Allont Laupeois

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The Griffin of Banepool, Forged by Dragonsong, Tempered by Peace

He so badly wanted to be a knight. I remember this boy well. When he looked at me his eyes filled with wonder as though I were a hero. Was he happy, I wonder? He died while pursuing his dream but...I think it was my dream that killed him.


Vital Information

FULL NAME... Allont Lavaille de Laupeois

NICKNAMES... The Griffin of Banepool, Amoraskr's Bane, Al

RACE & CLAN... Elezen, Wildwood

GENDER... Male ♂

AGE... 34

NAMEDAY... 2nd Sun, 1st Umbral Moon

ORIENTATION... Bisexual, Aromantic


Other Statistics

NATIONALITY... Ishgardian

CITIZENSHIP... Republic of Ishgard

FAMILY... See relationships tab for details.

RESIDENCE... Traveller of Eorzea

OCCUPATION... Former Knight-Dragoon Instructor, now Amateur Gardener

PATRON DEITY... Halone, the Fury

ALIGNMENT... Lawful Neutral.

General Information
Allont de Laupeois is a Wildwood Elezen hailing from Ishgard. He spent most of his early years fighting for the Holy See during the Dragonsong War, where he gained a fierce reputation for himself as a ruthless killer, often going above and beyond expectations. During this time, he was credited with claiming the head of Amoraskr, an infamous named Dragon responsible for the destruction of many expeditions. Rumours from those times claim that Allont and his team were honed to a high level, using suicidal tactics that would help them to claim two more famous kills, but they are not backed up by the archives of the Holy See. Known to be bloodthirsty to the point of sheer stupidity, he was looked down upon by most of his peers for being too foolhardy in combat, despite being a feared lancer on the battlefield and during duels. After sustaining a major injury to the helmet fighting in the field, he was retired to the rear to train future generations of Dragoons. However, his teaching methods were found to be both unstable. After many complaints, he was forced to bury his armour at the field of his valour, resigning his post in the Order of the Knight's Dragoon. He was considered a highly unpopular figure during the war. After the war, he was rotated back into the Temple Knights, although soon after he was granted a long leave of absence. He now travels Eorzea plying his trade as a lancer, and making enough gil to fund his personal pursuits in botany, and other peaceful affairs.
Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real.
Sea Green Auburn Light Lithe Noble
Phlegmatic, amiable. Right-handed One major facial scar. Multiple points of scar tissue upon body. None Casual
Hair & Eyes
With a crown of auburn locks that fall down to shoulder length, Allont has kept a slightly long, yet tidy hairstyle since leaving Ishgard. During the war, his hair would often grow out during expeditions. Peacetime has granted many comforts that were once denied. In this case, Allont is able to choose his own hairstyles, and now has the time to enjoy taking care of himself. His locks might one day carry the slight smell of sweet green gardenia, and on another they might smell of delicate lilacs. Allont has often been caught in the garden poking around for new scents to apply to his hair. Although nowadays he takes good care of himself, it is not a leisure he has always been able to afford.
Physique & Markings
Allont is on the somewhat tall side, much to his chagrin. Yet despite his branching height, he maintains a lithe figure not unlike a dancer. His legs carry toned muscles that are highly developed compared to other areas of his body. Whether this is due to his past or simply genetic makeup, he often covers them up as a habit. His core strength and arms are nothing to brag about, but are kept taut by the regular exercise he calls gardening. He relies on his dexterity to guide his way around whatever fight might find him, instead of brute strength. In the past, he was renowned for keeping a near-Olympian figure as befitted his position. Since then, he has come a long way in maintain a healthy, realistic body. Perhaps a symptom of distancing himself from his dark past?
Hygiene & Attire
Elezen style is not lost on Allont, and since leaving Ishgard he has had a myriad of opportunities to exercise his right to choose. Long boots and cut jackets are a casual for him, but he is more often seen in a dirty brown apron and waders due to his hobbies. Add a pair of thick gardeners gloves, and the man could easily be mistaken for an unassuming Gridanian gardener. The illusion is often dispelled by his thick Ishgardian accent, and often his silver jewellery. He often has a long wooden lance with a titanium tip perched against a nearby fence, or on the back of his Chocobo, Audacieux. Cleanliness is paramount for both him and his companion, and streams and ponds are not off limits. A deep knowledge of wild plants allows him to forage for clean ingredients for his potions and health salves. Some wild poisons, too.
Psychological Profile
For someone who has spent a lifetime embroiled in war, Allont is surprisingly down to earth. His simple nature is ruled by one single rule that he holds paramount. Liberty for all, and individuality to spice up the rest. As long as he isn't being threatened, or the life of someone else isn't being threatened, he keeps himself away. His phlegmatic character means that he is often quiet and unassuming. He rarely corrects the mistakes of others on his peaceful quest to find happiness across Eorzea. During the Dragonsong War, he was rumoured to be a cold and calculating individual. Members of his past expeditions often refuse to talk about him, and any questions about their time with him during the war are often met with snorts of derision. His philosophies have changed greatly since those times, as well as his outlook on life. In most things he is the polar opposite of what he once was. Whether this is an attempt to separate himself from the past or simply a natural change, he is most definitely a completely changed person.
Allont is characterised mostly by his noble lilt, which betrays his pedigree and origins. He rarely rises to anger. Often characterised by his roller coaster-like intonation, every word can sound like a question or an explanation, and every sentence is a confusing ride of rises and falls. His Ishgardian accent is so thick it would be impossible for him to pretend to be anything else. Despite this, his lexicon is quite grounded and easy to understand, much like his unassuming lifestyle.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
● Sunny Days
● Chocobos
● Quiet Gardens
● Walking
● Flowers, vegetables, cuisine
● Parties
● Meats (allergic to most)
● War (particularly the Dragonsong War)
● Brashness
● The Holy See
● Dragoon training, skilled with a lance.
● Gardening

Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

Basic Statistics
High: Strength, Dexterity, Speed
Above Average: Charisma
Average: Intelligence, Defence, Endurance
Low: Willpower, Wisdom, Aether
Aetheric Abilities
High: None.
Above Average: None.
Average: Aetheric Knowledge
Poor: Magic Defence
Weapon Training
Mastery: Lances, Polearms
Expert: Hand-to-hand
Average: Axes, Archery, Guns
Novice: One-handed and Two-handed Swords
Combat Relevant Skills
High: Dragoon Jumping Abilities, Acrobatics
Above Average: Riding/Flying, Familiarity with Ishgardian Tech
Average: Tactics
Low: Control of Emotions
Non-Combat Abilities
I don't exactly know how to describe abilities like this, so I'm going to leave this open.
Combat Abilities
I don't exactly know how to describe abilities like this, so I'm going to leave this open.
OOC Note
I prefer freeform fighting for the most part, mostly because I haven't seen a particular dice rolling system out there for FFXIV that fairly incorporates the strengths and weaknesses of the characters fighting. That being said, I am open to using dice rolls given that free emotes are susceptible to being skewed. I think fights should be the final straw for the most part, and to be honest I don't at all enjoy doing them. Nevertheless, please let me know if you are approaching me with the intention to roleplay combat. I like to keep it fair and impartial for both sides!

Disclaimer: I am fully aware there are a lot of powerful abilities to most dragoons that might seem silly to claim with any fairness in roleplay, especially so with my own. With Allont, I am trying something new by creating something of a legend behind the person through his backstory. Most of that legend will never appear in roleplay. I believe it to be a very interesting part of the character, which some might be able to use for RP. With just a cursory glance a lot of the backstory a lot within might seem like an excuse to play some sort of power fantasy. I would urge you to look past what you might see as shallow claims as I firmly believe Allont to be more than just his past history. I don't intend to play him for combat, nor do I intend to parade him around in an intrusive way. If you don't agree with anything I've written, please feel free to let me know. I am always open for self-improvement, even more so on the part of a character that I consider to have an unapolagetically strong background. Thank you for your understanding.
Sixth Astral Era
Born as an only child to the dwindling minor House de Laupeios, Allont was often pushed by his parents, a doting mother and a comparatively distant father to excel at his studies. By the time his tutors were finished with his schooling, he was well-read enough to realise the weight of responsibilities and expectations weighed upon him. Like the other children of the Pillars, it didn’t take long for him to rebel against the harsh expectations of Ishgardian society. More often than not, he would escape his studies. An open window, a tied curtain and he’d be found hours later gawking at the Temple Knights and the other soldiers on their exercises. Awestruck by their physical prowess, he kept those memories close to his heart over the next few years. He knew he wanted to be like them someday. Masculine and brave, most of them were idols to look up to. Little did he know how circumstances would later force his hand... FULL BACKSTORY CONTINUED HERE

Seventh Umbral Era
Allont would later come to be known as a savage fighter, and was involved in a particular incident near Falcon’s Nest when on exercise. Getting into a fight with another recruit, the causes of which were never totally clear, the young boy ended up permanently scarring his opponent after biting his ear clean off. These behaviours were discouraged by and large, but his immediate instructors saw these methods of fighting as necessary for the next generation to learn. He was never disciplined for the actions, and the incident was covered up in a shower of esprit de corps. For Allont, however, it was merely the first in a string of incidents. His ferocity soon became a point of warped pride for him, and spurred on by his superiors he was slowly moulded and socialised into a sharp instrument. His pride slowly turned to cocky arrogance, which turned into bullying the less competent members of the garrison. At this time, Allont began to focus more on his training, and the winter flowers grew heavier into the cracks of the family mausoleum... FULL BACKSTORY CONTINUED HERE

