Leih Rhun

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Leih Rhun
"I want to become a Dragoon to protect all of Eorzea, even the Dragons."


» ————————— ————————— «


RACE & CLAN... Miqo'te Hybrid

GENDER... Female

AGE & NAMEDAY... 17 or 18 Years Old (13th Sun/1st Astral)

ORIENTATION... Demisexual

MARITAL STATUS... Complicated




OCCUPATION... Lance for Hire

PATRON DEITY... Halone, the Fury

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulms, 2 ilms/98 ponz


Bubbly and seemingly innocent, Leih could easily be taken as a child rather than the young adult she really is. Her innocence goes hand-in-hand with her confidence in others, even if they had done nothing to prove their trustworthiness. As such, Leih has been known to befriend even criminals. Over the years as an orphan in Ul'dah after the death of her adoptive brother, Leih has taken younger orphans under her wing, working most of the time on her own to keep them from harm. The same kindness is often given to her friends, whom she is always willing to help. She tends to act silly, often getting distracted by insects flying around or asking questions one would expect her to know. It is known Leih is terrified of lightning, often paralyzing her. She is also as scared as of being on a stage as she is of lightning.

Despite her kindness, Leih has a darker side when put through enough stress or in combat. If those she loves and care for are in danger, she has no mercy against whoever threatens them. Rumors say she can go as far as killing, yet that is yet to be seen in public. What is known is that her usual smile can turn colder than ice when angry.


Small for her age, and quite petite, Leih could easily be confused with a boy if she wore heavier clothes. Her short white hair has light blue tips, done by herself with armor dye. She wears no make-up, instead using light carbon to darken the outer part of her eye lids. What strikes the most is not her size or hair, but the bizarre heterochromic eyes she has, left being red and right being green. Two light blue tattoos decorate her cheeks and her red eye sport a pair of scars. All over her pale skin are various scars, years in the Thanalan sun having bleached them to almost disappearing. Somehow despite her years in the desert, Leih has remained incredibly pale.


Kindness. The one that shares their wealth and joy will get more than any treasure in the realm.
Dogs. Their loyalty is eternal and their love unconditional.
Freedom. All were born to do with their lives as they choose, so long they respect the lives of others.
Honor. Be it a noble or a pauper, honor is something that has no title or price.


Greed. To desire more than you need is to show little care for those who have none.
Cruelty. If one has power and uses it for harm they are nothing but monsters,.
Harm to her friends. Friends are like family and family is to be protected.


Shy Songbird. Leih has a beautiful voice and can play the piano incredibly well. Sadly, she's also incredibly shy and is unable to do much in the public view.
Teddy Bear Hugs. If Leih gets very comfortable with someone, she will eventually begin giving them hugs without feeling shy.
Fish Attention Span. Leih can be easily distracted unless its something incredibly important. As such, she often ask questions in the middle of speeches, then apologizes for being rude.


As far as Leih knows, her parents died when she was barely a toddler, killed supposedly by Amalj'aa. Luckily their small daughter had barely any damage other than a cut over her left eye that scarred permanently over time. She was found by a Hyur man named Athrune Rhun, who took the orphaned Miqo'te and raised her as his own sister. The man educated her in the manner of those born in Ishgard, as that was his motherland, and kept a close watch over every aspect of the girl's life. Leih seemed to take a liking to his tales of Dragoons and Knights, and even before she was able to read properly she convinced Athrune to teach her combat.

It was not long after that Leih came home one day from playing holding the hand of yet another recently orphaned Miqo'te child, begging her brother to also take him in. The boy, a Sunseeker named O'yhuh, became the youngest Rhun sibling. Out of necessity Athrune joined the Immortal Flames and had trouble spending time with his adoptive younger siblings. Without Athrune's constant vigilance Leih took the role of older sister while still being a little girl, constantly protecting O'yhuh of other children who bullied the orphans, calling Leih a monster and O'yhuh a bastard. Eventually the verbal bullying turn physical, giving Leih a second small scar over her eye. Despite the abuse, Leih often took the beating in order to keep O'yhuh out of harm. Eventually she tired of the abuse and finally return the hits, though rather than make the situation end, her actions caused even adults to see her as a dangerous kid.

Due the adults reactions, Leih learned to simply smile at the insults and abuse, never showing how it affected her. She even went as far as lying to Athrune about where her bruises came from, claiming they were from falling from stairs or trees. This was rather suspicious for the Hyur since Leih always seemed to have excellent balance and control while training. Despite the hardships, Leih and her brothers grew closer and closer day by day. Over time the family found some sort of normalcy that was broken when Garlemand invaded.

Athrune left with the Immortal Flames, promising Leih and O'yhuh to return in short time. The promise was not fulfilled since the man died in the Calamity, leaving the once orphaned Miqo'te once again alone in the world. Leih entered a deep depression, made worst by the fact she was forced into slavery over a supposed debt. Eventually she stop eating and simply sat on the streets, wasting away. Not even O'yhuh for all his effort and love could bring comfort to his older sister. The behavior continued until another orphan, Neo ban Galdus, came into her life.

