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===<div style="padding:10px 35px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">current goingson</div>===
===<div style="padding:10px 35px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">current goingson</div>===
: <font style="color:#90AB76;" size="3">■</font> Oko has begun studying the way of the Culinarian, in order to expand her knowledge. She's taken quite smitten with it, and works very hard to be good at it.
: <font style="color:#BEC3BC;" size="3">■</font> Oko has begun studying the way of the Culinarian, in order to expand her knowledge. She's taken quite smitten with it, and works very hard to be good at it.
: <font style="color:#90AB76;" size="3">■</font> Recently joined a group dedicated to housing incoming Othard refugees, and those displaced by tragedies in general. She is hopeful for its future.
: <font style="color:#BEC3BC;" size="3">■</font> Recently joined a group dedicated to housing incoming Othard refugees, and those displaced by tragedies in general. She is hopeful for its future.
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">miscellaneous</div>===
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">miscellaneous</div>===

Revision as of 18:36, 1 May 2015

 Oko Kaprei
Ffxiv 04232015 002405.png
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keepers of the Moon
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 22
Height 4 fulms 11 ilms
Diety Azeyma
forever and always a wip

Lost in skies of powdered gold, caught in clouds of silver ropes.

Showered by the empty hopes, as I tumble down, falling fast to the ground--

I know I'll wither, so peel away the bark; 'cause nothing grows when it is dark.

basic info

, born the 1st day of the 4th Umbral moon, is a Keeper of the Moon hailing from the Black Shroud, is young and wide-eyed, not quite innocent and yet not quite hardened by the world, she faces days with an air of promise. Loyal to her friends, yet painfully inept at truly conversing to make said friends, she can count those she considers close on one hand.

Years of stories from her clan and her father has led her wishing to see the world, to make her own adventures; the Calamity provided gateway, rations spread thin and ties thinner, she left her family to alleviate the difficulty. She now travels, often favoring Ul'dah to anywhere else.


Rainy mornings, when mist hangs low.
Sweets, like jelly or cheesecake.
Her little brother, whom she cherishes.
Stars and the horizon beyond.


Bitter tarts and lemons.
Being treated as though she's just a 'girl.'
Too many people confronting her.
Being pressed for information.


Alignment: Neutral Good
Vice(s): Secrecy, Fussy, Alcohol
Favorite Food: Rolanberry Cheesecake
Favorite Drink: Chamomile Tea
Favorite Color: Soft Pinks & Blues, Green

Oko Kaprei

( oh-ko kah-prey )

appearance & personality

Oko is short, standing at four fulm eleven ilm, and though small, is by no means truly waifish. Muscle-mass has been upkept, though not to a noticable extent, and her thin arms hide behind what appears to be jelly strength to lift more than one would think. Her eyes cast a silvery shine, often nigh white in the right light, with hair the shade of milk and cream.

She carries herself gently, as one of grace may, each step appearing as calculated as the last. Though, at times, she is prone to idle bouts of clumsiness, when she forgets she's walking, or that she's to be doing something. And, at others, she can seem almost gruff, little remnants of her father, and of Gira'to's, from the days she'd spend with them. These moments are few and far between, as her mother taught her the air of kindness long before her fathers taught her the motions of moving through trees.

Despite what may seem like a welcoming personality, Oko is actually poor at conversation. With those she's unfamiliar with, her words come slowly, or not at all, and silence is recurring. Outside of her family, the clan and select others, she'd never quite made friends. Something which never bothered her, mind you, but... truly turned out to hinder her once her travels began. However, it can take mere minutes at the least to warm up to someone, and she'll settle quite easily into conversation. If she likes you, that is.

If she does not, her words will continue on in quiet, hushed tones, curt and unsure, or perhaps even uninterested.

When she is comfortable with you, it is not uncommon for her to chatter your ears off, and she may perhaps even come off as wily and containing more energy than one would expect upon first glance, one to make jokes where they can be made (playful, never intended harmful.) It's a matter of good impression, and sometimes all it takes is to make her laugh. She is also prone to being nosy, and thinking she knows whats best for her friends, or perhaps that she knows absolutely everything. She has a motherly air about her, putting on concern for each of her compatriots.

Still, it should be noted that she harbors a fear of being spoken to by too many at once, or strangers at the very least, and should there be too many individuals she does not know surrounding her, she will clam up, and grow what one might considered selectively mute. One to two people is fine, but if the number grows, she finds herself at loss for word.

Oko is, though, very interested in others when they are not speaking to her,choosing to stand in populated locations to listen to the things happening around her. Having grown up in a forest, it can be both quiet and droning, with the sounds of the creatures, and a crowded city street is no different to her. Merely a different kind of forest.

She is well-versed, reading and writing come easily, and has an expanded enough vocabulary. This came not from her mother, but rather via integrating into Gridanian society, reading books and studying language, in hopes to better fit in with the community that distrusted her. She fusses over details, though tries to be understanding of others despite it, and often finds herself conflicted. She can often be blunt, or too forthright, should her desire to voice herself (something Usei'a instilled in her from a young age) prove too strong against her will to be silent.


