Hanatsuma Maibito

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 Hanatsuma Maibito
IMG 20150906 202714.jpg
Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Raen
Citizenship None; Doman Refugee
Guardian Azeyma, the Warden
Nameday 21st Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Age 26
Marital Status Single
Orientation Lesbian
Occupation Freelancer
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Basic Info


Height: 4'9.8" (147.0 cm)

Weight: 90 lbs (40.82 kg)

Complexion:  Light tan, slightly florid

Hair:  Wine red, pale pink highlights

Eyes:  Left eye pale blue, right eye pale pink, with pink umbral rings



Exploring: Particularly around the Black Shroud and Limsa Lominsa.

Learning new trades: Hanatsuma is interested in learning cooking and continuing her training in cloth and leather working. She is working to grow her skills with a Lance, like her father.


Tea: Memories of her mother brewing tea for her as a child when she felt ill or sad always come to her when she drinks it. Tea for Hanatsuma is a way to remember her mother and feel close to her memory.

Spending time relaxing with her friends: Any reprieve from the struggle of surviving in a foreign land is always accepted, especially when it's with people Hanatsuma is close with.


Large crowds: She'll often be found on the outskirts of the crowds where she feels most comfortable.

Being alone: She has a lot of anxieties about being alone after being forced to flee from Doma, leaving everyone she knew behind.

Drinking: She prefers to not be drunk. While she'll occasionally have a drink in a social situation, she much prefers teas to alcohol. Being in a new and unfamiliar place such as Eorzea keeps her on edge, and she likes to err on the side of caution.


  • Colors:  Deep reds, various shades of blue and green, and black/white color schemes.
  • Foods:  Bread, fruits (specifically apples, plums, and rolanberries), sweets of any kind, vegetable stews and soups.
  • Drinks:  Teas, particularly different blends of herbal teas.
  • Scents: Incense and sweat, cinnamon, lavender, or fresh baked bread.
  • Places: The more wooded areas of La Noscea, as well as the forests near Gridania.
  • Festival: Currently, the only festival she has attended is the Moonfire Faire.



Overly trusting: Once she feels comfortable around someone, Hanatsuma tends to trust them without question. This has led to multiple mishaps and her life being in danger a few times.


Ants: For as long as she could remember, ants have always sent a shiver up Hanatsuma's spine. The ants in Thanalan, with their massive size, being no exception.

Being alone: After being separated from her parents and everyone she knew her entire life, Hanatsuma developed a fear of being alone. She gets overly anxious when on her own for too long and will seek out companionship.


Abilities and Skills


Hanatsuma prefers close ranged combat over ranged and has trained with a sword and shield, but prefers the combat styling that a lance gives her. During the time she spent travelling around, she picked up a lance in Gridania, needing a new weapon and means of protections after her shield broke, and started training in her downtime.


Hanatsuma has no magical talents that she is aware of.


Hanatsuma's experiences growing up in a small village in Doma and having to mend clothing and armors for her family, she finds herself a bit more adept at leather working and cloth-craft. While not particularly excelling in any specific field, she has made enough money to fund herself and keep herself clothed, geared, and fed.

Family and Relationships


Mother: Kurimata Maibito - Presumed stuck in Othard. Possibly dead.

Father: Yasunaga Maibito - Presumed dead securing safe passage to Eorzea for Hanatsuma and her sister.

Older sister: Hatsukiku Maibito - Presumed lost in Eorzea. During the chaos of fleeing Doma, Hanatsuma and Hatsukiku became separated and haven't seen each other yet since leaving Doma.

Other family: Hanatsuma can't recall much about the rest of her family. As a child, she was told she comes from a long line of agricultural workers. She couldn't remember a lot of what her father did before joining the guard, but she was told it was helping her grandparents tend to the land.


Shino Senkatsu: Hanatsuma met Shino at a Moonfire Faire event after Shino won a swimsuit contest. Shortly after, she made sure Shino got home safely after a misfortunate ending to a drinking contest knocked her flat. One of Hanatsuma's companions at the time introduced the two of them, and they spent the whole night talking, becoming fast friends. Hanatsuma spent a lot of time with Shino, reminiscing about Doma and adventuring around Eorzea where the two of them grew even closer. After trekking from Limsa Lominsa to Gridania, Hanatsuma and Shino became practically inseparable. Shino took off for a period of time to take care of something, leaving without letting anyone know. Upon her return, Hanatsuma was ecstatic to have her back and the two grew even closer, go so far as to call each other their girlfriend.

Aimitsu Mino: Hanatsuma's best friend growing up as well as teenage crush. Her whereabouts is currently unknown.

Neith Tumet: After their awkward first meeting when Hanatsuma brought Shino home after a drinking contest that encountered some complications during a Moonfire Faire celebration, Neith later joined Hanatsuma and Shino on their trek to Gridania. During their travels, Hanatsuma and Neith became better acquainted. After Hana recovered from her injuries, Neith helped get Hana back up to her old self by training and sparring with her. Their shared interest in tea allowed them to form a bond.

Kukuna Kuna: On the same night that Hanatsuma met Seldi, she met Kukuna. During their comings and goings at the company house in the Mist, the two had several opportunities to talk and get acquainted.

Mira Paravane: Hanatsuma and Mira met through Neith when she came to visit at the estate. After sharing pleasantries, Hanatsuma explained her situation and interest in finding the bandits who ambushed her, Mira offered her assistance and even went so far as to seek assistance from Lady Micharan Danasorian, lady of the house Mira works for.. The two became fast friends and a close bond formed.