In Recent Times
Moving Forward
After the Dragonsong War, Allont set off into Eorzea as an adventurer. Although his skills in combat were nowhere near the level they once were, he still knew his way around a lance better than most, and decided to ply his trade as a caravan guard. For the first time, he travelled the land discovering new cultures and experiencing them for himself... FULL BACKSTORY CONTINUED HERE

Relationship Status Legend

Former Acquaintances

NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Isn't he that one what goes round fixin' gardens an' that? Quiet geezer if there ever was one. Funny accent, too! Smells like a Gridanian t' me." — Lominsan Taverngoer.
"House de Laupeois? Who were they again? I think their last scion is knocking around in the local garrison somewhere. Come to think of it, I've not seen them at the Church since the end of the war. How peculiar." — Minor Ishgardian Noble.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Allont? Familiar name, tha'. He that deranged one what killed all them dragons? I 'eard they fucked 'im off on accounts of bein' loopy." — Brume Lookout.
"He should be in jail, that one. Ended up killing that one dragon. Big one, he was. Anyway, they said he lured it out by sacrificing the wounded soldiers. All of them, burnt to a crisp. It's true, ask anyone!" — Gossiping Noble.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Well there's a name I haven't heard in a while. Not that I wanted to. That berserk fucker almost got me killed trying to cover him in the air. Fastest diver I've ever seen, though. If you ask me, he should have never been made a Dragoon. Too unstable." — Former Squadmate.
"Allont? Sure, he comes by in the off-seasons. Every year. Hydrangea, every time. Never tells me why, but I reckon he's got a lot of grief on his mind." — Gridanian Flower Seller.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.

RP Info

Location & Probability
Places where the character is very likely to be seen
The Black Shroud: Often found in various places, though mostly those with civilisation. He avoids dangerous areas.
La Noscea: Often can be found at the markets, and sometimes in the tavern.
Thanalan: Rarely does Allont visit Thanalan, if ever. There is little of interest to him there beyond trade.
Coerthas and Ishgard: It is very rare to find him anywhere near Ishgard, for reasons he cares not to say.
Most of these aren’t public, and would have to be asked after!
Botanist's Guild of Gridania: Active member.
The Temple Knights of Ishgard: Ordained as a Temple Knight. On long-term military leave.
The Order of the Knights Dragoon: Retired member. Former veteran and instructor.
IC Inventory
The following items are things that Allont might have on him at any given time. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell.

Glio coinpurse.png tbd

Cloth Coinpurse: A light bag made of natural fibers worn on the belt. Usually filled with a few hundred gil, but varies depending on the area.
Brown Gardening Gloves: Thick and durable enough to withstand the natural defences of most aggressive plant species, Allont uses these more than anything else on his person. They've been sown together more times than he can count, and are often smudged or powdered with muds and dirts. They're tightly shoved down his side, inbetween his belt and his shirt most of the time.
Tinctures and Salves: Small tins and bottles can be heard clinking around in his pack when he walks. These are his homemade remedies and medicines fashioned from plants of the deserts and forests. They're mildly effective at aiding cuts, bruises and stings. Some of them smell pleasant, but the more pungent ones are stored extra tight.
Coil of Rope: Every good adventurer needs a good few yalms of rope. This coil hangs from Allont's belt near the back, and allows him to climb rocks to find new specimens, or to bring branches down to him. On occasion he uselessly attempts to wrangle Audacieux through dangerous areas when the stubborn chocobo refuses to watch where he's stepping.
RP Limits
I have a very open mind when it comes to most roleplay, and I try not to be in the business of telling people no (perhaps to my detriment!). Nevertheless, there are some things I think should be asked about first. As a general guide, if something is on the play list, assume it means yes, as long as it's within the context of the current play or ongoing plot.
Feel free to roleplay any dark or light themes in RP, including serious or mature subjects, or just plain old fun situations! All types of RP are okay, and I encourage you to walk-up RP, or ask me for RP, or whatever makes you feel more comfortable. If you want to arrange something beforehand, just send me a /t and we'll work something out. I accept character injuries, temporary incapacitations, friends and enemies, romantic or sexual tension, coarse language and the lot. If you're unsure, just ask me. I won't be offended.
Please don't attack my character with the intent to cause permanent character death or spontaneous major injuries that are completely outside of any established long-term plot. Please ask me if you want to arrange something along these lines, and we'll work something out. At all times, I strive for a realistic, living and breathing experience, but I won't ever roleplay anything my RP partner is uncomfortable with. Please afford me the same courtesy!
RP Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. Longer plots that are meant to run for more than a few quick RP's, please feel free to send me a tell so we can work out a good reason for our characters to get to know one another. Allont has a good reason to get to know just about anybody.
■ Allont can usually be found just about anywhere that has a garden or two, but won't show up in those unnanounced. He often takes up any opportunity to further his hobby, which can sometimes border on the obsessive. If there's an unruly homestead that needs fixing, or if someone is just looking for a quiet partner to gather with, Allont is more than happy to help.
■ Distinctive, muddy boot prints often mark his path. Allont tries not to leave a mess but sometimes it can't be helped. Most of the time, following these prints will lead you right to him!
■ His Ishgardian accent is extremely thick, due to having left Ishgard only very recently. His accent is often easy to pick out from a crowd of natives, often to his detriment. Although he doesn't understand every language spoken across Eorzea, he has had good exposure to the more common ones.
■ Those who participated in the Dragonsong War or those who are well-read might know about his notorious history. It isn't something he has taken steps to hide, and he uses his real name anywhere he goes. Most of the true information about his activities during the war is hidden behind a web of rumours, ranging from the completely true to the absurd.

OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
I don't expect anyone to read the huge chunky document of backstory I have in the history tab, but I am acutely aware that the time of roleplaying Dragoons in FFXIV has passed. Parts of Allont's story that include Ishgard and frequent mention of Dragoons are all in the past, and I do not roleplay him as one in active service. I would ask if you could at least read the disclaimer I have put in the history tab, as I know the views of most people on characters they consider to be powerful. For everyone else, thank you for taking the time out of your day to read up my character. I'm not a new roleplayer by any means and have been in the hobby for a long time, like most people on here. If you have any concerns about my character or how I roleplay him, please put your faith in me! Allont is an experiment in character building for me, and I really pushed the boat out for him as I usually play a different style of character. Many of the thematic cues in his backstory are similar Himura the Battousai from Rurouni Kenshin.
Character Lore Adherence
I have taken every opportunity to keep Allont within the lore that SE has so generously provided. Nevertheless, I am still unclear on many things as FFXIV is one of my few delves into Final Fantasy. If I've gone amiss anywhere, please do let me know either by messaging me on the forums (Jacquefisch) or by sending me a /t ingame. I will list below if there are any changes that have been made due to lore shifting.
■ No changes.
Character Concept
Concept: Allont is a character of mine that is really different to what I usually play. I wanted to use him as a way of roleplaying a character that was once very powerful with a lot of notoriety behind them, but not in a way that would come up in usual RP. The bloodthirsty, almost frenzied character that he is in his backstory is completely different to what I roleplay in the game. I was very inspired by the ideas of redemption and simplicity, with Allont living a very quiet life compared to the notorious, almost 'war criminal' past that he had. Something about exploring those themes is very powerful for me and I hope that people will engage with that too.
Claims: Voice: JJ Feild.
Ingame Classes: Lancer & Dragoon / Botanist
Server: Currently in transition, waiting for the new EU server to be selected.
Timezone: United Kingdom, GMT Standard / UTC -/+
Character Tidbits
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Loads of them throughout the character profile, but I really don't want to mess with this section right now given the sheer amount of code that's about. I only link to sites with verified security, though. Don't worry! :)
Tropes & Explanations
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works. There are so many tropes that I could go on for days! Below you can find some of the tropes that might fit Allont.

Allont during the Dragonsong War

Pay Evil Unto Evil: Indoctrination at an early age by a father who was involved heavily with the Holy See sowed the seeds for Allont's bloodlust. Seeing the destruction caused by the Dravanians, they became the faceless enemy, and Allont became capable of great deeds of evil, legitimised by war. After breaking any morals he might have had, he develops into...
Ax-Crazy: ...something of a villainous character. Drunk on his own success, and bitter that he would never come close to being as strong as the Azure Dragoon, something in Allont's war-fatigued mind changed, and he began to turn darker. (Or angstier. Or just kinda edgy, depending on how you look at it.) Allont began to enjoy the killing part of war, believing in his own notoriety.
Heel Realization: After causing the death of multiple soldiers and needlessly suffering fatal wounds due to his frenzied fighting style, Allont realised that somewhere along the way he had fell into a dark place. As he recovered, he resolved to become a different person, by leaving the war behind.


Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified on Month ##th, 2016.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.