Khees'a Urusski

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Gridania-transparent.png Khees'a Urusski
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Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life.
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Gridania
Age 26
Occupation Traveler, Healer, Layabout
Orientation Bisexual
Marital Status Single
Alignment Neutral


Keesa Urusski A male Keeper of the Moon who grew up in the Black Shroud near the area between South and Central Shroud. Being the middle child with two older sisters and two younger has made him into who he is today. He has been travelling Eorzea ever since he was deemed old enough by his mother and boasts that he knows the layout of the land better than most. He stopped in Gridania for a time after learning that he had a knack for conjury and started training under E-Sumi-Yan to learn how to use the magic. Since his training has finished, he's started trying to help others while he roams. He has a varied sleep schedule where he'll sleep at any time when he's tired whether day or night but he always makes sure to be up when there's a full moon.


Naturally blond with blue eyes, Keesa sometimes dyes his hair when he's bored and usually in colors that match his sisters' hair. He stands slightly taller than 5'7" with an average build, though somewhat toned from learning hand-to-hand combat and swords. Being out in moonlight more often than sunlight has kept his skin pale and more susceptible to sunburn, which he hates. His tail is slightly crooked near the end due to it being broken in the past but it's hard to tell unless someone touches it. He doesn't let just anyone touch his tail however, and the fur on it hides the break. His tail is fairly long, nearly down to his ankles and is covered in thick, long fur. He has to brush it regularly to keep it from knotting up.

He has two scars on his cheek from an accident when he was younger. One of the two stretches from his jaw to nearly his nose. There is another scar across the left side of his lips and one on his right cheek that leads to his neck. He also has a few scars on his body other than the ones on his face, mostly from fights, though a few he would admit to being from some unlucky tumbles. He has a very prominent scar on his left side near his waist both on his front and back. Normally he wears shirts and jackets to cover that particular scar. He wears war paint on his face almost constantly as of late.

Keesa will wear just about anything he thinks will look good, though whether he has the money to is the deciding factor in his wardrobe. Most of the time he has to settle for knock-offs or items he finds discarded that he can repair.


He doesn't care too much about first impressions someone may have of him as most likely he won't ever see them again. So if there's something he has to do, he'll do it without a second thought and to hell the consequences. Otherwise he prefers to be alone most of the time and has a hard time being around too many people for too long. There are times where he will get lonely and find somewhere to sit to watch people as they go about their lives before he'll get bored and find something else to do.

He may come off as gruff and pushy in some situations and in others he may be carefree and flirty. Most of the time he prefers not to speak and instead listens. He loves to listen to stories even if it's not being told to him. He has bad habit of eavesdropping if he hears something interesting and sometimes has a hard time being subtle about it. He also has a bad habit of feeding any baby animals he comes across so it's not strange to see one or two following him around begging for more.


Naps There's nothing better than laying down in a warm area and taking a nice nap.

Sweets His favorite food that he just can't get enough of are sweets and cakes. He doesn't usually have the money/ingredients/time to have sweets all the time so it's always a treat when he gets some.

Sweet smells He would never admit to it, but he loves the smells of vanilla and lavender. If he smells either of those anywhere he'll usually linger just to take it in. If anyone ever smelled like those well... he'll do his best not to be creepy.

Rain More often than not, he has gotten sick from his bad habit of being out in the rain for hours at a time.


Bad Attitudes Keesa tries to always look at the bright side of things and if someone is always negative or mean and spiteful or a bully, he will immediately dislike them.

Snow/Cold Weather Boy does he hate cold weather. If given the choice between being out in snow for five minutes or wearing a dress for a week, he'd go with the dress. The only time he can stand snow is during the Starlight festival and only in small doses.

Midday He can handle daytime for the most part but midday where the sun is the brightest hurts his eyes just too much. He usually tries to nap during this time just so he doesn't have to deal with it.

