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<blockquote>In all, she is really rather unschooled in the art of controlling her emotions - easy to wound or hurt with a choice word or comment, she is also equally easy to please to the point where she'll be smiling for the rest of the sun after an offhand compliment or flattery.  Through lack of practice, Pond really has little in the way of defense against social manipulation beyond a staunch belief in what is wrong and right, with a basic understanding of the shades of grey between the two, and thus is still able to approach many a situation with a naivete born of ignorance.</blockquote>
<blockquote>In all, she is really rather unschooled in the art of controlling her emotions - easy to wound or hurt with a choice word or comment, she is also equally easy to please to the point where she'll be smiling for the rest of the sun after an offhand compliment or flattery.  Through lack of practice, Pond really has little in the way of defense against social manipulation beyond a staunch belief in what is wrong and right, with a basic understanding of the shades of grey between the two, and thus is still able to approach many a situation with a naivete born of ignorance.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Romantically, Pond is all but a lost cause for the vast majority - the things the Seeker having seen, heard and experienced raising a wall about her heart lined with a resilient lining of iron fear and reinforced by the unbreaking steel of terrorHappy to make friends just for the novelty of such, and the warmth that only a good friend can bring to a life, the young Seeker's upbringing has however made finding the amount of trust necessary to accept someone into her life to the extent of calling them a lover or such is a task akin in difficulty to telling her to best Titan, alone and unarmed.  Blindfolded with her ears and nose both blocked.  And just as heart-shatteringly fear inducing for her.  The key difference between the two situations being that if you told her that the life of a friend depended upon her defeating Titan, she'd probably be quite willing to go down swinging a tiny fist at that ugly, rock-hewn face.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Romantically, Pond is essentially a lost cause for all but the most ardent followers, courting the seeker being more akin to a war of attrition than a romantic endeavourWhile recent events have led to Pond taking a step in the right direction, and spilling much of her past to a confidant in an attempt to overcome the socially crippling fear of contact, she still has a lengthy journey ahead of her.</blockquote>
==<div style="padding:10px 15px; background:#7faf4d;font-size:14px;color:white;">'''Combat'''</div>==
==<div style="padding:10px 15px; background:#7faf4d;font-size:14px;color:white;">'''Combat'''</div>==

Revision as of 09:01, 6 May 2014

 W'Pondahl Amih
Azeyma illuminate my path, show me the correct way.
The Good-hearted
Gender Female
Race Mi'qote
Clan Seekers of the Sun
Citizenship None
Age 19 - 21 (Approximated)
Nameday 20th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon (Again, approximated)
Guardian Azeyma, the Warden
Height/Weight 5 fulms 3 ilms / 111 ponzes (Estimated)
Occupation House staff with the Kindred / Squire of Vyncent Fields
Alignment Lawful Good
This character article or section of a character article is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?

Pondahl Amih, a Seeker of the Sun born to one of the Wolf tribe septs in the outer regions of La Noscea. Small, young and as physically unimposing as they come, she is never-the-less a determined woman possessed of great spirit, heart, and determination to balance this out.. Since forsaking the little she had, and the less she had to look forward to under the rule of her sept, the lightly tanned Miqo'te has worked hard to abandon the butchered language of her home, and wrap herself instead in an air of polite sophistication more befitting her Goddess, Azeyma with mixed success. But, with her strength of will, and that determination to better herself and prove that anyone, no matter how humble or downtrodden their origins, can reach for Azeyma's sun and walk proudly in Her light.



Full name/title:  W'pondahl Amih - (Pond-arl Ah-mee) - Although born with the tribal prefix of the Wolf, Pond has taken to dropping the title not just amongst her few friends and family, but entirely. It is extraordinarily rare to encounter the Seeker referring to herself by her full name since departing La Noscea.


Pond: An unimaginative abbreviation of the Seekers full name, Pond has no doubt taken to it for the calming image it presents in her mind: that of a still, calm surface body of water. Also, (and not that she'd ever admit to such) to her ears it sounds cute, and oft leaves her wanting to break into a fit of giggles depending on the situation.

Amy: A very rarely used term, playing on the sound of her sires title, Amih. Pond despises such a moniker and does her utmost to push people towards using the name 'Pond'.

Current residence: Homeless

Relationship Status: Available

Sexuality: Unknown

Religion: Devout worshipper of Azeyma


Height: 5 fulms, 3 ilms. Approximately, at least. Shorter than the average of her kind, much to her annoyance.

Weight: 115 ponzes. While underweight, Pond has managed to gain a few pounds since taking employ with the Kindred. Coupled with the routine daily exercises and training, and she's almost back to a healthy weight.

