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Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa



CURRENT ALIAS... Ilwe'ran, Ilwe, Ran, Antë'ra, Ara.

BIRTH NAME... Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa

RACE & CLAN... Miqo'te - Keeper of the Moon

GENDER... Male

AGE & NAMEDAY... 37 (27 after some spell failure)




NATIONALITY... Aïwenorian

CLAN... Nossë

CURRENT RESIDENCE... Lavender Beds (Ward 8, plot 41)

OCCUPATION... Fashion designer

DEITY... Nirë, Goddess of Truth and Observation

HEIGHT... 5 fulms, 2 ilms

BODY SHAPE... Lean and mean


Demeanor: Ilwe’ran isn’t the kind of man who will naturally go seeking others. He’s used to be alone or accompanied by his Clan and can seem not really easy to approach in the first place. Yet he never brushes away anybody, always polite, respectful and calm he will listen people who talk to him and remember most of things about them. Collected and with a good nature, it’s really hard to make him waver and irritate him. He will always prefer discussing over fighting. For him, every woman is a lady and every man is a sir, he doesn’t care about hierarchy or such a thing, he’s a gentleman and will have the same attitude with a lord or a prostitute.
He often offers to help in any occasion, thinking that it’s normal for the human kind to help each others. He never asks anything in return but will appreciate if you remember what he did for you. He will not seek for help unless it’s necessary, he prefers finding solutions by himself and can be stubborn if people try to force their way of thinking on him.
Let alone in the battlefield, Ilwe’ran never gives order to anybody, more interested to know what the ones around him really want. He often asks some questions to understand more about people and eorzean’s traditions and culture. He won’t talk about himself and his past unless you become one of his close friend.
Habits : Due to his origins he can sometimes seems odd to people which are with him. He crouches when he feels the need to or when there are Lalafells around, even in the middle of a gathering. He sighs often and doesn’t understand why people tell him it’s rude.
Since he was blind of an eye for a long time, he relies often on his nose and ears to gather some informations when something happen.


Children : Ilwe'ran's dream always was to have be father and he spends a lot of time playing with children in general.
The rain : While the weather is not stormy, Ilwe'ran likes to sit and to read next to window while it rains.
Fruits : The only thing Ilwe'ran ever asked to his clan was to give him some fruits. Since then, his brother, Aghamyr, comes every day with new fruits for him.
Stargazing : Taught by his clan when he was young, Ilwe'ran can use the stars to find his way in his homeland. While he doesn't know much about Eorzean's constellations for now, he does like to simply watch the stars at time.
Stargazing : Taught by his clan when he was young, Ilwe'ran can use the stars to find his way in his homeland. While he doesn't know much about Eorzean's constellations for now, he does like to simply watch the stars at time.
Aïwenor : Ilwe'ran's homeland. While the island where he comes from is considered as cursed, Ilwe'ran loves this place and likes to journey in the desert to discover some new ruins.
Books : Ilwe'ran reads a lot, mostly books about legends, fairy tales and historical events.


Lies : Ilwe'ran just can't stand lies in general. If you don't want to say the truth, keep silent.
Crowded places : Due to his sensibility to sounds and smells, taverns, markets and other area where people crowd are for him the worst places to be.
His memory problems : Following the failure of a treatment meant to dispel a curse, Ilwe'ran lost around ten years of his memory. While he had a few flash for some times, he's now unable to remember anything anymore, leading him to have to learn back everything he knew about the people he met in the past as well as the events which happened during those ten years.
Thunder : Since the curse have been lifted and he woke up without his memory, Ilwe'ran is scared of thunder. The sounds itself puts him in such a panic that he usually freeze and can't move until the storm is gone.
Lack of respect.
Violent and short tempered people.
Being woken up suddenly.


Craft : Ilwe'ran is well known for his ability to design and crafting clothes. For long he worked in a cabaret, creating some next jewels and outfits for the dancers.
Hunt : As any of his Clan's members, Ilwe'ran hunts for his food. He can be seen hunting in the Shrouds from time to time, often accompanied by some other members of his Clan.
Aether Manipulation : Ilwe'ran's real talent is to use and to manipulate aether to create some protections, wards and illusion. Being the Harya of his Clan, his duty is to keep Aïwenor's and the Den's ward up.