Weird and/or gross smells Because of his sensitive nose, he can't stand smells he dislikes. Anything rotten or someone that hasn't washed in too long will make him stay away. Also cooked cabbage will ward him away from places.

Voidsent When he was younger, his mother used to tell stories of how voidsent can seduce someone and spirit them away and other nasty things. If/when he ever meets some he usually chooses to turn tail and run rather than deal with any of that.

Wood Wailers His family wasn't compliant with Gridania's rules about hunting/poaching as they felt they were only doing what was necessary to live and didn't need some hoity-toity Gridanian's telling them how to hunt. Because of this, Wood Wailers had more of an "attack first, ask questions later" stance with them.


Hunting Keesa was taught how to hunt at a very young age and is fairly adept, almost always getting his prey once he sets his sights on it.

Loyal Possibly loyal to a fault, once he becomes friends with someone he'll do his best to be with them through thick and thin. But if they do something wrong he's (usually) not afraid to call them out on it.

Curious He is always wanting to know and learn more.

Kind He's always willing to help a person no matter. If he happens upon someone in need of assistance while travelling he'll stop and assist them without asking for anything in return.


Stubborn/Headstrong It is very hard to change his mind about some things and if he really doesn't want to change, nothing can make him.

Judging distances It may not seem like much but there are times when he has trouble judging distances from himself to his target. That usually causes him to jump too far or not far enough if he's trying to get somewhere, it can cause him to throw something too far/not far enough, and it can mess up his ability to catch something thrown at him.

Curious "Curiousity killed the cat" he's heard more times than he can count. He hasn't died yet but it can get him killed if he's not careful about sticking his nose in other people's business.

Alcohol Keesa used to drink until he passed out on nearly a daily basis. Even his apartment was filled with empty bottles strewn about. He's been trying to stay away from the stuff recently but there are times when he drinks himself into a stupor.

Lazy There are many times when he just wants to lay down and do nothing for hours on end. If he really doesn't want to do something, he will do his best to get out of it.


This is a list of the items that Keesa currently is keeping on his person. He carries a pack on his back at all times while travelling, only putting it down in an inn room in large cities if he'll be there for more than a day. Feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in the course of RP, such as pickpocketing, a search, etc.

Last Updated: boop

  • Food: Keesa almost always keeps random food items for snacking on his person. Usually the food that is ready to eat is kept in his pockets for easy access.

  • Ring: Always on a chain around his neck, Keesa will have a silver ring with him. It has no jewel but has a cradle to hold one.

  • Small gil pouch: He keeps the pouch on his belt to quickly reach what little money he has. There's usually not a lot in the pouch, just enough for an inn room or a meal.

  • Fishing Rod: Kept in his pack and folded up until needed. A pouch with bait is tied to the handle when in the pack.

  • Silver-looking Ring: Worn on his ring finger on his right hand, it looks like a plain knock-off ring. It can not be removed.

  • Punching Gloves: He doesn't always wear these unless he expects a fight. Otherwise it's usually kept on him somewhere he can reach quickly to put on.

  • Hunting Knife: This he normally keeps in his boot.

  • Short Sword: His main weapon of choice. He normally has this with him wherever he goes.


Keesa was never really taught how to fight at first, though he does know how to use a bow and arrow for hunting purposes. He learned conjury after he found he had a knack for the magic required. After a few close calls while roaming he's since decided to learn other skills to better defend himself. He has dabbled in a few other disciples, including thaumaturgy but after finding that he's more likely to set his own tail on fire rather than his enemies, he's decided to just stick with what he already knows.


His "weapon" of choice until recently. He prefers to heal people over fighting but he'll smack someone across the face with the staff if needed. Or hit them with some rocks. He's not picky.

Bow and arrow

He learned how to hunt using the bow and arrow but he doesn't like to use it for anything else. He doesn't normally carry one with him anymore unless he decides to hunt for food.

