaela represents the element of water and the Dawn Father, Azim - god of the sun and patron of the Raen represents the element of fire. It is said there is a piece of Tengri in the crown of one's head that is bound to a single star in the sky from whence each individual draws their power. The star's brightness or dullness reflects the strength of the person's soul and when they perish - the star goes out forever.

Black & White Shamans
Black Shaman are shaman-warriors and boast more power than white shamans. They fight evil spirits with their own might, perform hunting rituals, and aid the armies in times of war. They know how to lay curses on others, but must be careful not to abuse this power or they may lose their ability to heal. A black shaman often deals with foreign affairs and advises the khan strategically in war. Drums are their instrument of choice.

White Shaman are shamans of peace and are incapable of performing the shaman curse. They are intimately connected to nature spirits and guide others to living in balance with them. When a spirit is angry, they will attempt to pacify it. They are also capable of performing blessings and divinations. A white shaman deals with more local affairs and serves as administrators to the people. Bells are their instrument of choice.

The Windhorse
The Windhorse, or hiimori, is the term used to denote the psychic and spiritual power of a person. The windhorse is strengthened by following rituals and connecting with the universe rather than engaging in taboo activities or self-destructive tendencies. Horses hold a valuable place in many Xaela tribes on both a literal and spiritual level. Placing a stone on a shrine or breathing in sacred smoke increases the power of one's windhorse. Ovoo shrines are often trees, stones, or bones built in a conical fashion. When a horse dies, it's skull is often left at an ovoo out of respect - when other riders notice this, they will leave a single strand of hair from the tail from their own horse in reverence to the steed's spirit.

Souls, Crystals, Reincarnation
There are believed to be three souls that reside in a person. The suld (single) soul, the ami (breathing) soul, and the suns (personality) soul. The suld soul is unique for it is a temporary soul that lives in your person once and, when you die, reverts back to nature and cannot reincarnate. The ami soul is related to the breathing and warmth in the body. When a person dies, the ami soul flies to the World Tree and lives in its branches as a bird. This is the soul the Tengri tribe believes to return to the lifestream at death and then reincarnate as a member of the individuals family-line. The suns soul is related to the personality and also holds the collective memories of all its past lives. If it is an evil soul, it will be extinguished at death. It may also reincarnate into anyone.

The Tengri tribe revere the suns soul the most, believing this is what is held within soul cyrstals. A Keeper of Souls will collect the crystals and select new heirs for them after the person undergoes their rite of passage, is given their new name, and their fate has been divined. It is considered taboo to shatter a crystal, no matter if it belonged to an enemy. In times of war, the soul crystals would be studied for any secrets but then would be returned to the enemy tribe out of respect for the warrior who died.

Totem Animals
All living things are believed to have souls, with animals especially being consider amitan or possessing a human-like soul that can reincarnate. Beastkin are treated respectfully. Cutting a windpipe or damaging a heart harms the ami, or soul, so this is avoided even when hunting. A person's totem animal is often connected to their ancestors and common animals include the tiger, snow leopard, bear, wolf, deer, bull and eagle.

In order to complete one's right of passage in the Tengri tribe, they must undergo a Spirit Journey under the watchful eye of a shaman. Here, they will divine their totem animal and elemental aspect, and astral/umbral affinities. Upon waking, they will create their totem animal out of wood and give it eyes made out of elemental aspected crystals. These totems are considered sacred to the individual and hold no power for anyone else. Parents of a child who has not yet undergone their rite of passage will often have a temporary totem made for them, one in which the father's animal is given the mother's elemental crystal eyes. This is considered to protect the child until they can create their own.

Spirit Journeys
Due to the inherit risk of losing one's suns soul by partaking in spirit journeys, the Tengri tribe would often only perform them upon three occassions - during one's rite of passage, again at their death, and to determine enemy secrets.

The Rite of Passage ceremony would be overseen by a shaman. In order to link their aether, the individual would remove their familial totem and wear the shaman's own totem for nearly a full moon. Once their aether had formed a bond, the ritual would be performed. Twelve elemental crystals, one for each element in both the astral and umbral state, as well as nearly fifty different animal totems would be placed in a circle around the participant. Sacred incense would be lit, hallucinogenic drugs would be taken, and bells or drums would be slowly played. Once the individual was relaxed, the shaman would perform a sleep spell on them. Due to their aetheric link, this would put the shaman to sleep as well. Here, in the collective unconscious, the shaman could watch and guide the individual as they navigated their emotions, both fears and dreams. Upon waking, they would know the child's element, totem animal, and fate. The participant would then be tasked with making their own totem and would receive a new name and a soul crystal from the Keeper of Souls.

