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Revision as of 17:13, 21 May 2018

Latest Activities (RP Hooks): (Insert your character's current activities here!)

Birth Name:Elias Thorne

Nicknames: Thorne

Gender: Male

Race & Clan: Midlander Hyur

Age: 27

Height (Insert your character's height here!)

Weight: (Insert your character's weight here!)


Birthplace: (Insert your character's birthplace here!)

Residence: (Insert your character's current location here!)

Patron Deity: (Insert which deity your character feels closest to here!)

Relationship Status: (Insert your character's relationship status here!)

Occupation: Impoverished Noble

Alignment: (Insert your character's alignment here!)


GENERAL APPEARANCE: Elias is a tall, lean man oft broaching on the lesser side of muscular. Snow-kissed skin of a healthy complexion speaks of a man ever at work outside, while a smattering of freckles indicates no little time spent in the sun. Strange, for a hyur hailing from Ishgard. Elias' hair is a dull ash in color, though he's deemed fit to highlight it with lilac, e'er swept over the right side of his face. From time to time, Elias' dull, dead right eye peers through, accompanied by a smattering of minor burns. His remaining eye is maroon, ever watchful, prone to wandering from face to face and, while quite vibrant, is next to never not covered by a shaded monocle.

With a pointed chin and sharp, angular cheekbones, Elias cuts an intimidating figure given the right lighting. The rest of the time, he simply looks like another noble son of Ishgard, going about his day to day. Elias Thorne makes for a strange figure, oft seen dashing here and there about the tiered city of Ishgard in a mix of noble frippery and haphazardly patched clothing. Ashen hair is marked with lilac highlights, and a curious tattoo lines the right side of his otherwise handsome face. Rumor and hearsay follow the man like a shroud - half of such infernal mutterings originate from the man himself (not that he's much like to admit it).

Expression rarely deviating between that of a vacant stare or equally emotionless smile, Elias none-the-less carries himself with the grace and poise expected of noble-born Ishgardians.

SCARS & MARKINGS: A child of the once war-torn nation of Ishgard, Elias boasts a well healed scar that runs from his right temple, through his eye and down over the bridge of his nose. Well hidden for the most part, the jagged mark is a road-map that leads to one conclusion: claws. Small pocks in his skin over the same side indicate burns, though they've healed well and lend to an air of some little danger. Elias' tattoo rests half beneath his shaggy hair, down to his right hand cheek. A symbol of aetherial origin, it can be seen to glow with a fire-like inner light from time to time. Speaking of no little enchantment, those knowledgeable in the esoteric might recognize it as a glamour - and a seal.

VOICE: A rich voice that tends to lean into a drone, if left to prattle. Still, he could do well if given the right song to sing and an audience. He has an accent, but it's hidden under layers of pretense. Most of the time, anyway.

ATTIRE: (Insert a description about your character's clothes here!)


Something of a trickster at heart, Elias speaks with a certain irreverence that speaks ill of his highborn status. His mind is prone to wander from one abstract thought to the next, often leading to sudden questions or observations usually best left unnoticed, but for all that he is kind of heart - if obtuse in how he goes about showing it.

Elias can be a hard man to get along with owing to his sharp wit and willingness to say just about anything no matter the company - a tongue like ice and a mind made of razor wire. His speech is rich and littered with double meanings, laying careful traps where he can for, apparently, his own amusement.


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   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nostrud dissentias at vel, no quem civibus eam. Stet verear definitionem te nam, vel ad aperiri invenire reprimique. Viderer accusam mel id, eu prima admodum complectitur eum. Ut has nobis civibus dignissim.

Ei cibo possit probatus ius. Errem euripidis persequeris sed te. No has oratio vidisse copiosae, wisi contentiones vis et. Eu magna maiorum eos, at pri magna voluptatum adversarium. Nec percipit abhorreant mnesarchum ne, his amet fugit falli ei, ne ridens dolorem eos. Inimicus accusamus dissentiunt ad nec.

Vim illum accusamus concludaturque ad, id prima phaedrum nominati per. Nam ocurreret reformidans ex, sed ea legere nominavi oportere. Vel doming malorum appellantur no, vel ut invidunt scribentur, cu nec munere tibique disputationi. An vis quot saepe. Eum putent aliquid explicari ne, erat falli partem eum et, vix in nullam labores offendit. Eu vel tale autem, et eam laudem animal fabellas.

Duo an harum nullam, an scaevola tacimates elaboraret vix, ne usu modo iudicabit. Te mei magna posse soleat, at quando appetere reprimique sed. Vim at solet conceptam pertinacia, audire voluptatibus ex per. No homero luptatum vis, et tation omnium dissentias per, ne populo consequuntur sea.

Ex putant argumentum ius. Argumentum temporibus mea te. Quodsi commune deseruisse te quo. Usu ex legere timeam, an quo minim simul, duo te praesent liberavisse. Qui vero appareat ne, ei eum simul solet fastidii.