Neo, a boy of Garlean origin and by a few years Leih's senior, offered his hand to the girl and a reassuring smile. Whatever reason she had, Leih trusted the young teen immediately and from then on he became the guardian of both Leih and O'yhuh, along with various other younger children all forced into slavery.

Neo died three years after the Calamity, leaving Leih to care for the orphans alone. She sacrificed her safety and freedom in order to keep as many as possible safe.


After meeting Heidrek Warsong in the Grindstone, Leih regain the hope to be free. She began meeting more people over time until finally she was freed. With her newfound freedom, she began training to become a dragoon under Sei Castille's tutelage.

Leih began working at the Gilded Rose, though not an official member. She became close with many of the members and now spends long periods of time with them.

Leih joined Heidrek, Warren Castille, Sei Castille and Gogonji Gegenji to rescue Hannah Castille, Heidrek's girlfriend and Warren's sister. The location being a battle in Ala Mhigo, Leih saw for the first time what war was about. She seemed to remain mentally unscathed publicly, though ever since then she seemed more reluctant to use her spear outside the Grindstone and her training.

She became closer to Ilan Faust and Ruen Nocs, now calling them brothers and often staying with them. They seem to be among the few people supporting her relationship with Aaron Frostheart.

With a group comprised of Ilan Faust, Aaron Frostheart, Holo Wolf, Atalanta Tsukiyama and secretly Mikiri Kikiri, Leih confronted Drunken Coeurl, a former slave master who seemed bent on forcing her back into chains. Garleans joined the encounter, and she discovered her close friend Neo was actually alive. Ilan Faust was wounded and since then Leih has refused to even hold her spear.

Color Key
In A Relationship: Leih is romantically involved with this character.
Romantic Attraction: Leih is romantically interested in this character.
Sexual Attraction Leih is physically interested in this character.

Platonic Love/Family: Leih considers this person family.
Friend: Leih considers this person her friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Leih considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

Good Standing: Leih has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
Neutral: Leih has no specific feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: Leih has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.

Dislike: Leih doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
Hate: Leih consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
Fear: Leih is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost.
Rivalry: Leih consider this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time she gets to meet them.

Family Member: This character is related by blood or marriage to Leih.
Business: This character is either an Leih's employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character has passed away.
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but Leih isn't fully aware of it yet.


W'rayen Nunh ( ) - Father
"Who were you? I always wonder if you were a strong warrior or maybe a merchant. I remember sitting for hours just imagining. Sometimes I close my eyes and I think I can see you... It's strange... Because you always wear an armor... Maybe... Maybe it's just a dream... But I love thinking you might have been a hero. Maybe even a dragoon."

Leih never met her father, or even has any memories of him. She often wonders about him, but there is nothing she can do to find out. She has no clues or even an idea where to look for any information on him. With the lack of knowledge she finds comfort in imagining her father as a hero and will often speak to him as she prays. She may not know him, but she still wants to have some sort of relationship with him.

Soriale Nulhan ( ) - Mother
"I hope where you are... you love me as much as I do, mom... I remember watching other kids with their mothers and wonder about you. I like to think we were close, and that you like the things I like. Do we look similar? Do we like the same things? Did you sing too? I have so many questions... I wish I knew..."

Just like with her father, Leih knows little to nothing about her mother. Having grown up watching other children with their parents, especially their mothers, Leih became very curious about what is like to have a mother. Sometimes when she puts a lot of effort she can remember a pair of beautiful blue eyes. That is all she believes to know about her mother.

X'ylhe, Sophie, Carren, Giroix, Nimi and Carter () - The Other Orphans
"I promised to protect you all and I will. Until you are all enough to be on your own. And even then if any of you is ever scared, I will always let you hold to my hand."

The Calamity took many parents from their children and to survive many banded together. Leih takes care of the orphans she grew up with and makes sure they always have a roof over their heads and food in their stomach. It's the least she can do after five years of begging and attempting to survive.


Athrune Rhun ( ) - Adoptive Brother
"My brother was my hero... He was never afraid and always protected me. He raised me and O'yhuh and was a soldier and just... He did for me more than he should have and he never complained. I wish I had been with him... In Carteneau. I can't believe he is gone and the last memory we have together is fighting..."

Being the man who raised her as far as her memory goes, Leih's love for her foster brother seems to be limitless. Often mentioning him proves he is a constant thought on her mind and how hard she tries to keep the memories she has of him close. Athrune taught her to read, write and how to fight. He also fostered in her a love for the Dragoons of Ishgard, regaling her with tales of their adventures and creating games related to them. Though he did not want to leave his sister alone, the desire to protect her from anything pushed him to join the Immortal Flames and march to Carteneau in defense of the home he had tried to secure for Leih.

Despite how close they were, Leih knows little about Athrune's life in Ishgard or what he did before he adopted her. He never took her there, instead preferring to raise her in Ul'dah.
Heidrek Warsong ( ) - The Foster Father
"I sometimes wonder why you decided to help me. Most people just ignored me or saw me as just another face in the streets, but you decided I was worth the time. Guess that's what dads are for..."

