Valen Stalhart

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 Valen Stalhart
Valen Stalhart 10 29 2015 02 02 09.jpg
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Claims Coerthas (defected Garlean)
Age 36
Height 6 flums
Weight 185 ponze
Occupation Maelstrom Agent
Free Company Arcadeus
Server Balmung
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A former Garlean soldier, Valen Stalhart defected from the powerful empire shortly before The Calamity. Afterwards, he wandered Eorzia for many years before finally finding his way to La Nosca, where he joined the Free Company Arcadeus. To this day though, he still keeps his former affiliation with Garlemald a secret, and has only disclosed the information with a small handful of people.

Before The Calamity

Early Life

Born into a family of fisherman in the Garlean Empire, Valen was raised with a very humble upbringing. Not being a full-blooded Garlean, he spent most of his childhood living hand-to-mouth, but always managed to get by. He had no brothers nor sisters, but did share a very close relationship with his mother and father. However, the life of a fisherman wasn’t for him. Once he came of age, he traded in his gaff for a spear, and through vigorous training managed to join the ranks of the Garlean Empire’s Military.

Service Under Garlemald

For three years he served as a lancer for The Empire, scratching and clawing his way through the ranks. Despite his combat prowess, he never managed to become anything more than a lowly Legionarius in the Garlean Empire due to his superiors’ nepotism towards full-blooded Garleans. However, his skills did not go unnoticed. Realizing that his abilities could be utilized, Valen’s commanding officer had him inducted into Garlemald’s experimental battalion, the Magitek Knights.

As a part of his induction, Valen was implanted with a Magitek chip directly into his brain, as well as various other Magitek augmentations throughout his body. The implants enhanced both his physical and mental capabilities, allowing him to emulate similar abilities to that of a Dragoon, all the while without needing to wield the soul of a dragon.

Due to the relative secrecy of the Magitek Knights, Valen's duties mostly consisted of low-key assassinations, sabotage, or seek and destroy missions. During one such mission, he was sent to kill a lalafell merchant on a trade route through Thanalan. However, he was under the guard of the highly skilled archer, X'matoi Tia. Tia managed to keep Valen at bay while the merchant escaped, and even tried to dissuade Stalhart from continuing to fight for the Garlean Empire. While X'matoi was unable to convince Valen, his words did not fall unto deaf ears.

Ultimately, Stalhart managed to close the distance between him and X'matoi, and stabbed him with his spear. He thought the Miqo'te to be dead, and left him to rot. However, X'matoi still yet lived, as Valen found out a few years later when he overheard tales of the archer's exploits while he was on assignment.

After the battle with Tia, Stalhart considered the Miqo'te's seemingly genuine request for him to abandon Garlemald and come to the other side. It was this seed that planted skepticism in him, and ultimately helped him come to the realization that he had no true sense of free will. The chip in his brain had been forcing him to obey Garlemald's commands, and he had been made none the wiser to it until his confrontation with X'matoi. When he tried to resist his commands, the chip would send pulses throughout his entire body, leaving him in agony. This left him with no other choice but to follow through with the orders he was given, lest he wish to suffer at the Empire's hands.

Defection, and Days Leading to The Calamity

After eight grueling years of serving as a Magitek Knight, through either his own sheer will or faulty programming on the part of the implant, or perhaps both, Valen managed to overcome the chip’s grasp while on assignment, and fled shortly thereafter. Valen was declared a traitor to his nation and his people, and the Garlean Military was given the order to kill him on sight.

However, due to the fall of Dalamud, the Garlean Empire was unable to spare the manpower to hunt him down. By the time the Empire had regained footing after The Calamity, the tracker built into Valen’s Magitek chip had long since shorted out after going so long without proper maintenance. With no trace of him to follow, Valen vanished from the Garlean Empire entirely, but to this day still remains an enemy to the nation.

After The Calamity

Finding a Home

Valen spent the following years after the Calamity wandering Eorzia until he ultimately found his way to Limsa Lominsa. Looking for a place to stay, he stumbled upon Anelia Sadowyn’s residence, which also acted as a base of operations for her Free Company, Arcadeus.

After a little convincing, he talked Anelia into letting him stay so long as he pulled his weight. However, when Anelia inquired about where he came from, he privately disclosed his former affiliation with Garlemald, only to learn that Anelia had just as much a vendetta against the Garlean Empire as he did. However, she insisted that Valen keep his origins a secret from the others living at the residence, as not to cause any unnecessary tension between them.

