Eddard Holt

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Eddard Holt
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 20
Occupation Officer of the Pathfinders, "sellsword"
Orientation Heterosexual

Basic Info

Eddard is a fighter that can be seen working around Ul'dah. Despite his denial of the fact, Eddard has made a more respectable name for himself since a major turn in his life. As a leading rank in the Pathfinders Free Company, he finds much of the time he often dedicated to sellsword work is instead put towards the company's affairs. Still, the man finds the time for small amounts of outside business, much of which he does not speak about. He is passionate and protective of the company to a fault, his emotion sometimes clouding his reason. This and other traits show his youth as a leader (and in general) but he takes the position with a confidence regardless. He does nothing but his best to aid the company and its members in their endeavors, putting equal effort to ensure his business affairs never get entwined.


Fighting (whether it be for coin or sport)
Good company
Hot springs or similar ways to relax


Brass Blades
Conflict between company members
Dishonesty, especially if caused by greed


He is trained in the use of sword and shield. He is mildly experienced with bare handed combat.
His moods can greatly vary, ranging from collected and amiable one night to stubborn and belligerent the next.
He does not talk about himself often, instead looking to hear the stories of others. Changing the subject if turned onto him is common.
Sick of Ul'dah and the surrounding sands, he wants to travel to the other parts of Eorzea. Unfortunately, he is mostly bound to his home for the time being.
He can be knowingly hypocritical, advising one action while taking the opposite himself.

Appearance & Personality

Eddard was very scrawny in his younger years due to lack of consistent meals but this has changed a large deal in more recent years. He is not enormous in physique but his muscles are toned and confident, boasting formidable strength to match their appearance. Being on the taller side for a Midlander helps in the efforts to be strong, allowing his strength to keep up with most, save any hulking Highlanders or Roegadyns. His black hair is partially dyed a shade of turquoise, the habit starting when a friend practiced on him just for him to find out he enjoyed the look. He has turquoise eyes which have a narrow gaze. He has numerous scars on his body, the most prominent being the one across his nose. He has a tattoo on his left cheek.
Eddard's personality is one that's relatively sour relatively often. Thankfully, he has improved on snuffing this negative personality away for the sake of professionalism. Ticks of his unease like a clenching of his teeth are still visible but his voice and demeanor stay at a controlled level... mostly. His last few outbursts are still in recent memory. He is less prone to them but knows they must be ousted completely, lest he want to lose respect from observing eyes.
Even when in a more amicable mood, Eddard's presentation is generally the same. His face is often flat with a hard look in his eyes, his speaking often consisting of stern grunts and low grumbling. His ability to hold conversation defies these habits, the man often asking the other about themselves with a sincere interest. He enjoys letting others feel welcome under the roof of his company, wishing he had as much time to bar tend as he used to. After getting to know him enough, many will realize his more stand off-ish moods are more the act than his nasty ones. He cares deeply for all his companions and would give all for them without a second thought.
He is more open about more things than he was but still cuts off certain personal topics quickly if approached. He does his best to omit details he wants to avoid if they are discussed, which is a large portion of them. This often results in very vague or dishonest answer. If he can help it, he may even try to shift the subject, dismissing the idea of him having to speak about himself.


Eddard's family was not one accustomed to having money. Although they could make ends meet, doing anything more than that was a rare luxury. Eddard usually had to help make these ends meet in some form or another, whether it be through helping his father with his smithing or helping his mother with delivering the orders his father was fulfilling. Happy to help, Eddard hardly ever complained about his situation. Never having material possessions of much worth, Eddard learned to hold his family as his most prized possession. Hardly anything else mattered to him.
His father planted an early interest of smithing into Eddard, the boy showing fair potential in his efforts. There were of course bumps in the roads of his lessons but his father taught him about such things in life too. "There will be always be walls in our way, it is life's test for us to find the strength to break them down." His mother was more strict than his father, the boy not being able to joke around on her trips as he could in his father's workshop. This did not meant he disliked her. She held a confidence with herself that showed in the air around her which he admired. She spoke well and people liked to listen, a strong trait for a saleswoman. She made sure Eddard knew how to do the same, teaching him how to handle customers and speak in a way that made him sound educated and worthy of respect. She meant no slight to her husband but his "brutish" language was one of the reasons she liked to handle the business end without him. Eddard learned from her but also picked up plenty "brutish" words from him. Loving them both, Eddard was content. Still, they were not spared from Bahamut's fury.
Now an orphan, Eddard found himself with no coin, no food, no help. Work around the city was hard to find, especially for a boy his age. He considered finding means to Limsa Lominsa to study with the Blacksmith's Guild but the thought of smithing filled him with nothing but pain as it reminded him too much of his father, making the large effort needed not worth it. Instead, Eddard turned to petty crimes, stealing either food or coin to sustain himself. He slept alongside the city's wall, alone, dreaming of days past as he considered the worth of continuing the miserable endeavor of survival he was put into. To lift his spirits, fate led him in the direction of a group of friends. They were all in the same situation as him, all just as jaded that Ul'dah's extreme class divide made recovering so difficult. With them, Eddard's petty crimes turned into more serious crimes. It wasn't long before they considered themselves bandits.
Eddard constantly felt remorse for the crimes he would start to commit with this group. Although they were not especially heinous, they were enough to weigh on his conscience. Not wanting to go against his friends, he followed through with their criminal desires with blind loyalty. He didn't want to feel alone again so he had no choice but to go along with them. Even when they became part of a larger bandit group led by a notorious criminal, Eddard still did not back down. His crimes became worse and worse, this group finding most of its profits in human trafficking. He was no longer just stealing coin; he was stealing mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers. He grew to loathe himself more with every day, knowing his parents would be ashamed to know what their son had come to. Still, he did what he had to in order to keep his companions by his side. Mistakes beyond his control eventually made this an impossibility. Eddard found himself feeling alone yet again and more scared about his situation than ever.


