Haien Okeya

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Trigger Warnings!
Please be warned that this character profile contains elements of severe depression and self-harm. For more information, please refer to the OOC Notes section before actually reading anything else.

Also, please note that this is still unfinished. It's far enough done to be functional and remove the 'MASSIVELY WIP' notice, but not everything has been added in and some elements are still in need of polishing.

 Haien Okeya
Gender Male
Race Au Ra
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Ul’dah
Occupation Botanist
Orientation Bisexual
Alignment Neutral Good


Haien Okeya (Pronunciation: Hi-yen Oh-kay-yuh), is an Auri botanist that hails from Ul'dah. He can frequently be found running a small stall in the Ul'dahn market filled with herbs he has picked, though he also fulfills custom and bulk orders on a regular basis. He's a very quiet man for the most part, preferring to keep his own counsel even amongst friends.


Standing at 7'2" tall, Haien is on the lean side for an Au Ra. As with most Raen, a pattern of lightly-colored scales can be found across much of his body. His natural resting expression is a stern one, frequently causing people who don't know him to believe that he is permanently angry. He tends to keep his blonde hair tied back in a loose ponytail with his bangs loose, though due to his lack of concern for looking proper, one can frequently see stray wisps of hair sticking out from the rest. Particularly noticeable at first glance is Haien's style of dress -- or perhaps more appropriately, the lack thereof. Most of the time he can be found wearing armor, if you can call it that, that would seem more appropriate to some sort of ancient gladiator, though he insists it's purely for practicality and allows him more freedom of movement.


Haien is quiet and solemn most of the time, particularly in large groups. While in the theatre troupe, the leader was a man who spoke loudly and often without really saying anything at all, and it rubbed Haien the wrong way. He started speaking less and less, and found that he could learn more through being quiet and observing than by filling the air with meaningless chatter. This proved particularly useful when part of the Conjurer's Guild, even if he lacked the natural gift to truly succeed.

That said, he's not all silence all the time. He recognizes that, while he's quite content to sit in silence, most people aren't him. When in a 1-on-1 setting, he makes an effort to be as social as he can. He's not great at it, and often comes off as awkward, but he does try to avoid making people uncomfortable.

He's not without personality -- his emotions are just subtle. His friends have learned that a chuckle from him is the equivalent of a roaring, gut-splitting laugh from most any other man. A wink and a nudge is practically a proposition. A smile is the equivalent of an ear-to-ear grin.

He doesn't recklessly throw his safety in harm's way for no reason anymore, Haien still isn't wholly healthy, emotionally speaking. He may come to peace with the world by helping people – a practice he views as atonement for his failures – but he still blames himself every minute of every day for S'hozqha's death. If he had just been stronger, or faster, or more persuasive, maybe she would still be alive to grace the world with the smile he loved so dearly.

But he wasn’t. It’s his fault, at least in his eyes.

Haien's been known to seek out pain or punishment on very low days, particularly if he's had too much to. He tries not to make a habit of it, and certainly not in places where the world can see his pain, but every once in a while, he’s been known to relapse into bad habits.

He doesn't view himself as worthy of good things, and frequently refuses gifts or offers of aide when they come his way, considering it his deserved lot in life to suffer. This frequently causes him to push his friends away during low periods, much as he tries to stay stable.


Space. His friends tend to be the people who understand he sometimes just needs to be alone.

Helping People. It’s always a temporary fix, but helping people is a band-aid to atone for those he feels he has wronged.

Being out in nature. Very little is as calming, and next to nothing offers him the serenity that gathering herbs in the wilderness does.

Pain. It serves as both a reminder that he’s still alive when he's feeling empty, and punishment for his perceived failures when he's feeling low.


Himself. There is next to nothing about himself that Haien finds even tolerable.

Loudmouths. People who talk too much while saying very little are one of Haien’s biggest pet peeves.

Loud, crowded environments It’s not a severe dislike, and he’s certainly been known to spend his fair share of time in cities, but when practical, he tends to avoid extended periods of time spent in crowded markets and the like.