Body : Like most warriors he takes care of his body; he doesn’t have a really marked musculature but yet he’s not someone to pick a fight against. He’s smaller than most of Miqo’te male but that doesn’t seems to bother him at all. He always has a warm temperature even under the the coldest temperatures.
Skin : He would say that his skin is blue but most people would say grey. As he did fought a lot along his life, he has some light scars on his body. He has a deep and large scar on the upper part of his left leg, due to the unfortunate encounter with a sand worm.
Hair : His hair is light blue and tend to becomes white under the sun while the tip of his ears are pitch black. He keeps his hair and beard short. His lion tail has the same shades, let alone the tip which is dark blue.
Eyes : He used to not be able to see with his right eye which had led him to be extremely sensitive to sounds and smell. Though, with the help of his former mate, he managed to recover and is not anymore blind. His left eye is dark blue which seems to be its natural color while the right one looks like having a slightly lighter shade.
Distinguishing Features : He would tell you that he doesn’t have any, yet he has a darker stripe crossing his face and a black teardrop in the middle of his forehead, both being some tribal markings.
He also has what looks like a tattoo on his right arm. While it could seem at first for anybody not sensitive to aether that it's only some other tribal marking, it's in fact a rune stopping his body from deteriorate.
Scent : He doesn't really let anybody getting close enough to him so you can have a real idea of it. Yet, you can catch a glimpse of it, his scent reminds one of the warm sand of the desert. You can also smell some really light scent on his clothes, like some unfamiliar oil he may use on his weapon or armor.
Voice / Accent / Speaking style : Ilwe'ran is always talking with a deep and soft voice, he isn't the kind to lose his temper quickly nor to shout on people. As he is not Eorzean native and is still learning the language, people can find him slow when he talks and he sometimes misunderstand things. He has a slight accent, this kind you rarely hear and wonder from where it comes. He sometimes uses his native languages with his Clan, in this situation he speaks faster and seems more at ease.
Clothes : He manufactures his own clothes and doesn’t have any preferences. He changes his style often depending of his mood and what he has to do. Every time he dyes some fabrics, he simply keeps the ones he likes and uses them later for his own clothes though he tends to appreciate more purplish colors.
When he's doing some more official works or when he visits some new customers, he tends to wear some more upstanding clothes and glasses while he doesn't need them to see.
Jewels : Ilwe wears one ring made out of the horn of the prey he killed during his Adulthood Ceremony. He dislikes wearing wristlets or necklace.


He has been fighting since many years and is a shrewd tactician. He’s used to leading people, gives short orders during the fight and expects people to obey without discussing. He will always take his time to explain new situations to a fresh warrior and will never leave them alone, sharing what he knows to avoid unnecessary troubles.
The Battle of Cartenau left him blind of an eye and he had to learn back everything he knew before his injury. He’s a fast learner and uses sounds and scents as well as his intuition to make his next moves.
Even if he can be see most of time with his bow, he and his Family members manipulate the aether by tradition. When he’s not shooting some arrows from behind, keeping some safe distance between his opponent and himself and using some aether to enchant his arrows, he will ask the help of his familiar to support the others.


Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category !
◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely !
“TBD.” - Someone.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first !
“TBD.” - Someone.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using !
“TBD.” - Someone.
◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own !
Feel free to add your own rumors here!
“TBD.” - Someone.


Romantic Attraction Attraction Platonic Love Family Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure

