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Basic Info

Hello there! Welcome to my homepage. I love to roleplay and whip up wiki pages of my characters. Thanks for stopping by! :)

NOTICE: I'm currently unable to RP ingame, however I frequent Skype often and I can also be reached here: RPC Profile

My RPC Characters:

Mitsu Arkem (MAIN; Midgardsormr)
O'kihp Tia (Balmung)
Endel Blanche (Balmung)


 T O   B R E A K   A   M O O N 

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Once upon a time, a boy dwelled in a camp within Middle La Noscea. Though empty and often lonely was he, he was happy and very much at peace. Such were the days of Chip, who was best known for his motto: A story for a fish. Sometimes visitors did gather, and he delighted them with grilled trout while they told him a tale or two. Those that met the boy saw an exuberant fellow untainted by the sins of the world. Painfully naïve, Chip dwelt in the wilderness with a constant skip to his step and a blissful smile in his eyes. Very few ever glimpsed the darkness hidden deep within a hopeful subconscious, for never did the spark of joy ever abandon the boy and forsake him to the unrelenting shadows.

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And then, Chip's world blossomed with newfound color. A Miqo'te nearly fell upon him while he was out fishing in the middle of the Rogue River. After an amusing game of chase to reclaim the mysterious stranger’s bandana, the Miqo’te, dubbed as Skycat by the boy, allowed Chip to ride his griffin with him. The boy felt the joys of flying for the first time and the promising sensation of freedom that it brought. Skycat indeed brightened Chip’s world—by doing nothing more than providing temporary relief from a loneliness that had so often plagued him. Other relationships and experiences were also made by Chip throughout the following months spent in the wilderness. An Elezen turned into a Lalafell unexpectedly one night, and brought along trouble during a seemingly harmless trip to Limsa Lominsa. A female Miqo’te with a generously-brimmed hat shared with him chocolate for the first time. A Hyur with a limp delighted with him tales of a past homeland. Ultimately, Chip was guaranteed a colorful world for many years to come.

But perfection was not without mishap.

The boy also remembered sorrow. He fell helplessly under the greedy hands of pirates and was kidnapped as bait. He became the infamous purple monster that nearly massacred the entire Aftcastle due to the sight of a brother’s torn bandana. Through tears he bore the burden of blame for his dying friend appointed by heartless words of their faithful servant. And one night… Chip had to bid farewell to his Skycat. Forever. Despite it all, the boy known as Chip remained true and did not falter. The experiences he went through only made him stronger in the end and bolstered the relationships he had with others. After all, he’d been told to shine.

Fate had a different story planned for the boy.

Under the cover of darkness, drawn to the bittersweet melody of a wooden music box, a group of Miqo'te and an Elezen mage stole Chip from his home and destroyed what was left of it. He was taken back to his Tribe in Thanalan and stripped of whatever identity he might've procured during his time in La Noscea. Now labeled O'kihp once more, his father sought to tame the monster within him and turn him into the Tribe's secret weapon. Within a damp cave that was always thick with shadows, the little moon was shattered.

Through numerous sessions of brutal torture, O'ctan forced his son to believe he was nothing but an animal under his control. Happiness, joy, and cheer were all emotions lost to the boy who soon forgot what peace was like. Hell became the demon's lair and under his father's cruel fist he eventually became obedient by fear. No longer was he Chip, but a nameless fiend that any enemies of the Tribe would only learn to dread.

"Indulge us."

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 C A P T I V E   M O O N   A N D   H A R R O W E D  B R O T H E R 

One fateful afternoon under the hot sun, a gypsy caravan is spotted wandering too close to the Tribe’s territory. O’kihp is eagerly let loose upon them, but he fails to destroy the Tribe's intruders and is instead captured by them and restrained by a sleeping-spell cast by the Madam herself. His wounds are dressed and he’s placed in a makeshift cage of iron set up in the Madam’s private cabin. At first, Mirage is in his only visitor and through much patience is she allowed to tend to him. Things seem promising for the beast-child until a very furious Raziel enters the cabin one night. He immediately sees the masked stranger as an enemy and their confrontation would have been extremely violent-—had the beast not been caged. Brothers forgotten, Raziel demands to know why he attacked them and almost killed a helpless ‘’child.’’ The beast, of course, answers none of this, and through the bars does he dare try to attack Raziel in a livid frenzy. One of his claws shreds his turban, exposing heterochromatic eyes that are painfully familiar.

Memories... cruelly ripped apart. A fragile heart... shattered.

