Hitari Ishiyama

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 Hitari Senjougahara
390 × 504px
"I'm always lookin' for a good fight!"
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ul'dan
Age 25
Server Balmung
Place of Birth Ul'dah
Company The Tomial Order
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Hitari was born in Ul'dah to unknown parents and was taken in by a retired Lalafellan merchant couple and their daughter. She joined the Knights of the Barracuda after her adoptive parents died but left after the Calamity struck. She met Shido drunk at an inn and met Sabathius a little bit later. They went to found the Tomial Order.


Being slightly short for her age, she sometimes gets mistaken for a minor. Hitari's hairstyle is constantly changing and she tends to get uncomfortable whenever one style stays for too long. Her natural hairstyle is white and she has a tattoo on her forehead.


Upon meeting her, she tends to wear her heart on her sleeve and once you get to know her and she opens up; she is kind, passionate, and very loyal. She used to be a troublemaker but training with the Barracudas has shaped her into who she is today. Although, she has a tendency to let out her mischievous side. She can be a little hot-headed at times and can even fly out into a blind rage if anyone close to her gets hurt.

Personality Quirks

  • Tends to rub the back of her neck when she is nervous and rubs her chin whenever she is thinking.
  • Has a deep and profound respect towards Lalafells, due to her adopted parents being Lalafells.
  • Quite the sentimentalist, often hoards items that she deems special.
  • Absolutely crazy about food.
  • Tends to be a little flirtatious.


Early Childhood

Hitari Senjougahara was born in Ul'dah and was found in alleyway in a box by retired merchant Lalafellan couple and their daughter. Hitari was a natural troublemaker. She always got into fights and was always found in places where she wasn't supposed to be due to her natural drive for exploration. It was sort of a given that the locals have grown to dislike her. Her only friends were her father, Wispot Adspot, her mother, Lynot Monot, and most importantly, her sister, Saori Duori. Due to her travel experience, Saori would constantly tell Hitari stories of her travels but the ones that intrigued her the most were the ones about the boundless seas of Limsa. This only fueled Hitari's curiosity and she vowed one day to become an adventurer to travel the seas.

A Tragedy

Tragedy struck when Hitari and Saori were returning from the market after running a few errands for their parents. Upon arriving at her house, they both spot a couple of shady looking individuals kicking down the door of their house. Before long, the bandits rush out of the house, and billows of smoke burst out of the front door. Hitari and Saori rush into the house but the smoke hinders their vision useless. Hitari gets onto the floor and notices notices that her parents are tied up in their room and screaming. Hitari dashes for them but before she could reach the doorway, a portion of the ceiling caves in and blocks the entrance to their room. "Run! And take Saori with you! Hitari... please!", they shouted. Without much of an option, she runs and grabs Saori before stumbling outside. The sounds of their screams still haunt her parent's today. Homeless and penniless, Hitari and Saori wandered the streets of Ul'dah, begging for gil, sleeping in alleyways, and eating crumbs fished from between the cobblestone. It was almost every night that Hitari had to hold Saori in her arms to comfort her as she wept. Often Saori would wake up from the same nightmare and weep through the night. Hitari could not look into her face. She was unable to save her parents and the guilt made it unbearable. The best she could do was to squeeze Saori tight and whisper comforting words in her ears. Food became increasingly scarce, and less gil were tossed into their tiny tin cup. One day, Saori suddenly collapsed. Hitari frantically picked up her and looked at her face. It had been a long time before she really studied her sister's face. Her cheeks were no longer the plump and red cheeks that was always stretched from a smile. Her eyes were no longer bright and filled with ambition, as if a great flame inside of her had been put out. Hitari wept as she ran around frantically with Saori in her arms, hoping to find something for her to eat and drink. Her efforts were futile. Saori looked up to Hitari. She flashed Hitari a warm smile that almost made her forget about all of this. "Hitari... L...ive." Hitari screamed and wept, "No! No no no no! Saori please!". No matter how many times she shouted, it changed nothing. Saori weakly raised her hand up to Hitari's face and gently brushed the tears from her cheeks. She let our her final breath of air. Saori had starved to death in Hitari's arms. She stood up and stumbled forward. She didn't know where she was headed, but she kept walking. Tears flowed from her eyes but she kept walking. She had unconsciously wandered back to where their home once was, now just a pile of burnt logs. The authorities had already taken her parents' corpses. She made her way through the rubble and stood where Saori and her room once was. She gently laid her sister down onto the floor and used her hands to close her eyes. "I'm... sorry...", Hitari said, between sobs. "I'm so-sorry I couldn't pr-protect any of you..." She stood up and looked around the rubble. Amazingly enough, her bed was somewhat still intact. She reached under it and felt for something that may or may not still be there. She felt the smooth surface of a small wooden chest and quickly took it out from under the burnt bed. She opened it up and found the eye patch Saori had given her for her birthday. She picked it up and ran her thumb over it's black leather surface and stitches. She held it close to her heart and stepped out of the burnt rubble.