Fists and feet

After some very close calls, Keesa started looking for new ways to be able to protect himself. He found the Pugilist Guild and joined it to learn close quarters combat. He feels he knows enough of it now to not die immediately in a fight.

Sword and shield

During his time training in the Pugilist Guild, he got lost and ended up in the Gladiators' Guild on accident. Due to a misunderstanding, and being scared of Mylla, he joined and started training with a sword and shield. He didn't mind it after awhile, so he continued his training until Mylla deemed it complete.

Dirty Fighting

While he was on the ship The Crimson Maiden, Khees'a learned some dirty tricks from the other crew members. He did get some knife training as well. He knows enough not to stab himself with them too often.


Here is a list of recent and/or notable fights, roleplay scenes, etc. that Keesa has been a part of. This list is by no means all inclusive, and serves more as a general reference as to what he has been up to.

  • Opponent Name (Date) : Weapon. Details about the fight.
  • Opponent Name (Date) : Weapon. Details about the fight.


Keesa had a fairly uneventful childhood considering he grew up not only as a middle child but also since his clan was not on the wood wailers good side. The one time he actually feared for his life growing up was when his younger sister, Cahpa, wanted to have a hunting competition between the two of them. Things were going fine until Cahpa made the mistake of getting too close to some Wood Wailers. They attacked the two Miqo'te siblings which left Keesa with the cuts on his face and Cahpa a few nasty cuts on her arms. Although Keesa knows it wasn't her fault, he still can't completely forgive her for what happened.

Once he hit 16, Keesa began his life as a wanderer like most male Keepers do. He ended up in Limsa not too long after leaving home and was recruited by O'beryn, the captain of The Crimson Maiden. There he became a pirate, learning from O'beryn and his crew. He stayed with them for nearly 6 years before he left on friendly terms with O'beryn. After leaving, he decided to learn healing after some of the troubles he'd seen while on the Maiden. If he could heal himself, he'd be better at being on his own. He went to Gridania and started training under E-Sumi-Yan.

After finishing his conjury training, Keesa went back to traveling to find more adventure. Instead, he found someone he fell in love with. For awhile they traveled together, enjoying their adventures. They had known each other for about a year when they decided to buy rings so they could be bonded for eternity. The two of them went through the ritual of praying at each of the twelve's stones and set the date for the ceremony for a month later. Sadly, a week before the ceremony, the two of them were set upon by bandits in the Black Shroud. Usually they could take care of themselves but the bandits caught them by surprise and they were vastly outnumbered. The two of them tried to fight back but Keesa was gravely injured and was forced to watch his fiancee die by their hands before they took just about everything of value and ran off.

Keesa tried his hardest to try to bring them back to life and nearly died in the process after not only not treating his own wound, but using everything he had to try to heal them. After he was forced to accept the fact he couldn't bring back the dead, he buried them with the jewel from his ring. A broken tail and a large scar in his side were his reminders that he wasn't strong enough to protect the person he loved more than anything. He lost hope in conjury and started aimlessly wandering not caring if he lived or died.

He wouldn't be able to tell you how long he wandered or even where he went until he literally stumbled through the pugilist guilds doors. There he found that although he couldn't bring his fiancee back, he could get revenge. He threw himself into the training with fervor. At first his enthusiasm was welcomed until one day during a training exercise, Keesa injured his sparring partner, nearly killing them. Hamon tried to teach Keesa restraint but Keesa wasn't having any of it. He left the guild since he felt it wasn't bringing him any closer to his revenge.

Soon after leaving the guild Keesa met a small group of bandits attacking a merchant and his daughter. This was his chance to prove to Hamon and himself that he was right and he was doing the right thing. He attacked the group releasing all his pent-up emotions from when he lost his fiancee. When the brawl was over, the bandits had either fled or were dying on the ground. Thinking he would be thanked by the merchant he was surprised when they called him a monster and ran away.