Body: Pond's physique is, to her annoyance, rather less than intimidating. At best, it could be said that she has the physique of a runner should she need to be described in brief. A very feminine runner however, with a slight bone structure and a small amount of whip-like muscle, Pond is not a Miqo built to carry heavy burdens atop her sloping, narrow shoulders. Of note, her arms emphasise the whip-like quality of her musculature, being lengthy and slender, and demonstrating a higher level of dexterity than raw power.

Sat betwixt those feminine, sloping shoulders rests a lengthy neck not quite slender enough to rival that of her arms (But not far off!), and leading down into a chest that, exudes a... grace, that when paired with her waist and hips forms a classical hourglass figure that merges beautifully with the slight swell of buttocks that compliment the slight form of the Seeker perfectly. Currently, this figure is accentuated by the Miqo's poor diet, the hint of her ribs clearly showing through beneath a fair, if not overly generous bust.

In her regular choice of loose-fitting clothing, little of this is clearly visible however, but no amount of loose clothing can hide the way that Pond moves. Generations of hunters and huntress' have given the Seeker powerful legs, and this, coupled with the attempt at an elegant sway that Pond has adopted with some success, lend the Seekers steps a surety. A confidence, in fact. Behind her, as the Seeker silently pads along, her tail sways about behind her sinuously, keeping time with each step of its own accord.

While stationary however, the Miqo tends to revert to an introverted posture - her arms crossing about her midriff or chest defensively, albeit with a hip out-thrust to one side, her tail curled in towards whichever leg she currently favours. When sat, Pond is more likely to be seen curling her legs up beneath her tightly, or pulling her knees up to her chin so she can wrap her arms about her shins.

Complexion: Years living outside have given Pond a perpetually tanned appearance, with a light sprinkling of freckles across her cheeks, nose, and the back and tops of her shoulders. By some small miracle, despite growing up in the La Noscea region, Pond has managed to avoid the worst of any wind damage, her skin maintaining a youthful flush, an enviable softness to the young woman's supple flesh that hints at some level of care undertaken by the Seeker.

For the most part free of any scarring, Pond has, never-the-less had the misfortune of some manner of encounter that has left her with a small, near-perfectly diagonal thin line marring her right cheek. Thankfully, with the Seekers preferred markings, the majority of this line remains disguised, with her paints working well to disguise the blemish.

At the time of writing, Pond remains free from any piercings or other forms of artistic identity such as ritualistic markings (Other than the four wide, triangular markings) and tattoos.

Face: Aside from the sole scar marring her features, Pond's face ticks all the correct boxes to be classified as a 'classical' beauty - cheekbones sat high atop slightly rounded cheeks, both accentuating and framing delicate features while her large, if oddly coloured eyes are angled -just- so to compliment a slender bridge and narrow, subtle nose. Delicate to the point where the Seeker's face borders upon being labelled fragile.

Pond's naturally expressive facial features often enhance whatever conversation the Miqo'te currently holds, upturned almond-esque eyes set beneath naturally thickened, black lashes batting or widening as the the conversation dictates (Oft accompanied by a flicker of ear, gesture of hand, or swish of her tail depending on her excitement and interest) while shapely, full lips, themselves framing a small mouth, purse, press or flash perfectly preserved teeth for her conversational partners as the Seeker is swept along in the wake of the subject. All of this set atop, as was mentioned prior, a slender length of smooth, lightly tanned skin that comprises Pond's neck.

As an aside, it is worth noting that currently Pond uses no artificial techniques or methods such as rouge or inks. If her cheeks are flushed, then blood is merely rushing to her face. If her eyes are framed by shadow, then the Seeker is no doubt tired (And certainly not looking her best), and her lips retain their natural colour, a darker shade of pink encircled by the tanned, but still lighter flesh of her face.

Hair/Ears: When left to hang loose, Pond is possessed of really very pretty locks, a natural volume to make even the loudest Roegadyn blush, and with more curl than many Coeurl. As it is however, she recognises that long, loose hair is a hindrance when coupled with a helmet, and the enthusiastic, excited movements that come with combat and as such, has elected to have the majority of her locks simply locked off - quite possibly by her own blade should any be lucky enough to see Pond wit her hair literally down.

To the touch, Pond's hair retains a silky level of smoothness, soft and altogether quite comfortable to rest against no doubt, and this level of softness extends to the downy fur coating her expressive, dancing ears too - the short fur warm to the touch, even in colder climes. The colour of Pond's hair is, at present, entirely natural, her mousey brown blending seamlessly with the matching colour of the Miqo'te's fur, and complimenting well the pale pink that rests beneath.

