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Revision as of 07:44, 2 November 2014

 X'vett Nunh
Ffxiv 11022014 061053.png
X'vett Nunh
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seekers of the Sun
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 28
Name Day 17th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Guardian Azeyma
Occupation Bard/Hunter
Free Company Dragon Army (I'Cie)
Sexuality Demisexual


Server: Balmung

Name: X'vett (Pronounced She-veth)

Age: 28

Height: 5'8.2"

Eye colour: Amber

Hair colour: Dark Auburn

Current tribe position: Tia

Appearance: X'vett is fairly tall for a Miqo'te, often towering over his friends and tribemates. He has long hair that reaches past his shoulders and a floofy tail. He has a fair amount of freckles on his face (referenced in the following photo) [1], though on the rest of his body there is twice that amount and they cover everywhere. Sometimes he will have lipstick, facepaint or his hair up in ponytails or braids because his daughters get a hold of him and paint him up before he leaves for the day. He never has the heart to wash it off, and isn't embarrassed by it, simply because he knows they were proud of their work and he doesn't want them to be sad to see him come home without it on.

He is not overly bulky, but he is muscular. As he hunts with a bow every day, he carries most of his muscle at his shoulders, arms and back.

Vett walks with an off gait, and often limps. In the evening it's more obvious he's limping despite him trying to cover it up.

Clothing: Vett doesn't wear much, saying he doesn't want to block Azeyma out. He wears loose, dark pants and a scarf around his waist, and a pair of old boots. Other than that, not much. Often he wears necklaces around his neck that his son and daughters made for him, since they said it'd make him lucky. He wears them almost every day! He also has a white ribbon with a red rose on his left wrist near all the time, which was made by one of his tribemates.

Recently he got himself a tattoo on his left arm simply for aesthetics. Being uncomfortable with his body now that he's missing a good portion of it, he figured getting something special on the same side would make him feel better about it.


X'vett is a big awkward baby to put it simply.

He is excessively cautious, especially around women as many assumed horrible things of him when he finally ventured into the city. He gives a lot of personal space and would rather have a conversation across the room than face to face to avoid even the possibility of making a woman uncomfortable.

Once he gets to know someone, and learns their boundaries, earns their trust and friendship and is comfortable himself, there isn't much of a personal space thing anymore. He likes to be close to people, and shows his affections through touch rather than words. The greatest indicator that shows you are a friend to him is when he knocks foreheads with you, as it's a sign of trust, respect, love and loyalty.

He's recently become a little more suspicious of those in the city, 'especially' those who make advances on him.

Being Nunh

Vett became Nunh when he was 25, and has held the title mostly for the past three, going on four years. It's been on and off and he's been challenged and defeated quite often, but he has stepped up just as much to reclaim his position. Recently he has been defeated once again, and is currently a Tia. He's taking time to recover his body and build strength before he takes back the position. Sure, he could just say he's done with it, he has many children with the tribe already, but he likes the job. He enjoys the responsibility, honour, respect and purpose it gives him. A Tia's job in the tribe is just as important, but he feels he suits the Nunh title far more and wants to hold it.

With being Nunh, he brings purpose to the tribe. He keeps the Tia strong, gives them a reason to become better than what they already are and motivates everyone to better themselves. It sets a bar, being Nunh. Many outside of the tribes see it as simply being either a sex addict, which isn't the case. The breeding part of the job, while important, isn't the main and only aspect of being Nunh that many see it as.

He currently has six children as follows:

X’noha Tia (3) Mothered by X'nala Rhaz

X’luka Vett (2) Mothered by X'yandhi Taka

X’korolon Vett (near one year) Mothered by X'nala Rhaz

X’tandhaa Vett (less than a year) Mothered by X'oohn Niqe

X’zentsa Vett (less than a year) Mothered by X'zumyn Bhee

X’davzzi Vett (less than a year) Mothered by X'sonjha Khei

And one more on the way as of recently Mothered by X'nala Rhaz

X'vett plans on taking back his position as Nunh.

The Bard's Tale

X'vett took to being a Bard simply because he greatly enjoys poetry and song.