This reaction was not something he expected and it made him question just what he was doing. He decided to go back to Hamon and try his training again. On his way back to the pugilist guild he got turned around and accidentally ended up in the gladiator guild. Being too scared of Mylla to refuse, he joined the guild and began his training.


lazy lazy lazy.


Romantic Attraction Physical Attraction Platonic Love $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral 🔃 Unsure 🔒 Trust


These are mostly backstory-related relationships.

Khees Urusski, Mother. ( )
Keesa’s Thoughts: "Always be hard on yourself and kind to others is what my mom would tell me."

Keesa's mother could be described as caring, kind, and loving but also stubborn, grouchy, and a hard-ass. Growing up, and even now, Keesa worries that if he puts even a toe out of line his mother will find him and yank his tail out.

Unknown, Father. ( )
Keesa's Thoughts: "Meh."

Keesa's father wasn't around a lot and so he doesn't have much of an opinion on the man. He barely even remembers him.

Sihji Urusski, Oldest sister. ( )
Keesa’s Thoughts: ”Don't cross her if you want to keep your tail intact.”

001 sihji sis.png
Being the eldest of 5 children has made Sihji, in Keesa's mind, bossy and a bully. They look the most alike since they were sired by the same male. When they were younger, she used to force Keesa into her dresses and call him their younger sister. Being younger and too small to fight back Keesa had no choice but to put up with the teasing. Even now that they're grown, Keesa doesn't like seeing her for too long when he visits his family.

Yequ Urusski, 2nd oldest sister. ( )
Keesa’s Thoughts: "I feel closest with Yequ."

001 yequ sis.png
Yequ and Keesa were born not to far apart from each other so they would practically act as if they were twins. She taught him some basic cooking skills and how to repair tears and holes in clothes so he wouldn't be completely useless.

Cahpa Urusski, Younger Sister. ( )
Keesa’s Thoughts: "She's a better hunter than I am. What a brat."

Cahpa sis kees.png
When Cahpa learned how to hunt, she and Keesa would have competitions to see who was the better hunter. One of these competitions led to the incident where Keesa received his scars on his face. Although she apologized profusely, Keesa still hasn't completely forgiven her for what happened.

Wenoh Urusski, Youngest sister. ( )
Keesa’s Thoughts: "Don't tell my other sisters but she's my favorite. And the cutest."

Wenoh sis kees.png
Wenoh was born just a few years before Keesa left the clan so whenever he visits his family, he always does whatever he can to spoil her rotten. Although he didn't get to grow up with her like the others he does favor her over them.


Listed here are the non-family characters, both PC and NPC, that CHARACTER has interacted with enough or in such a way for HIM/HER to form a real opinion about them. Please don't take personal offense if your character isn't listed here, or how the interaction or relationship is described. It isn't that I dislike your character or our RP. I just tend to only add these as necessary for those who make a real impact on CHARACTER, and descriptions are purely based upon in character experiences and opinions!

Last Update... DATE.

* An asterisks denotes that CHARACTER doesn't know the individual's true name.

T'ali Vhili, Allie. ( )
Kheesa’s Thoughts: "I never could have imagined..."

Heck if i know.png

O'beryn Sea, Obbie. ( 🔒 )
Kheesa’s Thoughts: "Craziest son of a bitch I've ever met but a good man."

Short description of how these characters know each other goes here.


These are rumors, both from NPCs and PCs, that one might overhear in regards to CHARACTER. Feel free to utilize these in your RP hooks, or add your own!

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
  • (Insert rumor here.) -- Rumor Author / Location

  • (If you add a player rumor, please first copy and paste the above line of code to leave behind for the next person! Thanks!)


A collection of screenshots of Keesa that serves as a visual reference, or snapshots from certain roleplaying scenes.


A collection of artwork of CHARACTER, either commissioned or gifted by the respective artist(s). Artist names & info are linked when you hover over images.
You are not permitted to re-use this artwork for your own characters or purposes, whether on Final Fantasy XIV or on other games, forums, etc.


