Virara Wakuwa

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 Virara Wakuwa
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Female
Race Plainsfolk Lalafell
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Vagrant
Age Indeterminate, but likely 18-19
Marital Status Single
Occupation None
Height/Weight 3'3" (3'2.2")
Orientation (She is ignorant of it, for now.)
  • None known


Basic Info


Food, particularly meat and inland fish
Cooking and fishing (Because she wants food)
Cute things (Secret)


Being patronized/pitied
People with no ambition
Violent, stormy weather
Her height (New since coming to Eorzea)


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral->Good
Vice(s): Insensitive, wrathful
Favorite Food: Anything. Commonly [url=]Smoked Raptor[/url]
Favorite Drink: Warm milk
Favorite Color: Rolanberry Red

Appearance & Personality

At 3'3", Vira is unusually tall for a Lalafell. She is more toned as well, though the characteristic physique hardly shows it. Raven hair, dyed haphazardly to resemble Doman black, done up in pigtails frames a round, immaculate face disinclined to expression. She wears an eyepatch more often than not, though her vision is fine, hiding one of her discolored reddish purple eyes, which is permanently dilated due to cosmetic cornea injury in her youth, so it is permanently lighter.

Her gaze is withering, and intimidating on a primal level that disconnects with her short stature, complimented by her generally dour, emotionless countenance and tendency to stare. She's also somewhat scarred across her body from extreme training, though she rarely shows these. Though it is hard for non-Lalafell to see her in any light other than the generic, cherubic cuteness common to her species, Vira possesses something akin to statuesque, dark beauty.

Vira is ill at home in either the culture of Eorzean's Lalafells, the culture of Doma, the environment in which she was raised, or amongst any other race. She is a loner (though not always by choice.) with painfully deficient social skills, ignorant of mores and unable to read the mood. An aura of dangerousness eminates from her steely glare and wired posture that always seems a step away from pouncing. Though she was 'civilized' by her martinet Sensei, a sort of feral undercurrent drives her most instinctual actions.

Her life has been dedicated to the cause of becoming stronger and survival, and she knows no other way. Having communicated through her fists practically since she was old enough to walk, a lifetime of hardship has left Vira profoundly alone, and her Master is the only human connection she's truly been able to enjoy, a fact that leads her to zealous, blind worship.

She became sensitive about her height after coming to Eorzea, being painfully aware that she is unusually large for her race, and envious of others' cuter, shorter stature.
Vira only truly feels alive when fighting. Her Master raised her to exercise self-control, but the normally unenergetic girl is actually quite hot-blooded underneath it all. The more dangerous and potentially fatal the situation, the more at home she feels.
She plays at being a cynic, something she picked up from her Sensei, but ultimately has a moral compass and inwardly admires those who fight for an ideal, rather than self-gratification.



The girl who would become Virara was born to a couple from the islands in Merlthor. Orphaned at sea by a typhoon, she was cast away in a worm-eaten barrel to the shores of a coral atoll halfway between Othard and Eorzea. Hunger and thirst drove her half mad. She forgot her name, her family's faces, even her old language. Now nearly feral, the tiny girl struggled to survive at no older than five or six. Only through an uncanny strength and copious luck did Virara live for more than a year.
Eventually, the growing sense of wanderlust became overpowering. At the age of six, Ban decided to venture out on his own. As strange and unusual as it seemed to outsiders, it was generally accepted that the young men of the clan would desire to depart in favor of a more nomadic lifestyle. Ban's own departure was met with little resistance. He did not make it far, as a few days later an elezen man manage to catch him after Ban broke into his home. As it turned out, the elezen was Nichiel Ta'ea, who eventually became the father of Deirdre Ta'ea. Given Nichiel's own troubled past he instantly connected with the energetic youth and decided to take him on as an adopted son and apprentice, tempering the wild energy into something more productive. Ban eagerly took learning Nichiel's craft, working diligently day in and day out.
Nearly a year later, Deirdre was born and Ban quickly fell into the role of brother and protector for the baby. Despite having an outlet for his abundant energy, Ban's wanderlust soon began to grow stronger once more as the days passed.
The peace was not to last. In 1555 the family was thrown into disarray when Nichiel's second child was stillborn. Unable to pull Nichiel from his grief, Ban took to looking after Deirdre. In the following years, Nichiel began to groom Ban for the day he would eventually take over the business. This involved learning tricks of the trade and meeting with Nichiel's own trading partners. It was during this time that the young Ban met a Highlander named Cade, the son of a merchant Nichiel often dealt with. The two grew closer but the Highlander became even closer to Deirdre. Although Ban greatly disapproved of this budding relationship and had no problems of voicing his opinions, he did not actively interfere or try to keep them apart.
Ban and Deirdre had already become distant and in 1558 their relationship was strained even more as Ban took a more involved interest in his work, frequently taking week long trips to other cities and villages to sell his own wares, gaining gil and a reputation as a swordsmith. The last time Ban saw his family alive was in the winter of 1561, after being gone a month he returned to find the village burnt to the ground. Nichiel was amongst the dead but Deirdre and her mother were missing.

1561 - 1577

Fueled by desperation Bancroft began to search for the whereabouts of his missing sister. The trail led him to a large city that was a few days away, much to his dismay the trail soon turned cold. Ban reluctantly remained in the city as he searched high and low for Deirdre. It was not until a few months of endless searching did Ban finally begin to lose hope. He packed what little he had and left the city to continue his search through the Garlean Empire.
During his travels, Ban often took any job he may find in exchange for food and a place to sleep. He found himself repairing weapons, farming equipment, and doing any heavy lifting that was in demand; he was not above declining the few times when someone invited him into their bed either. It was a place to sleep and he was always gone by morning, never lingering for more than a month in any one place.

1577 - Present

(... Backstory RP currently in progress, will update as it continues.)



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"*dreamy sigh~*" -- A young lady
"If ya ask me, he got himself into some kinna trouble and has been runnin' ever since!" -- A drunkard
"Always a pleasure doin' business with him, makes the finest swords and saddles I ever saw!" -- A merchant
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"I heard he's got lil' bastards all over the place and doesn't give a damn 'bout them! Yeah! Tina says he's the father of her brat." -- A brothel worker
"Trouble, that one. Bad things happen when he comes around especially if he got that boy with him." -- A pirate
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Who? Ah, yeah. Don't think the chap can read to be honest. He asked me to read this paper to him." -- A tavern owner
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"My brother is more important to me than any other in this place. I remember... my little hand in his, trotting at his side, laughing. Safe. That was the feeling. That I was safe and no one would hurt me. Mh... but does every girl not think her brother will forever protect her? ... forever love her?" - Deirdre Ta'ea
"Hm? Yes, I have been teaching him how to read and write. Why do you care to know?." - Gospel Gestalt


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Poor Standing
Deirdre Ta'ea : Ban's 'adopted' sister whom he cares deeply for and feels fiercely protective of. Whenever she is around or mentioned in conversation Ban seems to be a bit more energetic.
Gospel Gestalt : Currently responsible for teaching Ban to read and write in Eorzean, he also provides work to keep Ban busy during his downtime as well as a place to sleep in exchange for Ban's help with manual labor.
Remilia Levana : Strangely, the pair seem to get along and share a striking resemblance to each other. Ban is responsible for the upkeep and repair of Remilia's armor and weapons.


why are all of these of ban shirtless..