Standard clothing. One thing Haien learned about wearing very little armor was that it afforded him far more freedom of movement than just about anything else. Since then, he’s reluctant to don full clothing again, going so far as to say that breathing is nigh impossible in formal attire.


Botany. Need an expensive herb for a good reason, but unable to afford market price? Need an ingredient for a poison that grows in exactly one place in the world and only under certain conditions? Need a strong lumber to build a lasting home with? Haien is your man for any of this and more.

Willingness to help strangers. Though it may not be for the ideal reasons, Haien goes out of his way to help people when possible, as he views it as a form of atonement for his past failings.

Loyalty. Both a strength and a weakness, Haien is very loyal to his friends, and there very few obstacles he couldn't overcome if a friend was in need.


Self-loathing. Easily his biggest weakness is his inability to accept himself, and come to terms with S’hozqha’s death.

Self-destructive tendencies. Pain can be healthy, but not when one seeks it out as actively as Haien has been known to.

Loyalty. Both a strength and a weakness, Haien is very loyal to his friends, leaving him open to exploitation were someone to feel so inclined.


Early Life

Haien was born under another name that he has long distanced himself from. His parents were refugees to Aldenard, and lived in an impoverished farming town that was barely able to make ends meet. As a baby and on into his early childhood, resources were tight. There was never enough food to go around, and he was often hungry. His parents were clearly miserable -- as was a fair portion of his village. It wasn't a happy life, and everyone around him worked hard for very little results. He became fast friends with a Miqo'te girl named S'hozqha Batih who lived in his village, and the two were nearly inseparable.

Then one day around the age of 7 or 8, a theatre troupe came through on their travels. They put on show after show, and Haien had never seen the villagers happier. There was actual merriment on faces he had thought permanently scored with frown lines and weary eyes. It was inspiring, and it came as little wonder that when they left town the next day, S'hozqha went with them, leaving Haien little choice but to come with as well. The young Miqo’te girl quickly found her talent as actress, while Haien preferred to avoid the limelight and work as an extra. He learned to move props and set pieces around unseen, and quickly found he was quite good at it.

Gridania, the Conjurer’s Guild, and the Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak

Five or six years later, the troupe found themselves in Eorzea, specifically in Gridania. Their stay there lasted several days, but once more S'hozqha decided a change was needed, and joined the Archer's Guild there. Never one to deny his friend anything, particularly given his budding crush on her, Haien stayed around as well, though he chose to join the Conjurer's Guild instead of picking up the bow.

Sadly, Haien was far from gifted in the way of conjury. His patience and dedication brought him some minor results, but for the amount of work he put into it, he had very little to show in the way of progress. S'hozqha was the opposite. She took to archery like a fish to water, and soon found herself wanting for challenging targets.

One day, she chanced to hear a rumour about monster in the Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak, and decided that a strong adventurer like herself was what was needed to put them down. She managed to convince Haien to join her, despite his protest and begging that she not try it, and they set off the next day.

As he had feared, it went badly; worse even than he could possibly have imagined. They were surrounded and overwhelmed by monsters, and their only option was to flee. In the process, S'hozqha was seriously injured. The wound was far too severe for Haien to heal, but she was far too dear to him to just give up on. He poured all his energy into trying to heal her, and the last thing he saw was her faint, weary smile before he collapsed on top of her.

Ul’dah and the beginning of Adventuring

Some time later, he awoke atop her corpse. Distraught, he wandered aimlessly for days, wasting away. Eventually, he wound up in the desert sands nearly Ul'dah, where he finally collapsed from a mix of exhaustion, starvation, and dehydration. A wandering thief mistook him for dead and tried to check him for valuables, but panicked and ran away when he proved slightly more alive than they had hoped. Their surprised shriek drew an adventurer's attention, and they brought him to the Quicksand, where Momodi slowly nursed him back to health.

The first time he regained consciousness, he seemed confused at first, but when his eyes fell on the sight of his conjurer's garb in the corner of his room, freshly cleaned and repaired, he fell apart. Despite his still weakened state, he started screaming, sobbing, and clawing at his skin, and Momodi had to call for him to be physically restrained before he could seriously hurt himself.