Really I'm up for just about any RP but these can help with ideas if needed!

  • Family: Keesa knows his mothers side of his family but knows next to nothing about his fathers side. If he has any other half-siblings out there or other family members he wouldn't mind getting to know them.
  • Travelling: Keesa has travelled a lot and met all sorts of people. Anyone that recognizes him, good or bad, can always start something. He's healed anyone he's come across that needed it as well.
  • Hurt and in need of healing: Keesa will help anyone that needs healing whether they ask for it or not. Even if all they do is yell and curse at him, if they're hurt and/or dying he'll do what he can to save them.
  • Bad Habits: Due to his habit of taking clothes and items from people that don't need them anymore, he could be mistaken for someone else. Or someone could have known the previous owner and wonder just how Keesa got a hold of it.
  • Wood Wailers: Wood Wailers and Keesa have never got along very well while he was growing up; he went even so far as to hide who he was while staying in Gridania just so they wouldn't recognize him. He's not one to start a fight with a Wood Wailer or friends of theirs, but he won't back down if they want to start a fight.
  • Bandits: Bandits have always been on Keesa's bad side even before the incident with his fiancee, and his hate for them only grew afterwards. If he ever met those same bandits, there's no telling what he might do.


I've been RPing for quite some time in forums and in different chat programs. I've dropped forums a long time ago though due to just not being that into it as much, but have kept up in chats with people I know. I've decided to try this since the game in itself is just very slow in between patches. I live in EST but my times online can be all over the place. I love puns whether good or bad (though a truly good pun is a bad one) but I am usually not witty enough to make one up on my own. But sometimes when the planets align and the time is right, a heavenly body will descend and hand over the one golden opportunity for me to make that One Good Pun™.

I also keep OOC and IC feelings separate so if Keesa doesn't like your character just remember it's not my actual feelings.


Most of Keesa's story is kept somewhat vague or even not there to leave room for growth. Should new ideas arise or anyone wish to be a part of Keesa's past, the openings are there to fill.
I AFK in the game a lot I try to always put up the AFK symbol if I know I'm going to be away for longer than 5-10 minutes but I don't always remember. So if I don't respond to something it's not that I don't want to talk, I might just be away!
I'm pretty much always IC So really most any walk up RP is totally fine. The only time I'm definitely OOC is when I'm queue'd for a dungeon or I'm crafting or gathering. But even then I might still RP for the heck of it.
I'm a big scaredy cat when first RPing with someone (pun intended) So I'm sorry if I take awhile to reply while RPing. It's not that I'm distracted or don't want to, it's just that I'm overthinking what to say/do so I don't make a fool out of myself. I appreciate your patience with me if this happens.
I do enjoy PVE content So even though I am almost always IC there are times when I just don't feel like RPing so please don't take it personally if I'm not up for it right away. It's not you, it's me babe.


Overall, I'm pretty chill as far as guidelines go. I don't have an extensive list of 'Do's or 'Don't's or things that I personally find triggering. So chances are, you won't offend me or make me uncomfortable unless you're trying to or just being really skeevy in general. Still, for the sake of making sure everyone's on the same page here, let me make a few mentions in particular:


Permanent character death
Mature themes that are not related to plots or character development


Some mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use, coarse and excessive language, etc.) I prefer any fighting that Keesa is apart of be discussed beforehand with the winner determined outside of RP, then just RP the story/details. I find this preferable over the roll of the dice.
Temporary injury and incapacitation.
Temporary captivity or imprisonment.
Most walk-up encounters.
Long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Ask first!
Long-term captivity or imprisonment. Ask first!

This isn't a huge list that shows everything that could come up so if in doubt, just ask! I prefer to set out guidelines for RP in advance anyway so I know what goal to have in mind.


This isn't anything fancy but I do have a Tumblr just for pictures.

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