O'vitah Nunh
O'vitah Nunh is an aging Nunh of a branch of the O tribe, located in the mountainous regions of La Noscea.
O'vitah's tribe is one of many tribal traditions and culture, wherein hunting and strength are seen as the defining features of those within the tribe. The Huntresses are ruthless and precise, underoing much training to hone their skills with Spear, bow and knives. The Tias, too, are also encouraged to fight and hunt, but to focus on their hand to hand combat in order to overthrow others Tias in order to prepare them to become Nunhs.
O'vitah has been a Nunh for Many years, even before the Calamity. During his time as such, he encouraged not only the continued traditions of his tribe, but also the fostering of close bonds with others. O'vitah is loving, Loyal, and gentle with his mates, and takes their well being in to consideration above others.
Currently, he is under the Employment of the 81rst Division, under Rhesh'ir Zhwan. As of late, however, O'vitah has taken a leave of medical absence for stress and anxiety, which would impede his duties in the battlefield. He is currently staying with a friend of his, a Nunh by the name of E'lios, in a section of the Eft tribe within the Jungles of La Noscea.
However, he left the 81st for unknown reasons, and has not been back for any reason.
After a year of uncertainty and unforeseen hardship, O'vitah has disappeared for a time, seemingly falling off the face of Eorzea. With hsi return, he is a turn older, and a bit wiser and more relaxed than before. While he smiled and laughs as much as before, at times there is more quiet and thoughtfulness.
He no longer uses the title of "Nuhn", and instead wishes to be called "Tia", stating that he took the title willingly, but will not go in to detail over it.
O'vitah is a fun-loving, joyful sort of man. He smiles often and if always up for a good time, be it sexual or not. He's a bit corny and flirtatious, which can get him in to trouble, though he fully knows well. He never lets his playfulness get the better of him, and minds himself when others show discomfort or concern. Women, especially, he treats with respect, knowing full-well that they have had it harder within Eorzea's society.
When around children or those in need of comfort, he is quiet, compassionate and sincere, doing his best to bond and act as a safety point for those with him. He is a gentle father and father figure, and enjoys helping youngsters as best he can to encourage them to do their best and to be a good person.
O'vitah is an older gentleman with a well toned body, long, fluffy tail and dark black fur and ears. He has many scars upon his features, marring his chocolate colored skin. His eyes are sharp and bright, being of the colors Orange and Green, they seem to stand out as a stark contrast to the rest of his body.
He's a taller man, standing at around six fulm, making him somewhat imposing to those who come to him. However, such stature is offset by an almost constant smile, and his laughter is easily brought on. O'vitah seems to enjoy the company of children and young ones, finding their admiration and wonder for the world to be an inspiration. He does especially well with young children, acting as a father figure to those that come in to his care.
in battle, however, he is a strong and deadly foe. Preferring to use a large axe as his main weapon, O'vitah throws himself headlong in to battle, keeping the enemy busy and focused upon him, and not upon his allies. As of late, he has taken up using his fists over using weapons, finding it a bit easier on his body, and also more exhilarating.Combat
O'vitah considers himself an incredibly capable and competent "meat shield", as it were. He favors larger weapons, spears, axes, maces and large swords are more his forte. His stances are usually centered upon being able to take more hits than dish them. His vitality is quite high, and he can take a fair beating before going down.
Lately with his induction as a guard to the Elysium, O'vitah has picked up training to fight more so with his fists, as Weapons are NOT permitted within the KISS household.
More to come perhaps when RP fleshes out!
- ♥ Romantic Interest ♥ Sexual Desire ♥ Platonic Love ● Good Standing ● Neutral Standing ● Poor Standing
- ■ "He's a mercenary that say he come from the mountain o' La Noscea. Thought nothin' but Kobolds an' other beasties lived up there." - La Noscean Merchant
- ■ "Older fella he is, but 'as a nice smile 'bout 'm. Always a grin on 'is face an' some coin in 'is pocket. Who'm I t' complain? - Limsan Tavern Girl
- ■ "Says he has kids, but I never seen'm with any tikes o' any kind... wonder if'n the ol' bastard's gone senile." - Yellow Jacket
- ■ "There what were some fight'n up in th' mountains several moons ago. Talk o' fire'n bloodshd an' a whole lotta people dead... But hta's between you'n me." - Limsan Adventurer
- ■ "Ah, he's brave, an' he's guarded- an' he's soft beneath all those scars. He likes to put on a strong face, but that ain't always the case. Things aren't always what they seem, an' he ain't what he seems. Not at all. I'm glad he's able to let his guard down when he's with me. I'm happy I have him in my life." Etani'a Sedi
O'vitah's history is currently shrouded and kept from many others. He talks occasionally about a family or a previous tribe, but he for the most part keeps it to himself. He does mention however that his Nuhn status was revoked willingly, and he now carries the Tia title, though he does not go in to detail.
Currently he has found work with the Elysium, being a guard for their Cabarets and to their workers and courtesans.
Theme Song:
Alignment: Neutral Good