<font style="color: #000; letter-spacing: 0em;">''"I's once told I was plain as a slice o' flatbread. Took it as a compliment, bein' 'onest."''
<font style="color: #000; letter-spacing: 0em;">''"I's once told I was plain as a slice o' flatbread. Took it as a compliment, bein' honest."''
Delwyn is, overall, a man you would have difficulty spotting in a crowd; his features, while prominent, are normal in almost every way. His eyes are a vibrant blue-green, his complexion light with a slight tan, and the hair on his head short, messy, and flecked with black which features most evidently atop his feline ears. The fur on his tail is short and fuzzy, save for a dark tuft at the tip, giving him a lion-like appearance.
Delwyn is, overall, a man you would have difficulty spotting in a crowd; his features, while prominent, are normal in almost every way. His eyes are a vibrant blue-green, his complexion light with a slight tan, and the hair on his head short, messy, and flecked with black which features most evidently atop his feline ears. The fur on his tail is short and fuzzy, save for a dark tuft at the tip, giving him a lion-like appearance.
Revision as of 23:06, 23 March 2018
Delwyn Fisher
A Nominal Lominsan
Name... Delwyn Fisher
Alias... Marine
Age... 19
Gender... Male
Race... Miqo'te
Clan... Seeker of the Sun
Orientation... Homosexual
Marital Status... Unwed
Deity... Llymlaen, the Navigator
Nationality... Limsa Lominsa
Occupation... Adventurer
Alignment... Lawful Good
"I's once told I was plain as a slice o' flatbread. Took it as a compliment, bein' honest."
Delwyn is, overall, a man you would have difficulty spotting in a crowd; his features, while prominent, are normal in almost every way. His eyes are a vibrant blue-green, his complexion light with a slight tan, and the hair on his head short, messy, and flecked with black which features most evidently atop his feline ears. The fur on his tail is short and fuzzy, save for a dark tuft at the tip, giving him a lion-like appearance.
He wears a very subtle lip gloss, but becomes incredibly embarrassed when it is mentioned.
Scars & Markings: None, save for the dark markings around his eyes typical of a Miqo'te.
Voice: Neither of unusual high or low pitch. He speaks with a heavy Lominsan accent.
Clothing: Delwyn prefers light, modest clothing, typically with shades of red, white or black. His immense pride in La Noscean culture greatly influences his fashion choices.
"There's three things I love more than anythin': fishin', me parents, an' Limsa Lominsa."
Delwyn is, first and foremost, happy with the life he has. He has a fierce pride for the things he loves, and would defend them to the death if need be... though usually, he elects to give a simple punch to the face. That said, he prefers to build up those around him and wouldn't dare speak ill of anyone.
La Noscea and its culture: "I've lived 'ere all me life, never gone anywhere else... an' if I never do, tha's fine by me. I don' think there's somewhere I'd rather be than where I am righ' now."
Fishing: "Gods, gimme a skiff an' a pole, an' ye'd keep me occupied fer the end o' days! Everythin' about it's appealin' to me. Wha' else would I do anyway with the name I got?"
Ancient Nym: "When I was a wee lad, I'd always dreamed o' bein' a Marine. Hells, me parents still call me tha' sometimes!"
Cooking: "Lemme fish ferever and I'll be an 'appy man, bu' fer gods' sake don' make me cook me catch! I can' ever get the 'ang of it."
Aetheryte travel: "I did learn Teleport one time 'cause me da thought it migh' be useful, an' I upchucked fer three days straight after me first time! Is too convenient anyway, much prefer to get where I'm goin' by land or sea."
Defeatism: "I 'ate it when people give up. Everythin' and everyone's worth it, don' let anyone tell ye otherwise!"
Pirates: "I don' mind privateers, o' course, bu' some pirates, the ones what wanna kill the Admiral, they're right sods! They can go bugger 'emselves."
Kobolds: "I saw one skulkin' about up by Cedarwood one time, an' I won't lie it scared the everlivin' shite outta me! I 'ear they're causin' trouble up north, too... they can go bugger 'emselves with a light'ouse."
Sahagin: "Them's the sods what ended me da's days o' glory, an' tha's what they get up t'on a good day! Way I see it, fishbacks can go bugger 'emselves with wha's left o' Pharos Sirius!"
Favorite Food: Bouillabaisse: "Is so good! Fish, fish an' more fish! Wha' more could ye want?!"