The next time he came to, it was to a very guarded-looking Momodi, with none of his previous gear in sight. He was informed that he was found wandering in the desert, and (politely) questioned as to his.

It was here that he took the name Haien Okeya, chosen based on a minor character in the only story his mother had told him as a child. It was obvious he was lying and avoiding explaining where he had come from, but Momodi accepted it, presumably because she felt he wasn't doing so out of malice. Once he had fully recovered, he started helping her out by doing odd jobs around the Quicksand -- helping deliver goods, prepare food, clean rooms, or just about anything else she asked for, but there was a disconcerting lifelessness to him.

One day, a party of adventurers came through the Quicksand, and Haien was tasked with helping nurse one of them back to health. The very next day, he came to Momodi and asked her permission to become an adventurer. Pleasantly surprised by his seemingly renewed interest in life, she agreed. She tried to start him off at the local Thaumaturgist's Guild, but he flat-out refused to walk in to a place of magic, as he claimed it was not for him.

They tried the Pugilist's Guild, and he took to it well. He was fast and nimble, and while he may not have been the strongest hitter, his punches were powerful enough to count, and aimed well to bring down his opponents. Another benefit of Pugilist over Thaumaturgist in Haien's mind was that it meant he had to always be near his enemies, and if he came home with a few bruises and scrapes each day, it was merely expected of someone who had to get up close and personal with those trying to kill him.

As the months went on, cuts and scrapes weren't enough for Haien. He started wearing lighter and lighter armor, frequently quoting the famous Pugilist Hamon Holyfist, who said that wearing less armor allowed them to move more freely. The true reason, of course, was not nearly so clean. Haien felt guilty over S'hozqha's death, and every injury or near death escape was what he felt he deserved. The more punishment, the better, in his eyes.

Momodi watched as he continued down a trail of self-destruction, unsure of what she could do. That is, she watched until the day Haien went out to take down a band of bandits single-handedly, without anything but the barest covering of armor. When he limped back victorious, but with three broken ribs, his tail dislocated, a deep gash on his forehead, and his right wrist shattered nearly beyond healing, she came up with an idea born as much out of desperation as anything else.

Limsa Lominsa and the Dutiful Sisters

As soon as he had recovered, Momodi sent him to deliver a sealed letter from her to the Dutiful Sisters in Limsa Lominsa. Ever feeling in her debt, Haien obliged, and it was there that he met Jacke.

He was instantly taken by the Hyur with the strange mannerisms, and when Jacke offered him a place in the Rogue's Guild (probably largely due to Momodi vouching for his natural fit), he could do nothing but accept. Over the next year, he learned the rogue's craft and helped them apprehend various breakers of the Code. All his childhood training in being unseen paid off, as he discovered he was exceptionally skilled in the art of stealth, despite his towering stature.

Eventually, his time with the Guild was over. He had learned the tricks of their trade, but more importantly, helping keep the Code intact and saving lives of innocents from slavers had been a form of atonement for Haien. He returned to Ul'dah not a completely healed man, but certainly not the broken shell of an Au Ra that had left a year prior.

Present Day

His time at the Sisters taught him much about herbs, both poisonous and medicinal, and he discovered he also had a knack for collecting them. Whereas many of the other rogues would grow bored doing what they considered a menial job, he enjoyed collecting the plants the Guild needed for its operations.

When he came back to Ul'dah, he sought out tomes of knowledge on plant life, choosing to become a botanist. He still does normal adventurer work from time to time if there's a job that particularly interests him, but largely, he minds his own business and maintains a steady group of regular customers who frequently attest for the quality and fair prices he offers.


Romantic Attraction Physical Attraction Platonic Love $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral 🔃 Unsure 🔒 Trust


These are mostly backstory-related relationships, be they blood-related family otherwise.

Sekka Shibunuri, mother. ( )
Haien’s Thoughts: "I hope life is treating you well, wherever you and Father are."