Tengri's Tears, often called Moon Daisies in Eorzea, were heavily involved in the ceremony. In Othard, these plants had developed a hallucinogenic property that aided in the participants connecting during the vision quest. Most individuals would only partake a few times in the course of their lives. However, the shaman would frequently utilize the flower in rituals. In small doses, it is a harmless plant, but through consistent use it would render the shaman blind. The plant is called Tengri's Tears both for the belief that the flowers are stars fallen from the heavens...and for the tears of mingled grief and relief Tengri sheds when one of his shaman lose their mortal sight in pursuit of a celestial one.

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NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors
"Thought I heard birds singing in the woods as I was out for a stroll. Turned out it was this Xaela, sitting on a stump and having some sort of grandiose conversation with the birds in the threes above her. I asked if she spoke cloudkin and she laughed at me! I guess she was just entertaining herself..."
Blushing Child, Bentbranch Meadows, Twelveswood.
"I don’t know how she can tolerate those filthy, begging mongrels. She doesn’t seem to give them any food or gil, but she’ll tend to their wounds. For free. So then they can get up and beg LONGER!"
Merchant; Pearl Lane, Ul'dah.
"Wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have sugar where she comes from! Every day for a full week she stopped in to try something new...seemed to really like fruits dipped in chocolate. Wish she would come back by, I could use the sales."
Baker; Sweets Shop, Lavender Beds.
◢ Uncommon Rumors
"Comes ‘round often ‘nough. Trades bundles of local herbs fer Eastern ones. Guess she misses flavors from ‘ome, cause they dunnae come cheap."
Merchant, The Seventh Sage, Limsa Lominsa.
"She tells me that the conjurers of her people do not hear the Elementals like we do…but she certainly seems to understand them, all the same."
Hearer; Conjurer’s Guild, Gridania.
"Damned dragon-lovers. It's bad enough they LOOK like the blasted creatures, but now that there’s peace in Dravania...they come and gawk like they’re at some demonic family reunion!"
Guard; Steps of Faith, Coerthas.
◢ Rare Rumors
"Her staff frightens me. Hanging from the antlers are gems of the dead, they say the Tengri can hear their spirits whispering. It's disturbing."
Nald'thal Priest, Golden Bazaar.
"Scared of the sea, they say! Crossed right over it, didn't she? I've never seen someone so quick to head as far and fast inward as she did. Wasn't sick, just ran like a spooked horse from the docks!"
Fisherman, Vesper Bay.
"I was an orphan and the tribe that took me in ignored me. I had no heritage or prospects to speak of. She did a divination, read my soul, and gave me a crystal to help me. I'm only just now starting to realize my potential through it's guidance."
Xaela Warrior, Revenant's Toll.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section!

◢ Player Character Rumors
Your name here...

Relationship Status Legend
§ Associate

Lost Contact

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Location & Probability
Tului has an acute case of wanderlust and often makes small treks. She could be found all over Othard before the Exodus, but now can only be found in Eorzean lands.
Othard, Pre-Exodus: Anywhere, anytime. She traveled for about 8 years as a lone shaman.
Ship, Exodus: She took one of the later ships to Eorzea, traveling with the Kagon tribe. Brief encounter.
Gridania/Shroud: Most of the year she has been in Eorzea was spent in the Shroud. It would be harder to encounter her in the wild, but she then spent a fair time in Gridania and it's outlying villages in company of a few Xaela. She returns their frequently, often to speak with the Hearer's in the city and the Elementals outside of it.
Ishgard/Coerthas/Dravania: Travels here often. Loves the snow, dragons, and chocobo here...rather than the city itself.
Ul'dah/Thanalan: Often in these lands, due to how many refugees are here. Usually to help them or find her kin.
Limsa/La Noscea/The Sea: She can be found here infrequently, when wanderlust takes her. She fears open water and has little reason to visit, but will at random.
Tului is often alone, but you may know her through...
Tengri Tribe: If you are a member of the tribe, or know about their silver scales.
Xaela Tribe (Any): Tului traveled for 8 years and willingly helped, or was captured, by various tribes who used her for her magic.
Doman Refugees: Though brief, Tului made the Exodus on one of the many galleon ships and spent months on it.
The Conjurer's Guild: Not a member, but she frequents their locale to learn more about Eorzean conjury.
RP Limits
Tului is designed to engage in a variety of RP topics, from fluff to nitty gritty. I, personally, am not easily offended by some topics but may not prefer to do them, myself! The list is not all-inclusive and I am always willing to talk about things, however, no matter where they fall on it! I also am aware that people might not read this list before RPing with me, or may forget! If something falls under my ask permission/unacceptable categories through organic RP, I will take the initiative to contact YOU and work things out OOC!
ACCEPTABLE ...walk up RP (though you may want to ask OOC, in case I am AFK or busy!), day to day/slice of life, hilarious shenanigans, linkshell RP, occult investigations, spiritual journey adventure times, themes about violence/drugs/drinking, mental illness, pickpocketing my character, initiating IC combat with her (even if she will try to get out of it), unrequited crushes/love, IC dungeons!!

