Oko Kaprei

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shroudborn ✦ hunter ✦ healer.
basic information
forever and always a wip

Oko Kaprei ( oh-ko kah-prey ), born the 1st day of the 4th Umbral moon, a Keeper of the Moon hailing from the Black Shroud,
is young and wide-eyed, not quite innocent and yet not quite hardened by the world, she faces days with an air of promise.

Years of stories from her clan and her father has led her wishing to see the world, to make her own adventures;
the Calamity provided gateway, rations spread thin and ties thinner, she left her family to alleviate the difficulty.

important bits

A L I A S:: Oko Kaprei
R A C E & C L A N:: Miqo'te | Keeper of the Moon
N A M E D A Y:: 1st Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon.
A G E:: Twenty Three.
G E N D E R:: Female.
O R I E N T A T I O N:: Panromantic, Gray-ace.
R E L A T I O N S H I P:: None.

additional info

N A T I O N A L I T Y:: Gridanian.
R E S I D E N C E:: Lavender Beds.
O C C U P A T I O N:: Conjurer, hunter, herbalist.
D I E T Y:: Menphina the Lover.
H E I G H T:: Four fulms, nine ilms.
W E I G H T:: 117 ponz.
A L I G N M E N T:: Neutral Good


Rainy mornings, when mist hangs low.
Sweets, like jelly or cheesecake.
Her little brother, whom she cherishes.
Stars and the horizon beyond.


Bitter tarts and lemons.
Too many people confronting her.
In reference to the above,
large crowds can trigger anxiety.
Being treated as lesser by others.
Wood Wailers; they make her nervous.


VICES:: Hopeless Romantic, Alcohol.
FAVORITE FOOD:: Rolanberry Cheesecake.
FAVORITE DRINK:: Chamomile Tea.
FAVORITE COLOR:: Red & pink.
THEME SONG:: ♪♫♪♫ & ♪♫♪♫

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Originally, before leaving the Shroud to become an official Gridanian citizen, Oko wasn't one for speaking. She knew how, yes, but her ability to was limited; her family had always been more of the quiet type, using as few words as possible to get the point across, and showing actions that spoke louder than any word - making Oko a naturally touchy person, because that's how she grew up. What she did know, entirely, was huntspeak, something she slips into only when she is comfortable with another miqo'te, say a member of her family, or a close friend. So, when she came to Gridania post-Calamity, she had to learn. Her mother was proficient enough, and worked to teach her and her younger brother the way of the common tongue, but it was still not enough to spare them strange looks whenever they spoke. So, Oko studied incredibly hard to learn how, and takes this very seriously. If she slips up, or someone points it out, she will grow sheepish and apologize on the spot, out of force of habit. She also makes sure to use larger words, as if to exemplify and mark how hard she has worked to become a more eloquent person. It's not to show off, but to prove she is the same as anyone else (though, it often comes off as her being a show-off.)

Though she is very sweet under most circumstances, she also tends to fuss over the finer details of things, though tries to be understanding of others despite it. This comes from two sources, her mother being obstinate, and the fact that she doesn't fully comprehend quite everything she sees. Books can only take you so far, and so she is still working to make sense of it all. As well as this, she can often be blunt, or too forthright, should her desire to voice herself (something her older sisters instilled in her from a young age) prove too strong against her will to be silent. She is also prone to being incredibly nosy as a result of the need to know everything, and thinking she knows whats best for her friends. Of course, these two things come under the pretense of her wanting to help them, as well, as she never means it in a rude way. She has a motherly air about her, putting on concern for each of her compatriots. She is stubborn and headstrong to those who know her, often unmoving in her beliefs and her work, but does her best to be understanding of those around her.

Oko is also very interested in others, choosing to stand in populated locations to listen to the things happening around her. She loves the sounds of people talking and chatting, not necessarily paying attention to their words but just the tones of their voice. Having grown up in a forest, it can be both quiet and droning, with the sounds of the creatures, and a crowded city street is no different to her. Merely a different kind of forest for her to wander through.