A refugee to Aldenard a decade before Haien’s birth, Sekka struggled to make ends meet on their family’s tiny farm. Haien was not a planned child, and life got all the more difficult after his birth, causing her to spend long hours working fields and odd jobs with little time left for Haien.

Keiho Shibunuri, father. ( )
Haien’s Thoughts: " I hope life is treating you well, wherever you and Mother are."

A refugee to Aldenard a decade before Haien’s birth, Keiho struggled to make ends meet on their family’s tiny farm. Haien was not a planned child, and life got all the more difficult after his birth, causing him to spend every waking hour working the fields, leaving no time at all for raising Haien.

S’hozqha Batih, Childhood Friend. ( 🔒 )
Haien’s Thoughts: ”I never deserved your friendship, and I repaid you by killing you. I am truly sorry.”

S’hozqha was Haien’s childhood friend, and the two were closer than family growing up. Wherever S’hozqha went, Haien was sure to follow, even despite his best judgment. As they grew up, Haien found himself falling for S’hozqha, though he never was able to bring himself to confess his feelings for her. Her impulsiveness led to her death, an event which Haien holds himself personally accountable for, even if it wasn’t truly his fault.

Kennard Allen, Toupe Leader. ( )
Haien’s Thoughts: "Never before, and never since, have I met a man who can talk so much, yet say so little.."

A loud, boisterous man who served as announcer and leader of the traveling performers Haien joined as a child. He served as a poor influence, prone to drinking and fighting if kept in one place for too long.

Momodi, Innkeeper of the Quicksand. ( 🔒 )
Haien’s Thoughts: "I owe my life to Momodi, and that’s a debt I’ll never be able to repay."

Momodi saved Haien’s life once when she nursed him back to health after he was found dying in the Eastern Thanalan, then again by stopping his spiral of self-destruction and giving him purpose in the Rogue’s Guild. They don’t see each other frequently anymore, but occasionally they’ll catch up, or she’ll bring Haien orders of particularly difficult to find herbs.

Jacke, Leader of the Rogues. ( 🔒 )
Haien’s Thoughts: "Thank you for taking me under your wing and teaching me the ways of the Code. I owe you more than I could ever express."

Jacke took Haien into the Rogue’s Guild, presumably under Momodi’s request. It was there, partly under his tutelage, that Haien learned the ways of the Rogue, including the beginnings of his love of botany. Jacke occasionally calls on Haien for hard-to-find ingredients used in making poisons for the Guild.


Listed here are the non-family PC characters that Haien has interacted with enough or in such a way for him to form a real opinion about them. Please don't take personal offense if your character isn't listed here, or how the interaction or relationship is described. It isn't that I dislike your character or our RP. I just tend to only add these as necessary for those who make a real impact on Haien, and descriptions are purely based upon in character experiences and opinions!

Last Update... February 11th, 2016.

* An asterisks denotes that Haien doesn't know the individual's true name.

Theodore "Teddy" Altman, fellow Rogue, good friend. ( 🔒 )
Haien's Thoughts: "Initially just a fellow Rogue recruit, he's proved to be a fast friend, even if it is near sickening sometimes how adorable he and Will are together."

Haien met Teddy at the Rogue's Guild, and the two became friends quite quickly. Even after Haien left the guild, the two kept in touch, and one day Teddy called on him to help keep Will safe. Who was Haien to refuse? He befriended Will through their shared passion for plants, and even long after Will had seen through Teddy's ruse, continued to be friends. Recently, Haien even attended the two's wedding, even showing up fully dressed out of respect for them.

William "Will" Kaplan, fellow Botanist, good friend. ( 🔒 )
Haien's Thoughts: "Sometimes I swear he and Teddy are literally halves of the same person."

When Teddy was going through a rough time, he asked Haien to help him keep an eye on Will and protect him, as he had to do so without giving himself away, and Will didn't know him. Recently, Haien even attended the two's wedding, even showing up fully dressed out of respect for them.

