Alexander Gomez

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[Timestamp of Update: 02/02/15]

Note: Page will be subject to updates and tweaks, here and there, based on particular circumstances.

RP walk-ins are welcome. Otherwise, feel free to /tell or say hi if you see me ingame!

Warning: Those marked with an * indicate that the particular detail is optional and will not be included during rp so long as it is requested. This character does include some 18+ bits here but simply let me know beforehand and I'll refrain from it.

 Alexander Gomez
Alexander Profile pic.png
A Dreamer shall begin his journey in the land of Fantasy...
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ul'dathian
Age 22
Namdeday 19th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Favored Deity Oschon, the Wanderer
Main profession Gladiator/Paladin
Occupation Freelancing Adventurer
Grand Company Order of the Twin Adder
This character article or section of a character article is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?



Alexander Gomez (Alex-SAN-dur GO-MEZ) can come off as laid back and friendly or random and derpy, but more of his nature is revealed overtime. On the surface, he appears to be kind, friendly, apologetic, and long-winded or reserved with his words depending on circumstances. Perhaps very quickly or over time, one may find that this particular Hyur have some... peculiar quirks about him. These quirks make him come off to be perverted, excitable, and goofy. Besides that, some of his quirks seem to be influenced with whatever he has been through in his past...

Nonetheless, he is quick to aid even the smallest favor provided that it is in his current power to do so. Otherwise, he is willing to lend an ear as well as to comfort.


Alexander Gomez Trait Table.png

Character Trope

((To be added))


Height: 5'10"/70 in. (70%) Weight: 159 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Short, curly, and black Body type: Average figure and slightly smooth skin


Will be updated here and there with the classes he picks up. Certain classes will be noted as a class meant for the progression of obtaining a particular job, implying that the class is and will not be one of his focuses. Once he starts hitting into and acquires the preferred jobs, this page will finalize by including only the desired jobs.

Paladin - Desiring to follow in his father's footsteps, Alexander went through the path of a Gladiator, took up some conjury and some maruading, and later would acquire the profession of Paladin, his very first job class...

Thaumaturge - His dad oftentimes talked about the powers of magic the Black Mages wield every time he is accompanied in a party with one or more of them. This piqued Alexander's interest when he happened upon the Thaumaturge's guild...

Pugilist - The ability to fight in unarmed combat excites him... Not to mention the benefits over having to fight without a weapon should it come to it... Not that he would prefer if such a scenario were to occur but you never know what dangers the unknown can bring...

Rogue - He'd prefer his blades to be... longer. Still, the idea to mix together sword-fighting and unarmed combat sounded appealing to him... Plus, two blades has its advantage than with one.

Conjurer - Since his mother was a healer, he figured that such conjury would be useful in mending any would-be allies of his...

Arcanist - Knowledge can prove useful... and the more one knows, the better they can apply that knowledge in whatever craft they choose... Crafts such as in fighting.

Marauder - The axe felt heavy in his grasp when he first received it... But he knows, from the tales his parents have told of their adventures, that the axe-wielding Marauders are just as capable at standing their ground as Paladins and Gladiators. Though he does not find himself wielding the weapon in the future, he may at least learn the skills he could learn with the axe to apply them into his other, more preferable classes...

Archer - Alexander couldn't deny how much ease he felt over the idea of taking his enemies out from afar even though he preferred the grip of his sword than the grip of the shaft...of a bow. Nonetheless, he must discipline himself in this practice for his trained dexterity that comes from the experience can help in his other profession.

Lancer - The lance, in his hands, made him felt unsteady in his grip considering its long reach. Still, perhaps, through this practice, there may be some skills he may take into his more preferable profession...



Father: Farren(FARE-in) Gomez, Midlander Hyur, Paladin(Deceased) - A well-known adventurer who, according to Alexander's mother, showed no mercy to his enemies, but was kind and gentle to those dear to him. He was willing to put his life on the line for the sake of his allies. He lost his life while doing the very thing he loved...

Mother: Nysa(NAI-sah) Gomez, Midlander Hyur, White Mage - A generous soul which showed through her actions. Used to accompany Farren and take on various adventures together before their new child would bring her adventuring days to a halt. Now she uses her abilities to tend to the injured and even accepts requests from those who require her aid as well.