As a healer, she is very skilled. First of all, she is naturally inclined toward the aether and the elementals, adept at coaxing them out to heal those around her should the need arise. She grew up deeply disliking how the conjurers would use their powers so sparingly, almost cruelly, and wanted to find a way to be different from that, in order to help her friends and family, and further, everyone whose lives were scarred by the Calamity and onwards. While she finds conjury the most natural feeling, however, she has in time grown rather weary of using it, if only because of the actions (or, inaction, rather) of the conjurer's guild. She is currently also studying Arcanima, hoping to grow in skill.

She also knows, to an extent, many crafts in her journey to learn more and more. What she is best at is herbalism and potion making from her time growing up in the Shroud and recognizing what's good and what's bad, and a bit of sewing. Lately she's been focusing on her culinary skills, finding ways to improve recipes her mother once made for her when she was younger.


Standing at four fulm, nine ilm, Oko is very small - but not waifish. Muscle-mass is upkept, lean and hidden beneath what looks like jelly stregnth, holding much more strength to lift than one would expect from years of hunting with her bow. Her eyes cast a silvery shine, often night white in the right light, but in truth is closest to a soft blue color; her mother used to liken the way her and her daughter's eyes shined to Menphina herself. Skin is a soft, dusty color, and smattered with freckles and spots similar to that of a couerl stretching the length of her back, and her ears - her tail, too, has spots, but only around the base. All in all, she has a cute, compact frame; only a few scars in places covered by clothing where accidents on the hunt happened, or when she was simply a clumsy child.

Posture wise, Oko carries herself gently, each step appearing as calculated as the last. At times, almost stiffly so. She does her best to put on an air of hospitality and kindness, picked up from observing the conjury guild as well as the padjali, in order to make herself seem more approachable, where once she had been messy and wild, what one would call uncivilized. She has worked extensively to bring her perception up in the eye of the Gridanian public, which has always been scrutinizing, especially to those of her race.

At other times she can be gruff, when caught in the midst of hunting, remnants of a wild-child that spoke huntspeak more than she ever spoke common. However, she does her best to hide this, to keep up appearances - and will get embarrassed if its ever pointed out.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"She's cute, ain't she? But she, like, never talks. Just sits there and holds her cup and stares at people - I think she's lookin' for someone?" - A patron to the Quicksand.
"I talked to her once, quite some time ago. Hardly spoke, however, and wouldn't look me in the eye! Looked a bit angry, too. I think she thought she was better than me, hah!" - A pompous Elezen Gridanian.
"Oh, Oko -- Such a sweet, sweet girl! She made me a poultice once, for a wound, since I can't handle aether. Cleared it right up!" - A sweet old lady.
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Mercenary friend o' mine said she healed him and all his men, for free t'boot! Can't imagine doin' that kinda work for nothing! She must be somethin'." - A tipsy Roegadyn, as he nurses a drink and future hangover.
"Seen her hunting, sometimes. Poaching, more like, actually - but she's nice. Never told anyone, like I probably should've." - A patron to Buscarron's.

◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Oko? She used to come to the library daily, when she was younger. Poor child could hardly speak a word at first, but she studied hard. I haven't seen her in such a long time." - An aging librarian.
"I heard her family became Couerlclaws! Someone said her sister went and got herself killed. Serves them Miqo'te right. Can't they just live responsibly?" - A rowdy Hyuran.
"Told me when she was drunk once, that 'er sisters don't let 'er back home no more. Said they're angry at 'er for abandoning the old ways, w'ever that means. Can't help but feel bad for 'er, though, y'know? No place to go like that." - A traveler with mug in hand.

◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)

color key
In A Relationship: Name is romantically involved with this character.
Romantic Attraction: Name is romantically interested in this character.
Sexual Attraction Name is physically interested in this character.

Platonic Love/Family: Name considers this person family.
Friend: Name considers this person her friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Name considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

Good Standing: Name has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
Neutral: Name has no specific feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: Name has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.

Dislike: Name doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
Hate: Name consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
Fear: Name is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost.
Rivalry: Name consider this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time she gets to meet them.