Aetheria Crescent, Furred Nightmare. ( )
Haien's Thoughts: "Never have I seen such a large amount of energy and enthusiasm in such a small body. I do wish she'd stop calling me Sexybutt though."

After joining Lion Order, Haien was spending some time with a few members in the quicksand when this hyperactive, furred monstrosity showed up to wreak havoc. Immediately, he was nicknamed Sexybutt and accused of being another member's 'boytoy' from his dress -- an accusation he was quick to correct. Further interaction proved Aetheria was... interesting, to say the least. In truth, she reminds him of S'hozqha, with her boundless enthusiasm for life. Around Aetheria, it's near impossible for Haien not to slip into habits from his younger, happier days. In the long term, she may end up proving good for his health.


These are rumors, both from NPCs and PCs, that one might overhear in regards to Haien. Feel free to utilize these in your RP hooks, or add your own! Please do note that not all rumours are completely accurate. Some may be exaggerated or flat-out untrue.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
  • "Don't think I've ever heard the man speak more than five words in a row 'less he had no other choice." -- Quicksand Quarreler.

  • "Haien Okeya? That's that one botanist, right? I've heard he prefers plants to people." -- Gaudy Gossip.

  • "Despite his attire, if you can call it that, that man's got a stick up his ass in the worst way; no fun allowed around him. I don't think I've ever seen him laugh." -- Cranky Courtesan.

  • "He's spends a lot of time in the Dutiful Sisters in Lominsa whenever he's there. Must be a regular or something." -- Loose-lipped Lominsan.

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
  • "Hmm. He used to be conjurer, judging by the possessions he was found with." -- Meddlesome Maid.

  • "I heard he was found penniless in the desert once, and that's how he came to Ul'dah. Probably a refugee of some sort, I'd wager." -- Haughty Head of House.

  • "My cousin tried to get him drunk once. Apparently he's the moodiest and least fun drunk she's ever met." -- Bored Barmaid.

  • "I ran into him when he was collecting rare poisonous plants once. The idiot wasn't wearing any protective gear at all! He had little nicks and cuts all over his hands, and not the once did he seem like he cared." -- Baffled Botanist.

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
  • "There's some Miqo'te girl what's important to him. Twelve only knows who though; ask him 'bout her and he'll clam right up like as not." -- Relentless Rogue.

  • "It was near the end of my shift at the tavern and this Au Ra walks in and insults the three largest men there to their faces. The fight that ensued was the darnedest thing. You'd expect a man to be the worse for wear, and he sure was, but never have seen a man look so *happy* to be battered and bruised and barely able to walk." -- Barroom Bouncer.

◢ Near-Impossible Rumors - You really need to know the right people for these, and we’d have to work something out in advance for a reason for you to know.
  • "Several years ago, he tried to hire a courtesan once who came specially recommended to him as being very discreet. He asked them to hurt him, and hurt him badly, rather than the normal things a man asks for in such a situation. When they wouldn't, he broke down, gave them their coin, and left in a hurry. I haven't seen him seeking services since." -- Close-mouthed Courtesan.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
  • (Insert rumor here.) -- Rumor Author / Location

  • (If you add a player rumor, please first copy and paste the above line of code to leave behind for the next person! Thanks!)


I fully admit to being bad at coming up with ideas. If you can think of something that's not on this list, please, by all means bring it to my attention and we can hammer out the specifics.

  • Botanist: Haien’s built a reputation for himself as a skilled botanist, and frequently receives customers looking for strange requests, or without the coin to pay and a good reason for their job.
  • Adventurer: Though it’s no longer his primary profession, Haien still occasionally takes on requests from those in need. He is generally known to do so for little to no pay, depending on the need of his client and how badly in need of help they are.
  • Wilds Man: Not to be confused with ‘wild man’ which he certainly is not, Haien tends to be comfortable in most wilderness environments – particularly the deserts of Thanalan. He’s significantly less comfortable in the cold climates of Coerthas.
  • Quietness: In large groups, sometimes Haien makes as much of an impression by conspicuously not being as lively as the average person.
  • Armor, or lack thereof: Haien frequently receives comments on his particular choice of armor. It’s also led to a few misunderstandings, though he’s usually quick to head those people off.