Leih's 'foster father', the two met in the Grindstone and bonded over the girl's life situation. At first friends, soon the girl saw in him a father figure, one of the things she lacked. Though they are not real family, they act as if they were. Leih clearly trusts the Ala Mhigan with anything and seems to enjoy teasing him at any given chance. Over time Leih has come to see him as an example and love him dearly.
Aaron Frostheart () - Complicated, yet Simple
"I don't understand why people think bad of you... You are very kind even if you say you are not. You take care of me and protect me, but you also let me rescue myself. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't believe in myself like I do now. I just wish others could see you the way I do. Though... you are still lazy, Aaron..."

Leih's romantic partner and one of the few people to have seen her true emotions. Though they rarely act like a couple in public, they have their own way of showing affection to each other and that is what works for them. Certain gestures are reserved for each other and though they may seemed to just be something between friends, they have meaning to them. Aaron is one of the few people who support Leih defending herself rather than being defended, and to Leih that is the greatest sign of affection people can give her. She trusts him fully, and has no secrets in their relationship. There also seems to be a lack of jealousy, but that mostly comes from the fact that somehow both often end in awkward situations related to people trying to court them.

Many people have asked Leih what she sees in Aaron and the truth is she has no answer for that. It might seem illogical or strange, but she is happy with him. She would appreciate if people stop demeaning their relationship. It gets old.
O'yhuh Rhun () - Baby Brother
"Yuyu, I wish you could see the world without fear. There are so many wonderful things around you, but you are so focused on the dangers that you miss life itself. I will always let you hold to my hand, little brother. I just hope one day you won't need to. I want you to walk with your head held high, seeing the path you leave behind with pride and without regrets. That way, when you are older and ready to go to the next life, you can smile at the memories you have."

A Miqo'te boy adopted by Athrune who is in reality Leih's half-brother. He met his older sister when he lost his mother to a serial killed, and her first action to him was to hug him and tell him to close his eyes so he would not see the corpse of his mother. Since that day, Leih has protected O'yhuh of everything she could. The boy is almost fully dependent on her, even though he is about to become a man. Despite his fearful nature when it comes to his sister he is very protective and willing to pick a fight, though his chances of winning are near zero. O'yhuh is also one of the few who support Leih's relationship with Aaron.
Mikiri Kikiri ( ) - The 'Big' Sister
A Lalafell that soon became a sister figure in Leih's life, the two seem extremely close and talk often about pretty much everything. Teasing each other, providing support and often keeping each other safe, the fact that they don't share blood doesn't seem to matter.
Yuki Kurenai ( ) - Dear Sister


Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!
◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Leih? She is a good kid. A bit daft, but good." - Ul'dahn Merchant
"Big sister Leih? She always gets us food. Though sometimes she doesn't get enough for her..." - Calamity Orphan
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"The guy who raised her had a fiancee when he came. The woman left him because of that Miqo'te." - Quicksand Gossiper
"That kid were always weird. No bloke wanted ter play wiv 'er. I mean, 'oo would want ter be close ter her wiv that freaky red eye." - Childhood Acquaintance
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Freaky kid she is. Strange stuff always happened around her. Things getting thrown, people getting hurt. No one who spends long periods of time lives for much. Just look at the guy who raised her. Dead and still young." - Gladiator in Ul'dah


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
"Yes, she's my daughter. Yes, she's adopted. Yes, I'll chop your hands off if you look at her funny." Heidrek Warsong
"I've met this girl! She's got some kind of energy about her. Like you can't tell if she's a little crazy, or maybe some sort of dangerous. But she's definitely cute!" Aya Foxheart
"Leih.. She's my sister. I adore her and everything she does. As of lately, I hope she's okay.. But I plan to find and see her soon.. Blood doesn't make family but the bond does. And there isn't a single thing I wouldn't do for her." Yuki Kurenai
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Expect a lot of sad songs here!
White Silence from Tokyo Ghoul, cover by BriCie [1]
Artist: Originally sung by TK from Ling Tosite Sigure, BriCie (Vocals/Cover), Sapphy (Lyrics), gakushi (Piano Arrangement)
Something that describes Leih and that she would sing.
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Artist: Text, text, text, text.
Context: Text, text, text, text.
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Artist: Text, text, text, text.
Context: Text, text, text, text.
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Context: Text, text, text, text.
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Context: Text, text, text, text.
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Context: Text, text, text, text.
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Personal RP Limits
I will play Anything really. I have a pretty high tolerance for most RP. Just certain limits.
Ask about significant injuries that will require significant healing and rehab to overcome, killing or disfigurement.
I won't play Graphic Rape scenes, graphic child abuse. Background? Okay. Fade to black? Sure.
Communication is key for me. So don't be scared of poking me OOCly if you want a scene to go one way or the other.


Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
Text, text, text, text.
Text, text, text, text.
Potential Plot Hooks
Thanalan Leih is always running in Thanalan!
The Grindstone.
She can be find there almost every week! She is a regular fighter.
Text, text, text, text.
Text, text, text, text.
Text, text, text, text.

Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits and relationship color keys by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Music and OOC note by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist by D'lyhhia Lhuil.

Please remember to credit everyone when using this wiki. Thank you.