It doesn't make him that much gil, singing in taverns and the like, but the rewards of doing so greatly outweigh any amount of income he can gather. He would rather see the looks of wonder, inspiration and otherwise new emotion and feeling in those who stay to hear his songs rather than hear the jingling of a coin purse. He often writes his own songs, and will sometimes listen to others stories and take on a job writing a song about them to play.

He spends a good amount of time song writing, as he believes that song paints the most beautiful picture of the heart and soul of a person, and finds it much easier to speak his mind and show his feelings when he sings.

He is certain he is going to continue to song write, and he hopes that through song, he inspires others to become better than they are and grow through these rough times. If he doesn't inspire, he hopes to bring wonder, and at the very least, entertainment. So long as he strikes something in another person, he's done his job.

Sometimes when he speaks, he talks in a more poetic way. He uses a lot of allegories in his speech to get his points across, and the rhythm in which he speaks can sometimes be musical if you let him go on and on about something he's passionate about.

Disability and physical limitations

He recently lost his left leg from the mid thigh down due to a run in with a cannibal craving a good steak, and using his trust and friendship against him, he lured Vett into his home and took the cut of meat he wanted. Because of this, Vett is fairly nervous around Roegadyns and will often hightail it to the nearest far far away when one comes too close. It takes a lot for him to give trust to a Roegadyn man, and even once they have it he is still cautious as it was a friend who took his leg.

He paid a hefty fine for a blacksmith to fashion him a new leg that was lightweight and functional, as well as easy to hide. He took some time to pretty it up to make himself feel better, figuring that if it was more ascetically pleasing it wouldn't be as depressing. He can still feel his leg there from time to time, and will often scratch and itch or try to move his toes, which brings him near to tears when he is reminded his leg isn't there.

He is hesitant to tell his tribe about this disability of his, because he's afraid a Tia will use it against him to take his place and they won't truly be worthy of the title and responsibility.

He hides the metal prosthetic with loose dark pants and long tailcoats and a scarf (as seen in the photo above)just in case some of the metal bits show under the fabric. It's just for that extra 'no one will ever see this' comfort.

For reference on what his leg looks like, see the following photo here: [2] (soon I will be getting a couple of photo's for true reference on Vett's body from head to metal toe! I will update this photo and section when it arrives)

Due to the severity of the injury Vett has a hard time running and keeping up with others, and needs to take his time when walking or simply standing up. He is pretty prone to falls if he puts too much weight on the leg, though most often it's simply because the knee either locked up or didn't straighten out before he took his step and he just falls over.

Some days are better than others pain wise. It's either a constant annoyance, or agony. It tends to hurt the most at the end of the day after he's traveled or walked around a little more than he should have, or if he took a tumble down some stairs (again.)but most often he can cover it up and carry on his day.








Friendship and family

Hobbies and Interests

Song writing and singing

Occasional drinking


Treasure hunting

Dabbling in Magic


Learning to read

Learning of other cultures and traditions

Azeyma The Warden and Menphina the Lover

X'vett holds a very dear place in his heart and entire life to Azeyma. He often feels lost and unprotected when the sun isn't out, and over long periods of bad weather he can easily get really down emotionally.

When the sun is shining, he doesn't like wearing a lot of clothes as he doesn't like blocking Azeyma's warmth. The sunlight is like a little hug from Azeyma herself, and Vett cherishes it. When the sun isn't out, he feels disconnected from her and often worries that the sun just won't come back and Azeyma has left them. He has an understanding that everything revolves around Azeyma and the sun, and it keeps them alive, fed, and healthy.

He gets up every morning to enjoy the sunrise, and will often 'sing the sun to sleep' when nightfall comes. It brings him peace in the time where Azeyma is gone, and he believes that song will bring her right back to them in morning.

X'vett also holds a great deal of respect toward Menphina, Goddess of the moon. He feels a certain comfort with her at night because she makes it so that it isn't so dark. There is always light, because she is there. He finds peace in the moonlight as well, as the days are more active with life, while nights are calm and quiet, easier to think and dream.

He figures that Menphina passes on messages to Azeyma, and vice versa. Say, if you say you're cold at night, Menphina tells Azeyma to keep them extra warm when she brings the sun back.

He holds Azeyma much closer to his heart than he does with Menphina, but he views them both as equals. Their importance is easy for him to see, and there can't be one without the other.