I also do not mind interacting with characters who bend the lore and greatly enjoy interacting with interesting character concepts such as glamoured dragons, sentient animals, experimental magics, etc!

I am happy to RP in game/face to face, over linkshells/whispers (either as a communication device, or RPing in a setting while we are both busy doing other things), forums, and messenger systems - just let me know what works best for you!
ASK PERMISSION FOR ...putting my character out of commission for more than a day or two (in case it conflicts with other scheduled things), permanently maiming/scarring my character, torture (psychological, emotional, physical) inflicting GRIEVOUS injuries (minor to moderate are fine!), performing a spirit journey (it requires a lot of OOC/IC preparation and I want it to be something YOU would like to do!), stealing anything of IC importance (in case it conflicts), harming Tului's animal companions (it makes her sad :().
UNACCEPTABLE ...unplanned permadeath, rape, ERP. I also struggle somewhat with animal/child torture since I work in those fields IRL. It just makes me a little overly sad IRL, so I will often avoid them if the scene/story is in GRAPHIC DETAIL. But fade to black or summaries/hinting at what happened is just fine! I just appreciate a heads up so I can mentally prepare my tender, woobie heart!
RP Hooks
If you're looking for ways to approach or get involved with Tului, please take a look at this entire page for ideas! Here are some easy ways to meet her not listed in the other sections...
Racism - either for, or against, the Xaela!
Magic - those who can sense aether would notice hers is Umbral Ice.
Astromancy - your character curious or frustrated by her primitive celestial magic?
Lost - either character could ask the other one for directions!
Painting - Tului can often be found in public places. Painting. Poorly... Blind.
Healing - either character could be injured and in need of healing.
Beastkin - Tului has a fondness for animals, your pets or wild ones.
Public Events - always looking for people to chat up at open events!
Corruption - she hunts angered spirits, diseased animals, and voidsent!
Camping - Tului has no permanent home and often sleeps outdoors.
Taverns/Facilities - Tului may occassionally find places at random to ask to stay a night or due, for various reasons ranging from personal to weather. She might even ask regardless of the inappropriateness of the facilities, such as an apothecary shop or printing press or airship dock...
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Player Information
Player Note
Hello! I appreciate you taking the time to look over Tului Nasan's wikipage! I have been roleplaying for about 15 years in various online mediums (forums, messengers, in-game). I have played a variety of MMORPGs and have found something I liked in each one! I like a variety of RP scenarios from day-to-day fluff all the way to serious, long-term plotlines!
Character Lore Adherence
I have used lore to the best of my ability in making Tului's profile. Please keep in mind that I have not yet received my lorebook in real life, nor have I completed much in-game yet (aside from the MSQ about a third of the way into Heavensward...and some random fluff side quests!). Many of the things mentioned are meant to be TULUI'S IC beliefs rather than the actually reality!
Spirituality: I have based Tului's tribal beliefs off of Mongolian spiritualism, specifically Tengerism, and adapted it to Eorzea as closely as possible!
Shaman: I cobbled together the 'custom class' of shaman for Tului that has an emphasis on a few BASIC conjury, thaumaturgy, and astromancy abilities.
Soul Crystals: I wanted these gems to play an important spiritual role in tribal ideas of death and reincarnation by having Tului pass them on like heirlooms to worthy champions.
Biology: I gave Tului's tribe freckle-like silver fish scales as a biological adaptation that was purposefully passed down through bloodlines for the aesthetic of it.
Miscellaneous Information
Concept: Tului's concepts hail from a variety of my passions. Dragons, monochrome colors, night sky (aesthetic). Druids/Shaman, wisewoman/blind seer (lore).
Server: Balmung
Timezone:North America, Mountain Time (UTC -7)
Character Tidbits
Contact Information & Links
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
ENJIN: Enjin Profile
DISCORD: Tului Nasan #4883
TV Tropes
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works. Here are a few that Tului falls under!
Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. I find it interesting to see which ones character's fall under. There is a trope for nearly every writing device out there which is pretty amazing!
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Wiki Information
Thank you to all of those who made creating this wiki page for Tului Nasan possible. I am eternally grateful. This wiki page was not intended to be fully inclusive of Tului's personality, abilities, or history in order to promote IC interaction! Certain points may become retconned or outdated in the future, though I will attempt to keep the information current. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me!

This page was first created on: DECEMBER 1st, 2016.
This page was last modified on: DECEMBER 4th, 2016.

A blank version of the old wiki template can be found here. No template for the new wiki has been created yet.
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave all link-backs and credits intact if you use this template.
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse.
■ Tabling, more formatting & bits by/from Suen Shyu.