Reinard Ackerman

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 Reinard Ackerman
"Reinard during the 1st year of the 7th Astral Era."
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Garlean / Ul'dahnian
Age 26
Guardian Nophica
Namesday 16th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
Marital Status Single
Occupation Scholar/Researcher
Server Balmung
★Information found in this profile is meant for entertainment and record only. Unless specified, no information found here is readily available in character and any attempts to abuse of this within RP will be promptly ignored. Certain information may be ICly acquired through existing records. Please contact the player in game and discuss these cases, if they apply.

Note: As of 11/01/2015 this page is being updated. Most of the information here is outdated.


♦ History


Reinar Paciscor was the son of a wealthy tradesman from Garlemald. More precisely, the Paciscor family hails from a provice neighboring the original Garlean homeland. Reinar was the youngest son of the family and from a young age was considered by his father to be his heir. As such, young Reinar was instructed in a myriad of subjects such as etiquette, economy and trading. He would often travel to distant lands whenever his father personally attended to a particularly tricky business arrangement, and it was through these travels that Reinar first explored Hydaelyn.

As it happens Reinar developed different ideas to that of his father: At the age of seventeen he enroled in the Garlemald Institute or Magic and Magitek. Unlike his Garlean Pureblood colleagues, Reinar had an unusual affinity to aether, arguably more than the average Eorzean, even, as he claimed to feel, faintly but surely the disturbances in the aether that surrounded him. This 'sense' had been discovered and developed during journeys that took him far from Garlemald, and it was this that first aroused his curiosity about aether and its mysteries.

During his time in the academy, Reinar was particularly close to a small group of students whom proudly considered themselves the cream at the top of the faculties, a claim that wasn't entirely without merit given the grades of some of its members. They remained steadfast friends and colleagues, studying, practicing and even developening projects together during Reinar's stay at the institute, until an incident during a study project critically injured one of them. This put considerably emotional strain on the group, forcing them to split. Reinar left the institute a few months later, disappearing from public eye a month after that.

To this day Reinar Paciscor is considered missing by Garlean authorities.

Or Doctore Ackerman as he was known in through out Thanalan, was a scholar and healer that appeared in Ul'dah around five years after the Calamity and set up a small public clinic in the city's inner areas. His offer of service at no or very low costs quickly earned him the favor of the people and refugees. In contrast, the local nobility and merchant lords--whom at the time faced increasing discontent from unruly refugees whose demands increased by the day--held the Doctore in contempt at best, finding his practice very unbefitting of Ul'dah.

It was around that time that he became associated with two local and promenient Ul'dahn figures, one of which was Roswyn Valhuri of the Eclipsis Free Company, a Miqo'te whose strength and willingness to aid Reinard led to the beginnings of a strong friendship between the two, one that would prove to be of great aid to Reinard when his clinic was caught up in the middle of a corruption scheme: Up to that point Reinard's popularity and legitimacy had prevented any ill will directed at him and his practice to become anything beyond just that. That changed when a wanted man stumbled his way into Reinard's clinic, seeking both healing and shelter from the local authorities. Moved to assist the ailing man, Reinard both healed and concealed him, making himself a target of an investigation which saw his business being torn down. Though Reinard was eventually found innocent of his charges due to lack of evidence against him--Thanks to the aid of individuals like Roswyn and her colleagues--the damage to his clinic, both physical and to its reputation, had already been done.

Reinard took it as a sign that he had lingered in Ul'dah long enough, and though he'd made friends in the City State, he opted instead to take a trip to parts unknown to himself, where he might learn more about Eorzea and its people.

Reinard's travels took him through the Black Shroud and in time all the way around to Vylbrand. It was there that he met a group of explorers and researchers who called themselves Eorzea Unearthed. Their mandate was to rediscover Eorzea, claiming the continent, ravaged by the fires of the Calamity over five years in the past, had changed considerably over as a result of it. Reinard felt as if that idea fit right in with his own interests and quickly signed up with the group, only to be roped into their most recent project; A study of artifacts found in an expedition to Coerthas.