Relationships and Sexuality

While Vett is technically allowed to have romance outside of the tribe, he isn't allowed to procreate. Finding partners is difficult for him anyway, as many tend not to understand or be okay with his tribes duty while he's Nunh. Second to that, is finding those who want to be in a polyamourous relationship in the first place, as many don't generally want or accept that.

He craves romance above all, and wants nothing more than to have many loving mates and just 'be' with them and have a large family together. Some may call him selfish, but he figures it's much less selfish of him to have many mates of all fulfill him in different ways than to have one mate and expect them to fulfill him in every way.

While he wants romance and relationships, he doesn't want to fall into what so many other Nunh have while they spent their time in the city. He has already been thought of to be a sex addict and at the very worst, a rapist. Their actions directly affect him, and he tries to lead by example rather than just saying he isn't like them. Actions speak louder than words, and because of other Nunh's actions, his need to be louder because he doesn't want to be anything like them.

He is Demisexual, not experiencing sexual attraction to anyone until a romantic or emotional bond is formed between the two of them. Race, sex, gender expression and so on make no difference to him in his attraction to someone, as personality and just 'clicking' with someone is far more important to him.


Astro Mortim: Only recently have Astro and Vett really bonded, and he holds a great deal of respect and love for her, even admiration. She was the first he went to when he lost his leg, and ever since cherishes her more so than others. He trusts her completely, and would go out of his way to make her happy and keep her safe. While he doesn't know a lot about her currently, he wants nothing more than for her to open up to him about her life, struggles, goals, victories and everything in between. He looks forward to their friendship, and tries his best to make it known that he will be there for her no matter what.

Iggnasse Arbeau: Up until now, Vett thought they had something pretty solid, like a true romantic relationship. He is very hurt about it right now as Nasse told him that they were simply a 'friends with secrets' type deal, and he's hurt because he feels lead on. He changed a lot for Nasse because he felt that romantic bond with him, and took the time to learn about the city, learn to read and write enough to write the songs he wrote for him down and so on. It was a slap to the face, and Vett has a hard time trusting him now and feels used. He views him fairly negatively at the moment.

X'kohu Tia: X'kohu was a fairly close member of the tribe to Vett when they lived in the Shroud together. After the Calamity, they separated while Vett and near half of the tribe moved to take new territory in Thanalan, while the rest stay behind in the Shroud. They haven't spoken as much as they used to, however, Vett is still friendly with him and treats him like they hadn't been apart at all. If anyone were to surpass him, he'd want it to be X'kohu above anyone else.

B'ren Lyrgh: After finding him accidentally invading his home, Vett tried to set B'ren on fire. Despite the odd circumstances, Vett views him positively. He felt a sense of pride when B'ren mentioned he was a good, proper Nunh, and he wants to continue to set the good example now that he's sure that it really does shine through that he doesn't follow the same path as the others tend to. He really enjoys B'ren's company.

X'Yue Tia: Even though X'yue is an outcast of the tribe due to circumstances he couldn't change, Vett still holds a fair amount of respect for him. They haven't really known each other too long into their adulthood, as Vett is a fair amount older than Yue is, but still he tries to stop and see him whenever their paths cross and treats him as he would any other member of the tribe. Despite his mothers actions, Vett still considers him a tribe member and doesn't agree or like how he had become an outcast in the first place. Their bond isn't a strong one, and hasn't been around long but it's there enough that Vett is comfortable with Yue.

Honzo Kage: Well if it isn't my good friend Honzo! After he tried to set X'vett up with Tyrenna, they had actually become friends. Recently Vett attempted to teach him how to hunt in La Noscea, and he thinks it went well and that Honzo learnt something. Their friendship is still in the works, but Vett views him positively and looks forward to getting to know him over the time they meet.

Mhastoum Greinsyn: Vett thought that the Roe was going to eat his friends, and ran off a good number of times when he had approached him when he was caught spying on the group. When Mhastoum called him a butt toucher, Vett lost his temper with him quickly and they had a bit of a snip-snap at each other. Afterward when things cool off, the both of them apologized and Vett considers him a friend.

