Parvaneh Shadi'ra

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Parvaneh Shadi'ra
Matriarch of the Shadi'ra Clan



Vital Information

Current Alias...

Birth Name...

Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon



Pansexual, preference to masculinity

Marital Status...
Polyamorous, mated to Caex'ra Vaeriar and A'razh Tia

Other Statistiss


The Shadi'ra Clan

Current Residence...
The Mist


Patron Deity...
Menphina, the Lover

A lady never tells!

Strong instincts
Business savvy


Loves rare gems and stones, warm tea and cozy spots
Accepts hot weather, humidity, children
Tolerates family politics, loud spaces


Hates domineering males/females, wearing scratchy materials
Dislikes excessive facial piercings, unwarranted arrogance
Is Annoyed By Mother Ireth, strangers touching her ears or tail


Very sensitive to touch to a point where it seems to unnerve her. Even just the brushing of arms against her own in passing.
Abnormal sense of smell and hearing that exceeds most other miqo'te. A simple lucky product of genetics.
Eye for detail that can sometimes get rather...unnerving.

Of average height for a miqo'te, Parva has no outward physical traits that make her stand out at first glance save for perhaps the streaks of cornflower blue in her hair. She has fair ashen skin that has just enough grey tint to signify her lineage as a Keeper and no visible scars to note with her usual attire. Her hair hangs long with a slight wave that is normall down with a few loose strands framing her face, the dark indigo color more prominent in the light of the sun and moon.

Sapphire eyes are always peering around her surroundings with a inquisitve, intelligent perception that is quick to take note of even the smallest details from those near as well as whatever work might be presented before her. Even when not paying attention, her fluffy ears are always perked up and swiveling towards the smallest of disturbances while her tail flicks at regular intervals whether standing or sitting.

Her lithe form is usually dressed in simple but elegant wares like skirts, pieces from her tribe, thigh high boots, heels, short sleeved tunics, blouses, and yukatas. Her legs are either fully covered or readily exposed, the latter showing off the muscle tone that matches those of her arms. Showing that, while not a seasoned fighter, she keeps herself in decent shape.

Tattoos are sporadically spread about her skin, much of them tribal symbols from various ceremonies and rituals from her tribe. Most of these are covered unless stated otherwise, primarily in black ink, and covering such spaces like her calves, collarbone, hips, and the base of her tail.

Piercings include a silver hoop in her navel, ears, and some more intimate ones hidden from view.

Color Key
In A Relationship: Name is romantically involved with this character.
Romantic Attraction: Name is romantically interested in this character.
Sexual Attraction Name is physically interested in this character.

Platonic Love/Family: Name considers this person family.
Friend: Name considers this person her friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Name considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

Good Standing: Name has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
Neutral: Name has no specific feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: Name has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.

Dislike: Name doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
Hate: Name consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
Fear: Name is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost.
Rivalry: Name consider this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time she gets to meet them.

Family Member: This character is related by blood to Name.
Business: This character is either an Name's employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character has passed away.
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but Name isn't fully aware of it yet.


Ireth Shadi'ra ? ( NPC ) - Mother Ireth
Parvaneh's mother and the former matriarch of the Shadi'ra. Feeling that her daughter was more then ready to take over her duties, Ireth had stepped down despite having been able to lead for another decade or two. Growing up, Parva was always wary of her mother's more aloof ways and tendency to be manipulative when wanting something done her way. As an adult, many of these feelings shifted and either faded or were replaced with a complex love/hate relationship between mother and daughter. Currently, Parva isn't too fond of her mother's disapproval of Suko'to and her insistence that he fights against those she feels are more 'worthy' for her daughter.
Ireth'a Shadi'ra ( NPC ) - The Loyal Brother
The oldest brother of the matriarch line and one of the many males to have followed behind Parvaneh when she decided to turn the clan's crafts and trade into a more lucrative business opportunity. He is an excellent miner and hunter and is the closest to Parvaneh out of the other brothers. He is also, however, the most protective.
Ireth'to Shadi'ra ( NPC ) - The Paranoid Brother
Prone between random bouts of wandering, Ireth'to is more of a hunter then a crafter. He helps provide the clan with various supplies needed for their more nature oriented pieces like claws and fangs. Parva adores him, but his nosiness when it comes to her personal life vexes her.
Ireth'li Shadi'ra ( NPC ) - The Sneaky Brother
While Parva loves Ireth'li, he is also the one that pisses her off the most given the tendency he has to report back information to their mother. She never understood the relationship between him and their mother given how poorly Ireth seems to treat him in front of others.