Fashion: Currently, there is little to be said for Pond's preference in clothing. All her short life, the Seeker has been given hand-me-downs that were loose-fitting and, to a one, coloured in earthen shades and in dire need of repair. Now that she's free to choose her own wardrobe, as soon as gil allows, the Seeker is really at something of a loss as to what to wear.


Voice: Long before departing La Noscea, afore encountering her first examples of the outside world and being exposed to the more elegant example of the Elezen tongue that led to her practicing and pondering a new approach to her old language, Pond's voice was that of the bird - a higher-pitched, sing-song lilt to her sentences, with the standard La Noscean practice of horribly mauling common words, clipping and shortening nearly everything in a manner that would make a pirate proud.

Since that first encounter however, Pond has spent moons poring over what she recalled, of what little she had read, and -all- that she imagined in the dead of night while dreaming of more peaceful times and lands, and the Pond that speaks today approaches the language with a slower, more thoughtful tongue. Her words are carefully measured, her voice level and calm and for the most part, the Miqo'te that people hear is one worlds apart from both her own past, and the more commonly accepted stereotype of the common cat-folk clans.

For all this hard work changing the very core of her speech patterns however, should she ever be caught unawares, worried, panicked, or in some way shape or form distressed (Or, in the complete opposite direction, exposed to a situation where Pond feels relaxed and at-ease enough about trusted company to let her guard down somewhat), then the Seeker has a habit of reverting to a more kitten-ish manner of purring out her "r"s.

Demeanour: A quiet woman for the most part, Pond tries her utmost to seperate herself from how Miqo'te tend to be percieved, the Seeker actively forcing down any remaining playful instincts that survived her upbringing while around strangers, crowds, or even those she's familiar with while in public, instead having become a quieter, more introspective individual. While about in public, in social gatherings and the like, Pond's ears remains constantly alert, flitting from conversation to conversation and presenting the image of a nervous, easily excitable young Miqo'te. Which... is not far from the truth oft times.

About small crowds, the Seeker tends to be very sensitive to the moods and shifts in the conversation and those about her, picking up quickly on inflection and emphasis, open and closed stances, and adapts as best she can to mirror the general mood. As mentioned above, it takes little to fluster the Miqo'te however, and reduce her either a closed-off silent mood, or a defensive stance - unexpected contact in particular being enough to send the normally reserved young thing into a panicked state, and thus she remains as she appears, distant but polite.

Intelligence: While Pond wasn't blessed with a more formal education during her youth, the Seeker was gifted with a quick mind, able to absorb many facts and theories readily, almost greedily in fact, and store them away for later contemplation, mulling, and elaborating upon until understood fully.

Self-taught, Pond still struggles with certain aspects of books but, with regular practice reading quite literally just about anything, from books to posters and notices, through to signposts and gateway notices, Pond has been able to claw her way to literacy. Which is ideal, as the information sponge that forms the Seekers mind positively devours everything that she reads

An upshot to Pond's ultimate lack of real childhood is the wealth of knowledge the Seeker has about the wilds, La Noscea in particular - able to read the weather with a practiced eye and nose, Pond is a Miqo'te that knows when to take shelter before a storm hits, and can additionally tell which creatures roam the land she currently resides in by seeking out trails, fresher scents, and to a small degree, is able to examine the 'leavings' many creatures leave behind to identify a carnivore or herbivore.

Religion: Raised in an environment where the Twelve received only the most cursory of nods from time to time, Pond's devout belief in Azeyma is self-wrought. The perpetual cloud casting a gloom over her life took on symbolic meaning to the young Keeper, and clouds ultimately always give way to the brilliant, warming light of the Sun, Azeyma's symbol. The significance wasn't lost on her, and so Azeyma would routinely receive uttered prayers and thanks from the despairing Miqo'te.

Since arriving in Ul'dah, Pond has yet to manage the pilgrimage to Azeyma's stone, unwilling and unable to brave the beast tribe presence that sits between her and the sacred site. No doubt such a blasphemy will be rectified in time however. Certainly, if the vehemence that Pond speaks of Azeyma, with that near-fanatical fire in her eyes, is any indication then it is no longer a matter of 'if' but when her pilgrimage will be made.

Emotions/Romance: For the most part, Pond is a Miqo'te that wears her heart on her sleeve. Ears, eyes, and tail all conspire to betray just what the Seeker is feeling at any point in time to those versed in reading body language, much to her routine annoyance. Yet, no matter how hard she may try, the art of deception and misdirection remain lost to the Seeker, and so reading her is much akin to reading an open book.

