Arin Tayuun

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Arin Tayuun
Arin Tayuun.png
"Just give me a good book and let me read in peace."
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keepers of the Moon
Citizenship Ul'dah
Server Balmung
Nameday 16th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Age 21
Sexuality Asexual
Relationship Status Single
Height 5' 3"
Guardian Nald'thal, the Trader

(Last Update: July 20th, 2015 at 12:17AM)

Keepers of the Moon originated in Gridania and, in past times, lived in various caves and subterranean dwellings. For a long time, they and the Gridanian's didn't get along. In time, they made peace and many Keeper clans have assimilated into Gridanian culture, one of those clans being the Tayuun clan. Though her clan originated in Gridania, Arin considers herself to be a citizen of Ul'dah following her path in Thaumaturgy.


Arin stands at 5 fulms and 3 ilms, fairly short in comparison to most of the other Miqo’te she knows. Upon first glance, despite the long mage dress, purple or black, with all hunting gear left in place on her belt or her back, it is easy to see that she is of a slender build. Her grey toned skin seems to be flawless for the most part. Like most Miqo’te, Arin has signature facial markings across her cheeks with a bandage that seems to be almost permanently placed on her left to cover a small scar that has been left behind.

Her eyes are full and bright with life, colored with a soft grey-blue. Her ice blue hair carries tones of purple with the darker shades more prominent towards the ends of her hair, two large stands in the front braided, and a small section of hair atop her head tied with a band. Arin’s bangs are cut to fall just above her eyes.

She can be seen in two outfits, on of which is her combat gear, and the other her casual attire. While she mostly wears long dresses, she may be seen in something a bit more tight fitting.

Arin Tayuun2.png
Arin Tayuun3.png


Arin has always been an organized person with her own system to better fit her needs of object placement and organizational structure. This flow often follows into her grammatical need for proper sentences and pronunciation. Being the bookworm that she's always been, her words can often seem manuscript or predetermined even though that is not the case.

In the business setting, the young Keeper is set. With her preset organizational structure and will to work as a team effort, she welcomes advice and ideas with the exception that the idea is to be discussed and critiqued until everyone comes to a firm agreement. She has neither an inferiority nor superiority complex that could hinder the productivity of her and her co-workers jobs. This mindset, however, doesn’t continue in the interpersonal aspects of her life.

In the first moments of meeting, she can be quite shy. More often than not, people will find her on the listening side of things rather than talking but, as time goes and she begins to get to know who she’s with, Arin will come around and begin to open up. It may be small sentences with a smile or simply having frequent conversations but that's her way of saying, "I'm listening." With social anxiety plaguing her mind, Arin might seem to be fragile or meek, as if she feels inferior to those she is attempting to build a friendship with. She attempts to cover most of her anxious ticks by keeping her hands busy or playing them off with a soft hum until she can speak easily without too many pauses in between that she feels would obstruct from her point.

In the same interpersonal situation, though, Arin would be quick to aid the other party in any way she could so long as it isn't morally obscured. Not being one for physical contact or dealing with her emotions, she might seem closed off to any interaction that directly involves her in the matters of another person's life but, in reality, she's just trying to think through the situation and find a solution to the problem. If there are no solutions that she can come up with, she may seem as if she's out of place due to the fact that she doesn't deal well with the thought of having someone to care for in a personal manner.

Combat Style

Arin has practiced Thaumaturgy magic on her own for quite some time, slowly building up her intelligence and stamina so as to endure most combat. Her main source of damage comes from her use of flame and ice magic. She’s still learning different combinations as well as still practicing keeping her eyes and ears open for attacks that may not necessarily be visible to the bare eye, but she’s getting there. Melee attacks aren’t necessarily her thing. If she’s close enough to touch the target, she’s way too close!

Occupation, Skills, and Interests

Arin works as an organizer and receptionist for the company. Her job consists of keeping records of the recruits and their skill sets as well as what jobs they have undertaken and the experience they have that could potentially lead to other job offers to the recruits. Her side job for the company consists of keeping an eye on their leader who, with her bubbly personality and lost sense of rationality, tends to get herself into quite a bit of trouble. She also works with the Thaumaturgy guild by conducting research on Aether manipulation as well as some Alchemy. Although she’s not adept in the aspect of making money, she knows very well how to handle it.