F'anya, F'elia, Lindë & Olv'a Hlaiwa ( ) - Children
F'anya (Age : 7) : Daughter of Ilwe'ran and F'leya Hlefha she was raised by her for seven year before Ilwe'ran happened to know about her existence. Rejected by her mother who was scared by her natural aetheric abilities, she grew up mostly alone with her sister as only company. Extremely shy and timid when Ilwe'ran adopted her after the death of her mother, she is now learning to have some more self confidence. Attached to her father, she tends to run to him if anything happen and to follow him where he leads while holding his tail. Ilwe'ran spends a lot of hour to teach her how to control her gift, they can often being seen together with F'elia as Ilwe'ran teach them or read them some stories.
F'elia (Age : 4) : Daughter of T'lemar Tia and F'elya Hlefha. Ilwe'ran adopted her along with F'anya after the death of her mother. On contrary of her sister, she was raised with love by her parents. Not having any aetheric ability, she now has to learn everything and spends a lot of time training with F'anya aside of her lessons with Ilwe'ran. Cheerful and always finding some new games, she's always dragging her sister along everything she does.
Olv'a & Lindë (Age : 8 months) : Twins of Ilwe'ran and Nebula Hlaiwa. While Nebula disappeared without any word, taking with her the twins, Ilwe'ran thought of never seeing them again. Lead in the Coerthas without knowing why, Ilwe'ran discovered that they were under the care of some Elezen for some time. Ilwe'ran still doesn't know exactly how those people found his children but he intends to discover the truth.
Antë Hlaiwa ( ) - Mother
Ilwe’ran’s mother. She was the leader of the Family. She gave birth to five sons but only Ilwe’ran survived more than one year. Maybe because of that, she over-protected Ilwe’ran and took care of him like he was her most precious treasure. Always fair, never lying, she taught him respect and made him the man he is now. She died not long after the Tear of Dalamud fell onto Aïwenor. The sickness which curses the Family since eons suddenly grew stronger, killing many people, even her. Her last words were to order the Family to find a new place to live.
Fëa Melehtë ( ) - Foster Mother
Former member of Hostar's Council, she was one of the most influential women of her Clan before Sholtë casted the Council away. Discovering Ilwe'ran's situation while he was sequestered within Sholtë's manor when he was young, she took upon herself to offer him a home, making him her son so he would be allowed to remain within her Clan's territory. After Sholtë managed to take over the control of the Hostar's Clan, she ran away in Aïwenor with the rest of the Council and their followers. Now adopted by Nossë's clan, she tries to help Ilwe'ran to face his responsibilities, being one of his most precious advisor.
Ethany Melehtë ( ) - Childhood friend
Sholtë's daughter, she was with him when this one secluded him in her manor, during that period, she taught him how to use Aether while he couldn’t manage to call a familiar. Manipulative, selfish, and caring only of her own well being, her behavior toward Ilwe'ran changed over time until they splitted. She was the one who kept Parma for seven long years without saying and even if he’s not spiteful, Ilwe’ran cannot forgive her silence. After disappearing from his life for some times, she suddenly appeared again, at first to try to steal Parma, then to help Ilwe'ran to escape from Sholtë's jails and to prepare some medicine for his Clan.
Sholtë Melehtë ( ) - Ageless alchemist
Talented alchemist, violent and manipulative, Sholtë likes to have some power on the other people. While being an outcast forty years ago, she managed to climb the social ladders until becoming the one leading the Hostar's Clan. Her relationship with Ilwe'ran and his Clan went from bad to the worse. She tries to have her hand on Parma and even though her motives are unknown, it's clear that she is the descendant of some old Nossë's bloodline which could explain a part of her behaviors.
F'leya Hlefha ( ) - Former mate
Ilwe’ran's supposed to be deceased wife. Not long after moving in Eorzea with his Family, Ilwe’ran met this young Seeker at the Paladin guild. They found some love in the middle of their perpetual fights for everything. F’leya was as airhead as Ilwe’ran was calm and collected and their relation was more ice and fire than anything else. It’s in order to protect her that Ilwe’ran was injured during the Battle of Cartenau, when he woke up a few day after, Aghamyr and I’silmë told him that she went to the battlefield. She never came back.
A few time before losing his memory, Ilwe'ran had the bad surprise to meet her at Gridania. She tried to kill him, saying that he wasn't suppose to be alive and that error must be corrected. It appears that she eloped with her lover during the war while she was pregnant of Ilwe. She was killed some times later by Ethany, leaving alone her two daughters : F'elia and F'anya.

R E L A T I O N S (PC)

Carina Lir ( ) - Ray of Hope
Carina was one of Nebula closest friends before he met her. Before Nebula disappearance, they were already good friends, enough for Ilwe'ran to offer a room to Carina within the Clan's house. Learning some more of her situation regarding her sisters, Ilwe'ran offered his help to try and find Sharada, but their attempt to solve Carina's problem were stopped dead by the incident of Nebula's suicide.
While he nearly succumbed to grief, she came to his help and managed to pull him out of the nightmare which was slowly but surely leading to his death. Her constant presence, kind and caring, helped him to slowly recover from the loss, and deeper feelings grew little by little, without him understanding how. Taking care of both him and his children, Ilwe'ran needs her presence by his side as much as his family. He considers her as the only person able to light his path during the dark days and would do anything for her.
Rhea Zaheela ( ) - Frank and knowledgeable
Ilwe'ran met Rhea while helping a free company to save someone from some crazy Moogles. Extremely frank and straightforward, Ilwe'ran took a liking on her right away, appreciating to find someone who wouldn't try to soften the truth if this one would be unpleasant. He doesn't know her enough yet to consider her as a friend but she already gave him enough proof showing that she's someone he could rely on when it comes to work.
Jancis Milburga ( ) - Reliable priestess
Ilwe'ran met the conjurer during some celebrations meant to reunite the Seekers and the Keepers under the same eclipse. Since then their path crossed enough for him to appreciate the quality of the caring woman. While he came to know about the Pilgrimage she organizes each month, he offered his help and it's now common to see him guarding the procession and discussing with Jancis after the end of the ceremony. Following Nebula's disappearance, Ilwe'ran asked Jancis her opinion and advices, since then she proved to be a reliable person who helped him several times.
Cliodhna Eoghan ( ) - Surprisingly caring
While Ilwe'ran thought that his relationship with that hyur would remain professional, she reached out several time in his direction, at first offering him some small gift, then later her support while he was seeking for some solutions for the Twins. Ilwe'ran is still unsure up to where she can trust the woman, but he appreciates her care and presence.
Keroa Mosuke ( ) - Mysterious masked person
While being at first the one who seemed to need some help as staggering during the Annual Uld'ah's ball, she was the one who ultimately helped Ilwe'ran and Carina, offering them a place to rest while Carina was too tired to teleport back home. While observing her, Ilwe'ran couldn't help but to notice the way she had to rub constantly her stomach, how she was looking around as being wary of something and her sensitivity to aether.
Romantic Attraction Attraction Platonic Love Family Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure


Nordo Hlaiwa
Nordo Hlaiwa ( ) : Age : 48 - Deceased. Bounds with the Family : She's the eldest, Tië's mother and Ilwe'ran's aunt. Outlook on things : She has much experience and only shares this when appropriate, thinking that people have to make their own mistakes to appreciate wisdom. Attitude : Usually calm, she's wise and likes to offer her help and advices, always with a smile. Mannerisms : Slow and precise gestures.
Tië Hlaiwa
Tië Hlaiwa ( ) : Age : 30. Bounds with the Family : Nordo’s daughter. Outlook on things : Very much believes you should tell people before they make a mistake. Attitude : She does not suffer fools gladly, but would gladly help anyone, and her advice is always given weather it is wanted or not. She can be quite pushy when she wants something to be done her way. Mannerisms : Stern and somewhat superior.
Mavra Hlaiwa
Mavra Tecil ( ) : Age : 29. Bound with the Family : Ilwe'ran's half sister, she was part of the Tribe. Outlook on things : Duty is more important than feelings. Attitude : She decided to help Ilwe and Nebbs to take care of the childs they adopted. She will treat every problem using what she knows, casting aside her feelings when it's necessary. Even if she can seem cold in the first place, she's sensible and reaches out easily. Mannerisms : Calm and fluid.
F'elona Hlaiwa
F'elona Palar ( ) : Age : 28. Bounds with the Family : Morn’a’s wife and Yana’s mother. Ilwe’s deceased wife’s sister. Outlook on things : Quite positive, she tends to take the Family out of what they are use to, giving them her Seeker’s point of view and knowledge. Attitude : A very down to earth, nurturing woman with a fatalistic outlook and making do with a smile. Mannerisms : Smiling and cheerful.
Métima Hlaiwa
Métima Mirwa ( ) : Age : 26. Bounds with the Family : Naira’s best friend. Has a crush on Eccai’ra. Outlook on things : She is focused on appearance and will always grade people by that. She has a good heart but thinks maybe others could try a little harder to look better. Attitude : Standing out, she likes when the eyes of people stops on her. She’s Naira best friend and tries hard to take her out of her shell. Mannerisms : Is always looking for the right pose to accentuate her looks.
Naira Hlaiwa
Naira Lairë ( ) : Age : 24. Bounds with the Family : Métima’s best friend. Outlook on things : Unsure of herself and her opinion, she always try to see the best in everybody. Attitude : Overly shy, she tries to not attract attention on her, she is happy in Metima’s shadow. Mannerisms : Everything is minimal and close in so as to not draw attention. She finds a book is an excellent way to avoid interacting.
Milmë Hlaiwa
Milmë Lairë ( ) : Age : 21. Bounds with the Family : Ilwe’ran’s cousin. Outlook on things : Actions speak louder than words. Attitude : She can often be seen with Eccai’ra as she’s a nice hunter. Usually silent, her words are often likes arrows that strike the bullseye of the issue. Mannerisms : Fluid and does not waste her self on unnecessary movement or gestures. If you look at her eyes they probably say the most and are measuring things they see.
Caurë Hlaiwa
Caurë Palar ( ) : Age : 19. Bounds with the Family : Orphan, she has been taken cared of by Nordo. Outlook on things : Open, trustworthy and inclusive, she sees the best in folks and likes to show them. Attitude : Curious on everything, she likes asking questions and chatting. Being an Orphan and outgoing she treats most as her friend from the start. Mannerisms : Hugs, giggles and gestures wildly.
Hyarna Hlaiwa
Hyarna Tecil ( ) : Age : 12. Bounds with the Family : Orphan, Mar'to's sister, she has been taken cared of by En'to. Outlook on things : She saw her whole family dying from sickness and has now a dark conception of life where death is present at every corner. Attitude : Really silent, she tends to stay alone, liking a lot En'to's presence and the way he teaches her. Mannerisms : Precise gesture that doesn't let any place to anything useless.
F'anya Hlaiwa
F'anya Hlaiwa ( ) : Age : 7. Bounds with the Family : Ilwe'ran's daughter, F'elona's niece, F'elia's sister. Outlook on things : She was really shy and easily scared when she was adopted and is now learning to get more self confidence. Attitude : While she tended to run away and to hide when something difficult was happening, she now tends to seek for her father and to tag along with him instead. She loves her sister dearly and tends to stay with her most of time. Mannerisms : Slow and unsure.
Yana Hlaiwa
Yana Palar ( ) : Age : 5. Bounds with the Family : Morna & F'elona's daughter. Outlook on things : She's a princess and everybody in the Family is there to please her. But not Ilwe, Ilwe is her prince and she will marry him when she will be old enough to. Attitude : Cheerful, she tries to order around everybody but stops and apologizes when she's scolded for that. Mannerisms : Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh !
F'elia Hlaiwa
F'elia Hlaiwa ( ) : Age : 4. Bounds with the Family : Ilwe'ran & Nebula's adopted daughter, F'elona's niece, F'anya's sister. Outlook on things : Everything is nice ! Especially when it sparkles, is pink or is unicorn's shaped. Attitude : Cheerful, she takes every situation in a positive way. She loves her sister dearly and is always by her side when she's not tagging along with Nebula. Mannerisms : Wide gesture and exaggerated expressions.
Alma Hlaiwa
Alma Palar ( ) : Age : 1. Bounds with the Family : Morna & F'elona's daughter.