Oko was born to a relatively small clan within the Black Shroud. It had once been bigger, but over time, began slowly dwindling. She is the second daughter, but third child out of four. Relatives include mother Usei, father Jurna'li, sister Jeiha, and her two brothers Usei'a and Usei'to. Jurna'li died when Oko was seven, whilst hunting. This left a blow to the clan, and a hole in Usei that was filled, over time, by Karo'sae (who would later father Usei'to.)

As a child, she spent much of her time traipsing through the forest with her older brother Usei'a, their father, and two members of the clan Karo'sae and Gira'to. Gira'to was not part of the clan by blood, but was acknowledged nigh on as such having been around for so long. They taught her how to use swords (learned from the Guild in Thanalan, when they had been young and adventurous themselves), and to hold her own, though she never much liked it, when her mother taught her the importance of respecting the forest.

When she was ten or so was when she made contact with Sylphs, beyond watching them from a distance with her sister and mother, befriending one who had straggled too far from Little Solace who taught her about plants and trees and even tried to teach her how to fly once (which ended in scraped knees and lots of crying.) Unfortunately this was only on a trip, as they didn't frequent East Shroud often, and this was the extent of it. Still, the Sylph she became friends with helped her deepen her love of the forests.

Then, the Calamity.

The first year prior to the event, what little remained of her clan dispersed save for the close males to her mother and her siblings, out of desperation to survive when Gridania could not properly supply. Oko, her mother, and her young brother Usei'to moved themselves into New Gridania, where they were hardly accepted but not quite denied. During the next year, Oko and her family worked to build good standing within the society they'd moved themselves into, a stark change from the quiet life they lived in the Shroud.

Oko would join the Conjurer's Guild, utilizing her knowledge of the wood and natural connection with it, and became quite good at it.

Third-year post Calamity would yield Oko losing a family member. Usei'a and Jeiha, out on a hunt where they ought not have been hunting, were cornered by Wood Wailers who had mistaken them for Couerlclaws, They ran, but Jeiha was taken out by an archer, and her brother hadn't the time to rescue her. The Wailers left her body, and it wasn't until much later they were able to retrieve it, to give her a proper burial. Oko was devastated, but took it as a sign that staying in Gridania would be no good for her, seeing as her mother struggled to feed the both of them. She had no place among them, and wanting to live the stories they told her when she was young, and wanting to make her own, Oko departed Gridania once of sufficient mastery, in search of the world.

She still visits, every so often, with tales to tell her family, and gifts to give. She cares deeply for her family, and by extension Gridania, though she's never quite felt herself part of the country.

current goingson

Oko has begun studying the way of the Culinarian, in order to expand her knowledge. She's taken quite smitten with it, and works very hard to be good at it.
Recently joined a group dedicated to housing incoming Othard refugees, and those displaced by tragedies in general. She is hopeful for its future.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing
Suko'to Nbolo : Oko, a frequent to the Quicksand, has always been the sort to watch others. And, in her watching, found that this Keeper was, too. It took her time to gather the courage to speak with him, much longer than it oft takes her to speak up, though this is in part due to his naturally prickly demeanor, how he carried himself mysterious. However, when she did, the two of them got along rather well, something which Oko was thankful for. After a short time, Suko'to would reveal personal matters to her, which triggered Oko's natural curiosity and worry for those, causing her to stick much closer to him than she might someone she'd known the same time frame. She considers him quite a good friend, and someone she'd like to see more of in the future.
Ethri'a Valnyr : A Keeper she has met on two occasions, and found almost a welcome personality from so many extroverted characters wandering the realm. He seems very secretive, and the sort not to open up lightly, but Oko feels that perhaps she has just the space to wedge her fingers in the cracks in the door. She thinks he needs friends, and just might think herself fit for the part. Now, it's just a matter of running into him again.
Aristides Miltiades : A Hyur she chanced upon in the Quicksand one evening, writing in a journal that piqued her curiosity. After near making a fool of herself, she promptly bombarded him with questions pertaining to his career. While she oftentimes prides herself on her knowledge, it's truly not as expanded as she'd think. He was interesting, as older folk happen to be, and she'd like to speak with him more often, as he seems wise, and she is eager to learn.
Zelus Chthon : Their encounter was a strange one, with Zelus revealing to her that he required assistance with what Oko now believes to be aether poisoning. He's a strange boy, for sure, but she can tell he as no ill intent within him. Thus far, at least. She has agreed to help him in recovery, after finding him rather good company altogether.


outfits you may commonly see oko in


Template by Bancroft Gairn
Theme Song: Crystals
TV Tropes: White Magician Girl, Nature Lover


conjurer/white mnage = in character!! you may approach me at any time for a walk-up if i am in cnj/whm!
if i am not cnj or whm, send a tell. oko is primarily a healer, but she has been considering branching out. ask me.
i may rp smut, or mrp, but not without sufficient grounds. suffice to say, oko will need to build a relationship. a good one.
if you have any other questions, please let me know via tell!