In all, she is really rather unschooled in the art of controlling her emotions - easy to wound or hurt with a choice word or comment, she is also equally easy to please to the point where she'll be smiling for the rest of the sun after an offhand compliment or flattery. Through lack of practice, Pond really has little in the way of defense against social manipulation beyond a staunch belief in what is wrong and right, with a basic understanding of the shades of grey between the two, and thus is still able to approach many a situation with a naivete born of ignorance.

Romantically, Pond is essentially a lost cause for all but the most ardent followers, courting the seeker being more akin to a war of attrition than a romantic endeavour. While recent events have led to Pond taking a step in the right direction, and spilling much of her past to a confidant in an attempt to overcome the socially crippling fear of contact, she still has a lengthy journey ahead of her.


Sword & Shield




  • Travel
  • The sun
  • Manners
  • Miqo'te ears
  • Quiet conversation
  • Reading
  • Company
  • Wordplay
  • Swimming
  • Loud crowds
  • Extreme cold
  • A lack of manners
  • Nuhn's (Feared)
  • Bullies
  • Abuse of power
  • Drunkenness
  • Physical contact (From strangers - hugs, hand kissing, etc)
  • Swordplay (Developing)
  • Aetherial healing (Developing)
  • Reading (Developing)
  • Medicine (Traditional)
  • Juggling
  • Dancing
  • Running
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Favourite Food/Drink: Roasted Dodo, and Aldgoat milk
  • Favourite Animal: Mandragora
  • Favourite Scents: Strawberries, the ocean.
  • Favourite Locations: Forgotten Springs, The Hermit's Hovel


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love     Trusted     Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing     Wary     Feared


W'Amih Nuhn - (Father): While it is indeed considered rare for a Nuhn to also lead a sept, often times the task falling to a more qualified Tia, Amih Nuhn has dominated every male and female that calls his sept their home. Aging, the grey-haired Seeker still maintains absolute authority by way of his incredible martial skills - the Nuhn's fists hit like hammers, swing like whips, and age hasn't slowed him down one jot. Alas, while the passing of time may mellow some folk, Amih has merely grown more bitter, violent, and untrusting as time goes on. The females of the Sept are controlled closely, a 'trusted' few who have been suitably cowed through physical and emotional abuse are entrusted with bows to go forth and hunt for the sept while the rest see to more routine daily work in the shadow of their Nuhn and his outbursts, while the Tia menfolk aid with ensuring the sept remains safe from smaller incursions from Marmots and the like, along with maintenance on the tools available.

Amih's method for keeping the sept in line has also proven to be most effective in keeping himself in a position of power, violence. Through overbearing power and technique, Amih Nuhn has beaten every Tia to dare challenge him for the position of Sept leader and, rather than exile them after their defeat, the grizzled old cat instead keeps them on and cowed through routine application of beatings and other acts. Of the womenfolk, those deemed most suitable by the Nuhn for providing strong and capable offspring are chosen to continue the population of the Sept, while the others are denied any form of intimate relation with the Tia's for fear of one finding the confidence to challenge Amih for the title of Sept Nuhn. Not that they would have much chance of success.

However, given how long Amih has maintained the position of Nuhn, jealously guarding the post and his chosen women, something of a dilemma looms on the horizon for the sept - Amih Nuhn has already sired two generations of Wolf Seekers, and now that Pond's generation are of age, a third generation of Amihs children are now in the works, and thus we reach Pond's relationship with her Nuhn, father and grandfather. Chosen as a suitable childbearer by Amih, after near two decades with treatment ranging from neglect to physical abuse that have all but decimated her ability to trust most folk beyond a distant but polite friendship, and destroyed any potential to every trust one who claims the title of Nuhn, Pond fled. Amih's reaction to her departure is unknown, the mistreated and terrified Seeker fleeing in the night before anything could occur from her selection.

W'Nyral Amih - (Mother): Pond has no strong feelings for her mother, neither like nor dislike for the woman who has had little to do with her, even as they live in the same sept, in the same small hamlet. If pushed to give an opinion, Pond would no doubt express disappointment in a parent that repeatedly proved herself unable to raise a hand in the defense of any of her offspring.

Close to the heart (Friends and such)

Bexy Amalaryssia: While Pond has little choice in her blood relations and as such has many siblings, she does have a say in whom she chooses to view as a sister. While it is still early days, Pond see's much in the Seeker that she admires, is of a mind to view Bexy as something of an adopted elder sister.