However, the ever clever Seldi Witt managed to pry the information out of him upon sensing that he was hiding something from her. She seemed to take a keen interest in his Magitek implants, but appeared to be unfazed by his Garlean background. She offered to help him figure out a way to either remove the implant in his brain, or at least find a way to repair it. However that is currently something that is not likely to happen for quite some time.

Unbreakable Chains

Friend or Foe?

On the side he sometimes does freelance work for the Maelstrom. Typically it is little more than simple reconnaissance or patrolling. Though he does occasionally receive missions that are of higher importance, they are far and few between. Most recently they requested him to watch over the young Miqo'te, Rihxo Matoi. He wasn't told the reason why other than that someone paid the Maelstrom a substantial amount of gil to ensure that no harm came to her.

Valen delved into research on the Miqo'te's family, scouring to find any reason someone would wish for Rihxo to be protected. He uncovered a substantial amount of information on her parents. Once he learned who her parents were, he recognized their names from his time serving for Garlemald. Her father was none other than X'matoi himself, the same X'matoi he had faced so many years prior in his youth. Though they were presumed dead, Valen believed the Garleans might have reason to wish to bring an end to the Matoi family line. With this information, he feared that the Garleans would send a Magitek Knight to kill her. While this did indeed prove to be the case, it was not in the way that Valen had imagined.

After venturing to Northern Thanalan to investigate the Garlean base in the area, he blacked out, and awakened days later in the alley behind the Qucksand. Not knowing what to do, he called for Rihxo to help him. When she arrived, Valen was delirious. He believed himself to be having another headache, as they had been growing more and more prominent. However, when he felt the familiar marionette strings gripping into his mind, he realized that the Garleans were retaking control over him, and that they were ordering him to kill Rihxo.

Though he tried his best to resist, his mind gave way, and allowed for Garlemald to take control once again. Fortunately, Rihxo's boyfriend, Gil vel'Jendahr, and his friends Caen Jabari, and Singing Raptor arrived just before Valen lost control. The last words Stalhart uttered before losing control of himself was "Rihxo, run." After that, he engaged in combat with Gil, Caen, and Raptor. After a brief fight, Valen realized that his target had escaped, and that to continue fighting was pointless, so he teleported away to Mor Dhona to consider his next move, leaving no decisive winner.

Seeking Help

One of the first things he did upon gaining a semblance of control over himself was to write a letter to Seldi, the only person in his Free Company who knew the extent of what his implants could do. Though it was a long-shot, he couldn't think of anyone else to turn to. After a brief time, though, Nanagi Nagi reached out to Valen, claiming that she might have a way to help free him from the shackles of his implants. Interested to see both how she learned of his implants, as well as how she could possibly help him, he met up with her in Thanalan to hear her out.

Ultimately, while thankful for her attempt to help, Valen was unimpressed. Nanagi had merely learned the name of someone who might be able to help him, and nothing more than that. However, Valen did take notice that Rihxo was listening in on the conversation. Valen took this moment to draw his spear on her, but did not act upon it. Forcing control upon himself, he told both of them it was unwise for Rihxo to be near him.

A few days later, Valen found himself wandering through Thanalan, approaching Ul'Dah for reasons he couldn't quite understand at the time. However, upon seeing a familiar face from his Free Company, and Au Ra named Tatsumi, he snapped back into reality. Their conversation was brief, but through it he did come to learn that Seldi had left to Coerthas and wouldn't be back for some time. After Tatsumi left, Valen noticed a familiar Lalafell attempting to inconspicuously listen in on his conversation.

When he approached Nanagi, she asked him what he was doing there. To that, Valen told her he wasn't quite sure. After some rather simple deduction, he came to conclude that he must've been trying to find Rihxo, since she could always be found in the grand city of Ul'Dah. Nanagi requested that Valen leave, to which he complied. Unfortunately, Valen returned to Ul'Dah that night, this time completely under Garlean control.

Losing Control

Growing tired of Nanagi's interference, Garlemald ordered for Valen to kill her as well. Unable to fight for control of himself, Valen went to Ul'Dah and tracked down Rihxo, Gil, and Nanagi, but remained a distance away. He knew that after a while, Gil and Rihxo would flee elsewhere, but Nanagi would try to persue him, which would place the Lalafell right into his trap.

Everything went just as Valen had planned, and Nanagi followed Valen into Central Thanalan, where he cornered her in the Sil'Dih Excavation Site. He then boarded his Magitek Reaper and began attacking her. He told her that he had no other choice in the matter, and he could not resist the orders he was given. Mustering all the willpower he could, Valen told Nanagi to use her Manaward to survive the blast, that way Garlemald would presume her dead and then they could relieve the order.