Family, Matings, and Relationships
Caex'ra Vaeriar - First Mate, Male of Conflict
They came across each other in the Shroud while Parva was trying to hunt some rogue cordyceps she found wandering by the pubic roads near the Hawthorne Hut. He evaded her nets and offered to help her with the beasts. Though becoming badly injured in the process, Parva helped mend him even as she became exposed to poisons that had been on his person. Since they they were friends and allies, which developed into more as their comfort with each other grew. He is the only male she has met who she has trusted enough with the title of 'mate'.
Dormu Razormane ? - Housetrained Miqo'te
The two met through Xelah Jakkya just outside of their company estates, later learning Dormu was one of Xelah's companions. Their conversations have been pleasant and the banter refreshing. She's also met and chatted with his wife, Renni. Recently the miqo'te has made his interest for Parvaneh known along with stating that he understand the unique situation of her clan. His wife, Renni, approached Parva to give her support but the matriarch still has much to consider despite the two getting closer. When things seemed to reach a zenith of intimacy...Dormu vanished. Along with her interests.
Eunbhe Shadi'ra - The Unfeeling
Having disappeared along with Nesrin cycles prior, Eunbhe returned with her brother and told Parva of what she had undergone while she had been away. For now, Eunbhe and Zana'sae are staying with the Shadi'ra while Eunbhe adjusts to her condition and Zana'sae has a place where he can keep an eye on her.
Eyvindr Koltrast - Manloving Manlander
His humor and easy going nature has been a pinprick of light in recent days given her political predicament with the Shadi'ra and their position on her unmated status. They get along well and have even oogled the same leather clad backside of a male highlander together in the Quicksand. Though Vin primarily desires men, the two have expressed a degree of interest in each other that has morphed into a comfortable friends-with-benefits sort of relationship.
Ireth'sae Shadi'ra - The Recalcitrant Brother
Though the youngest next to Parva, Ireth'sae is the largest brother and the most quiet. He has the same frigid proclivities as their mother but usually only allows them to surface when dealing with the former matriarch. While he and Parva aren't very close, he was one of the largest supporters of her becoming the new matriarch.
Nesrin Shadi'ra - Quiet Body Artist
Nessy was a member of the clan that Parva knew when they were children. Some cycles ago, her and another member of the Shadi'ra (Eunbhe) both vanished. Only to reappear weeks apart and with little information as to where they have been all this time. While Parva loves and accepts Nesrin, she cannot help but be left with questions as to what has happened to the girl.
Vahsrin'a Saialdhe - Man of the Lotus
When looking into the underground operations provided by the Black Lotus, she was directed to Vahsrin'a. Their conversations have been pleasant and even some teasing as ensued. However, she finds his bouts of cheekiness a touch irksome and the ire is only quelled by her smug confidence that she can retaliate in inventive ways. He's spoken with her about his abilities with magicks, allowing Parvaneh to gain more of an understanding of him as a person. They agreed to be lovers and to see where things took them. However, shortly afterwards he vanished and Parva has been more and more neutral on the subject of the male.
Zana'sae Shadi'ra - The Mysterious Brother
Years ago, Zana'sae was pronounced dead after a hunting trip gone horribly wrong. One day, however, he showed up at the estate with Eunbhe in tow seeking help in looking after her experience with a curse. He is quiet, more stand-offish, and Parva knows he's hiding something...though she has no idea what that something is.
Friends and Allies
Jaliqai Gharl - Of the Gharl
The two met very briefly when Parvaneh had been working on gaining business contacts with the Midnight Pearl. Though they are not close, they exchange small talk when they come across each other and she finds his company very pleasant. Recently, he has come to work for her at The Glass Sylph.
Yashaix Ki'lari ? - Fellow Matriarch, Lover of Ireth'sae
Ki'lari approached Parva first with gifts and offerings of an exquisite nature before the two were allowed to meet face-to-face. Parva holds respect for the female both as an individual and as a matriarch though she does not know the female very well. She's pleased that she seems to make her brother, Ireth'sae, happy.
Past and Present Work Contacts
Chachanji Gegenji - The Tiny Smith
Though the clan has a lot of contacts within their fold, they didn't have an accomplished blacksmith. Though Parva hired him a few moons ago, there hasn't been a need for his services yet.
Jun Nakatomi ? - The Man with the Book
Quiet and keeping to himself, Parva only knew his name, that he was Doman, and he had an inclination for recreational substances. A combination of observation and luck let Parva be in the right place at the right place to save Jun's life. What she learned as a product of the interaction has left her confused, though mostly concerned for his well-being.
Mhiago Onopi - The Unexpected Kin
At first, Mhiago was simply a quiet young female that came to Parvaneh looking for work. Through casual conversation about their family and kin, Parva found out that they happened to be related through Mhiago's father. Though a pleasant surprise on Parva's end, Mhiago seemed less then pleased. Recent revelations about the nature of Mhiago's parentage and what her father had become made Parva go from pleased to irate with the subject of their hushed conversations a mystery to all but the two females.
Roman Barlowe - Mr. Barlowe
One of the other members of the Lotus, Roman brings out a more protective side of Parvaneh though it has yet to manifest in more then general care towards his well-being. One of these days they'll get around to him trying the shad'raz with her. After witnessing him having an emotionally vulnerable moment, she continues to think of him fondly and quietly worry for his health.
Kyren Yun - The Curious Xaela
Though only having met him briefly in Ishgard, it was one of the first times Parvaneh had come in contact with a xaela who didn't come across as a total brute. The fact they met at the Astrologians' observatory in Ishgard made the interaction all the more interesting.
Qhusi - The Voice over the Pearl
Parva has never actually seen this female face to face. She's heard her voice over a linkshell during a conversation Qhusi was having with Caex'ra where she insulted him (and Parva by proxy). Caex'ra is optimistic about things regarding the other female but needless to say Parva's first impression was tarnished.
Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Her an' her kin just settled in down the road. Seem to keep to themselves." - Mist Merchant
"Always dressed so nicely! But she's matriarch of a tribal clan. You'd think she'd look more, you know, like a savage." - Pompous Peddler
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Her brother looks like a frightening bastard. Never seen a miqo'te with such dark skin before. Did you see his eyes?" - Ul'dah Worker
"Oh, her? I see her checking over the market prices all the time! Rather diligent if you ask me! At least it shows good business sense." - Gridanian Retainer Overseer
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Some woman came around asking me the same thing you are! A frigid ol' puss if'n ya ask me. Seemed keen to find any flaws or shortcomin's." - Local Fisherman
“Lately she seems to glow...looking radiant and content! Hmph! It's always the pretty ones!” - Jealous Jezebel