Morn'a Hlaiwa
Morn'a Palar ( ) : Age : 33. Bounds with the Family : F’elona’s husband and Yana’s father. Outlook on things : Taking your time is the best way to appreciate life. Attitude : He doesn’t seems really social at first sight but is melting as soon as he sees his daughter. Mannerisms : Morn’a’s gesture tends to be slow and precise, he’s always taking his time for everything. Having a serious face most of time makes people misunderstand about who he really is.
Ara'to Hlaiwa
Ara'to Lanu ( ) : Age : 31. Bounds with the Family : Ilwe’ran’s best friend, they grew together. Eccai’ra’s brother. Outlook on things : Easy going, likes his like the way it is, though prefered it when they were young and he and his friends did everything together. Attitude : Usually silent, he’s more lively when Ilwe’ran, Morn’a and Hwest’a are around. Mannerisms : Alone he will just be in the background and scratch something as if thinking. With his friends he will join in the fun and become much more animated.
En'to Hlaiwa
En'to Tecil ( ) : Age : 28. Bounds with the Family : Ilwe'ran's cousin. Hyarna's & Mar'to's tutor. Outlook on things : One of lifes thinkers and often that can take weeks or years to reach any conclusion. So best find something that lets you think and be alone to hear yourself think. Attitude : Will always want to get back to his alone time after whatever someone wanted is done. Mannerisms : You often think he is not listening, or if he is then it is not you he is listening to. He will hardly ever start a conversation.
Eccai'ra Hlaiwa
Eccai'ra Lanu ( ) : Age : 23. Bounds with the Family : Ara’to’s brother. Hwest’a’s best friend. Outlook on things : If you are not having fun, then you must be asleep. Attitude : Outgoing and likes to have fun in any occasion. He has a witty fun comeback for everything. Though he does not know when the fun is not appropriate. Mannerisms : He likes to joke in any occasion and in any topic. He tends to understand that he’s going too far only after getting some exaggerated possibly painful reactions.
Hwest'a Hlaiwa
Hwest'a Mirwa ( ) : Age : 23. Bounds with the Family : Eccai’ra’s best friend. Outlook on things : Life is there each time you get up, so just find something to do each day and don't sweat it. Attitude : Following Eccai’ra when this one is not hunting, listening others conversations when he's away. Hwesta isn’t a leader. Mannerisms : Lots of shrugs and waiting to get to the bit where they do something, or equally at ease waiting. Whatever.
Mar'to Hlaiwa
Mar'to Tecil ( ) Age : 15. Bounds with the Family : Orphan, Hyarna's brother, he has been taken cared of by En'to. Outlook on things : Even with the tragedy his family has to go through, he tries to smiles over things and to teach his sister how to do the same. Attitude : Calm and reserved, he listens a lot and tries to help the other men of the Family to do their duty. Mannerisms : Calm and precise.
TBD :) .

B A C K G R O U N D.

6 TH A S T R A L E R A





7 TH U M B R A L E R A



TITLE ( DATE - Present )






"I was born and raised in a place we name Aïwenor. Let’s say it’s a far away desert where sand dunes act like sea waves. You can say my early years was happy, as every member of my Family I learned how to call for my familiar and everything to survive there. I don’t really remember my father, Mother said he had to leave for his duty but he never came back. I don’t really miss him, I got a brother, Aghamyr and a sister, I’silmë and life was happy enough for me.
Things really changed the day when a part of Dalamud fell on the desert. I told you that the dunes where like waves, it’s because they are bathed with aether and they react to this. The Dalamud's teardrop aether opposed the one of the desert. In the end waves changed onto tempests and the sickness which was cursing my family since eons Increased its potency and killed a part of us.
Mother ordered us to leave, that was her lasts words and since nobody else could really do it, I leaded the Family away from Aïwenor. After some long weeks of walking, we ended in Eorzea and decided to find a place to settle.
This was seven years ago. Life could have been nice, I enrolled in Ul’Dah's Paladin order, we found a hunting ground for the Family, I met a Seeker, and were married. But the Empire attacked and I choose to fight with a part of the Family members. Some died, some were crippled as I was and my wife vanished. Our hunting ground was destroyed when Bahamut was set free, since then we’re still looking for an substitute
I don’t have strong memories of the past five years, I got to learn back everything I knew since the world is not the same when you have only one eye. I had to take care of my Family, it took me a lot of time. I think I was lonely.
And now... I’m happy and it’s mostly because of Nebbs. For sure I still have many things to do, but I feel better than before and ready to accept what will happen next."
Ilwe’ran Hlaiwa