Instead, the injured Nanagi chose to run. Valen chased her down until Gil came to Nanagi's aid. Weakened, Nanagi used all of the power she had left to use a massive blast of aether. However, he dazed state only allowed for the attack to graze Valen's Reaper. After pleading with her one final time to use her Manaward, Valen opened fire with his Reaper onto Nanagi just as she was finally able to cast the protective spell.

After Nanagi fell, he told Gil to not follow him. He then returned to Mor Dhona and delivered a message to Rihxo over his linkpearl. He told her that while he was thankful for what Nanagi tried to do for him, it only placed her in danger, and that he has come to believe that there is no escaping from Garlemald this time. He said the only way he could see this ending was if either he kills Rihxo, or she kills him. He told the Miqo'te to be the warrior her parents would be proud to see her become, and then maybe this nightmare could finally come to an end. Afterwards, Valen crushed the linkpearl.


About a week after the incident, Nanagi had recovered from her wounds for the most part and was venturing through Mor Dhona when she by chance came across Valen on his Magitek Reaper, heading towards the Garlean base. Despite her better judgement, she followed him into the base while remaining hidden. Unaware of her presence, Valen continued about his duties at the base before being contacted by his superiors in Garlemald. They informed him that Gil was the only thing that stood between him and Rihxo, so he needed to be eliminated, or at the very least subdued. He was also informed that Rihxo's siblings were to be eliminated as well. Despite his protests, Garlemald would not withdraw the command.

Afterwards, Nanagi hijacked a Reaper to escape the base. Valen of course took notice and chased her down on his already damaged Reaper from their previous encounter. Due to the previous damages, Valen's Reaper was rendered immobile, but that did not stop him from continuing to chase down the lalafell.

He followed her all the way to Revenant's Toll, where he was surrounded by Nanagi, Rihxo, and Singing Raptor. Stalhart readied himself for combat, but withdrew his weapon when he noticed how many bystanders had gathered. Having no desire to allow for innocent blood to be shed in the crossfire, he told them that if they truly wanted to finish this, then he would be waiting at Rathefrost.

The three followed him, but not to fight. Instead, they tried to get through to him. The efforts proved futile, however. Despite this, Valen did tell Rihxo about Gil and her siblings becoming targets, and also assured her that out of respect for Rihxo's parents, he would give her the chance at a fair fight against him when the time came for him to kill her. That time though was drawing near, and he couldn't delay his duty for much longer. So he told her that she needed to become stronger, and soon if she had any hope to beat him.

Before heading back to the base, Raptor asked Valen what he considered home. To that, he answered Arcadeus, the Free Company that took him in despite his past affiliations. Afterwards, Stalhart left, and ventured to the snowy mountains of Coerthas, where he studied Rihxo from afar. While in Coerthas, he resided in Behemoth's Dominion, awaiting the great beast to reveal himself so Stalhart could challenge him.

Calm Before The Storm

While waiting, he contacted Gil through a letter, requesting for the Dragoon to meet him in Behemoth's Dominion. Once there, he made it clear that he had no intention of fighting Gil, and told Gil that as long as the elezen did not interfere with his and Rihxo's battle, then he would not be a target, and Valen would spare him.

Much to Stalhart's surprise, Gil told him that he had already promised Rihxo that he would not interfere with their battle when the time came. While Valen wanted to believe this, he made a few attempts to taunt the Dragoon to ensure that Gil's word was true. Had the elezen drawn his spear from simple goading, then Valen would've been certain that Gil would have lacked the discipline needed to stay out of the fight. However, the Dragoon remained vigilant and did not attack. Pleased with Gil's self control, Valen dismissed him and returned to awaiting for Behemoth.

It wasn't long after that when the legendary beast showed its face. Stalhart faced Behemoth and managed to break one of his horns. While it was little more than a superficial wound to the creature, it was a still a testament to Valen's skill. Once the beast returned to its slumber, Valen left Coerthas after using the horn from Behemoth to construct a mighty Thundercloud spear.

After leaving Coerthas, he ventured back to Thanalan, where Rihxo had partaken in the Grindstone. Much to his surprise, Nanagi was there as well. After meeting her in Mor Dhona, the lalafell had all but fallen off of the earth, as she had become hard for him to track since then.