Aran'sae Dia: When Vett thought that Mhastoum was going to eat his friends, and due to a rogue groper, and Vett running off, he assumed Vett had been the one to do it and became quite upset. He went to confront him, though Astro stopped him and told him that it would be out of character for him to do so. Dia had felt guilty and apologized profusely to Vett, who had accepted his apology quite quickly. Shortly after Vett was beaten for his Nunh position, he ran into Aran'sae and the Keeper patched him up at his home. They had a very personal conversation about the moon, sun, stars and what the elemental's say.

Mipije Papije: X'vett met this little Lalafell at random in Ul'dah, and he quickly found interest in him. His enthusiasm interests Vett, as well as his thirst for knowledge that they share. He couldn't pronounce his name, so he gave him the nickname Mip-Map. The Lalafell is going to try and teach Vett how to read, and in turn Vett is going to try and help him better understand Miqo'te culture.

RP Hooks

He goes fishing a lot and can be found in Middle La Noscea (15,15) a lot of the time when the weather is fair.

He usually looks extremely awkward in the city.

He walks really slow and it's easy to get stuck behind him when it's crowded.

Often at sunset, you'll catch him singing the sun to sleep.

Look at all those Gods damn freckles what the hell


"I would rather go through the pain of death than suffer another day thinking you hated me."

"Never show fear to what you hunt, and never disrespect it or the land it lives on. If it's going to feed you, do not look at it with bad thoughts in your mind."

"Music and song paints the most vibrant and beautiful picture of the heart and soul."

"Maybe Menphina told Azeyma you were cold, and she's here to warm you up?"

"Anything can be a weapon if you're holding it right."

"I bet [the elementals] were happy they weren't unheard, though. That'd be even more terrifying, I would think."

Tiny facts

Vett has a pet Nanka, who he just found while out exporting around Hullbreaker Isle and he found it to be oddly cute. He was going to leave it where it was, but it ended up following him around and he keeps it. He feeds it the fish he doesn't want to eat himself while out fishing. He gets lost very easy. Especially in the city.

He finds it very easy to see the beauty in nature.

Vett used to be scared of the dark because whenever he ventured out into it, a Keeper of the Moon child would jump out and scare him! He isn't completely over his nervousness in the dark.

He refuses to cut his hair short, because he both likes it long, and his daughters like to play with it.

He's a huge sucker for his daughters, and can be easily swayed by them if they try hard enough.

Sunburns freak Vett out because he thinks Azeyma is mad at him.

He is phobic of Roegadyn men

Vett has a very bad memory and sometimes has to ask if he's met you until you've established a very close friendship with him.


The two first photo's are drawn by my friend Kat, the following link to her DA page http://angsty-alpaca.deviantart.com/

(We had a little fun with them since she wanted to show off her skills!)


Tumblr nbyssh43ng1tefln4o1 500.jpg

This photo I sketched myself of X'vett and his baby X'davzzi

Tumblr nb3q4jakLb1tefln4o1 500.jpg

I drew Vett in the shower because I really wanted to draw him in the shower:

Tumblr nd2z1aFCXB1tefln4o7 500.jpg Tumblr nd6gzaY4Hq1tefln4o1 500.jpg


Feel free to add in rumours!

Common Rumours

"I've heard he once shot the head of a bull Aldgoat clean off it's shoulders with one single arrow!" -- a tribeswoman

"He always stands so far off when talking to anyone. I mean, awkward."

Moderate Rumours

"I hear there's a nunh who fishes all day and makes bikinis out of them..."

"I hear he's a Bard, but I never see him sing."

"He walks with a really bad limp, I think he gets into fights a bunch."

Rare Rumours

"I heard he hates chairs."

PC Rumours

  • "Mister Vett? Delightful man and simply delicious company! I recently had him over for lunch; we had a truly deep conversation and I could just tell that he was quite a bit lighter when he left." - Burning Blood
  • "I wish he'd take better care of himself. I feel the urge to patch him up every time we meet." - Aran'sae Dia
  • "X’vett is well versed in the cultivation of progeny and genealogy, and the preservation of said lineage. Yes indeedie! He will even permit his progeniture to revise his aesthetic nature to better parallel their philosophy and notions of the beautiful, the ugly, the sublime, the comic, etc. X’vett supports their view in establishing the meaning and validity of critical judgments concerning works of art and life, and the principles underlying or justifying such judgments. He’s an exquisite paternal parental unit." - Mipije Papije

Extra places to look


You can also reach me at http://the-devilish-diner.tumblr.com