Lady Micharan Danasorian: Being the Lady of House Danasorian, the house Mira works under, she was introduced to Hanatsuma when Mira sought assistance for Hanatsuma. The two exchanged pleasantries and, eventually, Hanatsuma sought lodging at the Eagle & Quill, a bookstore owned by House Danasorian, taking her up on the offer of help.


Totojin Kokojin: Hanatsuma met Totojin when she returned to the manor Shino works at after becoming injured during an ambush. He healed her wounds via healing magics and saved her life.

Seldi Witt: The two briefly met one evening in The Mist while a group of their mutual acquaintances and friends were hanging around relaxing.


Cat Nippi: On Hanatsuma's first night in Eorzea, she had an unfortunate run in with Cat that ended with Hanatsuma being chased out of Ul'dah after a misunderstanding.

Sykeen Sirpenthelm: After becoming more adjusted to the customs of Eorzea and finding a few travelling companions, Hanatsuma and her companions had a run-in with Sykeen which led to Hanatsuma and her companions running after being threatened with something called "the essentials."


While currently employed by the Maelstrom, she feels no allegiance to them or La Noscea as a whole.


Note: This section is editable by anyone. Just keep in mind that the rumors here may be both true or false.

"Did you see that strange dragon girl rob that person the other day in Ul'dah? I swear, that's her!" - Someone from the Ul'dahn markets


Name and Lifestyle


  • Hana

Current Residence

Hanatsuma currently stays in The Mist and around Limsa after recovering from injuries.

Birth and childhood (0-10)

Hanatsuma was born in a small town in Doma to a hardworking family. Her mother took care of her and her older sister while her father worked in the town's guard. Hanatsuma spent her childhood playing games with her sister and helping her mother with chores around the house. On occasion, her mother would take Hanatsuma and her sister with her to pick flowers, herbs, and berries for making tea and herbal remedy tinctures. Her father would sometimes meet them for lunch on their outings, and they would all relax and have a picnic amongst nature.

Teen Years

As Hanatsuma grew a bit older, she started to learn different trades to help care for her family. While her older sister learned to prepare food and herbal remedies with their mother, Hanatsuma spent time with some of the seamstresses and other girls in the village learning how to mend cloth and leather. While most of her friends that were around her same age became interested in boys, often sneaking away and shirking chores to go watch the recruits train for service in the guard, Hanatsuma found herself disinterested and would sneak away to lay in the grass and watch the wind blow through the trees with her friend, Aimitsu.

When Hanatsuma reached 17, and the people she grew up with began courting, she felt left behind. Her interests weren't in boys and work, but in her friends and the forest. She would have liked to spend everyday laying in the grass with Aimitsu, watching the clouds pass overhead and feel the cool breeze.


On her 22nd birthday, Hanatsuma began working as a cloth and leather mender. Her skills in the area of leather work and cloth craft weren't up to par with her peers, but they were well enough to fix minor cuts and tears.

Refusing to court, Hanatsuma watched as people all around the village grew their loves together. Her parents grew frustrated at times but ultimately relented to let Hanatsuma do as she pleases, provided she worked and provided. Her mother would sometimes joke that Hanatsuma spent more time talking about girls than boys, which always made Hanatsuma blush.


Not long after her 26th birthday, Hanatsuma's father tried to secure safe passage for Hanatsuma, her sister, and their mother, to Eorzea after rumor of an uprising against the Garlemald circulated. He sold the family's fields to pay a smuggler to get his family out of Doma, but on the night they were to escape, a dispute about the price cause Hanatsuma and her sister to become separated from their mother. After the sounds of a scuffle outside and a scream, the carriage they were in took off down the road.

Upon reaching the docks and being herded about, Hanatsuma lost her sister in the crowd. After what felt like an eternity at sea, she found herself in Limsa Lominsa where she waited for other refugee ships to arrive to see if she could find her sister, or anyone from her village. After hearing word that more refugees arrived in Thanalan, she set out to search for her sister.

Hanatsuma has been working odd jobs to cover her travels in search of her family. After nearly giving up, she heard word while on a journey with Shino and Neith in Gridania that more people from Doma were arriving in Ul'dah.

Upon arriving in Ul'dah, Hanatsuma searched the streets for any sign of new refugees, but heard from another Doman refugee that the ship hadn't arrived yet. She followed a group to Vesper Bay in hopes of seeing loved ones, but found it to be a false lead. Instead of a ship full of Domans and others from Othard, the refugees found an ambush. After a fight that she barely made it out of, Hanatsuma suffered injuries and escaped on a ship to Limsa Lominsa.

Hanatsuma, not knowing where else to go, took the ferry from the Limsa Lominsa docks to the Mist where Shino found her. Shino carried Hanatsuma inside the manor she works at and called for help. Totojin answered the call and arrived quickly to heal Hanatsuma's wounds. Afterwards, Shino cared for Hanatsuma as she recovered from her wounds.

Still nervous to travel to Thanalan alone after the incident, Hanatsuma spent her time recovering in Limsa and The Mist, making contacts at the harbor to try and figure out anything that could help lead her to whoever orchestrated the attack. Talking with Neith about the events that took place, Neith introduced Hanatsuma to Mira, a friend and worker at a local bookstore, who said she may have the means to help Hanatsuma search for both her sister and her attackers. Once healed up enough to continue her searches for both her sister and the perpetrators for the ambush, she left the estate house, feeling she had overstayed her welcome. Mira and Lady Micharan, the owner of the bookstore, offered Hanatsuma lodging in exchange for helping out around the store. Taking the opportunity, she moved in until she can figure out what to do.

Once hearing that the Heavnsturn celebrations were coming to Gridania, she began thinking that the festivities may possibly bring out other Domans, so she planned to make a trip to the Shroud in hopes of finding Hatsukiku.