After the tournament was over, Valen confronted her while she was alone, and told her the same thing he told Gil, requesting that she not interfere with his and Rihxo's battle. As he expected, the lalafell refused, but did eventually come around when Valen pointed out that all she had ever done was fight Rihxo's battles for her, and that if she had the least bit of respect for her Miqo'te friend, then she would let Rihxo fight him alone. While she did agree to this, Nanagi made it clear that if Rihxo didn't kill him, then she had every intention to finish him off. Valen was ultimately unimpressed, but said that if she felt that strongly about killing him, then she was free to have that battle with him, but it was only to be settled between the two of them. With that, he left and vanished into the city streets.

Decisive Battle

After watching over her extensively, Valen finally felt Rihxo was ready to face him. To get the message across, he ransacked her home and threatened Rihxo's siblings, telling her to relay the message for her to meet him in the Lower Paths of the South Shroud. When Rihxo arrived with Gil and Raptor, Valen was wielding Thundercloud, and readied himself for battle.

Rihxo demonstrated her skill, managing to hit Valen with an arrow laced with a very powerful toxin of some kind, but Valen's implants helped him resist the pain. The fight began to trigger memories of Valen's fight with X'Matoi Tia, Rihxo's father, but his severely damaged perception of reality caused him to believe he was reliving that very fight. When Stalhart spotted Nanagi hiding among the trees, this only further pushed him over the edge, believing her to be the lalafell merchant he was sent to kill.

Nanagi defended herself, which left Valen even more confused and uncertain of his surroundings. This mixed with the commands being relayed through the chip in his brain and only further tore his mind asunder. Once he had regained a faint sense of what was going on around, he continued his battle with Rihxo, but not before Nanagi struck him with a thunderbolt.

Even so, he managed to overpower Rihxo, and forced her to step back and fire another one of her toxin-laced arrows. Due to the electricity surging through him, he couldn't dodge out of the way in time. With both his body and mind weakened, Stalhart collapsed to his knees. Rihxo attempted to restrain him and get through to him, which seemed to trigger a violent reaction within Valen's body.

Desperately fighting back the urge to simply grab the Miqo'te and snap her neck with his bare hands, the chip began to send pulses of pain through his body, causing his muscles to spasm out of control. In a fit of both madness and agony, Valen pushed her off of him and began to swing his spear wildly, tearing through trees and cutting down anything and everything he could reach.

Fortunately, nobody was hurt by him. After his mental break, Valen threw Thundercloud into a tree, and then fell to the ground. Rihxo tried to console him and use a Magitek device to disable the chip, only to be calmly told by Valen that it would have no effect, because the chip in his brain had already been destroyed. He explained that he could feel the chip short out during his mental break after he fought so hard to resist his orders. After so much resistance, the old and weathered chip could no longer continue sending pulses through his body, and just broke completely.

Though he was finally free from Garlean control completely, Stalhart didn't appear the least bit thrilled by his newfound freedom. After pulling himself back onto his feet, he blankly told Rihxo and the others that he intended to go to the Garlean base and kill every single Garlean that did this to him, and that they had nothing to fear from him anymore. The Miqo'te asked if she could go with him, to which Valen said she could make her own decisions, and that was her choice to make, not his. Nanagi said that she would go with him as well, should Rihxo go with him. Yet he heard no answer from Gil or Raptor.

After boarding his Magitek Reaper, and leaving behind Thundercloud for Rihxo to keep as a trophy, Valen wished them all a farewell, saying that if he didn't see them at the Praetorium, then this would likely be the last time he ever saw any of them again.


A few days later, Rihxo met up with Valen in Mor Dhona, and was surprised to be met with a much kinder demeanor from Stalhart. Without the chip, he was like a different person. He even engaged in idle chit-chat with the Miqo'te. The next day, he, Rihxo, and Nanagi infiltrated the Garlean base and brought it to ruins, even defeating another Magitek Knight and killing Valen's former commanding officer, Mitus Quo Nal.

With the base destroyed, Valen felt it was finally time to close this chapter on his life and take a step towards atoning for everything he had done. Before he can challenge Garlemald with spear in hand though, he feels he must first find the friends, family members, and loved ones of those he's killed for Garlemald and apologize for what he has done. Though he doesn't expect to be forgiven, he does hope to give them some sort of closure.

Personality and Physical Traits


Valen is a somewhat tall man with long, dark hair and blue eyes. While he does have very youthful features, he is notably older than he appears. Though he is uncertain, he believes his graceful aging may be due in part to his Magitek implants. Often times he can be found in his elaborate glowing armor, with his face shielded by his Magitek visor. However, on occasion he'll forgo the armor and simply don regular clothes when he's not expecting the possibility of combat. Even then, he still ensures that his armor, or at the very least his spear is kept nearby.