A series of events led Eddard away from bandit camps to inside the city where he went to the Gladiator's Guild to train. He found his ways to the Pathfinders and soon helped with the recruitment process and the bar. His initiative earned him higher ranks in the company, his position now being a leader alongside Madison Brookstone while the founder Ashen Everyman is away. He dubbed this interesting timing, this happening as they face a powerful enemy in the rival company "Eorzea Unexplored." A number of events over the past few weeks including a run in with an Eorzea Unexplored officer have caused him a strong desire to improve himself, believing he needs to be stronger to rise to these challenges.
Try as he might, Eddard has been unable to cut himself free from his past in some regards. It is not an issue now but Eddard often worries such facts will come to light and cause more trouble for the company than he'd wish.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Not exactly a people person. He'll grumble and grunt conversations to you if he talks at all." - Quicksand Waitress
"He has the determination and the strength in the ring, so long as his anger doesn't blur his focus." - Mentor at the Gladiator's Guild
"He mixes a good drink! His "Mop Water" is tasty!" - Customer of Neverfar's Tavern
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"It was some surprise to see him armor clad for the first time; he's come a long way since his days on the wall." - Ul'dah Sellsword
"I see him doing work for the Blades all the time but haven't once seen them put coin in his hand." - Brass Blades Recruit
"He'll raise his voice over the littlest things, even to customers if they misbehave just a little." - Chef for Neverfar's Tavern
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"He hasn't been right since his parents passed on. I've heard of him robbing plenty of people and I'm sure he's still up to it now." - Ul'dah Merchant
"He's a shady one. I've seen 'im talk nice 'n' low to some suspicious folk 'round here." - Drunk at the Coin and Coffer
"He used to travel with some other kids his age all the time but he's the only one of the group anyone's seen for a while. Some are suspicious that his anger got the best of him one day." - Gossip at the Quicksand
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"Oh yeah, Mr. Grump who mans the counter at the Free Company tavern. Not a fan of him myself!" - Cullen West
"Oh, Ed? He's....a jerk. A complete one. Until you see the glimmer of the real him." - Madison Brookstone
"Could out-bristle a jackal and glower a coeurl into submission. I like him. One of the finest people I've met. Don't tell him I said that, though. Wouldn't believe you, anyroad." -Khoba Lhyr
"Master Holt is an efficient, effective, and extraordinary leader, and a man I admire abundantly. He hath shown faith and confidence in my abilities, even when I have not!" -Zigovali Rigovali
"Can be a bit of a grumpy person, but knows what he is doing. Trust him and Madison with my life when Chief and Ashen aren't around." - Rhela Aliapoh


Mated/Lovers/Dating    Romantic Interest/Crush/Affectionate     Sexual Desire    Friendly     Neutral     Negative

