Shin Nelhah

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Gridania-transparent.png Shinnan Nelhah
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Gridanian
Age 28
Occupation Toxicologist
Guardian Deity Menphina, the Lover
Affiliations The Silver Sigil Guild (TSS)
Server Balmung
Shin Nelhah Toxicologist by trade, professional smartass by nature


She tends to be reserved and anti-social but it's merely a facade to hide her boldness, spunky and slightly arrogant know-it-all nature. Despite her harsh honesty, she is a good person at heart, simply a bit too direct at times with her words. Well-mannered and polite, she definitely knows how to leave a good impression on people when required. She will always pick the people she talks to, and will never interact with worthless beings. Her judgement is almost cruel but it helps her to save time.

Eager to learn more and with a curious nature, she is seen very often with her nose stuck in a book, often crashing onto obstacles while walking or tripping over staircases. Multitasking is not her forte. Shin values her friendships greatly even if it may appear the other way around. She is not the type to show off her good side as she prefers to present herself as generally distant to avoid any sort of overly close relationships


Shin is very short in stature if not even one of the shortest Miqo’te to exist. Short ginger hairs and with freckles adorning her cheeks, she is often teased about her looks and it drives her crazy. Vibrant mint green eyes also make her a stand out despite the fact that she always wears glasses due to her very poor eyesight.

Always wearing black clothes usualy consisting of long skirts and long sleeved shirts, she also sports a pair of black gloves which she uses to hide all the snakes bites and scars from her work, not wanting to alarm anyone or give any wrong impressions.

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  • Fruit
  • Sweets
  • Reading
  • Annoying people to brinks of insanity


  • People who have no goals in life and are a waste of life
  • Dangerous heights
  • Deep water
  • People making fun of her looks
  • All shades of pink
  • Cute things
  • Spicy food


  • Books being an escape from everyday dull life, she often indulges in some good books; mostly about her profession
  • Enjoys long walks and being away from big cities, indulging in the silence of nature far away from stupid and useless people
  • Has a very good memory for the smallest details and will gladly remind people of things past
  • A knack to convince and manipulate people with her wits
  • Loves riddles and any other games that stimulate the brain


Known to all Rumours

  • "She's a bitch"

Common Rumours

  • "She can be nice... if she likes you which is most likely not going to happen"

Rare Rumours

  • "I once saw her smile... Had no idea she was capable of that..."
  • "Saw her drowning once... or maybe that was wishful thinking?"


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing

Love Interests

A chance meeting at the most ridiculous gathering for outrageous music and drinking, Shin found this priest and they started to converse, far away from the loud crowds. It took very little to see that they had a lot in common and she quickly developed immense respect for the man. Their interests clicked, and so did their likes and dislikes which shocked her. Over the next few days, they grew even closer and even opened up about their pasts to each other. Sini'to proved that he didn't mind her snarky personality and even seemed to enjoy it, which puzzled her and made her wanting to know more about him despite imposing on herself to not approach men any longer in any way. Time went by and finally he asked her out the day before Starlight; and on Starlight, she told him she agreed.


A lad she found in the streets of Ul'dah begging for money. He approached her asking for spare gil and she decided to take him to the market area and paid for all he needed. Over the days to come, she brought him food and blankets, always staying to talk and enjoy each other’s company. Gradually, he grew attached to her and she noticed it. Seeing great potential in the lad, she took him to Vylbrand Academy where she was working at the time and he became a caretaker. Little did she know that in the following days he asked her to marry him. Adoring the boy as a son, she refused.

  • Ririfu Rifu (18)

Meeting this little Lalafell in the Quicksand of all places, she couldn't help but feel the need to help the girl and approached her at the counter of the bar. The girl was rather shy but after talking for longer, she immediately opened up and showed to have a very sweet and lovable disposition. The two girls met almost every day in the Quicksand until Shin invited her to attend the Vylbrand Academy as a student, to which Ririfu agreed. Ever since then, the two have been inseparable.

  • Seseli Seli (36)

An acquaintance from the Vylbrand Academy, she met Seseli through Ririfu as the two started dating. Always watching over them and vouching for them. Alas, after a few months Seseli came to her heartbroken and said that things ended between the two Lalafells. Offering a shoulder to cry on and ears to listen, they grew close very quickly and Seseli found a very good friend in Shin, so good, she asked her to date. Unable to tell her that she wasn’t interested, she lied to her and said she wasn’t ready.