Mental Health

Despite the lack of maintenance, the implants’ physical and mental augmentations still continue to work to some degree. However they have a tendency to be unreliable and somewhat sporadic. This has led to Valen suffering many mental and physical side effects that vary from slight headaches to short bursts of psychosis. Fortunately, the more extreme side effects only rarely occur. However, as the chip continues to deteriorate, so too does Valen’s mental stability.


On the surface, Valen seems kindhearted, if a little ill mannered and incredibly blunt. He’s more than willing to help those in need, and rarely asks for anything in return. Beneath this kind appearance though, lies a very cynical and jaded man, especially when it comes to the topics of war and combat. His outlook is bleak, and though he hates to admit it, he secretly relishes the heat of combat due to the conditioning he received from the Garleans. During his psychotic breaks, he becomes even worse. He often loses control of himself, becoming paranoid and viewing everyone as a potential enemy. He’ll normally go into seclusion during these episodes and will wait until they come to an end before returning to his companions.


Though Valen will try to avoid combat if at all possible, he is absolutely ruthless when it comes to fighting. His style of is a blend between flurries of vicious brutality and precisely landed devastating blows. The advanced alloy that his Magitek spear is composed of allows for him to rip through even the toughest of armors, but still remains light enough to allow him swift movement. Though he is by no means the mightiest of all spearmen, he is still a force to be reckoned with when he is fueled by the heat of combat.


Sometimes if he’s feeling a little on edge, or if perhaps he’s just wanting to relax, he’ll go fishing. Being something that he’s done since he was a child, he finds fishing to be incredibly enjoyable and calming.


  • Fishing
  • The heat of combat
  • Just being a generally helpful person


  • The Garlean Empire
  • Overt Optimism


  • Is quite savvy with Magitek equipment
  • Adept Spearman
  • Decent Fisherman



As far as Valen knows, his mother and father are still alive, and still live in the Garlean Empire. However, he has not seen them since he defected, and often fears for their safety considering his current standing with Garlemald.

Good Standing

Rihxo Matoi: Despite everything that has happened, Rihxo holds no grudge against Valen, and is even quite kind to him. Stalhart sees her as a friend, and is happy to have her on his side.

Neutral Standing

Gil vel'Jendahr: After everything that has happened, he intends to leave the elezen in peace.

Singing Raptor He bears no ill will towards her, and she seems to bear none towards him. He feels it is best kept that way.

Nanagi Nagi: Though he knows for certain that she hates him, Valen has no desire to quarrel with her. However, should she still wish to challenge him, then he will grant her that chance.

Poor Standing


Common Rumors

  • “That man is quite odd. He seems nice enough, but something about him just seems off. Maybe it's the visor?” -Storm Soldier
  • “He really knows a lot about all that fancy, hi-tech stuff. I mean, have you seen that spear on his back? It has so many buttons and switches on it, I’d probably lose an eye just trying to hold the damn thing.” -Sailor in La Nosca
  • "I don't like him. No honest man always keeps his face hidden like that." -Storm Officer

Moderate Rumors

  • “The man goes missing and turns up right after a Garlean base falls to rubble. It doesn't take a sage to put that puzzle together." -Maelstrom Soldier
  • "He's quite familiar with Magitek, I'd dare say he's an expert on it." -Engineer at Cid's workshop
  • “The man has no history, no past… He’s like a phantom that just showed up from the aether. However, he gets results, and that makes him quite an asset to the Maelstrom” -Merlwyb

Rare Rumors

  • “Stalhart is not a man, he is a weapon; a weapon that now wields a mind of its own.” - Vitus Mal Luro, the creator of the Magitek Knights
  • “He slew Mitus, and brought the base to ruin with the help of a lalafell and a miqo'te. The Magitek Knight however was able to escape and delivered combat data on Stalhart. This information will be sent to Garlemald for further study" -Garlean Incident Report
  • I got word that a squad of Garleans were patrolling through La Nosca, looking for a man with long hair and a Magitek spear… Sound like someone we know?” -Eynzahr Slafyrsyn

PC Rumors

Do feel free to add your own rumors

  • "I guess you can trust him." -Nanagi Nagi
  • "Valen really is a nice guy. You just have to get past that... Shell, I guess, first." ~Rihxo Matoi


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