Madison Brookstone - Eddard often counts himself unworthy of the good things life has permitted him, wondering why such pleasures were not bestowed upon more noble or generous men. Madison sits atop this list, the man unsure what he did right enough in his trials to earn the strong affections of the amazing woman but grateful for it all the same. He almost missed this blessing when he initially pushed her away. When she took a hiatus from the company for dangerous reasons, both the amount of worry for her safety and longing for her return he felt had him realize just how much the woman meant to him. Once she returned and he lowered his walls more and more for her, his affections only grew. She sees a man in him that he cannot, has a faith in him that he does not. Her presence quells his doubts and soothes his insecurities. Her support is something he values immensely and doesn't think he'd be able to confidently proceed without it. He is deeply fond of her, there being nothing he wouldn't do for her.
Khoba Lhyr - Khoba was the first to befriend Eddard in the new company, a good first encounter since she has the unique ability of somehow enjoying his grumpy moods. Being able to smile bright as ever despite all of his grumbles and grunts, Khoba is good at dragging him away from his sour tendencies with her ceaseless upbeat nature. What Eddard considers one of her finer points is that she doesn't prod him to find out what's wrong. She simply lets him grumble and teases him all the same, enticing Eddard to tease back and distract himself from his mood. They have sparred before and he wishes to do so again. He lost once but expects a new outcome the next time. He has seen her somewhat little over the past few weeks, something he wishes to amend. When such a thing occurs, he'll also be sure to give what he deems a proper thanks for her efforts on what was a nearly fatal night. Her actions on that day made him only more grateful for her presence.
Chief Neverfar - Eddard's boss for his work in Neverfar's Tavern, he's always thought the Roe was very friendly, albeit strange. He once dared Chief to eat a rock to prove a point (Ashen revealed it wasn't actually a rock but Eddard found the situation equally entertaining). Always rushing in and out as he pleases, Chief is a difficult person to get a hold of. His absence is what caused Eddard to work on his bartending skills to help hold down the fort when the boss is away.
Ashen Everyman - Eddard's boss for his work in the Pathfinders, Eddard thinks the surname "Everyman" is very fitting. He is accepting of anyone that wishes to enter his company and does his best to make sure everyone is provided for. Like Chief, Ashen is often away and busy, causing Eddard to also help in the area of recruitment. It is to such an extent, in fact, that Ashen recently dubbed Eddard and Madison the two controlling officers of the company while he goes off to better his adventuring skill. Eddard is somewhat aggravated he was informed of this important detail through a latter nailed to the company noticeboard but cannot say he is surprised at the man's method. He hopes to do his boss proud while he is away.
Shou Lushan - The very booky Miqo'te is an entertaining one to have around, her skill in medical magics being just as handy. After she had been absent for a time, Eddard noticed an oddness in her. Not that she wasn't odd before since she spent all day in the company archives, but she seemed skittish. She later elaborated on her dilema which he has agreed to help solve if he is able. He counts it similar to his own in some ways but acknowledges hers is on another level of grim. Despite this, he never thought of sharing his secrets in exchange for her sharing hers.
Syf Kha - Eddard was unsure of Syf when she first applied to the Pathfinders, her unique personality being a hard thing to gauge. With some time he's come to ascertain that she is a strong friend to have and an excellent addition to their ranks. He's also determined that she can be stubborn through the observation of a talk he and two Auri members held on their front lawn. Syf tried helping Eddard notice Madison when she first arrived and did a good job of it. After he pushed Madison away due to his own secret problems, Syf scolded him for keeping these problems away from his company, saying the deceit does nothing but harm. Eddard wonders what her thoughts on them being together now is.
Yvenalise Tachibana - Eddard knows Tachi as a skilled fighter and is the one that informed him about the Grindstone, which he hopes to participate in again should his schedule permit. Her manner of speaking makes him curious about her past and where she's from but he has not pursued the curiosity. He has spared with her but not when she was using her primary weapon. Having heard from others that she is skillful with the spear, he hopes to go against her again when they are both in their element instead of him having an edge.
Talan Dracht - A man he mainly associated as Khoba's friend, Eddard has had more run ins with him after the emergence of Eorzea Unexplred. Initially furious with his decision to leave the Pathfinders for the rival company, he is now more understanding and even concerned for his recovering ally. Knowing the pull of the Call that lured him, he counts the betrayal as one beyond his own control. Though wary of him since his return, Eddard hopes to see Talan establish himself as a trusted company member again.
Zigovali Rigovali - Expecting the Lalafel to be an interesting addition from the start, Eddard counts Zigo as one of the company's better pick ups. He has proved vital in the gathering of information in very little time. His ambition has Eddard sure that his endeavors in the field will yield great success. This ambition is also one he sees as a possible fallback, hoping his enthusiasm does not cause him to make enemies with the less favorable sort in the information game.
Bennard Euth Weatherby - The officer of Eorzea Unexplored that made a personal visit to the Pathfinder home and later lured Eddard into a cross-company "mission" that merely ended in Eddard's capture. Weatherby was unsure why Eddard did not break to the call of the strange magic his company uses and somewhat disappointed. Deeming him better dead with that discovered, Weatherby intended to end him before the Pathfinders found the pair and saved Eddard. Eddard now has some personal motivation for the company's defeat but knows he must not let it be his driving reason.

Footnotes and OOC Information

I'm very open to a large array of RP, believing that good company is more important than subject. A night serving at Neverfar's can be plenty of fun despite its simplicity but I am not a stranger to darker themes and adore exploring the more serious side of Eorzean life. Although I consider myself a medium RPer due to my large interest in the game itself taking up a lot of time, I am willing to participate in heavier plots so long as my distribution of time between end game and other RP is respected. I like to adhere to the lore as best I can but am not against some harmless bending here or there. I will be more accepting of heavier bending as I get comfortable with an RP partner. I'm available on the RPC as "Eddard" should you want to contact me there.