Coatleque Crofte

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Coatleque Crofte
Coatleque Crofte 3.jpg
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Ul'Dah
Age Early to mid 20's
Marital Status Single
Occupation Paladin & Sultansworn
Height/Weight 5 fulms, 6 ilms / 150 ponz
Nicknames "CC", Lady Crofte

Coatleque Crofte (pronounced cottl-ee-kay) is, by her knowledge, the only remaining survivor of her fishing village from the north. Her life has been hard since the Calamity, but she is slowly working to piece it back together and raise her station in the city of coin.

She tries to appear and act like a proper lady at all times. Often found in and around Ul'dah as she is unable to stray very far due to her duties as a Sultansworn, she is a chronic workaholic and will almost always be found in uniform. She considers this to be her only proof of station within the city and takes her position very seriously.

While most of the people of Thanalan can easily see her in the role of a knight, to any true noble it would be blatantly clear that she is not of their blood. While on duty she acts with the utmost respect and exudes the authoritative presence one would expect of a paladin. When off-duty, she will always be dressed well with her hair made up, often with a hat of some sort. Her nights are spent quietly observing the myriad adventurers that pass through the city on the off chance she may hear rumors related to whatever investigations she has pending.

She had been shy in her past as the responsibility of the Gallantry was first laid upon her, but since then she has grown into the position. She is not one to begin a conversation, but she can certainly end one if it is called for. Her speech is slow and practiced unless something has upset or distracted her. In these moments her Ala'Mhigan origins will show through.

Rumors of her 'sordid affair' with the Monetarist Jameson Taeros had permeated the city at one point, until the gates of Ishgard were opened. Jameson disappeared soon afterwords and his house was forclosed upon. Coatleque was reassigned to a remote location by the Sultansworn, described as being "on a mission of national importance". She has not been seen in Thanalan since.

The name Taeros has come back into light, however, when news of his engagement to Lady Eglantine of Vylbrand was made public. Some time after this it became rumored that a woman bearing Coatleque's likeness was seen washing dishes in Gridania.