From the moment he realized who Raziel really was, he was devastated. The fact that his brother no longer remembered him drove him into even further ruin. Almost immediately does the beast’s rage leave him, and he cowers against the wall furthest from Raziel. The name "Skycat" is spoken and the Madam dares question what such a name means, but Raziel storms out without a word and the beast-child is no longer responsive. Later that night, while fighting a deep depression after the discovery of Raziel's true identity, an unlikely maiden approached the demon's lair. She came with only a humble serving of soup and bravely offered it to the beast. He was wary and quite skeptical of the child at first, but a tentative bond was forged after she provided him with enough soup and water for the beast to have a proper meal after countless weeks of undernourishment. Nym never once seemed completely afraid of him, despite the fact that he had severely wounded her twin brother.
A few days passed, and just when things between them began to settle down, the unthinkable happened. Rose paid the gypsies an unannounced visit and, after stirring up some delightful chaos, Madam sent the beast-child away into her greedy hands in order to keep the peace within her gypsy family.
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Ultimately given to her in Raziel's place, he is stripped of his identity and given the name “Azrael". He served as one of Rose's most favorite and prized pets, even given a metal collar to wear whenever she paraded him around. She treated him cruelly, destroying what meager bits of humanity he had left and turning him into naught but a tamed animal. And then... Raziel came. Lured by the urging of a small child to " save her friend", he practically invaded Rose's camp in order to do just that. Things got a little messy, however, and although Raziel was able to safely escape from the madness, Azrael was presumed dead in the end.

Fate, however, saw to it that he was returned to the Tribe instead...

 R E L E A S E   O F   A   B L O O D   M O O N 

He had taken many. Hands no longer innocent, awash with crimson blood. The screams of children echoing in his mind. Why was he still crawling? What was he so driven to find?

While being reclaimed after a successful killing one fateful afternoon, the boy unexpectedly retaliated as he was being drug back into the cave. His father had grabbed the chains to try and move him by force, and Tome had tried to subdue him with an ice enchantment that would subsequently freeze him into place. Neither worked, however, for fate at last had decided that their time was up. The beast had developed an unknown resistance to the ice magic, but the frost enchantments that worried the shackles around his limbs and neck had still been in play, so he’d known whom to attack first. The mage cloaked in shadows went down easily, frail as he was, and just as his claws sunk deep into that hood, the Nuhn and his remaining Tias came upon him with daggers and swords alike. Although their blows were well-placed, the pain only enraged the beast further and coursed newfound strength into his battered body. Willed into a frenzy, no one was safe from him as he ultimately destroyed every single member of the Tribe. Women were torn apart, their limbs both tossed aside and gnawed upon, and whimpering children were greeted with a jeering smile before their insides were splattered across the sands.
Every moment was carried out with uncharacteristic delight, until it had only been his father standing in the middle of a gore-stained camp. O’ctan had only barked a virulent laugh before tossing his dagger aside. “I know what you want. Go ahead and eat up, you waste of a son. I hope you’re haunted by this for the rest of your miserable life.” And he had. Without hesitation had the boy lunged upon his father and slammed him into the dirt. Claws had gouged deep across his father’s corpse, ripping open his chest cavity and digging past bone and organs alike until he found what he desired. A disgusted roar had burst from his bloodied lips then, to discover that even his merciless father still had an unspoiled heart. The organ had been squeezed until its contents no longer spewed out gore, before devoured by a bloodthirsty appetite. He feasted upon the decimated corpse of O’ctan until he was satisfied that no other scavenger could find any piece of his body worthwhile. The discarded dagger was plunged into sightless eyes again and again, before finally lodged into the hole where his heart should never have been.
Slow and torturous was the process of recovery afterwards, for after having accepted that the deed was done, he collapsed in the eerie silence of the camp and writhed in the bloodstained ashes of tarnished gold as the blinding fury left him and he became aware of the sheer agony inflicted upon his body. Many of the wounds weren’t fatally deep, but it was enough for him to realize that not all the blood strewn across the sand was from his adversaries. He screamed and snarled and howled into the sky, but he did not know what kind of emotion set the tone of his bestial melody. Anger, hurt, triumph, and loss were all the same to him as the gravity of the events overwhelmed his mind. Eventually, though, he slowly came to realize that he could not stay here, for the neighboring beastkin would soon catch wind of the bodies and come in search of spoils. This time, he really was the scapegoat. He’d really gone and destroyed his entire Tribe. The shackles around his limbs were cleanly pulled off, for his limbs were painfully thin and slick with blood. The collar around his neck remained firmly clamped around his calloused throat, but the long chain was hacked off to provide easier movement.
Hours ticked by as the maddened beast sought to make sense the rampaging thoughts and emotions that clustered in his head. He eventually came up with a different desire entirely, one spurred by the quick backfire of his body as it rejected the meal he’d eaten. No matter the kind of raw flesh he ate, it always came back up. And so, when the boy finally did leave the remnants of his Tribe, a pile of bloody vomit that contained half-digested pieces of his father was also left in his wake.
Damned upon the blazing sands of Thanalan. Forced to walk alone...forever.

