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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Asher
"Lookit I got stabbers."
Gender Male
Race halfbreed (Hyur/Miqo'te)
Clan Keeper of the Moon/Midlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 22
Namesday unknown
Orientation Straight
Current Occupation Stowaway Rogue


"Alright, so I ain't ye typical cat. Wotcha gonna do 'bout it? Dem Yellowbellied Saltpups know'm far too well."

Born in the cellars of the Crimson Serpent , Asher's practically lived his whole life at sea. He's known best for sneaking onto ships and tampering with its cargo. A roguish smuggler with enough sea-salted ego to boot. Blessed with the looks of his Keeper mum, Asher's appearance is exactly that of a Miqo'te--tail, ears, and all. However, his hair color and mannerisms are all thanks to the towering Hyur of a dad that never expected to have a son. Despite the hardships that came with abandonment when he was barely eight summers, Asher has learned to make a living out of next to nothing. Many have heard of Asher in a negative light, earning him the hateful titles of "Fluke" and "Bilge Rat". Albeit they are true, his reputation has earned him tenuous respect in the eyes of those that have held him in their employment.


"Wotcha lookin' at? M'payin' fer t'sights, lass."

Eyes as blue as the ocean often sparkle with uncanny mischief. More often than not, the salty breeze of Limsa Lominsa tickles through sun-washed blonde tresses swept back in a ponytail. Brass bands embellish perceptive cream-furred spires seated atop the shaved sides of his head.

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Standing at less than average height of most Keeper Miqo'te, what he lacks in build he makes up for in speed. A roguish smirk is almost always a common element to his face, which is kept free of stubble save for a rough patch on his chin. Warmly-tanned skin, kept a constant darkened color from the endless days spent out in the sun, holds many secrets born of the scars that adorn a lithe and athletic build. Thin, discolored lines criss-cross his arms and hands from the cuts received while learning to properly hold his daggers and throwing knifes. Remnants of multiple stab wounds mar his thighs and torso, and he will happily tell their story in gory detail. Inexperience is a bitch. There are also smaller and far more faded marks across various parts of his body, suggesting of wounds delivered when he was quite young. If one with a sharp eye were to catch sight of them and present an inquiry, as many a few remnants of lacerations and burns adorn his upper torso and shoulders, he would most likely brush the questions aside or pretend rather to not have heard them at all.
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One particular event as a young kit left him with almost no tail and a loathing for one particular individual with an axe. Asher's stubbed tail is proudly displayed, as it is adorned with three brass bands stuck into the nerveless tail-tip. He has no shame in his lack of a tail, or the story of how it was given to him. He adapted easily to the difference in balance and sees his stub tail as just another telltale sign of his mixed blood.

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"Oye, yer a real piece o'rubbish, ain't ye? Piss off."

Complicated. Cocky. Selfish. An undeniable bastard. Asher takes pride in his ability to work alone and will do whatever he can to keep it that way. He does not play well with others, and is extremely picky when it comes to tolerating those he meets. Asher finds most men to be reasonable, so long as they don't point anything sharp in his face. A good drinking buddy is accepted every once in awhile. With women, however, there is no middle line. Those that find interest in his eyes are playfully teased under a crooked grin. Those that he dislikes are rudely scorned and taunted. No matter how little Asher knows them, he is quick to decide whether or not he'll accept a particular lady.

Being abandoned as a child never settled well with him, therefore he often scoffs at the idea that others want to be around him. Twelve forbid, someone ever does--especially a woman. Asher is constantly denying a broken heart that's been nursed since he was barely eight summers. This causes things to get a little twisted when he's feeling particular naughty with a female. He'll willingly flirt with them, occasionally even take them to bed, but any mention of long-time commitment and they are quickly abandoned that night.


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The black leather belt that he wears has sheaths for two pairs of daggers, as well as a small pouch where he keeps the few items he has on his person.

Gil Pouch - holds the amount of money he's accumulated from an assortment of jobs that includes knife-throwing contests, smuggling operations, and whatever tasks he was assigned to throughout his brief career in the Rogue's Guild.

Hand-Carved Figurine - made from the wood of the Crimson Serpent herself. Shaped like a flying bird, the design is very detailed and clearly made by a professional. It was gifted to a young Asher by the kindly Midlander cook, along with a reassurance to the shaken boy that one day he'd be free of the ship and all her horrors.


Taken in by the Rogue's Guild for a time, Asher developed exceptional skill with wielding daggers. Under guidance from a Miqo'te nearly as prickly as his weapons, Asher learned how to fight with a stabber in each hand. For five summers he prospered under the protective shelter of the Rogue's guild and perfected the art of using daggers so well that he taught himself other methods of usage.