A Second Chance

Hitari wandered for several more days. Several times almost coming to the brink of death. Fortunately, after bumping into a group of knights from the Knights of the Barracuda, she was reminded of her dream and was once again inspired to travel the open seas. After saving up enough gil to take an airship to Limsa, she worked hard to join the Knights of the Barracuda and was successful. Her time training with the 'Cudas and her travels caused her to become who she is today; loyal, open-minded, kind, passionate, and a bit of a potty mouth. But due to the Calamity, she suddenly woke up back in Ul'dah and having suddenly grown stale of the up-tightness of a military group and the fact that she was only assigned to patrolling the nearby waters of Limsa, she never came back to the Barracudas. she did odd jobs for a while until she stumbled upon a dispute raging within a small inn on the outskirts of Limsa Lominsa. A young, drunk, Miqo'te was waving his sword at a wealthy merchant and seeing this as an opportunity to receive a job or at least some sort of payment, she rushed in to aid the merchant and effectively knocked out the Miqo'te. But before she could turn around to introduce herself, the merchant had taken off in fear. Staring at the Miqo'te splayed out on the inn floor, she decided out of the kindness of her heart, to rent an inn room for the Miqo'te. Upon waking up, the Miqo'te introduces himself and he turns out to be none other than Shido Itsuka.

Founding of a Company



Hitari is an exceptional hand-to-hand combantant. She is agile, strong, and her endurance and reflexes are second to none. When in a real fight, she becomes extremely focused, will not divert her attention to anything other than her opponent. But when she spars, she tends to joke around with her opponent. She also has a tendency to use a dirty trick or two. She likes to create diversions and distractions to create openings in her opponents which she quickly, and severely, exploits.



  • Socializing with her close friends.
  • A nice, cold, pint of ale.
  • A good fight.
  • Women.
  • Exploring and adventuring.
  • The sea.
  • Lalafells.
  • Causing trouble.
  • Lalafells.
  • Food.


  • Nobles.
  • Being contained in one area for an extended period of time.
  • Cat-callers.
  • Politics.
  • Bugs.


  • Fighting.
  • Can read and write.
  • Can down a pint of ale in one big gulp.
  • She is quite the singer but hides this fact. It is kind of embarrassing.



Biological Mother - ?; Condition: Unknown

Biological Father - ?; Condition: Unknown

Adoptive Father - Wispot Adspot; Condition: Deceased

Adoptive Mother - Lynot Monot; Condition: Deceased

Adoptive Sister - Saori Duori; Condition: Decased


She currently has a crush on Medina Hinton.


Shido Itsuka - Her closest friend. A loyal, passionate, and sometimes empty-headed Miqo'te. Although it seems that Hitari is in a constant state of annoyance whenever he is around, she can proudly call Shido her closest friend and will not hesitate to come to him if he ever requires aid, or to bring pain upon those who have wronged him.

Sabathius Kath'Lani - Another one of her close friends. Strong, loyal, and sharp. Hitari looks up to Sabathius and will also bring an end to anyone or anything that harms him. She can also call him a brother.

Yonene Yone - An ambitious and rowdy Lalafell, Yonene reminds Hitari a lot of her sister Saori. Due to this, she has quickly grown incredibly attached to her and would put her life on the line if it meant that she is safe. Despite Yonene's objections. They have gotten close enough to call each other sisters. This makes Hitari happier than ever before.

Sukina Cassady - Their initial meeting was not exactly the best but she is hoping to become closer to Sukina. She is sometimes a little intimidated by Sukina, and does not know what to say when they are talking. Over time they have gotten incredibly close. She would trust Sukina with her life.

Ragnar Eisenberg - She likes to call him the gentle giant, because that is exactly what he is. She loves Ragnar's company and would like to have a drinking contest with him someday.


None, at the moment.

Combat Crushes

None, at the moment.


Common Rumors

Moderate Rumors

Rare Rumors

PC Rumors


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea