Adelle Lunare

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Revision as of 03:56, 12 September 2015 by Syranelle Ironleaf (talk | contribs) (Rumor mongering!)
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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Adelle Lunare
Adelle icon.png
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 24
Sexuality Pansexual

Basic Info

Adelle is a soft-spoken former nun from the Church of Saint Adama Landama in Camp Drybone who made the very difficult decision to leave after the culmination of several events, ending up in Limsa Lominsa for a time before deciding to formally pursue the art of healing in Gridania. She was directed to the Harbingers by way of the Order of the Twin Adder and seeks to make a new home there.




Crudities, especially sexual crudities
Snakes and worms


Favorite Drink: Treantberry Tea
Favorite Color: Blue and Green

Appearance & Personality

Adelle is somewhat on the shorter side, with very dark skin and dark hair highlighted in white, facial expression habitually solemn and body language unassuming. A lifetime spent in a religious order initially resulted in a subdued personality, being quick to nervousness and discomfort when confronted with knowledge she doesn't have or when placed in a situation with unfamiliar faces. Time spent with the Harbingers has brought forth a brighter personality, hopeful about her possibilities in this wide new world. Her occasional social squeamishness does not translate to her sensibilities about the realities of life, however, having spent years saying last rites and helping to treat and bury bodies about the lichyard. Once becoming more familiar with someone, one can expect a heavily-developed sense of romance and a deep desire to help and prove useful to others.





Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Barely talks, that one."
Think she's deformed, to spend all them years hidden away like that?"
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Shame she didn't take after her parents. Wasted talent, that, and I hope she's ashamed!"
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Nasty business with the little girl - could have turned into a big embarrassment."
"Think they paid off the boy's parents after."
"I don't believe it, personally - child her size, kid his? Even with who her parents are, it's impossible."

◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the characters of other players)
"Greener n'fresh cut wood n'already layin down pavestones o'good intentions." - Flameson Hammersmith
"Adelle? She is a dear, sweet soul that sees the world in ways most of us have long since become jaded against. She is the very embodiment of hope and innocence. The world will soon change that, but she will grow stronger because of it, not weaker. Mark my words." - Syranelle Ironleaf


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Poor Standing
Syranelle Ironleaf : The Elezen who has become Adelle’s closest friend since joining the Harbingers. She looks to the woman as a close friend and a mentor and wishes deeply for her happiness, wanting to learn more about combat and about the world so as to gain her respect and be on more equal footing.
Irridias Velnyx : Syranelle’s lover and a person quickly gaining esteem in Adelle’s eyes for his kindness and loyalty.
Blake Forester : A burgeoning friendship built on mutual trust, respect, and more than its fair share of Adelle teasing the Raen into horrible embarrassment.
Mimi Horo : Adelle’s aetheric combat teacher.