Favorite Drink: Grape juice: "I've no stomach fer wine, stuff's like vomit to me, but if ye skip all the fermentin' those grapes make fer a damned good thirst-quencher!"
Favorite Color: Crimson: "Til sea swallows all!"
Color Key
♥ In A Relationship: Delwyn is romantically involved with this character.
♥ Romantic Attraction: Delwyn is romantically interested in this character.
♥ Sexual Attraction: Delwyn is physically interested in this character.
♥ Platonic Love/Family: Delwyn considers this person family.
♦ Friend: Delwyn considers this person his friend.
♦ Friendly Acquaintance: Delwyn considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.
● Good Standing: Delwyn has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
● Neutral: Delwyn has no specific feelings about this character.
● Bad Standing: Delwyn has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.
♠ Dislike: Delwyn doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
♠ Hate: Delwyn consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
♠ Fear: Delwyn is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost.
♠ Rivalry: Delwyn consider this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time she gets to meet them.
♥ Family Member: This character is related by blood to Delwyn.
✔ Business: This character is either an Delwyn's employer, employee, or coworker.
✖ Deceased: This character has passed away.
?Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of the statuses above, but Delwyn isn't fully aware of it yet.
Wardric Fisher( ♥ ✔ )( NPC ) - Father
A Hyur, aged 48, Wardric and his wife took in a Miqo'te babe left on their doorstep 19 years ago. In 1572 Wardric joined the newly founded Maelstrom, rising in the ranks up to a Second Storm Lieutenant until an injury sustained in a skirmish with the Sahagin left him permanently injured. His military career all but ended, he now helps his wife and son in their family's fish-mongering business. It was his father's prowess that stoked Delwyn's patriotism, and Wardric continues to be a strong role model for him.
Agnes Fisher( ♥ ✔ )( NPC ) - Mother
Aged 46, Agnes has been a fisherwoman since the days of her youth. On she and her husband's 7th anniversary, Delwyn arrived at their Lominsan apartment as a babe in a basket.
Ever since, Agnes has diligently worked to shape her adopted son into a compassionate young man, all the while teaching him the many intricacies of her life's craft.
Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!
◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
■ "I saw a bloke try an' be funny with 'im, called 'im a catboy... an' 'e broke 'is nose righ' then and there!"
■ "His da was quite the axeman before 'is accident, ye know! I once saw 'im cut down three fishbacks in one swing!"
■ "That kid's real nice, I 'ave to say. 'enever 'e tries to sell ye 'is catch, 'e just always seems like 'e's doin' it to 'elp ye, and not jus' to get yer coin."
◢ Uncommon Rumors -A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
■ "I happen to be a peddler of books. Whenever I set up shop in Hawker's Alley, that young man is always there to comb my stock. Without fail, he buys every book I have which is even tangentially related to Nym. It's apparent he's quite fascinated by that ancient state."
■ "Whenever 'e's got time off from the market, 'e 'eads up to the Aftcasle an' jus' sits there. Seems like 'e's waitin' fer someone."
■ "The way Ma an' Da tell it, I showed up on their doorstep on the eve o' their anniversary. Me real ma wasn't nowhere to be seen, an' all she left was a note tellin' me parents to treat me righ'... an' they 'ave, lemme tell ye."
◢ Rare Rumors -Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
■ "Rumor 'as it 'is real ma got clapped in irons a bit after droppin' er son off. Didn' 'ear what she did, though."
■ "Used to be friends with 'im afore I moved away. He an' the lads'd go up to Costa del Sol an' jus' swim fer bells... the way 'e moves in the water, ye'd think he was raised by fishbacks! Kinda miss 'im a bit, not gonna lie... but I've made a good life fer meself, 'venturin' with me mates. 'Sides, 'e said it 'imself, 'e cannae jus' up an' leave; 'is folks need 'im fer the fam'ly business."
■ "Supposedly, the Fisher family can trace its lineage all the way back to the days of Nym."
◢ Player Character Rumors -Feel free to add rumors of your own!
Songs used set a mood, lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. Please mind your speakers when clicking the links.
On Windy Meadows Artist: Symphonic Oddysseys
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Personal RP Limits
■ I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters.
■ Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.
■ I won't play permanent character death or rape plots.
■ If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.
Other Information
■ Time Zone: (UTC-8)
■ World: Mateus
■ Discord: dimension#3621
Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.