Family Member: This character is related by blood to Name.
Business: This character is either an Name's employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character has passed away.
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but Name isn't fully aware of it yet.

close friends & family

Usei Kaprei ( ) ( NPC ) - The True Matriarch
Oko's dearest mother, whom she would follow to the ends - even should that result in her being cast aside by her own clan. While she was still young when she left the clan at her mother's side, she knew full well the implications of moving into the city with her, but with the immense respect she held for the Matriarch there was no way she'd leave her to do it by herself. Usei has worked incredibly hard to provide for her children, both as a clan leader (which she is no longer) and as a mother, and has shown Oko was true strength is. She would do anything for her. Currently she hunts a few times a week in order to help provide her with food while she takes care of her youngest son, Usei'to.
Usei'to Kaprei ( ) ( NPC ) - The Little Brother
Oko's youngest sibling, and currently the last child of Usei Kaprei - born just before the woman's title was stripped from her. He's incredibly sweet for a boy, and having grown up in a far less traditional setting, isn't quite as reserved or standoffish as others of his kind. Still, he respects his mother and sister greatly. Despite being currently incapacitated by vile ixali magicks, he still mantains a positive outlook - for which Oko draws a sense of strength. Everything she does currently is for his sake, and wants only to see him happy.
Jeiha Kaprei ( ) ( NPC ) - The Role Model
Aside from Usei, Oko has only ever had one other true role model in her life - that being her elder by only two years, Jeiha. The two of them did nigh everything together, from hunting, to learning how to ride chocobos. Though only two years older, Oko found that her sister had a level of grace in her movements that she'd only ever hope to achieve. She was one of the only few who didn't condemn Oko and her mother for leaving the compound, and kept in touch right up until her death. Oko misses her dearly, every day.
Jurna'li Moshantu ( ) ( NPC ) - The Dear Father
Jurna'li was a Miqo'te of another clan, whom fell as closely in love with the Matriarch of the Kapreis as one could. With her, the two would have four children - Llythe, being her first, and then three subsequent girls upon their later get togethers. Oko would be the last child they had together, and he would adore her like no other. She was his sunshine, and he taught her most everything she knows about hunting, and carving. When he died, Oko felt a heavy weight, having been the one to witness it. Memories are blurry, however, and she wonders... what really happened.
Llythe Kaprei ( ) ( NPC ) - The Eldest
Oko's oldest sister. Despite growing up relatively well liked by her, the girl was quick to dismiss any notion of Oko as family when she decided to follow her mother out of the Twelveswood. Oko still loves her, and holds many memories dear still, and truly wishes that - even though they have clear differences in their personalities and clash heads - one day they might put their problems to rest and accept one another. After all, if Oko ever wants to return to her clan, they'll have to.

friends & other

Ile'a Nhavi ( ) - Reminders of Home
An incredibly traditional Keeper male that makes her homesick. Every conversation she has with Ala'li has her itching for simpler times, when she still danced under Menphina's light for the beauty of it, and when things were simpler. She likes him for this sense of nostalgia, but also finds herself sad by the end of every meeting.
when roleplaying with me

I am a Medium to Heavy Roleplayer and I live in the Pacific Standard Zone (PST). After noon is the best time to get a hold of me, though there's never really telling when I'll be online, truth be told. If you need to contact me please do so at my tumblr blog [kapreisun]! Most often I roleplay in general chat, almost exclusively with the /em chat option, but at times with /say. Other options are fine, that's just my usual form of RP! I do best in one on one or small groups; big ones tend to scare me, but I try!

I roleplay many themes, be it dark or lighthearted, and I would love to be included in plotlines and stories! If you think it's too heavy or can result in my character becoming seriously injured or incapacitated in any way, please make sure to bring it up and discuss it with me before hand rather than just having it happen in roleplay.

Please remember that IC AND OOC are two separate things! My character's views do not always reflect my own (though most often they do because Oko is a sweet baby girl but you know! DISCLAIMER and all that to be safe!) If my character hates yours, I don't hate you! If my character is in a relationship with yours, I can guarantee I am not searching for the same as I am happily married outside of the game!

Lastly, do not roleplay with me ONLY for the sake of looking for romance. I don't like that. If a relationship happens, it happens organically, not because we're pushing for it. Feelings and tension are okay, fine and dandy even! But don't expect romantic RP to be something I do constantly, or with anyone. Thanks!


Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Background and headers Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.

Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.