Weapon Example 1
(Insert a weapon your character carries here!)

Weapon Example 2
(Insert a weapon your character carries here!)

Item Example 1
(Insert an item your character carries here!)

Item Example 2
(Insert an item your character carries here!)

Wardrobe Example 1
(Insert an item your character wears here!)

Wardrobe Example 2
(Insert an item your character wears here!)


$ Business


Example Name 1 -
Insert text describing your character's relationship with this character. Place two square brackets around the name to link directly to their wiki page.
Example Name 2 -
Insert text describing your character's relationship with this character. Place two square brackets around the name to link directly to their wiki page.
Example Name 3 -
Insert text describing your character's relationship with this character. Place two square brackets around the name to link directly to their wiki page.


Example Name 1 -
Insert text describing your character's relationship with this character. Place two square brackets around the name to link directly to their wiki page.
Example Name 2 -
Insert text describing your character's relationship with this character. Place two square brackets around the name to link directly to their wiki page.
Example Name 3 -
Insert text describing your character's relationship with this character. Place two square brackets around the name to link directly to their wiki page.


Example Name 1 -
Insert text describing your character's relationship with this character. Place two square brackets around the name to link directly to their wiki page.
Example Name 2 -
Insert text describing your character's relationship with this character. Place two square brackets around the name to link directly to their wiki page.
Example Name 3 -
Insert text describing your character's relationship with this character. Place two square brackets around the name to link directly to their wiki page.

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category! Any PC rumours marked red are considered rare, and will need permission from the gossiper or player before usage.
COMMON RUMORS - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

    “Insert a rumor about your character here!” - Gossipmonger name.
    “Insert a rumor about your character here!” - Gossipmonger name.
    “Insert a rumor about your character here!” - Gossipmonger name.

UNCOMMON RUMORS - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

    “Insert a rumor about your character here!” - Gossipmonger name.
    “Insert a rumor about your character here!” - Gossipmonger name.
    “Insert a rumor about your character here!” - Gossipmonger name.

RARE RUMORS - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

    “Insert a rumor about your character here!” - Gossipmonger name.
    “Insert a rumor about your character here!” - Gossipmonger name.
    “Insert a rumor about your character here!” - Gossipmonger name.

PLAYER CHARACTER RUMORS - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    "Other players insert rumors here!" - Player Name | Date
    "Other players insert rumors here!" - Player Name | Date
    "Other players insert rumors here!" - Player Name | Date


Disclaimer: Anything written here is pre-written history or things that have occurred in-character and are heavy spoilers. Their purpose is for reading pleasure and mostly for the author of this wiki's reference material. Proceed with caution after reading this information and roleplaying! Any and all forms of meta-gaming with such information without gained through RP will be cause for immediate cut in communication until further notice.
Childhood/Adolescence - 6th Astral Era

(Insert an entry about your character's history or development pre-Calamity here!)

Adulthood - 7th Umbral Era

(Insert an entry about your character's history or development post-Calamity here!)


Example Entry 1

(Insert an entry about your character's history or development here!)

Example Entry 2

(Insert an entry about your character's history or development here!)

Example Entry 3

(Insert an entry about your character's history or development here!)



Be advised that the images presented in this gallery are sexually suggestive/explicit. You must be 18+ years of age to view this gallery.

The music presented here is meant to act as themed for different scenarios said character might be in, whether that be just a normal theme or battle. Please mind your speakers when clicking the links.

    Song Title
    Composer: Artist/Band Name
    Context: Short description of theme.
    Song Title
    Composer: Artist/Band Name
    Context: Short description of theme.

    Song Title
    Composer: Artist/Band Name
    Context: Short description of theme.
    Song Title
    Composer: Artist/Band Name
    Context: Short description of theme.

(Insert any relevant player information here! This entry and the disclaimer serves to flesh out the width of the tab and should be at least one line long.)
Personal RP Limitations
Expand for more Details

✓ EXAMPLE ENTRY 1: (Insert explanation/description here!)

✓ EXAMPLE ENTRY 3: (Insert explanation/description here!)

✓ EXAMPLE ENTRY 2: (Insert explanation/description here!)


● EXAMPLE ENTRY 1: (Insert explanation/description here!)

● EXAMPLE ENTRY 2: (Insert explanation/description here!)

● EXAMPLE ENTRY 3: (Insert explanation/description here!)


× EXAMPLE ENTRY 1: (Insert explanation/description here!)

× EXAMPLE ENTRY 2: (Insert explanation/description here!)

× EXAMPLE ENTRY 3: (Insert explanation/description here!)

(Insert any relevant disclaimers here! This and the player information entry serves to flesh out the width of the tab and should be at least one line long.)
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.

Wiki Templates: Using the skill stats window from Fancy Template. Thanks to the authors!

The whole layout and page design belongs to Suen Shyu.