I am a mid-20’s man living with his cat in the mid-western United States on a sleep schedule that only some sort of crazed psychic would be able to predict. I enjoy music that's older than I am, food that's terrible for me, and games that are far nerdier than I can reliably claim to be. I have a fondness for bad puns, though I’m rarely witty enough to make them myself. My humour tends to be of the self-deprecating variety, though occasionally it’ll flip completely and I’ll joke about how totally amazing I am. Please do understand that I do not take either extreme seriously, and it’s just my (poor) sense of humour.

I also tend to joke around in what I’ve been told is a flirty way, as I have a fairly blue sense of humour. Please know that no matter how many ♥s or winky faces I send you, it’s still just me messing around, and I am not looking for a romantic relationship. If this behavior (or anything else I do, really) makes you uncomfortable, please do let me know, and I’ll endeavor to cease immediately.


Trigger Warnings. I try to provide trigger warnings as liberally as I can, but I apologize if I fail to catch something (within reason). That said, even when a character has a trigger warning associated with them, it’s generally due to their backstory, and not because I actively RP said situations. Specifically in regards to Haien, he has a history of self-harm, reckless behavior, and severe depression. This is not to say that I’m regularly going out and RPing him hurting himself, but if you are sensitive to such topics, please please PLEASE let me know ahead of time so I can be aware of your needs.
I am not a mental health professional. My knowledge of such things comes from experiencing them myself, knowing people who have experienced them, or light research. I do not claim that my information is perfect, but I do try to treat such things with respect, and I would appreciate it if you would as well.
My character(s) sometimes have ties to in-game NPCs. I try to keep relationships between my characters well within bounds of canon. Usually, these are past and/or loose ties, but they are there just the same. That said, unless we’re on the topic of backstories and histories, I don’t suspect they’ll come up all that often, and I am NOT the type to be all, “oh and my character is (NPC)’s waifu but (s)he just doesn’t know it yet/acknowledge it in-game!”
I AFK in-game frequently. I promise I’m not ignoring you; I just have a bad habit of leaving my game on for hours upon hours on end when I’m sleeping or doing other things. If I don’t respond to you, try sending the message again in a few minutes, and if I still don’t respond, please assume that I’m just not around. This is PARTICULARLY true if you see me sitting in the Quicksand on the ramp near the west door leading to the market, as that’s my usual AFK spot.
I also enjoy PVE content. Many of my friends, and even my sister play this game, and I frequently want to spend time with them. If I’m not up for RPing, please don’t take it personally; I promise it’s not something you’ve done – I just also have other aspects of the game I enjoy outside of RPing.
I can be a bit timid when first RPing with someone. This is particularly true if I’ve seen you around frequently or know you OOC, since it’s entirely possible you (unintentionally I’m sure) intimidate me a little. Please be patient if my replies aren’t at light speed, since I’m probably spending time over-analyzing them in a desperate attempt not to humiliate myself.


Overall, I'm pretty chill as far as guidelines go. It is very, very hard to offend me, so don’t worry too much about it. Still, for the sake of making sure everyone's on the same page here, let me make a few mentions in particular:


Partake in sexually explicit situations. I’m just not comfortable doing so. If for some reason the situation between our characters calls for it, I prefer to handle it with a fade-to-black.
Partake in detailed violence IC. I have nothing against violence, it’s just not something I personally find enjoyable to go into nitty-gritty details over. If you wish for our characters to fight, I am certainly not opposed to it on principle, but I would prefer to work out how it goes OOC, then briefly skim it IC once we’ve come to an agreement.


Abide by logical headcanons. If the lore abides your headcanon, then I will too. If there's no precedent whatsoever for it, then it's likely to be a hard sell. There are no vampires in Eorzea. There are no werewolves. If I’m unaware of the lore behind your headcanon, please be patient and point me to it, and I’ll be happy to accommodate.
Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.
Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.

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