Eventually he ended up in Southern Thanalan, wading through endless mountains of sand with half-healed wounds and sun-blistered skin. Something out in the desert of Thanalan called to him an the animal inside followed on pure instinct, for there was nothing else he could go by. Without purpose, without reason, the simple desire spurred him onward. He was nameless, homeless, and alone again. He didn’t know where to go, or what to do, but dune after dune of sand did he climb in search of something that he wanted.
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 M O O N   R E D E E M E D   A N D   P R O M I S E   F O R G E D 

Time passed and the winds changed. Across an endless sea of golden waves, the boy was discovered half-dead in the sand by a coeurl. A coeurl with his eyes. Through a telepathic bond created by the beast-child’s ability to sense an animal’s thoughts and feelings, he discovered that the majestic beastkin was in fact ‘’Skycat.’’ This seemed insignificant, until he made it clear that he had remembered who the boy was and what he had meant to him long ago. Weakened and exhausted, but very much relieved, he let Raziel take him somewhere "safe" and was returned to the gypsy caravan to recuperate. Days drifted by slowly, while a feverish beast-child was dutifully tended by a brother returned. His recovery was slow, steady, and still quite tense for the nameless beast knew he was in a vulnerable state and thus was instinctively on edge.

This was Chip now.

Raziel, unfortunately, knew only of a brother that was forever in the past. During the times together, the painful differences of Chip and the beast-child became quite clear. Soup and water were devoured with desperate need and a collection of wary growls and snarls served as his voice. The unexpected sight of Niko sent the monster in a downward spiral, for he had never forgotten his sweet taste and wanted nothing more than to dine upon him again. Raziel was there to hastily and forcibly subdue the beast, while demanding whether or not his brother was still truly inside. His reply was simply, but painfully clear. " We’re what’s left of Chip now.”

Though dreaded were his words, instead of being vehemently denied, Raziel vowed to catch up with what forgotten memories he could recall. An effort was made, then, to heal the monster through aetherical means. Pure aether flooded a body tainted, and the beast-child was overcome by pain. In was in this moment that Raziel learned just how much the boy had suffered and once his wounds were healed, the damaged boy was carefully gathered into his arms and comforted. "What did they do to you, Chip…"

The next morning, Nym visited the brothers with breakfast soup. It was then that Raziel’s curse is realized, for he was turned back into a coeurl overnight. The gypsies, however, were all already well-acquainted with his affliction and the sight of the coeurl didn’t bother Nym one bit. In fact, they eventually broke into a playful game of tag while the beast-child watched with curious eyes. This was a common interaction of a family, something he had never truly had, and was therefore confused by this. He’s soon pulled into their game instead and taken outside into a sunlit backyard of dunes. His involvement is short-lived, however, for the beast had forgotten how to enjoy himself and how to laugh. Such emotions had been unused for far too long, and he eventually settled into a quiet state of pained abashment. But Raziel still sought to comfort his brother with but a single verse of reassurance. "I know… you're still… there."

The sudden arrival of the Coeurl Tribe happened then, and the sight of their hasty approach with a cage in tow sent the unnamed beast spiraling dangerously out of control. He saw them as members of his own Tribe that wanted to take him back so he could be their tool again, and was upon them with a furios roar--despite the resistance Raziel tried to offer. Before the beast-child could confront them, however, an even larger beast appeared. Another coeurl with achingly familiar eyes. His father. A great battle ensued, between coeurls of similar appearance. The other Tribe members sought to ensnare Raziel with chains to further hamper him and force him into submission, but his brother would have none of it. Haunted by visions of a past, where cages and chains had been aplenty, he attacked them in a violent frenzy. Raziel was ultimately freed and able to withstand the battle against his father, but it came nearly at the cost of his life. After the remaining Tribe members were driven off by a fierce hazel-eyed and voiceless child, Raziel and his brother were rescued and tended to.

The gypsies were by no means ready to accept the dangerous child who had almost killed their beloved Niko and destroyed the camp. However, they saw the beast-child in a different light upon realizing he had saved one of their own from a fate worse than death. The Madam was first to confront him with this knowledge while he was recuperating in a cabin separate of his brother's. Gratitude stemmed from a woman's changed heart, and while enveloped in a tender embrace, the beast-child felt a mother's sincere love for the first time in his entire life. In this moment, the Madam essentially provided the nameless beast with the title “Azrael” once more. The meaning, however, was much different than his time with Rose, and so the beast accepted both this and a place in the arms of a genuine family for the first time in his life.

Raziel came unexpectedly then, covered in bandages and barely able to stand. This sight of him did little to comfort Azrael, who still felt guilty for having started the battle in the first place. He also felt like he deserved the great agony that his brother was in, and therefore begged to take Raziel’s pain away, in any way possible, if only to provide him with even the tiniest bit of respite. With great hesitancy, such an offer was cautiously fulfilled. Azrael learned of the agony his brother kept deep within and the fear of becoming a mindless beast like his father.

Later on, Raziel makes it known that he is to go on a sort of pilgrimage to rewrite a forgotten legacy after receiving a carefully preserved letter devotedly kept by the Madam until the opportune moment. This of course resulted in sorrowful farewells from his gypsy family and the quiet understanding of a mournful brother. However, all hope was not lost because this time Azrael knew that his brother would return.

Now Azrael must discover himself again and adapt to the changes within himself and his life. Basically... he's an animal trying to become human again.