With the research that Arin has done on her own outside of her Thaumaturgy job, she has effectively and actively taught herself Thaumaturgy magic. The perks to this job is her skill in being able to think—tactics and probability—and effectively organize tactical structure.

In her free time, Arin will either be reading or sitting in a fairly populated area just watching the interactions between those around her. By observing the interactions of others, Arin feels she gets more knowledge on the socially acceptable as well as the requirements of maintaining relationships. Though she is learning that a tactical approach to making friends is most definitely not how you maintain that relationship, she still enjoys hearing the laughter produced between people who have known each other for a long time. For herself, however, the idea isn't entirely ideal.


Being the intellectual that she is, Arin adores learning about all things that could potentially be both useful and absolutely worthless. One of her main goals is to somehow come to terms with the fact that not everything can be gained or understood by scientific analysis alone. At the same time, she also hopes to become better in her understandings of the world and the things that make it go round, expanding her understanding of Thaumaturgy, and just generally being prepared to handle anything that might be thrown her way. Arin hopes that, one day, she’ll have a close knit friendship with someone who she can openly say is her best friend and vice versa though she doesn't think that's likely to happen at any point soon.

Likes, Dislikes, and Fears

A good book
Intellectual conversations
A sense of friendship/bonding
Aiding others
Tactical and analytical thinking
Individual quiet time
Being ignored
Drinking too much/too often
Mean people
Becoming a burden
Making mistakes
Hurting someone


COMPANY: α - Leader / β - Officer / γ - Member
RELATIONSHIP: - Romantic interest / - Close Friend / - Good Rep / 😐 - Neutral / - Bad Rep


♥ | Ehmi Tayuun | Younger sister to Arin who died at the age of 8 years old, but was ultimately Arin's best friend.
☹ | Nerah Tayuun | Arin's mother whom she is no longer on speaking terms with.
☹ | Ten'ra Tayuun | Arin's father whom she is no longer on speaking terms with.

Free Company

α | – Acalinia Tyata, Leader of the Solace Free Company. Though Acalinia and Arin haven't had much personal interaction, Acalinia is still insistent on teaching Arin the ways of socialization. Often times, Ace will push Arin to interact with the other company members despite her inhibitions but mostly, Ace is right in saying that Arin will feel comfortable once she's actually talked to them. From Arin's perspective, Ace is reckless and ready to get herself killed. Unable to live with a free conscience, Arin couldn't allow Ace to continue by herself and appointed herself as the supposed "protector" and "organizer" for both Ace as well as the company member records.

Personal Relationships



(( WIP ))

Arin grew up in the gorgeous lands of Gridania with her parents and younger sister Ehmi. With strict parenting, Arin quickly learned at a young age just how important it was to be efficient with time management, organization, and analytical thinking. Her mother and father were both alchemists and, as such, pushed hard for Arin to follow in their path. Ehmi, on the other hand, had a little more freedom in her interests.

By the age of 10, Arin had learned to have fun when her parents were out of the house. Hide and seek, tag, the typical childhood games were played around the house so as to not get caught by the neighbors. This, ultimately, led to Arin's disdain of childishness. Her sister, 8 years old, and herself had decided to play outside for once. The neighbors and any other prying eyes were off to a meeting with their parents, giving them more freedom. Arin was the seeker and Ehmi was the one to hide. Still being a child, Arin had forgotten to tell Ehmi to not go to the river. Not knowing how to swim, Ehmi fell into the water and drowned, and the brunt of her parents anger focus on Arin whom they blamed for her death.

At 15 years old, Arin left her home to pursue Thaumaturgy. Her parents had wanted her to become an alchemist but, with the accusations and the hurtful words, Arin thought this was the better choice. After all, the Thaumaturgy guild in Ul'dah were the ones who performed autopsy's and the embalming procedures for funerals. As a murderer paying for her sins (her parents words), Arin felt it a punishment but embraced the arts anyway.


I used pieces of template from Lyuri Felnica and Brynhilde Wulf and asked for permission.