For the third time I read that piece of paper which fell from a book and for the third time I asked myself if I was completely naive, blind or having forgotten half of my past at the time I wrote it. I sat at the desk of my workshop and turned the paper pensively in my hands, folding and unfolding it, when Nebbs came inside the room. I smiled to her, she imitated me and I looked at her walking to me, still amazed by the fact there were so many things said while none of us even pronounced a word. As I was watching her coming closer, she giggled and added some extra wiggles to her pace. I chortled softly as she stopped by the other side of the desk, I had to hold back from jumping to my feet to embrace her.

Ilwe > Need something ?

Nebbs > Well a kiss, and a hug and then I’ll tell you about the bit on the children's bed that has come loose. The girls were playing at being babies in the crib.

Ilwe > Oh, I certainly can take care of all those tasks.

I stood up with a smile and circled the desk to join her. Taking her hand, I pulled her gently to me and kissed her while wrapping my arms around her waists. She welcomed me into her arms and returned the kiss. Then with a smile and a lingering hold of my hand she walked to the door. I opened a drawer and placed the note in it before following Nebbs, there was no need for her to know about this. She spared me a look, slowing her pace so I could catch up and I trotted to her, leaving my questions behind.

The task Nebbs needed me to accomplish didn’t took so long, but the girls wanted me to read a story and then to play the prince they could save from the nasty dracofrog. It’s pretty late that I returned to my office to work some more and ran into the piece of paper while I was seeking for another pencil. I read it again, forgetting about the layout I was drawing and sighed. Understanding that this will haunt me until I could say what I was thinking about it, I rolled the layout and put it back on its place then picked some white paper and a bottle of ink.

To the one I was before and who seemed to have forgotten more than me who he truly was,
It’s been a while that I didn’t have to directly face something coming from you. I’m not talking about the girls, my work or some parts of myself I’m still discovering that you left to me as a legacy.. I’m talking about facing something more direct as your handwriting on this small piece of paper.
When you disappeared and all that what was left of you was me, Nebbs was courageous enough to sell everything that was yours. Your belongings, your clothes, your tools.. Even the house where you and her were living. The firsts months were a trial for all of us. Between me, not being the same, having forgotten everything even her - or rather never having met her - your vanishing, and her pregnancy.. There was a lot to overcome and even with her support and her love, it is still hard to deal with some of the things you left unfinished.
I admit I often wonder what kind of male I could have been during those ten years and you don’t really help me to have a good opinion of what I became. Even my nightmares often turn around you stealing away Nebbs.. On those you are possessive and tend to be violent if you don’t have what you want. Of course, that is only the result of my own fears and the time Nebbs needed to notice that you and me aren’t and will never be the same. But still, I don’t have a good opinion of what you did about who we are.
First of all, I always found you became a coward, running away from your responsibilities toward the Family, Parma, Aïwenor and even F’elia and F’anya. I know that during those pasts ten years you had a rough life, but how could you have forgotten why we were born and raised for ? How could you left this message on that book knowing that our past unlikely was what you describe ? Who were you trying to deceive..?

I stopped writing a moment to consider my tail which was whipping the air. More than forcing me to face the one I have been again, this short letter was irritating me a lot. With an annoyed sigh, I returned to my answer.