Player Character Standings

Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing

Jancis Milburga - A Midlander Hyur, who not only helped him in finding his way to the location of the pilgrimage in honor of Halone, but was also one of the leaders that led the celebration. Alexander wonders if their paths shall cross again so as to know more of her...
Xenedra Ambreaus - A Seeker Miqo'te bard who was one of the performers at the celebration of Halone. He could not completely partake in the discussion regarding the relationship between Oschon and Halone with her and her peers when duty called him to another place... Still, The Hyur finds himself curious over one of her companions' who addressed the red-haired Miqo'te as 'imp.' ...Maybe one day, they will meet again... or maybe not.
Sigrunne Ascaelle - An Elezen Coerthan knight who enlisted him and his fellow comrades in the forming of the Cerulean Vigil. Although he expressed the possibility of his leave should he disagree with the methods intend to bring the change that Sigrunne desired, his motive to fight for those in need drives him to stay for now.
Amara Elisse - A Hyur Thaumaturge whom he met during the pilgrimage of Halone. After she shared a particular secret with him, Alexander intends to do what he can to help her... Just as his parents would help others... Considering how she seemingly feels for him, though, he can't help but take a bit of liking to her... She even went as far as to address him as her hero. Nevertheless, he looks forward to any further encounters with her...
L'poppi Arhien - A dark-skinned Seeker Miqo'te that he met one night at the Quicksand while in the company of the Cerulean Vigil. Alexander, that same night, was a target between her and Khuj'a's teasings, which revealed his flustered nature. It didn't helped, even, when the two proclaimed themselves as his wing-man to find his significant other. Nonetheless, he doesn't seem too cross with their attempts... He also already addressed that he finds Poppi to be beautiful, yet he even stated that he doesn't mind her "flatness" despite his unreserved reveal over his want for a well-endowed bust on a woman (according to one of his answers when he was interrogated over what he desires for in this romantic partner of his...)
Khuj'a Binbotaj - A Miqo'te healer who is part of the Cerulean Vigil as Alexander. His cheerfulness and outgoing social attitude was quickly noted, especially during one night when the Vigils stopped by at the Quicksand. He, and another Miqo'te named L'poppi Arhien, have proclaimed themselves to be his "wing-man" in a search for the Hyur's romantic partner...

Player Rumors

((Feel free to add your bit right below here along with your name if you please!))

OOC Note


  • Because of college, my time may limit me from when I get on, especially if I need to attend to some classwork/homework/project or some other important errand. Please bear with me and go ahead and ask me anytime to clarify my times of availability.
  • Laziness and/or lack of inspiration can also affect my coming online. Although this can happen to anybody, I want to mention this because, well, I won't feel at ease if I didn't...
  • Sometimes, I have a moment of being negative about myself in a light-hearted way or I get overly apologetic. This isn't just because I care. It's also because my being kind and friendly and whatever OOC was from times before when that kindess and friendliness didn't quite... come out so well when it came down to my anxieties and whenever something upset me. Please don't let this discourage you from approaching me in anyway though! While I understand that not everyone will cater to my whims and while I don't expect that to happen all the time, I just feel like mentioning about it so that people might get an idea as to why I am this way or that...

Rp style

This character ranges from light to medium play. 18+ plays are acceptable but please let us discuss about it since not every mature topics appeal to me.


In his younger days, he was a particularly introverted boy who, yet, longed to make friends with the other children. At first, he did manage to, but he finds himself getting frustrated at times, leading him to take it out on the others. However, due the guidance of his nurturing mother and his chivalrous father, the boy found himself to be of error and he sought to correct himself of it.

Though his mother had to stop adventuring with Farren, she and her son still traveled together with him since his endeavors with the Adventurer's guild helped provided them to make a living while his mother made her own by tending to the injured. This frustrated him because he could not apply himself to recreate those friendships... Still, watching the grateful patients his mother tends to and the jolly environment and mood his father brings with him among company, a desire to bring such happiness and hope to himself and to others grew within himself. It filled him with hope and his frustrations are sated as he grows more in maturity...

Then grave news came of Farren's fate of an incident that occurred during a dungeon run with his group. Rather than retreating to himself and leaving his mother alone to her grief, Alexander did his part to try to help his mother with her patients instead. He resolves that while he still wishes for companionship and the experiences that adventuring brought, he also decides to do this for his own happiness. This resolution was also requested from his mother, who was touched by Alexander's behavior, but didn't wish for him to deprived himself of the companionship that he could not obtain because of their travels...

Alexander became of age to go out on his own to Eorzea, looking to be an adventurer like his father, but making his own name and his own personal experiences and memories for himself. His destination is Ul'dath, where his father first started in his profession as a Paladin...

Journal Log

Log #1: The freelancing adventurer seems to be progressing decently in his endeavors with the adventurer's guild. Taking up many requests have been demanding, but he cannot deny that the work and effort has been making him stronger and stronger... But as he progressed, doubt was settling in little by little... Once or twice, he would find himself sighing, as if the effort was proving to be discouraging...

But it was not because of his personal progress, no. Why, with him granted permission to venture into other city-states and learning of new battle crafts to take up and advance his abilities, it was hardly all in vain.... No... See, among the mass amount of people that were present in Ul'dath, the greenhorn adventurer found himself discouraged... It felt like his younger days when he could not succeed in instigating and communicating with people so as to develop acquaintanceship with individuals... especially those who are proactive adventurers...

