Xheja Rajhera

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 Xheja Rajhera
Xhe 01.png
"I've come too far to turn back now."
Gender Female.
Race Miqo'te.
Clan Keeper of the Moon.
Citizenship Ul'dahn. Formerly Gridanian.
Age Thirty-two.
Occupation Apothecary & Poisonmaker.
Deity Nald'thal, the Traders.


XHEJA RAJHERA (Pronunciation: szay-jzuh rah-jzehr-ah), is a Keeper of the Moon whom has come to call the citystate of Ul'dah both home and playground. The ever-determined and persistent woman has carved out a firm place for herself in the desert sand and stone from which she refuses to be dislodged. She's adopted the shrewd, calculating cunning of Ul'dahn business, though her roots still firmly linger in the Shroud where she was born and raised, and now travels to quite frequently. Once the founder of a high-end cosmetics brand named Rajhera's Radiants, Xheja has since passed that mantle on and moved to a new venture: operating her own small scale apothecary, a much more convenient cover for her poison-making business.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam. Aliquam maximus nulla id congue imperdiet. Curabitur nisi elit, scelerisque mattis diam ac, blandit congue eros. Curabitur molestie lacus sed vestibulum euismod. Praesent aliquam lorem lacus, egestas vestibulum ante commodo ut. Ut nisl arcu, vestibulum ac vehicula at, aliquet et elit. Nam molestie interdum massa ac pharetra.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam. Aliquam maximus nulla id congue imperdiet. Curabitur nisi elit, scelerisque mattis diam ac, blandit congue eros. Curabitur molestie lacus sed vestibulum euismod. Praesent aliquam lorem lacus, egestas vestibulum ante commodo ut. Ut nisl arcu, vestibulum ac vehicula at, aliquet et elit. Nam molestie interdum massa ac pharetra.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam. Aliquam maximus nulla id congue imperdiet. Curabitur nisi elit, scelerisque mattis diam ac, blandit congue eros. Curabitur molestie lacus sed vestibulum euismod. Praesent aliquam lorem lacus, egestas vestibulum ante commodo ut. Ut nisl arcu, vestibulum ac vehicula at, aliquet et elit. Nam molestie interdum massa ac pharetra.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam. Aliquam maximus nulla id congue imperdiet. Curabitur nisi elit, scelerisque mattis diam ac, blandit congue eros. Curabitur molestie lacus sed vestibulum euismod. Praesent aliquam lorem lacus, egestas vestibulum ante commodo ut. Ut nisl arcu, vestibulum ac vehicula at, aliquet et elit. Nam molestie interdum massa ac pharetra.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam. Aliquam maximus nulla id congue imperdiet. Curabitur nisi elit, scelerisque mattis diam ac, blandit congue eros. Curabitur molestie lacus sed vestibulum euismod. Praesent aliquam lorem lacus, egestas vestibulum ante commodo ut. Ut nisl arcu, vestibulum ac vehicula at, aliquet et elit. Nam molestie interdum massa ac pharetra.

Romantic Attraction Physical Attraction Platonic Love $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam. Aliquam maximus nulla id congue imperdiet. Curabitur nisi elit, scelerisque mattis diam ac, blandit congue eros. Curabitur molestie lacus sed vestibulum euismod. Praesent aliquam lorem lacus, egestas vestibulum ante commodo ut. Ut nisl arcu, vestibulum ac vehicula at, aliquet et elit. Nam molestie interdum massa ac pharetra.

Xhali Rajhera, mother. ( )
Xheja's Thoughts: "My mother had high expectations for me, expecting that I would succeed her as Matron of the Jade Boughs. For a long time after I left the clan, I feared that I had disappointed her and lost her love. I am so glad that I was able to put those fears to bed before she passed, but it has simply taken one pain away and replaced it with another."
Insert blurb about the characters' relationship here.
Kehj'a Lihzeh, father. ( )
Xheja's Thoughts: "My father? I don't claim to know him. He was around for my birth, but gone before I could establish any memory of him. Such is the way."
Insert blurb about the characters' relationship here.
Xhali'a Rajhera, brother. ( )
Xheja's Thoughts: "Xhali'a is a spiteful little man who blames the world for his own shortcomings. He is rash and quick-tempered, his anger lashing out like an angry viper at whomever is closest. He would be truly dangerous if he had half an onze of cunning behind his malice."
Insert blurb about the characters' relationship here.
Xhara Rajhera, sister. ( )
Xheja's Thoughts: "We share blood, Xhara and I, but she shared a womb with Xhali'a. She is far closer to him than I, the calm to his ever-raging storm. Unlike her twin, she is a good person. She's just content to forever linger in Xhali'a's shadow."
Insert blurb about the characters' relationship here.
Senah Rajhera, half-sister. ( )
Xheja's Thoughts: "Of all of my siblings, Senah is the only one to whom I feel particularly close. Now that she is the Matron of the Jade Boughs, she's allowed me to return home whenever I please. Such is a debt that I cannot hope to ever repay."
Insert blurb about the characters' relationship here.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam. Aliquam maximus nulla id congue imperdiet. Curabitur nisi elit, scelerisque mattis diam ac, blandit congue eros. Curabitur molestie lacus sed vestibulum euismod. Praesent aliquam lorem lacus, egestas vestibulum ante commodo ut. Ut nisl arcu, vestibulum ac vehicula at, aliquet et elit. Nam molestie interdum massa ac pharetra.

Aeron Volkova ( )
Xheja's Thoughts: "If you had asked me a cycle ago, I would never have imagined becoming betrothed, much less to a hyuran man. Aeron is -- was -- the best surprise to ever happen to me.. But I fear that circumstances have now pushed him beyond my grasp. Yet I can't stop myself from wanting to reach for him still.


These are rumors, both from NPCs and PCs, that one might overhear in regards to Xheja. Feel free to utilize these in your RP hooks, or add your own!

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
  • (Insert rumor here.) -- Rumor Author / Location

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
  • (Insert rumor here.) -- Rumor Author / Location

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
  • (Insert rumor here.) -- Rumor Author / Location

◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
  • (Insert rumor here.) -- Rumor Author / Location
  • (If you add a player rumor, please first copy and paste the above line of code to leave behind for the next person! Thanks!)


A collection of screenshots of Xheja that serves as a visual reference, or snapshots from certain roleplaying scenes.


A collection of artwork of Xheja, either commissioned or gifted by the respective artist(s). You are not permitted to re-use this artwork for your own characters or purposes, whether on Final Fantasy XIV or on other games, forums, etc.


A list of hooks for roleplay goes here.

This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea, then modified/ mixed from Franz Renatus, Leanne Delphium, Bancroft Gairn.