Vyncent Fields: A chance meeting and thoughtless explanation as to who he is led to Pond all but pouncing the taciturn Hyur, seeking a teacher in the arts of the blade. For reasons still unknown to Pond, he accepted after a brief, clumsy demonstration. His honesty is appreciated however, and although his manner of teaching leaves Pond somewhat on edge, but so long as the teacher/student relationship is maintained Pond will accept such.

Adravin Zikhov: Another Miqo'te, albeit one with a mixed heritage, and seemingly something of a talented aetherial healer. His choice of deities made sense after he explained them, but given the relations of the Twelve it still leaves Pond somewhat confused. Regardless, he left a good first impression on her.


Show text


Common Rumors

  • "One'ah Amih's offspring, aye? Poor lass, ain't surprised t' learn she fled." - Drowing Wench patron
  • "Spot the girl around Ul'dah from time to time. Always wearing that same outfit, and all. You'd think she'd spare the gil to get a change. Always clean, though!" - Quicksand patron
  • "Ever seen her confused? Ears start flittin' about in different directions. Bleedin' odd, but... endearin'?" - A passing Flames officer

Moderate Rumors

  • "Pond? That little twig of a cat? Ha! Aye, I you should have seen it. Some big burly merchant flags her down, trying to flog something or other. Might have been a skirt or some equally girly shite, but he lays his hand on her arm, yeah? I'm still not sure who looked more distressed, the cat as she fled on the verge of tears, or the Hyur kneeling on the ground, -ALSO- on the verge of tears, after she planted her knee square in his crotch!" - Unnamed Street Vendor, Steps of Nald

Rare Rumors

  • "Ever watched her eyes when she's talking to her kith? Girl keeps on snatching glances at me ears. Couldn't seem to stop herself, every few minutes they'd flit up, or when she thought I weren't watching." - Unknown Miqo'te, travelling dance troupe

PC Rumors

  • "Oh, the delightful, and well spoken Seeker, such as myself. I am fond of her, yes. We share many, many interests. I do hope we speak again soon, for there is much i wish to talk with her about..." - Bexy Amalaryssia


Born of a tyrant Nuhn and weak-willed huntress in the outskirts of La Noscea approximately thirteen to fifteen years afore the Calamity, Pond's upbringing is something that she has yet to speak of to a single soul beyond her prayers and wishes to the Twelve. With many siblings, the best that the Seeker can claim is that she rarely caught the attention of her sire, and so neglect was the more frequent of her companions throughout her youth, with the abuse that came to be the norm in her septs' hamlet a second. Rather than building a bond between the victims, the culture of fear merely hampered any close feelings of unity between the growing brothers and sisters'.



N.b. The dates given are estimations, and may be a summer greater or lesser due to the uncertainty Ponds birth year.

0 Summers - W'Pondahl Amih is born along with a sister to W'Amih Nuhn and W'Nyral Amih in a small hamlet found in the outer regions of La Noscea.

7 Summers - Lessons in using a needle and thread to repair clothing begin.

9 Summers - Due to necessity, Pond begins learning how to clean and stitch wounds in addition to repairing clothing.

11 Summers - Introduced to the bow for the first time, she learns how to effectively nock, draw and shoot using a shortbow and blunted arrows. Also begins to learn how to cook.

12 Summers - Progressing to a hunting bow, Pond joins her first hunting party, having been deemed as suitably beaten by the sept Nuhn. Has her first encounter with the outside world, an adventuring party of two Highlanders (one of each gender) carrying axes, a Gridanian Elezen hearing sword and shield, and a Lalafell Thaumaturge seeking trade.

15 Summers - Pond has the misfortune of overstretching a rain-drenched bowstring within sight of W'Amih Nuhn, snapping it cleanly in two. Acquires her sole lasting scar on her right cheek.

15 Summers - The Calamity occurs. Pond's home, along with rest of the hamlet, is destroyed.

16 Summers - The tribe resettles even further North of La Noscea.

18 Summers - Pond's birth sister is chosen by Amih Nuhn as one of 'his'.

19 Summers - Pond is chosen by Amih Nuhn as one of 'his'. Pond flees the hamlet with barely a gil to her name and the just the clothes on her back as her worldly possession. Happens upon the home of the Kindred in Ul'dah. At a later date, joins the Kindred in a more official capacity, and begins tutelage under the eye of Vyncent Fields


The majority of the credit for the template/layout goes to Sigyn Shieldbreaker.

Credit for many of the content ideas goes to Sigyn Shieldbreaker and Bexy Amalaryssia.

Current physical descriptions are correct at the time of writing, but may well be outdated by the time the character has been met.