Besides the embarrassment of his rewarded equipment presented in a way that they mismatched together and having no known way to resolve this fashion dilemma (though he did not consider himself fashion-minded), he found himself to be intimidated by the large number of people, a feeling of which he did not expect to feel. Surely, there are likely to be those who would welcome anyone, old or new, just from a simple greeting, those who were easygoing and approachable... But how to begin? What could he say afterwards to keep the exchange alive and establish a meaningful communication? On other note, he has noted, during his times out in the fields of Eorzea, that there are, indeed, many strong adventurers out there... What with powerful armor and weapons or unique sets of clothing and gear as well as a number of skills and crafts both for battle and for miscellaneous desires and whims... Most exceptionally, these well-fitted individuals had well-fitted allies as well... and he has observed and noted a few who seem to be in good-standings with each other... Whether the way that they communicated to each other freely and affectionately... or how they support one another during unfortunate circumstances...

He was not quite successful, in his youth, with establishing such connections with others... Will he, too, be able to make friends as his parents have, or will he end up in this world alone?...

Though as doubt ensnares and entangles his mind and resolve with its thorns of discouragement, Alexander decides that he must press forward in his 'ventures... Maybe, in due time, things will change for the better...

Log #2: Word spread of a pilgrimage in honor of Halone the Fury. Having heard of a technique named "Rage of Halone" from his Paladin father and those who are in know of it, as well as Oschon, his favored deity, who was considered a close friend of Halone, he decided to take it upon himself participate in the celebration and learn more of Halone. The trip was considered perilous due to his current abilities, but thank the Twelve that he met upon an individual named Jancis, who tended to escorting him to the location beforehand. He would learned, later on, that this same individual who helped him was actually one of the leaders leading the celebration...

He felt slightly chilly in his armor and had taken to wearing his helmet despite his preference not to for the cold in Mor Dhorna. Nonetheless, he kept to the path with the other pilgrims up to their intended location. There, much songs and tales and poems were spoken and Alexander learned a lot of Halone, even coming to respect her more than he ever did before. So, when time came for those who were willing to receive her blessings by one of the priests or priestess or those willing to speak their mind to Halone's Stone, he decided upon receiving Halone's blessing and performing the latter. On a whim, in an effort to throw himself entirely into this act, he walked up to the chilling water and knelt down to his knees. Trying his best to distract himself from the cold, he proceeded to share some words to Halone... Of learning more of her... of his newfound respect for her... and of wishing her to find favor in his efforts:

"...May your Fury be imbued into my sword... and your shield empowering my own to protect those that I care and love and those whom I accompany with in my adventures...."

At one point, he was discussing with one of the bards that performed at the celebration regarding the relationship between Oschon and Halone before they were, then, joined by one and two more. However, duty called him, away, much to his reluctance to leave company, to the place of Camp Dragonhead, where the company of the Cerulean Vigil was formed and founded... Hoping that Halone will favor his fights and his efforts, joining the cause of the Cerulean Vigil who desires to bring change to their homelands, and, most importantly to him, having developed many acquaintances in one day, Alexander's resolve to better himself was renewed as he continues onward with his duties...

Log #3: The more the growing Gladiator achieved further into his duties, the more that doubt and anxiety creep into him. Even as success would be reaped in his path, Alexander succumbed into his angst. Briefly, he came across an armor that forced him to cover his face despite his preference to let his face be shown and known to all. Nonetheless, he wore it even though he couldn't quite project his voice well under the helm...

So, during a mission with the Cerulean Vigil to infiltrate an Amalj'aa encampment, Alexander spoke little due to both his helm situation and his angst. However, though the mission was a success, he felt that he could've done more. A moment had occurred where the party leader leading the infiltration had requested him to act... To which the Midlander Hyur failed to accomplish. Though he was not blamed nor claimed to not have done his part... He knew that he could be so much better....

He had allowed his emotions to cloud his judgement... His allies are, certainly well-off enough that they are capable enough to do what must be done... But what if his hesitation were to cost the mission severely? What if his faltering could be what caused an operation to fall apart, especially if the consequences involved the loss of a life or two?

He can't afford that... He had to get stronger... With or without anyone...

Continuing with his duties, he gained admission to the Order of the Twin Adders Grand Company and acquired his own Chocobo mount. He was more moved with this grand company, compared to the others, due to the emphasis of harmony and the desire to work together as one...

So when the Gladiator finally became a Paladin... He understood what Sigrunne told him... He must allow himself to trust in his allies... And so, in turn, he will do what he can... so that others may come to trust him... and to secure that trust. And he will gained what he can, as a Paladin, to obtain the means to fight and protect those that he cares and loves...


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea. The Trait Table was inspired by Felix Sideris through here, who originally got it from this site here.