Ichirou Duskhawk

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 Killian Malicious
Ffxiv 05252017 153735.png
Live, Laugh, Love.
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship None, (Doman)
Age 22
Deity Oschon, the Wanderer
Orientation Homosexual
Marital Status ?
Nameday 26th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Killian Malicious was born on the 26th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon in Doma to a refugee couple with a history of great prowess in the arts of assassination. He can be found mostly anywhere, from the Quicksand where he perches atop the crates near the bar to listen to those around him. Very rarely will speak unless he is the one being approached or asked questions. This is simply an act he'll put on. Even though he can be seen wandering around in the world of Eorzea at times he strays away from Garlean bases completely given what he has been through in the past. Being implanted with Magitek will do that to another.

More often than not he is quite distant from those in the world, nor he does not keep up with politics or have affiliations to the issues going on in politically, rather unwilling to have ties to it. While usually quiet or cold at first meet, Killian can be rather off-putting to those whom may be more on the timid side. He is not one to express very many emotions normally either unless in a private setting. If another can break the hardened shell that he is surrounded by, then is a good thing. Normally at this point, he will start forming a sense of bonding with the individual and can grow attached to them quickly.


Height: 6 fulms 2 ilms

Weight: 168 ponz



Struggles with a good degree of emotions.
Can be mentally unstable.
Often uses drugs to escape from the real world.


Anything to do with the Empire.
Losing those who are close to his heart.
Being captured and augmented again.


Remaining unseen in the shadows.
Good at following orders when told.
Excels at anything dagger-related.


Tends to be incredibly shy.
Often hiccups after too much booze.
Blushes often when drinking.


Playing a vast selection of musical instruments.
Crafting throwing stars.
Expressing emotional turmoils through painting.


Far-Eastern culture & history.
A very special blond Midlander.
The smell of cherry blossoms.


Those who lie, deceive or give other people false beliefs or hope.
Loud noises such as gunfire, alarms, weapons clashing together.
People who cannot make up their mind when it comes to relationships.


Killian often can be seen with a duo of twin parrying daggers. Where they are stored upon his person changes constantly, if anything. His skill with them is unmatched thus far which speaks massive amounts by itself!


Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC! Some of these rumors may be untrue or greatly exaggerated.

Common Rumors (Easily overheard)

"He is often at the Quicksand atop the crates near the bar." ~ Momodi
"I heard he can be rather cold-hearted. " ~ Oboro
"The man can be rather kindhearted, if not, quite timid when drinking. ~ Tavern Waiter

Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)

"His Doman name is Ichirou. I wonder why he stopped using it?" ~ Information Broker
"I heard he worked for some of the highest forms of nobility as an assassin back in Orthard.." ~ Uto
"His very aether is strange. Almost darker in nature but I cannot be too sure." ~ Aetheric Researcher

Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)

"He was an experiment for the Empire, or so I have found out! Do you think he escaped somehow?" ~ Family Member
"Killian's family was of noble stature before the Garleans took everything. It is rather sad!" ~ A Garlean
"You should be careful around that Miqo'te! He is a highly trained killer in terms of combat." ~ Mysterious Onlooker


💑 In a Relationship Romantic Interest Sexual Desire Platonic Love Family Good Standing Neutral Poor Standing Deceased


What I am looking for/interested in:

  • Plots and stories.
  • Character development.

What I will NOT RP:

  • Underage character related RP.

This means if your character is under the age of eighteen I will not RP with you.

  • Over the top dramatic scenes.

Drama is not something I enjoy doing unless the topic has been discussed prior to the scene.

  • Too much gore or bodily fluids.

I really don't enjoy others describing their characters hacking something to bits and pieces.

  • Loss of limbs, dismembering, etc.

While I get these types of things happen? I am personally uncomfortable with the idea.

  • Permanent death of my character.

Never have enjoyed roleplaying a perm. death scene. Sorry!



This template created by Rihxo Matoi with the help of Nanagi Nagi and has pieces from the templates of Unnamed Mercenary, Roen Deneith, Cyrus Wolfe, and Coatleque Crofte.