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Daggers: Standard weapons of choice. They are old and worn from many years of use, but always kept razor-sharp. The blades appear to be chipped and finely rusted. Rarely are his daggers cleaned, but they are certain to be sharp.

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Throwing Knives: Thin and aerodynamic blades that have no handle. The user must balance them carefully between their fingers before releasing them with a sharp flick of the wrist. Most often used for ranged combat or to aid in a tricky escape.

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Claws: Daggers with long, hooked blades. They are narrow enough to slide into the smallest of nooks, but also sturdy enough to support the wielder. Asher uses them primarily for climbing the spires around Limsa Lominsa and sneaking aboard the hulls of ships.

Asher eventually grew tired of the code faithfully followed by the Rogue's Guild and openly resigned one night. Since then, he's been nothing but bristling with daggers and has learned no other form of self-defense. Blatantly put, without weapons in his hands he's practically helpless. That doesn't stop him, however, for speed is constantly at his advantage and he'll find a way to escape one way or another.



going about unnoticed
high places


weak-minded women
physical abuse
The Crimson Serpent
The Reaper (a healthy fear of the monster depicted in many a rumor)


using his daggers as toothpicks
can hurl his daggers with unnerving accuracy (was his main means of income for a time)
pissing off those that can't take a joke
showing no respect for those with authority


Favourite Place: topmost spire in the Lower Decks
Favourite Scent: the salty smell of the ocean


Romantic Attraction Physical Attraction Platonic Love $ Business Family Member Deceased Friend Negative Neutral 🔃 Unknown 🔒 Trust


Millie – Having never understood the true reason for her disownment, Asher has always seen the event in a negative light and has carried a deep resentment for his mother ever since.
Captain Magnus Furor - There are two things Asher will always remember about his father. One: He commands the Crimson Serpent and will continue to do so until his corpse rots in hell. Two: That man should have died long ago.
Kirby "Toast" Clove - Very few good people existed on the Crimson Serpent. One that Asher will never forget was the ship's cook. It was because of the Midlander's kindness that he was able to survive the horrors that he suffered through. Asher has no idea if he's still alive.
Baderon Tenfingers - The lively owner of the Drowning Wench, he quickly became one of the few people Asher will willingly call a friend. The Hyur's kindness has saved him from many a tight spot, and while he's been living in the tavern's inn, Asher's gotten to know him pretty well when he visits the bar for vittles.
Vupa Royuh - Seasoned Keeper with a temper as sharp as the blades he wielded. He was Asher's mentor when he was part of the Rogue's Guild and taught the boy many other things besides how to use daggers, such as how to sneak around unnoticed and sweet-talk the merchants. Asher hasn't seen his old mentor since leaving the Rogue's Guild.

Other Players

🔃 Khloe Meui – A curious wisp of a girl that Asher happened to come across after catching wind of a secret meeting. Through a tenuous agreement, they exchanged what they knew about the supposed meeting and Asher was quick to find the place. Khloe, however, sneaked in right after him, unconvinced of his reliability to do the job. Ultimately, she annoys him greatly.
Nova – Sought after with interest to join her crew, things quickly backfired, turned south, and left them on negative terms with each other. Asher wasted a dagger on her stupid blaster, she was burned on the hand, and he was nicked across the back by a cutlass. It probably could have turned out way better, but that's what happens when a storm meets a volcano. Nova's bound to be out for blood now, and Asher is just as keen to go after her and reclaim his dagger--if possible.


Common Rumors

"Aye, that'd be the Bilge Rat. Lived his life in t'belly of a ship h'did!" -salty sailor
"Have ye seen that crooked smirk he wears? Gives me the chills." -unnerved Elezen
"Every time I walk by those tall pillars I feel like I'm being watched." concerned local
"That man saved me from a bunch of mean pirates! But before I could thank him, he was gone. He sure doesn't look the sort to help those like me." -curious orphaned girl

Rare Rumors

"Saw 'im arguing with a fellow at the docks once. Was refusing workin' fer a certain ship. Something 'bout a snake." -curious local
"There be a cat who looks a'lot like 'im. She's a real beauty a'right. I pay 'er double fer every go!" -delighted male with too much rum
"I'd 'ear racket ev'ry night. Screams, cryin', stuff hittin' the walls. Hell itself existed down thar, mark me words." -past crew member of the Crimson Serpent
"Was 'anging 'round the docks n'watched this broken vessel pull in. The crew comin' off her was 'alf bloody dead, I swear. Fight must've happened. There was this lad with a bleedin' stump. Lost 'is tail methinks. Twelve-preserve." -bewildered dock worker

Player Character Rumours

"quote here" player name


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Themes: Bother - Stone Sour The Agony of Regret - FFDP

Contact Info: I generally prefer Skype for RP, especially for this character, but you can also reach me here: RPC Profile