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
"Rumor Goes Here" Name Goes Here
"Th'matriarch's got a small bu' strong clan und'r 'er. Warm as 'ell an' welcomin', but f'ya ev'r piss 'er off? Well, le's just say Matriarchs tend t'have a way of makin y'regret y'choices, an' know 'ow t'deal wit' ya - male or female." Caex'ra Vaeriar
"A kind and thoughtful person... but can be more childish than you would expect when her buttons are pushed." Magnai Enebish
"Parrrvaneh gives tirrrelessly of herself for those she loves and those she leads. It is my grrreatest honour to serve her, and morrre than I deserve to stand at her side." A'razh Tia
Text, text, text, text.
To the Moon and Back
Context: Drabbles and snippets from RPs as well as behind the scene peeks into Parva's business and life.
[Link goes here. Name for link goes here.]
Context: Text, text, text, text.
[Link goes here. Name for link goes here.]
Context: Text, text, text, text.
[Link goes here. Name for link goes here.]
Context: Text, text, text, text.
[Link goes here. Name for link goes here.]
Context: Text, text, text, text.
[Link goes here. Name for link goes here.]
Context: Text, text, text, text.
[Link goes here. Name for link goes here.]
Context: Text, text, text, text.
[Link goes here. Name for link goes here.]
Context: Text, text, text, text.
[Link goes here. Name for link goes here.]
Context: Text, text, text, text.
Various musical pieces for Parva and her story.
A Rose Passes Through
Artist: Rebecca Tripp
Context: Instrumental for Parva's life in the Shroud
Artist: Melanie Martinez
Context: A song relating to the convoluted nature of the Shadi'ra family drama and their politics
[Link goes here. Name for link goes here.]
Artist: Text, text, text, text.
Context: Text, text, text, text.
[Link goes here. Name for link goes here.]
Artist: Text, text, text, text.
Context: Text, text, text, text.
[Link goes here. Name for link goes here.]
Artist: Text, text, text, text.
Context: Text, text, text, text.
[Link goes here. Name for link goes here.]
Artist: Text, text, text, text.
Context: Text, text, text, text.
[Link goes here. Name for link goes here.]
Artist: Text, text, text, text.
Context: Text, text, text, text.
[Link goes here. Name for link goes here.]
Artist: Text, text, text, text.
Context: Text, text, text, text.
[Link goes here. Name for link goes here.]
Artist: Text, text, text, text.
Context: Text, text, text, text.


Personal RP Limits
I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters. In short: most anything.
Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.
I won't play permanent character death or rape plots.
If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.


Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
Potential Plot Hooks
Tribal miqo'te and Keepers who have been in and around the Shroud near the Coerthas borders.
Crafters, smiths, tinkerers, and others of a crafting profession.
Free companies looking for consistent job offerings.

Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Backround and headers Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits and relationship color keys by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Recoloring done by Lililove.

Please remember to credit everyone when using this wiki. Thank you.

To thrive, even at the cost of traditions.