  • Tonka Tuff (23)

A newly arrived Lalafell student at the Academy, he in fact arrived and tried to steal someone’s staff but was caught in act. Stuck in the infirmary, Shin was tasked in watching over the man and it vexed her beyond belief, being rather cruel and mean to him. Once he got better, a chance meeting by the docks of the Mists made them bond a bit as they both had rather fiery personalities and he could keep up with her jokes which pleased her greatly. They became very good drinking buddies that was for certain.

  • Noir Velacia (20)



  • O'rahn Kevelan (19)
  • L'Dhala Tia (36)
  • Drazi Rae (25)

Failed Relationships:

  • Naoh'to Maimhov (32)
  • Vezh'a Yhumuzhah (23)
  • Lofen Melocuil (26)
  • Aelfred Siegmundson (35)



Born in the Shroud in Bentbranch to an agricultural family with four older brothers, she was always the odd-ball which did not necessarily enjoy what her family was dedicated to. Big terrains of fields belonged to her family and working in them was the daily routine for her parents and the eldest brothers with a couple employees.

From the beginning, it was clear that she wasn’t going to follow in the family tradition and she did everything to displease her parents and those around her like a rebel. Stuck-up and certain of herself, she quickly gained the reputation of headstrong even as a child and needed to be involved in absolutely everything involving the community.

Teased and annoyed by her brothers due to being the only girl in the family apart from her mother, she quickly grew a backbone and a short temper, snapping at every little annoying word or complaint sent her way, often exploding in utter rage; a trait which remains until today. Due to her brothers’ influence, she grew up to be a tomboy and has little love for the fine ladies in society or the girly lasses. Slowly growing older, she was finally told that she’d have to work in the fields and her immense rebel phase set in as she’d wake up early morning and go to the woods where she sat for hours on end, merely enjoying the calm and nature surrounding her. It created a certain respect for nature, and at the same time, hatred for people.


When she came of age and got the opportunity to leave the family home, she immediately did without thinking twice, cutting all ties with her past to start anew. On very rare occasions communicating via letters, but even then her relation with her family was cold. She never speaks of her family until this very day.

With time, she started to study herbalism, nature being her one love where she felt she truly belonged and enjoyed. Quickly, the hobby became a passion and she got into it professionally; creating anti-toxins, poisons and other applications for medicine for those that could not afford help at first. Gradually, she made a name for herself in the community and opened her own office, but still helps those in serious need for free without advertising it. Due to her job, very often she had incidents where she got bitten or poisoned, however, she survived each time thanks to her inventions, and over time became a walking immune system. She is completely resistant to most toxins and illnesses.

The desire to help people and challenge herself brought her to Ul’dah where she is currently residing. Life there is definitely different than in the Shroud but she adapted fairly quickly to the bustle of the infamous trade city. Most of her time, anyway, is spent out in the desert collecting poisonous plants, animals and anything else she can get her hands on to satisfy her thirst for more.

Teaching at Vylbrand Academy

A chance meeting with one of the few professors at the renown Vylbrand Academy, Shin was offered a position as professor and having nothing else to do, she accepted. Stepping into the dignified position of a professor, Shin still bent many rules and had no respect for them, finding them outrageous and downright ridiculous. She became the biology teacher and would often take out students into the field while in class she would merely give them so many tasks that she became the most hated teacher.

In her free time, she indulged in the laboratory with Satomi Hakase, a fellow professor but of alchemy. The two often caused quite the ruckus and even once blew up a hallway in the dormitories. However, despite all the chaos, Shin remained in the academy as an invaluable member and respected individual.

Her teaching style was rather radical and not very ethical but she managed to bring up quite a few good students who were her pride and joy.

Establishing The Silver Sigil

After leaving Vylbrand Academy and deciding to return to her old profession, she bought her first house in the Goblet in Ul’dah, opening her very first office there.

The peace was short-lived as she re-united with some old acquaintances from Vylbrand who had left the Academy due to some unfortunate events. Seeing as they had nowhere to go, she donated her house to the people and in change, kept her small office within the home. As more people somehow ended up staying in the place, Shin got confused and was definitely not enjoying the ruckus and the presence of so many unknown faces. Overtime, the house got transformed into an Adventurers’ Guild which had her absolutely flabbergasted. Without saying anything and still very opposed to it, she remained. Her office in a small corner of the house as she still treasures her privacy and wants as much peace and quiet as relatively possible.

She gets clients on a daily basis and most of her income comes from big bulk orders from hospitals and also from the army. Shin does not differentiate customer from customer, thus, she will provide whatever one pays for no matter for what ends they utilize her products.