I come to think that you were lying to yourself. Maybe the weight of all what you had to suffer was just too much for you to endure and you tried to bury our history deep enough to forget about it. But I’m not you and, as absurd as it sounds, I feel the need to answer and to correct this bullshit you left behind you for me to read.
Lets talk about our youth. You never said to Nebbs that you had, in fact four brothers. She told me that she remembered you naming three, but you didn’t talk about Firya’li. So far, there is not much to be said about him beside the fact he disappeared a few time after we were born. But still, I don’t understand why you kept silent about him. I know that it was some kind of tacit rule within the Family about him, and for this reason even you and me never knew much about who he was. But she was your mate as much as she is mine.. She deserved to know.
As you I suppose, I don’t have much memories of our early years. I have some faint memories about our sickness, I remember having met Ethany for the first time at this moment, but I wouldn’t be able to say exactly what happened and what was said at that time. Though, one certain thing is we were sent right after to the Tribe’s main town.. Or to be more precise, in Sholte’s claws.
What I can tell you now - as we unfolded partly what happened since I awoken - is that Sholte used our parents’ distress to get her hands on us. Our Father paid a heavy price for us to be cured by that witch and he died in her manor, not long after conceiving Mavra with her.
What was interesting Sholte was to get closer to the Family and to Parma.. We are still unsure about her motives and seeking for some answers on that side, but what is certain, is when I read you writing that our “young age was happy” and that we remained within the Family to learn our tradition, it sounded like a deaf joke to me.
We never have been sent back to the Family. Sholte held us captive for years, treating us as a guinea pig for her experimentations. We lost our faculty to cast even a simple spell as she was draining our abilities for her own usage and it’s Ethany who taught us again how to use Aether. She was the one who allowed us to call our Familiar for the first time and her again who stood by our side all this time.
Then something happened, I still don’t know exactly what, but Ethany completely changed. She became as cold as her mother and probably as manipulative as you could remember her. Though I’m not even sure of that last point.. When I see Nebbs’ reactions toward Ethany, I truly think that you messed up her confidence regarding Ethany at some point. It took me literally months to make her talking about her fear and not hiding in her shell as she is used to do when I reach a delicate topic. Nebbs told me countless time that I was naive, that I was siding Ethany against her again and again, and some other things I couldn’t get until I managed to shake her enough so she would talk. Things are a bit better now, but everytime she hears her name, she becomes as cold as ice and it’s always a bit complicated to calm her when she is stiff like that.
That you could stay silent on some points, like for our lost brother, I could have understood, but you also said nothing about Fea, how she took us away from Sholte, how she faced the Council so she could adopt us and how we spent our youth between the Tribe and the Family to receive a proper education from both. How could you not have told her how this was important and which hopes our Mothers settled on us ? Among all the feelings Nebbs can have toward what is revolving around who we are, her hatred against the Tribe and her lack of trust toward the Family was probably what shocked me the most. How could have you that let happen ?

I spent a moment considering how the tone of the letter was gradually changing from my need to write down what really happened to a pile of blames. I leaned back on my chair, watching the ceiling to calm down. Being angry against what I did and how I changed during those past ten years was pointless and pretty childish. Taking back my quill, I chose to face the problem from another angle.

Or rather, what did happened so you forgot the years we spent as an ambassador between the Family and the Tribe so the war between the both could cease ? For me it looks like you basically rejected everything of our past. You rejected me.
I am conscious that a lot of things occurred during those pasts ten years and if I try to see the situation objectively, I know that the chain of events that lead you to leave Aïwenor is what broke you. I understand that the solitude led you to make some bad choices, pushing you to meddle with things you should have ignored and to embrace people you should never have met. The war, your injury that I never had to deal with, the disappearance of the one you chose to mate with.. I don’t know when you lost hope and the way we were following, but, in the end, you lost the both of us.
I am still angry. The pieces you left for me to collect and to try to assemble are painful to gather, and filling the blanks lead me to disillusionment most of the time. Though.. I understand why Nebbs had so many difficulties to differentiate between you and me, our core remain the same, only what happened dusted your view and your soul. But you didn’t fundamentally change..
Beside those feelings that time will appease, I also have a lot of respect for what you did. You certainly handled what I forgot in the best ways possible and preserved yourself at best as you could, even though I am displeased by a lot of consequences of your choices, I admit that I wouldn’t have done better on some points. How you managed to change your handicap to a force pushing you to refine your crafting abilities never cease to amaze me. But this topic leads me to go back on the first thing I said : You’re cowardice.
Even though Nebbs was quite muddled every time we spoke about those pasts ten years (and that is my fault, I admit having rejected you at first as much as you rejected me) it appears to me everytime that you were turning your back to life.
When that piece of Dalamud fell in the desert, you followed our Mother’s words and I would probably have done the same.. But after having led the Family to Eorzea.. You left them alone most of the time, helping while you were learning how to use a sword. Really ? We spend more than twenty five years mastering how to wisely use words, to keep our cool and to NOT rise a weapon against anybody.. And right away as you came here, to focus on something else, running away from what was happening, you turned your attention to the worse thing that I could have imagine. The art of war.
I know that you were good at it. When I have myself to unsheathe that sword you put onto our hands, my body naturally remember what you taught to it. While I am still taming all those things you learned and I avoid some of those, such as wearing this kind of weapon, relaying on a sword isn’t something I feel as being ourselves. That led you to war and that also led you to meet F’leya..
I heard her name for the first time from Nebbs and she refused to say more than “She’s F’elia and F’anya’s mother”. Just this and deal with it. I didn’t needed more anyway to understand that you mated with another person and I can’t judge you on this side as I can only imagine your distress. But you and me are wiser right ? I know that the reason why you accepted to join this war to protect Eorzea was partly linked to that person and I know as well that she disappeared while you were left for dead on the battlefield. There I begin to think that you should have remember what Fea and Mother taught us. And what decision we took after we helped Altëa.
It’s only after I came back to her that Nebbs told me that she met F’leya and that this one tried to kill you. When I say that you were turning your back to life, I’m also referring to this.. I can only try to imagine how it can feel to meet your supposed to be deceased wife, armed with a knife and trying to stab you. Why didn’t you fought back? And.. Why did you continue ignoring the situation ? What would have happened if F’leya and her mate didn’t run onto Ethany ? What would have you done if she chose to attack Nebbs and not you ? I suppose I won’t come to any answer as you and me are enough different so I can’t even understand why you broke our promise in the first place. Though, while I had a hard time to accept what you did, considering F’elia and F’anya as my daughters was, in fact, really natural. They ask some questions sometimes, wondering how you became me and if I will stay like this. But, the time helping, they are less and less looking for you through me and accepting me as I am. The same yet different in the end..
For Olv’a and Lindë it’s totally different, you disappeared during Nebbs’ pregnancy and I myself wasn’t present for a part of it, but I was there when she gave birth, holding her and helping her. While it’s sometimes complicated to face F’elia and F’anya’s questions when it comes to things I forgot, I will not encounter those problems with the Twins. Though, I’m sure that one day I will have to explain to them what happened to me.. And thus, to you.