This study led him to meet many of the people in the group as they gathered to catalog and discuss the different items they had unearthed, among which was a gem of particular characteristics that resonated strongly with the surrounding aether. It was not all it resonated with for one of the researchers, a midlander by the name of Tera Stone, had acquired an unhealthy fascination with the object: Upon contact the gem lit up the aether around it so strongly that it threatened to burn the woman's hands, and it was a quick intervention by others present in the room that avoided greater injury. Though advised against it, Tera chose to take the gem and study it further, and Reinard, equal parts concerned for her health and intrigued by the event, offered his assistence.

Together the pair traveled La Noscea for a time, studying the effects the gem had when it resonated with strong sources of aether, one of which being an aether current that flowed through Upper La Noscea and around the recently discovered Wanderer's Palace, an experiment that resulted in a flasy and explosive display. Though they worked together for a while, Reinard always felt like Tera knew more about the gem than she was letting on, and that her interest in it went beyond a professional curiosity about it. Indeed, evidence would suggest his instincts were right when Tera disappeared, taking the artifact with her and leaving that mystery unsolved.

Through out his travels Reinard's mind often wandered back to Thanalan and a single individual residing in Ul'dah. Roswyn, whom secretly led a criminal cartel, had found her way into his graces, and in time into his heart. It was the reason for many of his visits to the jewel of the desert in spite the infamy that his earlier exploits had earned him. But the young Miqo'te was taken, by a person known to Reinard none the less, an individual whom in the future would adopt the name Sathanas, but at that time was no more or less than a well-spoken 'businessman' with dreams too big for his own good.

As a way to stay close to the woman he longed for, Reinard agreed to take part in her man's plots, a dangerous endeavor that men wiser than Reinard would steer clear of. Yet Reinard's mind was pushed aside by his heart's desires. Desires that almost moved the young arcanist to corrupt his own work as a means to get rid of the obstacle between himself and Roswyn. Whether he did nor not, the result of a single man's ambitions saw a door to the Void opened, a soul lost and a heartbroken Miqo'te. His part in the endeavour--and most importantly Roswyn's heartache over losing the man she loved--bred unimaginable guilt in Reinard's mind and forced him to work against his own wishes, all for the happiness of the woman he loved. Through his efforts and many nights of study in the Ul'dan Ossuary, Reinard re-opened the door into the Void and rescued his rival, bringing the two together again.

Whatever happened between Roswyn and her beloved afterwards escaped Reinard's notice and memory: Though in time he found it in himself to declare his love for her, it was ultimately rejected, a scene that haunted Reinard for the following year and drove him away from Ul'dah for just as long. For the second time in his life, Reinard Ackerman 'fled' Ul'dah and busied himself with the rest of Eorzea, this time seeking to mend his own broken heart.

♦ Appearance

Reinard is a tall man, with fair skin and complexion with fading brown hair, usually kept in a disheveled state, lightly arranged by hand so it will not lay before his eyes. He's often sporting a subtle yet cheeky smile as if content with his lot in life, or at the very least satisfied with something, while his eyes, vibrant and blue with a glow that betrays a touch of wonder for what is and what could be, are often gazing attentively at his surroundings. He tends to favor bright colored clothes in that do not impair his movements, fitting for the warm climates of Thanalan and La Noscea. Alternatively he makes use of lightly armored equipment or armor pads beneath or over his usual clothes. In social events he has a preference towards elegant designs in darker tones.

♦ Personality Traits

Reinard behaves in a calm and collected manner most of the time, often quiet unless prompted. Likewise he's most often found at home in the midst of books and silence, even if he tends to drift towards a tavern every now and then to clear his mind and watch the crowd. A very logical person who seems to give great thought to every moment and action that he is to take, though he is not unkind or cold because of it. Indeed as a doctor he tends to display a kind and protective demeanor towards his patients, though some believe that is simple bedside manners. During work he prefers to separate himself from his emotion in order to maintain an unclouded way of thinking and acting. In those circumstances he's the most detached as he can be, even coming off as rude in some cases.

Reinard's behavior 'blooms' during research of expeditions, where he displays a more enthusiastic persona, often speaking up in conversations related to the current research, able to go on talking for long periods of time about information, its meaning, his theories and such, a behavior that tends to annoy those who do not share of his own enthusiasm. The only thing that rivals his interest in the pursuit of knowledge, seems to be his discreet interest in women; Keen eyes do not shy away from spying the beauties of that populate Eorzea.

Reinard has a particular quirk involving adjusting his glasses on his bridge nose which can be triggered by a number of factors.


Books, scrolls and other objects used to store information, written or otherwise.
Artifacts from ancient Allag society or War of the Magi period.
Artifacts of Crystallized Aether (Pure or otherwise)
Daggers and small concealed weapons.


Ignorance in general and displays of ignorance from others.
Allowing his emotions get the better of his judgment.
Unnecessary violence and brutality.
Overly attached or otherwise creepy individuals.


Logical and analytical skills.
Arcane magic.
Alchemical practices.
Engineering and metallurgy.
Above average Aetheric Sensitivity.
Close-quarters combatant skills.


Favourite Food/Drink: Pineapple and pineapple juice.
Favourite Place: Streets of Ul'dah.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral.

♦ Related Images



*Icons best seen in IE or Firefox(Google Chrome doesn't like them)*

Romantic Interest Sexual Desire Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing

Roswyn Valhuri – A sharp minded Miqo'te. Being one of Reinard's first friends in Ul'dah, Reinard quickly took a liking to her, despite her most evident relationship to his adopted cousin. In spite confessing his love for her, Roswyn was unable to return his feelings. Though heartbroken by her choice, Reinard's feelings lingered and he still cared a great deal for her well being. Because they lost contact with one another, Reinard is unaware of her disappearance.
Auralia Rhotana – A soft spoken Miqo'te who shares a great physical resemblance to someone of Reinard's past. Though it was this resemblance that initially attracted him, Reinard is slowly growing to accept and enjoy Auralia for whom she really is.
I'yato Khai – An energetic Miqo'te whom Reinard met during his first visit to Gridania. Her good nature and contagious enthusiasm sometimes sparks similar feelings inside the usually quiet Reinard.
Corbi Slater – Reinard's boss during his time with the Eorzea Unearthed group. The two had very little interaction with one another, always maintaining a status quo of respect and good manners in their few interactions.
Tera Stone – A member of Eorzea Unearthed whose unusual connection to an ancient artifact quickly drew Reinard's attention. Though they briefly worked together as researchers in a quest to uncover the origins of said artifact, Tera has, ever since, disappeared, leaving Reinard with nothing but unanswered questions.
"Sathanas" – Rival. A man whom Reinard once held in high regard, yet whose ambition and thirst for power strained and eventually destroyed any relationship the two had. Add insult to injury the man once held the affections of the woman Reinard loved, disappearing with her in tow. Time brewed his distaste for the man into an acute mix of hatred for his actions and disgust for what he became, though a side of him still respects Lucan for the danger he represents.
Melfice Vainchelon - A mysterious figure whom Reinard only knows by his first name. Though Reinard recognizes and respects the man's vast knowledge and experience in matters concerning the Void, the little contact the two have shared did little to build any form of trust in between them.


"Reinard Ackerman? The doctor? Yeah I know of him. Hasn't seen him around in a while, not ever since his clinic was trashed. I heard it was some crooked Brass Blade looking to pin something on him."Ul'dahnian citizen

(Space for PC rumors under this line)

The way he pushes his glasses up his nose is just....absolutely endearing. It makes me hesitant to wonder how dark he might actually be inside..."Roswyn Valhuri
The doctor? He has a knack for irritating me, but I find his logical truth to be refreshing in this world of lies and deceit. I wouldn't trade the friendship with him for anything... Of course he won't know that.."Risty Lowlight