I looked at the piece of paper a moment wondering why I was hesitating to write what was coming to my mind. Was it stupid to explain what happened those pasts months to someone who would never read.. This person was me after all.. Me before that Siren’s spell hurt me and brought me back to my five years old body. Me before I was placed in that pod to grow back. Me before Ethany broke the leaves which were protecting me. I wasn’t supposed to be there, I was the mistake catching up with what was forgotten, struggling with what was left unfinished.. But Nebbs made her choice. With a sigh, I plunged my quill again in the ink and decided to finish with some simple words.

You have been gifted with another chance. And this chance is me. I believe that there are some moments in life where you’re facing a crossroads and you gave me the possibility to see one of the paths which are offered to me. Somehow, I feel sorry to announce you that I will not make the same choice and will follow instead that path you seemed to have lost. Even though your knowledge is missing, there are things I can do and you probably couldn’t yourself. You drove yourself in a corner and I’m glad I don’t remember anything about this.
With all of this, I think that my anger is a bit appeased, but I really hope you didn’t hide anything else like that somewhere else, I don’t want to see Nebbs crying again because of what happened to us..

I looked at the door as I heard someone knocking and smiled at Nebbs while she came in again, this time carrying a tray holding a few bowls in which I knew she had put some of my favorites dishes.

Nebbs> Well you seem to be working on that paper late, so i though some supper might be welcome and I might entice you away sooner ? It’s not healthy to brood over things like that you know.

She sat on the desk and put down the tray, still talking, and pushed inauspiciously the bottle of ink as she was reminding me that I shouldn’t push my body too much, that I was still recovering after all and I should take a break. I looked at the bottle falling and then at the ink running on the pages I just finished to write. Nebbs let out a faint shriek and tried frantically to sponge the ink, using her robe to absorb it. I looked at the scene a moment, like hypnotized by the ink still flowing out of the open bottle and only reacted when Nebbs began to speak.

Nebbs > Eeeek ! No ! stop.. aggh.. There it’s not so bad, well as disasters go. Maybe I can redo it or magic it clean again?

I took the bottle, plugged it and helped Nebbs to stand up

Ilwe > It’s fine, really, it wasn’t that much important.

I picked the letter along with the piece of paper and threw them in the fireplace. Nebbs stepped in by reflex to take them off the fire but I stopped her and stroke her hair.

Nebbs > No Ilwe I could fix it I’m sure.

Ilwe > It’s alright.

I bended and kissed her, taking her in my arms. She almost immediately calmed down.

Ilwe > More importantly, you ruined your favorite robe Nebbs.

Nebbs > Frogs that won’t come out, it will need something special or I’ll have to dye the whole robe the same colour.

Ilwe > I’ll take care of it tomorrow. You said that I need to rest right ? So just go change, I’m coming.

She looked at me a last time before leaving. As she closed the door, I turned to the fire. From the paper and the letter there were nothing left more than some ashes. I shrugged and picked the bowls, placing them back on the tray. Without even slowing my pace or hesitating, I left the room to join Nebbs.

References and Links

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Character Art


Character Music

"Temple of the Sky" by Erutan [x]

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Voice : [x].

This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea, then modified for tabs and a bunch of other things by P'azih Tia and the general appearance changed by D'lyhhia Lhuil. You guys roxx !